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JANUARY 3, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman George D. Hildebrant called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and Gary L. Ross were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Ross made a motion to approve the December minutes and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares nominated Gary L. Ross as Chairman of the Board and moved that nominations cease. Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Ross is the new Chairman for 2002.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to appoint Commissioner Bares as Vice Chairman and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The following Resolutions were discussed and adopted by the Board:

2002 Resolutions

States Attorney Charles J. Peterson discussed his office with the Board and asked their opinion of consolidating his office with another county. After some discussion, the Board decided to look further into this option.

Custodian Al Miller met with the Board to discuss the rain gutters for the Courthouse and the painting that needs to be done around the top of the Courthouse. The Board told Al to do some checking and report back to them on quotes for these two projects.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to cancel the back taxes on the following property that was sold by the County: Lots 11 & 12 of Block 2 of Hunter’s 3rd Addition to the City of Beach, Lot 3 of Block 2 of Near’s 1st Addition to the City of Beach, Lot 1 of Block 4 of Gass-Vetsch 2nd Addition to the City of Golva, and Lots 7,8,9,10,11 & 12 of Block 5 of Gass-Vetsch 2nd Addition to the City of Golva, and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Economic Development Director Mike Taylor met briefly with the Board to update them on various projects Prairie West is currently working on.

Bobby Olstad of Dakota Insurance Agency met with the Board with her annual review of the County’s activities for the past year and to answer any questions the Board might have regarding the County’s policy.

DES Director Carole Vondall met with the Board to express her appreciation for working with her through her recent lung transplant. The Board expressed their appreciation to Hallie Lavelle, from Billings County, for covering for Carole while she was in Minneapolis. Carole informed the Board of her annual meeting in Bismarck the end of this month that she plans to attend.

Dan Walz met with the Board to discuss radios for the Board that were budgeted for 2002.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, and Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, met with the Board to discuss road projects, road department concerns and advertising for a new road department employee due to the vacancy created by George Vincent’s retirement.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 4:10 P.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.







FEBRUARY 5, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve the January minutes and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion was held regarding the rain gutter for the courthouse. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to have All New Gutter Service Inc. from Bismarck install the new gutter and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mike Sikorski met with the Board in regard to obtaining access to his property in the S1/2 of Section 24-143-103. The Sikorski property is surrounded by Forest Service Land so the Board suggested that Mike meet with the County and the Forest Service when the Forest Service comes out for their annual meeting. Sikorski also made an offer of $500.00 for the old locker plant located on Lots 17 & 18 (5’ of 17, LS 225 Sq Ft in Tr A-10) of Block 3 of Original Beach. After some discussion, Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to accept Sikorski’s bid of $500.00 for the old locker plant, with Sikorski accepting all liabilities, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

At 10:00 A.M. there was an Abatement Hearing for AJ Renner on the building he put up in Section 18-144-105. Tax Director, Sue Finneman, was present for this hearing. After some discussion it was determined that this building is agriculturally exempt. Commissioner Bares made a motion, based on the information from the Tax Director, that the Renner abatement be approved and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

9-1-1 Director, Sue Finneman asked the Board if the Sheriff’s secretary, Carol Weidner, could attend some dispatch training for emergencies with the fee for this training to be paid out of the 9-1-1 fund. The Board agreed on this training.

Jeff Reisenauer, Group Benefits Consultant from Blue Cross Blue Shield of ND met with the Board to discuss group health insurance for county employees. Golden Valley County is one of the 2 counties in North Dakota who don’t have a health insurance benefit for their employees. The Board discussed various options and plans and will look further into this issue before budget time this fall.

Gary Brennan from Brosz Engineering met with the Board, Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, and Tax Director, Sue Finneman with an update on the Three V Low Water Crossing Project. Golden Valley County and Slope County are both involved in this project. Brennan discussed the surveys and studies that have been done on this project and proposed bid and construction dates.

Kelly Cooper, Regional Investment Representative for Community First Bank met with the Board and various employees regarding the County’s retirement plan. After a brief update on the various funds, Cooper answered questions from the group.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to enter an updated agreement between Golden Valley County and Fallon County for the use of services of the Fallon County Detention Center and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Treasurer’s semi-annual report was presented to the Board:


Beach, North Dakota

Ledger balance for period 7-1-01 through 12-31-01

BALANCE 7-1-2001 $1,934,477.56

JULY COLLECTIONS $127,477.45 JULY PAYMENTS $177,357.74

AUG. “ $214,351.84 AUG. “ $250,165.84

SEPT. “ $223,723.65 SEPT. “ $201,338.32

OCT. “ $173,264.27 OCT. “ $170,552.08

NOV. “ $416,631.31 NOV. “ $223,846.42

DEC. “ $737,774.00 DEC. “ $422,015.98

BALANCE 12-31-2001 $2,382,423.70

TOTAL $3,827,700.08 $3,827,700.08

BALANCE 12-31-01 $2,382,423.70 BANK DEPOSITS $1,292,847.09



LIBR. CD & SAVINGS $69,742.07

CERT. OF DEPOSITS $1,016,663.68

CASH ITEMS $135.91


CASH ON HAND $2,094.86

TOTAL $2,382,423.70 $2,382,423.70



Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adopt the following resolution and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.



WHEREAS, the people of Golden Valley County recognize that programs addressing the needs of youth in trouble is a positive way to turn youth around, while this is still possible, and

WHEREAS, the federal government through the North Dakota Association of Counties makes available funding to assist programs addressing youth needs, and

WHEREAS, this funding program is called the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) program, and

WHEREAS, the grant monies are allocated to counties an cities based on established factors without having to apply for the moneys, and

WHEREAS, the program mandates that individual governments allocated less that $5,000.00 form coalitions with other governments in order to access said grant funds, and

WHEREAS, there is recognition in southwest North Dakota that all recipient cities and counties, including the city of Dickinson and Stark County, each of which are eligible for separate grants should cooperate in providing this money to benefited organizations with a limited cost of administration, and

WHEREAS, a committee was formed comprised of eligible recipient governments and associated organizations to oversee the JAIBG program, and

WHEREAS, the oversight committee recommends splitting the grant proceeds for the year 2002 equally between the Sunrise Youth Bureau and the Southwest Community Service & Restitution Program because each organization meets the program guidelines of the JAIBG program and the youth of this area,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE County of Golden Valley that this government hereby joins the coalition comprised of the recipient governments in the eight county area known as Southwest North Dakota, in order to combine allocated funds into one grant, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the joint proceeds of the grant be divided evenly between the Sunrise Youth Bureau and the Community Service and Restitution Program for the year 2002, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Dunn County be designated to administer JAIBG funds allocated to governments in the eight counties of Southwest North Dakota, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this government agrees to pay its portion of the match necessary to fund this grant, which equals approximately 11.1% of the grant amount.

Dated this 5th day of February, 2002


Chairman, Golden Valley County Comm.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld and Tax Director Sue Finneman met with the Board regarding R-O-W on properties for the VVV Project, the truck route project and the Forest Highway project. Pete also discussed other road department concerns and stated that 3 people had applied for the road department job.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 4:45 P.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


_______________________________ ______________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman






FEBRUARY 20, 2002 1:30 P.M.

Commissioner George D. Hildebrant called the meeting to order as Chairman Gary L. Ross was tied up at another meeting.

The purpose of this special meeting was for the annual County/Township meeting with the Commissioners and the township officers. Commissioner Irvin Bares was present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson who was present to answer any questions that might arise during the meeting.

Tax Director, Sue Finneman, explained the abatement process and how the townships could be involved if an abatement is filed on property in their township. Sue also spoke about the wireless telephone tax and how these funds are to be used for technology regarding wireless telephones. Sue stated that agricultural and range lands will increase an average of 2.6% for 2002.

Commissioner Ross joined the group during Finneman’s presentation.

Auditor Ceil Stedman passed out the township packets and spoke briefly regarding the FEMA monies the County had received and the County auction that will be held on March 9th.

County Weed Control Officer, Bradley Ross, spoke to the group regarding cost sharing on noxious weeds and informed them of the Weed Board’s activities over the past year. The current Weed Board members are as follows: Chairman Mike Van Horn, George D. Hildebrant, Pete Wirtzfeld, Bradley Ross and Patty Schmeling.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, spoke to the Board regarding the County’s culvert policy, equipment rates, road crew changes, surfacing, crushing, road construction projects, oil impact funds, projects done this past year and projects planned for the coming year.

A question and answer session followed.

Chairman Gary L. Ross declared the meeting adjourned at 2:45 P.M.







MARCH 5, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present along with State’s Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve the February minutes and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld met with the Board in regard to county road policies. After much discussion, Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to require private individuals to purchase easements or apply for permits for roads to create access roads to their private property and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to re-enter into a funding agreement with the State for the 2003-2005 biennium to receive reimbursement for providing clerk services and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mike Sikorski met with the Board in regard to his request that the County obtain an easement from the Forest Service for an access road into his property in Section 24-143-103. The Board informed Sikorski of the policy they had set earlier at the meeting. The Board stated that once a road has been established, they may consider maintenance requests.

The Board adjourned temporarily at 10:15 to attend the grand opening of the new visitor center located just south of Exit #1 on I-94.

The Board reconvened at 11:15.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to appoint Doug Peterson to the County Fair Board, per the Fair Board’s request, and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board approved of the Auditor & her deputy attending the Election Conference, put on by the Secretary of State’s Office, on March 21st in Bismarck.

County Recorder, Susan Davidson, met with the Board in regard to the maintenance agreement on the microfilm camera and new technology for microfilming documents.

At 1:00 P.M. the Board met as the County Park Board along with the other Board members Brian Keohane & Pat Lynch. Rusty Gilstad, representing the County Fair Board, Rodney Van Horn, representing the Sentinel Public Rec, and Janie Rathbun, representing the Beach Park Board presented their requests to the Board plus a letter from the Golva Park Board was presented to the group. After some discussion, Commissioner Bares made a motion to give the Beach Park Board $5000.00 for the pool and $1000.00 for the parks, $1000.00 to both the Golva Park Board and the Sentinel Public Rec and Brian Keohane seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The County Park Board will meet again later in the year to check the County Park funds and discuss the other requests from the various groups. Keohane made a motion to adjourn at 1:25 P.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board reconvened at the Board of County Commissioners.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to apply for an Oil Impact Grant and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Tax Director, Sue Finneman, met with the Board to discuss computer consulting that Lynn Obrigewitch has done for the County and a printer and software for her office. The Board also gave permission for Carol Weidner to attend a 2 day school for 9-1-1 training on emergency dispatching in Mandan on April 10th & 11th.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, and Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC met with the Board to discuss road projects, acquiring right-of-way for projects, the oil impact grant and the county auction.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 3:15 P.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.





APRIL 2, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve the March minutes and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board approved of the Auditor attending an update seminar on GASB 34, which is a new accounting system that will soon be implemented by counties, on April 9th in Bismarck.

Erv Bren, Executive director for Community Action and Development Program, Inc. in Dickinson met with the Board to give them an overview on the wide range of services they provide to low income individuals & families in the 11 western counties. County resident, Larry Schulte has been on this board since it’s inception, as a representative of the private sector, and Commissioner Ross sits on this board as a representative of elected officials.

Disaster Emergency Director, Carole Vondall, met with the Board to discuss the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program and the monies that are available through this program for 2002. The Board will discuss this program with the Road Foreman to see if the County has any projects that would qualify for these grant monies.

The Board was presented a check for $2571.21 for the net proceeds from the county auction held on March 9th. The Board put these funds into the General Capitol Outlay Reserve Fund.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve of a site authorization for the Fort Abraham Lincoln Foundation to conduct twenty-one and pull tabs at the Buffalo Gap Guest Ranch, with no fee for this authorization, and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve a raffle permit for Home on the Range, with the prizes to be drawn at the annual rodeo on August 4th, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Auditor informed the Board that the County’s 2002 PILT Payment came in at $313,236.85. This is $32,186.57 less that what the county received in 2001. The Board will set up a meeting with the 2 school districts at their regular Commissioner meeting on May 7th.

Ray Clouse stopped in briefly to discuss the Grassland Plan. The Board asked Ray if he would continue to represent the County at these meetings and Clouse agreed to continue as our representative at these meetings.

1:00 P.M. was the scheduled time for the Mary Kannenberg abatement hearing. Tax Director, Sue Finneman was present for this hearing. After some discussion Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to reject the abatements that were filed on Section 3-140-105 and Sections 26 & 33-l39-104, due to the fact that these values are based on the soil survey and are comparable to similar parcels in the county, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, met with the Board to discuss current road projects and road department concerns.

At 3:00 P.M. the Board held their annual meeting with the Forest Service. Dave Pieper, Tina Thornton, Curt Glasoe and Ron Jablonski Jr. represented the Forest Service. Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC, Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld and Mike & Sandy Sikorski were also present for this meeting. The group discussed the Schedule A Maintenance Agreement between the County and the Forest Service, projects on various roads on Forest Service Lands, gravel pits and stockpiles, road easements and the new Grasslands Plan and the possible loss of revenue to counties. The group also addressed road access onto Sikorski’s land in Section 24-143-103. The Forest Service stated that they cannot deny access to an individual’s private land and that they would work with either Sikorski’s or the County to achieve access to this section. After much discussion it was decided that Sikorski’s would hire Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC to survey the best route for the road onto this property and locate the pipelines. Once this has been done the Board will meet again to revisit this issue and decide how to proceed once the new survey is completed.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 5:30 P.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


__________________________ ______________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Co. Commissioners






April 17, 2002 8:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners George D. Hildebrant and Irvin Bares were present for this meeting along with Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld and Mike Sikorski.

The purpose of this special meeting was for the Board to make a decision on an access road on to Sikorski’s land in Section 24-143-103 so the Forest Service will authorize the engineers to survey this piece of road on the Forest Service Land. After some discussion, Commissioner Bares made a motion to have the County put in an access road off of the Bell Lake Road from Section 26 through the corner of Section 23 up to the section line of Section 24, with Sikorski’s to pay for any botany, archeological and engineering costs incurred for this access road, and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to allow the Road Foreman to advertise for bids for a new or used service pickup, with the bids to be opened at the June 4th meeting, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 A.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.







May 6, 2002 10:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present. Also present for this special meeting was Ray Clouse, Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, Sheriff DaLane Stedman, and Deb Walworth from the news office.

The purpose of this special meeting was for Clouse to update the group on the Grasslands Issues. Clouse stated that we owe a debt of gratitude to Governor Hoeven for his involvement on behalf of the counties on the Grassland Plan. Other topics covered were the impact the current Plan would have on the counties if it is implemented, from grazing permits, access issues, law enforcement issues, oil & gas revenues, etc., the status of neighboring states regarding these issues and the meeting in Washington, DC a group had with Mark Rey, Under Secretary for Natural Resources. Clouse also informed the group that he has been appointed by the Governor to the State Grassland Advisory Group.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 11:30 A.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


______________________________ _____________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman







MAY 7, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve the April minutes and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Clerk of District Court, Cindy Meek, met with the Board to discuss the Funding Agreement For Clerk of District Court Services between the State and the County and coverage for her office when she is out of the office. Commissioner Bares made a motion to accept the Funding Agreement For Clerk of District Court Services and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to leave the polling places the same as they were for the 2000 Elections and to appoint the list of Election Inspectors (presented by the Auditor) for a two year term and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve the Joint Powers Election Agreements between the County and the Cities of Beach, Golva and Sentinel Butte and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Tax Director & 9-1-1 Coordinator, Sue Finneman, met with the Board to discuss a road name change request for 22nd Street. The petitioners would like this street named Bonnie View Road as that is what the local residents have always called this road. The Board discussed concerns regarding the numbering system for roads that was set up by the State 9-1-1 Road System. Commissioner Bares made a motion to have Sue check with the various entities that would be affected by this name change, and after obtaining input from these entities, she can make the decision she feels is best for this road and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Sue also informed the Board of a class on the Income Approach to Valuations that will be held in Bismarck May 20th –24th. The Board approved of Sue attending this seminar. There was some discussion regarding assessments for the City of Beach and what options are to be looked at for the future.

Social Service Director, Dick Fedje, met with the Board to discuss the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This is a Federal policy setup to safeguard patient’s medical information for all health care providers. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adopt Resolution 2002-14 and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.




WHEREAS various counties of North Dakota have entered into a Joint Powers Agreement for the centralized and coordinated acquisition and delivery of essential and optional services by participating member counties (hereafter referred to as the “Master JPA”);

AND WHEREAS, Golden Valley County (“County”) is a participating member of such Master JPA;

AND WHEREAS, the North Dakota Association of Counties (NDACo), has secured the joint acquisition of the service described below on behalf of those participating members of such Master JPA;

AND WHEREAS, the County has determined that the joint acquisition of this specific service is in its best interest;



1. That the County acknowledges and approves the services of NDACo on

behalf of the County, through the Master JPA, for the purpose of assisting

and advising the County regarding their requirements under the federal

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

2. That NDACo will hire and secure training for a staff person to serve as

HIPAA Coordinator for all participating counties. Additionally, NDACo

shall provide needed office and meeting room space, computer and office

furniture, staff and legal support, travel expenses, and supplies for the

Coordinator to work effectively.

3. That NDACo will submit billings for costs associated with this coordination

effort to the ND Department of Human Services for the maximum reimbursement possible, and the balance of the costs will be billed to all participating counties on a quarterly basis. The counties’ costs will be allocated to individual counties based upon a formula using two factors in equal shares. The factors are each county’s proportionate share of total population (2000 Census) and each county’s proportionate share of the HCBS caseload (most recent calendar year total).

4. That NDACo’s will prepare an annual budget allocation for this effort and

provide it to the counties prior to August of each year. The county allocations for the final seven months of 2002 are included on the attached schedule.

5. The County or NDACo may rescind this acknowledgment without

terminating the Master JPA, if the service is no longer in the best interests of the County individually or the members of the Master JPA collectively, with 30 days written notice to the other party.

6. NDACo will do everything possible to enable participating counties to meet

the federal HIPAA requirements, however, due to the nature of HIPAA compliance, no guarantees, warranties or promises of any kind, either express or implied, regarding outcomes or results and the capabilities of NDACo, is or have been made to the County by NDACo or its members, employees, officers, agents or representatives.

Dated this 7th day of May, 2002.

Golden Valley County


Chairman, Co. Comm.


County Auditor

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adopt the following Resolution 2002-15 and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


WHEREAS, the bid in the amount of $404,797.25 from Northern Improvement Company received in the bid opening of April 19, 2002 for Projects SC-1703(051) and SC-1703(052) was the low bid received.

WHEREAS, this bid is considered reasonable.

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Golden Valley County will award to Northern Improvement Co. the contract for Projects SC-1703(051) and SC-1703(052) and hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Board to sign said contract.

It is further understood that the County shall reimburse the North Dakota Department of Transportation for any payments made under this contract, which are not collectible from the Federal Highway Administration..


______________________________ ______________________________________

County Auditor Chairman, Board of County Commissioners

County: Golden Valley

This is to certify that the above resolution was adopted and passed at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners at Golden Valley County on May 7, 2002.


County Auditor

Beach School Superintendent, Charles Soper, Golva Principal, Gary Evans and Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, met with the Board to discuss the 2002 PILT Payment and the BLM mineral payments. After some discussion Commissioner Bares made a motion to split the PILT Payment the same as it was split in 2001 with the 2 school districts getting 10% (with 75% to the Beach School District and 25% to the Golva School District), 3% of the payment to Sentinel Township, $500.00 to each of the 6 unorganized townships that have Forest Service lands in them and the rest to the Special County Road Fund. The BLM mineral payments would be divided 45% to the County, 35% to the Schools (with 75% of the 35% to the Beach School District and 25% of the 35% to the Golva School District) and the remaining 20% to the Cities of Beach, Golva and Sentinel Butte, in one annual payment made in June of each year. Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. There was also some discussion regarding school district issues and consolidations.

Dale Heglund, Sales Engineer from the ND Concrete Products Company, met with the Board to discuss the box culvert the county purchased from them last year and to present the County with an appreciation plaque that stated funds were donated on behalf of the County to the annual ND County Engineers Scholarship Fund.

2:00 P.M. was the advertised time for the bid openings on a 25’ gooseneck equipment trailer. Mike Carlson from RDO Equipment Company of Bismarck was present for the bid opening. Four bids were received on the trailer. After some discussion, Commissioner Bares made a motion to table the bids until Pete had a chance to check out the trailer from the low bidder and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld presented 3 quotes he had received on a used backhoe. Commissioner Bares made a motion to accept the quote from Tractor & Equipment Company for a used 1993 426B Caterpillar backhoe for $28,000.00 and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld and Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC met with the Board to discuss road projects and various road department concerns. Commissioner Bares made a motion to have the Chairman sign the Construction Engineering Services Agreement between the County and Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC fro Projects SC-1703(051 & 052) and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 4:25 P.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


______________________________ _________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Bd. of Comm.






MAY 9, 2002 10:30 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present for this meeting.

The purpose of this special meeting was to meet with Rick D. Larson, Director of the Energy Development Impact Office, regarding our Oil Impact Grant Application. Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, was also present for this meeting. Larson informed the group that there are only 2 million dollars available for grants this year compared to the 2.7 million dollars last year and that there are 14 million dollars requested through applications. The County requested funds for design & construction of the Divide Road, funds to purchase a GPS unit for mapping all roads in the County, funds for surfacing needs and funds for 3 motor grader rippers. After reviewing all the requests, Larson stated that the final decision would be reached on these requests on or before June 30th.

The Board then met to discuss the bids received on the gooseneck trailer. After some discussion, Commissioner Bares made a motion to remove the trailer bid decision from the table and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Bares made a motion to purchase the trailer from Boespflug Trailers, due to the heavier construction of this trailer, and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 11:30 A.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


_________________________________ _________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Co. Comm.







MAY 23, 2002 7:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners George D. Hildebrant and Irvin Bares were present for this meeting.

The purpose of this special meeting was to discuss purchasing a used scraper for the county. Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld discussed the various machines for which he had received quotes and specs. After discussing the pros and cons of the county owning a scraper, Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to purchase a 1973 627 Caterpillar scraper from Williston Equipment and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The group also discussed various road conditions throughout the county.

Rick Olson paid a courtesy call to request an easement from the county to put up utility lights in the County right-of-way by Home on the Range. Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve of an easement for Home on the Range to set 3 light poles on the County’s right-of-way in the North ½ of Section 14-140-105, subject to the County Road Foreman’s approval, and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 9:30 A.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


__________________________ _________________________________-

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Co. Comm.






JUNE 4, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners George D. Hildebrant and Irvin Bares were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve the minutes from the 4 meetings in May and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to renew the gaming license for the Fort Abraham Lincoln Foundation, from July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003, to conduct games of chance at the Buffalo Gap Guest Ranch, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to reappoint Gary L. Ross to another 3 year term on the Golden Valley/Billings County Social Service Board and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to reappoint Darlene Lardy to the Golden Valley County Committee for school reorganization and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

At 10:00 A.M. the Commissioners, Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld, Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC, Donald Hall, Dick Vande Bossche from Bear Paw Energy, Larry Dokken from BTA Oil Producers, Lyle Sessions and Marv Schmidt from Belfouce

Pipeline met to discuss pipeline easements in the county right-of-way. Major discussion was centered around the relocation of utilities on the Divide Road located in Sections 25 & 36 of 144-103 due to construction planned on this road for 2003. It was decided that all oil companies using the Divide Road will be called in for a meeting to discuss who will all share in the cost for the extra engineering that may be required on this road.

Dan Walz met with the Board to discuss the progress that has been made on upgrading the tone board for the county repeater and courthouse and the costs involved.

1:00 the Board met as the Board of Unorganized Townships. Tax Director, Sue Finneman was present for this part of the meeting. Sue stated that there will be a 2.6% increase in tillable ag land values and a 2.1% increase in non-tillable ag land values to comply with State mandates for 2002. Sue also stated that the productivity index numbers had been revised by the Soil Conservation District. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion that all classifications of property were reviewed and found properly assessed and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. There were no tax exempt or Homestead Credit Applications presented for the unorganized townships. Commissioner Bares made a motion that the overall assessment roll for the Unorganized Townships for 2002 were reviewed and found properly assessed and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion that based on the proceeding motions, the Board declared the assessment roll for 2002 for the Unorganized Townships equalized

and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn as the Unorganized Township Board at 1:25 P.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board then met as the County Equalization Board. Sue Finneman reviewed the additions, deletions and changes in classifications she has made county wide on the 2002 valuations. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion that the commercial, residential and agricultural property assessments in the county and within the city limits of Beach, Golva and Sentinel Butte, as equalized by the local Boards of Equalization, met the ND Statutes Guideline of the State Board of Equalization as shown by the Commercial and Residential Ratio Study and Adjustment Worksheet and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Bares made a motion stating that the Assessment Rolls, Statistical Data, Exemptions, Homestead Credit Applications, Spot Inspections, Supplementary Abstract, Fish & Game Abstract, Mobile Home Ratio Study, Local Board of Equalization Minutes, Farm Residence Exemptions and the valuation of properties owned by employees of the County Tax Equalization office have

been reviewed by the County Board of Equalization and found proper as presented and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Bares made a motion that the overall assessment rolls for 2002 for the Organized and Unorganized Townships and the Cities have been reviewed and found properly assessed by the County Board of Equalization and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to declare the Assessment Rolls and Statistical Reports for Golden Valley County for 2002 equalized as assessed and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn as the County Equalization Board at 1:45 P.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

At 1:45 P.M. the Board reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners.

Darrel Dorgan and Jim Tescher, representing the ND Cowboy Hall of Fame, and Vicki Pennington, Development Director from Home on the Range, met with the Board to discuss the Home on the Range Rodeo. The group stated that they want to keep this annual rodeo and are looking for ways to raise funds to get the rodeo back in the black. Dorgan presented the Commissioners with a lease for $50,000.00, $10,000.00 a year for the next 5 years, for the County to use this arena 1 week a year. After more discussion the Board said they would look into this matter more thoroughly and check with our States Attorney regarding this request.

At the advertised time the Board opened bids for a new one ton dual wheel 4x4 truck. The only bid received was a bid from Bowman Sales & Service for $31,927.00 and the truck would be available September 1st. After discussing various options, Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to purchase this 2003 F-350 Ford truck from Bowman Sales &

Service for $31,927.00 and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously

At the advertised time the Board opened bids on the county’s used 1966 model 400 John Deere backhoe loader. There were 6 bids received. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to accept the high bid from Jim Fulton for $2600.00 and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Tax & Zoning Director, Sue Finneman, discussed an application from Bear Paw Energy for an easement from the County. Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld will discuss this application with representatives from Bear Paw Energy and get back to the Board on his findings.

The Board discussed the 4 job applications they received for the advertised road department sign maintenance laborer. They will call in applicants for job interviews on Thursday afternoon at the county shop.

Slope County paid a courtesy call regarding the VVV low water crossing project. Due to the fact that the bid came in lower than what had been proposed, the Board will allow Slope County to use $120,000.00 of our county’s Forest Service monies, rather than the $133,800.00 as originally agreed upon, and the Board agreed to have our county pay 50% of the Wet Land Mitigation.

The Board discussed a letter received from the US Postal Service regarding roads on the south mail route that need surfacing. Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld will visit with the Postmaster regarding this letter.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 5:15 P.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


___________________________ _________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Co. Comm.






JUNE 6, 2002 1:00 P.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners George D. Hildebrant and Irvin Bares were present.

The purpose of this special meeting, held out at the County Shop, was to interview applicants for the road department sign maintenance laborer position which will last approximately 10-12 weeks. Three applicants were interviewed and shown the equipment they would be working with for this position. After much discussion, no decision was made at this meeting regarding this position.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to continue the $1.00 emergency telephone excise tax for another six years, that had been voted on and approved in the June 1996 Primary Election, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. This excise tax will be presented to the voters again in 2008.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 3:30 P.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


_______________________________ __________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Co. Comm.






JUNE 7, 2002 1:30 P.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioner Irvin Bares, States Attorney Charles J. Peterson and Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld were present for this special meeting. Commissioner Hildebrant was absent.

The purpose of this special meeting was to make a decision on the road department sign maintenance laborer position. After some discussion Commissioner Bares made a motion to hire Al Weidner for this sign maintenance position at $8.00 an hour with a two week probationary period and Commissioner Ross seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Weidner is to start this position on Monday the 10th of June.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 1:50 P.M. and Commissioner Ross seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


________________________________ ____________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Bd. of Co. Comm.






JULY 2, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present for this meeting.

Nancy Blegen from the Golden Valley News Office was present for most of the morning meeting. When she left she informed the Board that she will be resigning the 15th of August and that Deb Walworth will take her place as Managing Editor.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve the June minutes and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Eileen Pfau from the SW Community Service and Restitution Program met with the Board with an update on the services their program provides and a request for County

funds again in 2003. There were 444 hours of community service performed in Golden Valley County in 2001.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve of a Limited Gas Pipe Line Easement between the County and Bear Paw Energy of Sidney, Montana, in the NW1/4/NE1/4 of Section 23-143-103. This would be retroactive to the Commissioner’s June 18th phone approval, and Commission Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve of an agreement between the County and Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company to relocate or adjust their facilities for Project No.SC-1703(52), retroactive to the Commissioner’s June 27th phone approval, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Social Service Director, Dick Fedje, met with the Board to discuss different options they are looking at to build a car port behind the Social Service building for their office cars. He also complimented the fine staff he has working in the County Social Service Office.

The Board discussed their earlier conversations regarding the extremely dry conditions in the County and the need to open up CRP lands for grazing &/or haying. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adopt the following resolution and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. This motion will be sent to our county’s Farm Service Agency.


WHEREAS, Golden Valley County suffered damage to crops, feed and water shortages for livestock, water problems, the potential for rural fire emergency due to vegetation with varying degrees of dryness, and adverse economic effects on Golden Valley County’s agribusiness caused by drought conditions.

WHEREAS, the impact of these damages threaten the health, well-being, and public safety of citizens in Golden Valley County; and

WHEREAS, these impacts constitute an imminent threat of widespread potential for severe losses, damage, and hardship to the economy of Golden Valley County.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners hereby declare a drought emergency and orders the activation and utilization of the Golden Valley County Emergency Operations Plan, its procedures, attachments, and appendices to monitor the situation, develop a detailed damage assessment, alleviate hardship, and initiate appropriate relief actions and, mitigation measures by departments and agencies of local government to limit the hardships and impact of this emergency upon the citizens of Golden Valley County.

Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 2nd day of July, 2002.


_______________________________ __________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman Co. Comm.

The Board approved of the Auditor attending her annual convention in Minot July 17th-19th and a seminar on Basic Budgeting in Dickinson on July 23rd.

Sheriff DaLane Stedman met with the Board to update them on the sheriff’s department and to inform them that he plans to take on a part-time job due to personal reasons. Stedman stated that he will always be in contact with his office, either by phone or radio.

James J. Wosepka met with the Board to review the 2001 audit report. There was also discussion regarding the new accounting principles of GASB 34 with infrastructure and fixed assets reports. Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve the 2001 audit report for the County and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to have Wosepka’s firm do the County’s 2002 audit, for the same price as they did the 2001 audit, and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Dan Walz met briefly with the Board to discuss the new tone boards that he had requested the county purchase. Commissioner Bares made a motion to purchase the tone boards, and to have the road department purchase the radios they will need to work with these new tone boards, and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Roberta Biel and Darianne Johnson from the Domestic Violence and Rape Center in Dickinson met with the Board to give them an update on the services they provide and to request a donation again for 2003.

Loren Daede from Interstate Engineering of Beulah stopped in briefly to check on future road projects the county has planned.

The Board discussed the request they had received at their June 4th meeting from Dorgan, Tescher and Pennington regarding the Home on the Range Rodeo. They came to the conclusion that it would not be in the best interest of the county taxpayers to use county monies to fund this request. The Auditor is to write a letter to Tescher to inform him of this decision.

Deb Walworth from the Golden Valley New office joined the meeting at this time.

Randy Mosser representing the Medora Grazing Association met with the Board to request that the County declare everything within the Medora Grazing Assn. boundaries in Golden Valley County as “grazing area.” The Board said they check further into this request and make a decision at their next meeting.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, and Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson met with the Board to discuss road projects, pipeline easements, etc. The County was awarded $110,000.00 in Oil Impact Grants for the 4 requests submitted by the County. Commissioner Bares made a motion to apply for partial reimbursement for Oil Impact Grant #Y02896 and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 4:15 P.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


_______________________________ __________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman






AUGUST 6, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman, Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve the July minutes and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the request made by Randy Mosser for the Medora Grazing Association at their meeting on July 2nd. The Board said they will consider this request if the Medora Grazing Association presents them a petition from the land owners &/or tenants from the area involved to designate this area a “Grazing Area.”

Darrel Oech met with the Board to discuss a bad culvert on the frontage road along Section 16-140-105 and I-94 and an approach that is needed off of County Road 5 into a field along that road. The Board stated that the culvert is on a Beach Civil Township road so that will be a Beach Civil Township issue and they will talk to our Road Foreman about putting in an approach off of County Road 5.

The Board instructed the Auditor to send a thank-you note Scott and Terry Farnstrom for the fencing they did around the Alpha Cemetery.

The following semi-annual Treasurer’s report was reviewed by the Board:


Beach, North Dakota

Ledger balance for period 1-1-02 through 6-30-02

BALANCE 1-1-2002 $2,382,423.70

JAN. COLLECTIONS 1,086,127.57 JAN. PAYMENTS $1,297,836.66

FEB. COLLECTIONS 1,013,909.48 FEB. PAYMENTS 402,713.81

MAR. COLLECTIONS 500,476.28 MAR. PAYMENTS 826,115.61

APR. COLLECTIONS 114,686.73 APR. PAYMENTS 181,647.73

MAY COLLECTIONS 435,237.96 MAY PAYMENTS 512,370.45


BALANCE 6-30-2002 $2,158,961.10

TOTAL $5,608,894.36 $5,608,894.36

BALANCE 6-30-2002 $2,158,961.10 BANK DEPOSITS $1,064,645.48


LIBR. CD & SAV. 71,783.14

CERT. OF DEPOSITS 1,016,663.68


CHECKS & DRAFTS 3,504.35

CASH ON HAND 2,288.54

TOTAL $2,158,961.10 $2,158,961.10



Tax Director and 911 Coordinator, Sue Finneman, met with the Board in regard to the training and State Equalization meetings she will be attending in Bismarck next week and that the air conditioner in her office quit. Commissioner Bares made a motion to allow Sue to purchase an air conditioner for her office, to be paid out of the Contingency Fund, and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Sue also spoke to the Board purchasing 911 signs for the county. Some will be replacing other signs and some of them will be new road markers for the 911 system. Commissioner Bares made a motion to authorized Sue to pay for these signs when they come in and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried

unanimously. Sue stated that she has begun driving some of the roads as she is working on a county GPS road map. Sue also visited with the Board regarding the Wireless 911 meeting she attended in Bismarck on July 29th and recommended the Board adopt the Joint Powers Agreement between the County and the ND Association of Counties for the wireless 911 implementation. After some discussion Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adopt the following resolution and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.




WHEREAS various counties of North Dakota have entered into a Joint Powers Agreement for the centralized and coordinated acquisition and delivery of essential and optional services by participating member counties) herein referred to as the “Master JPA”);

AND WHEREAS, Golden Valley County (“County”) is a participating member of such Master JPA;

AND WHEREAS, the North Dakota Association of Counties (NDACo), has secured the joint acquisition of the service described below on behalf of those participating members of such Master JPA;

AND WHEREAS, the County has determined that the joint acquisition of this specific service is in its best interests;

SERVICE PURCHASED: Wireless 911 Implementation


1. That the County acknowledges and approves the services of NDACo on

behalf of the County, through the Master JPA, for the purpose of state-

wide coordination and contracting to implement the networking, non-

premise equipment upgrades, testing, and ongoing services necessary

for wireless 911.

2. That the County, pursuant to NDCC 57-40.6.07 designates NDACo to

enter into statewide contracts with appropriate vendors, landline and wireless

phone companies, and suppliers; to implement wireless 911 in the most

cost-effective and timely manner.

3. The Wireless 911 Committee of the North Dakota 911 Association shall serve as the governance board to oversee and advise NDACo on the appropriateness of the various statewide contracts, and NDACo shall report progress to this Committee.

4. That, by passage of this resolution, the County formally requests Phase I and Phase II Wireless 911 service from all wireless service providers operating in the County and authorizes NDACo to include the County in a statewide communication of this request.

5. That NDACo will provide the statewide project manager and necessary support to carry out the coordination and contracting; including office space, supplies, travel, communications, and indirect costs.

6. That the County will monthly remit to NDACo 50% of the revenue the County actually received from wireless service providers between June 1, 2002 and December 31, 2002, and $0.50 per wireless access line per month, based on the number of wireless access lines for which the County is receiving a wireless service fee beginning January 1, 2003. The revenue will be used solely to pay the contracted and purchased costs of wireless 911 implementation and for the support of project management. These costs do not include the trunking necessary to connect the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) to a 911 Tandem and a national wireless number database, for those several PSAPs that are not already connected.

7. The County may not rescind this acknowledgement for a period of five (5) years. After July 1, 2007, the agreement may be rescinded with 90 days prior notice at the end of each calendar year, without terminating the Master JPA; however, absent termination or amendment by a subsequent “acknowledgement” this agreement shall remain in force.

Dated this 6th day of August, 202.




10:30 A.M. was the advertised time for the annual SW District Health Unit 2003 budget hearing. No one showed up for this hearing. The Board will attend a Joint County Commissioners meeting on the Health Unit’s 2003 budget in Dickinson on August 29th.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve of the annual request of $3232.00 for 2003 for the SW District Health Unit’s Health Maintenance Program and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board met with County Recorder Susan Davidson, Patty Thompson and Paul Baumgartner of Information Systems Corporation of Fargo for a demonstration on digital scanning as an alternative to micro-filming. Baumgartner will put a proposal together and get it back to Susan to present to the Board at a later meeting.

Bobbi Hildebrant met with the Board to discuss her concerns regarding Prairie West Development. Bobbi wanted to know who monitors and is accountable for their funds, as the money generated from the 3 county mills are tax payers monies. She felt the public should be informed of the positive interaction this board has in the community to help prevent negative publicity. Bobbi also felt that their meetings should be more publicized and the responsibility of a board member is to attend all meetings. If they don’t have a quorum at their meetings, then who is making the decisions? The Board expressed their appreciation to Bobbi for her contributions for the county float in the fair parade.

Sheriff Stedman met with the Board to inform them that he and his deputy Sellie will be going to Colorado to pick up a prisoner this coming weekend. The Board approved of advancing Stedman $500.00 out of his budget for expenses and Stedman will turn in his receipts when he returns and the balance will be deposited back into the General fund.

The Board expressed their appreciation to Mike Taylor for the work he did on the county float for the fair parade. The county received 2nd for their float entry and the Board agreed to return the prize money back to the Fair Board.

County Agent Harvey Peterson, Tax Director Sue Finneman and Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld met with the Board to discuss a GPS road map for the county. After some discussion it was decided that the County will advertise a position for data collection for a county GPS road map.

DES Manager Carole Vondall and Beach City Mayor Patricia Lynch met with the Board to discuss the emergency sirens in the city of Beach. The siren on the north side of town has just been repaired and they are having the siren on the southeast side of town checked. There was discussion on funds available for purchasing a new siren if it is determined that a new one is needed. Carole also informed the Board that she will be attending the annual Emergency Management Association meeting in Minot on September 18th, 19th and 20th.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld and Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC met with the Board to discuss current and future road projects and surfacing for roads. There was also discussion regarding an employee donating their sick leave to another employee. After some discussion, Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to allow an employee to donate their accumulated sick leave to another employee, as long as their accumulated sick leave does not go below 120 hours, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 4:50 P.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.






SEPTEMBER 3, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve the August minutes and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve the SW District Health Unit budget for 2003 and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Gwen Lorenz and Laurence Zook met with the Board with a request for the Board to put the question to the voters to raise their current ¼ mill to ¾ mill. After discussing the museums revenues and expenses, Commissioner Bares made a motion to put the question to the voters at the November election to give the County Commissioners authority to raise the GV Historical Society mill to ¾ mill and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. If this issue should pass at the November election it would become effective with the 2003 taxes.

Commissioner Ross informed the Board of a meeting he had attended in Medora regarding off-highway vehicle issues. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to support the Roadless Off-Highway Vehicle (OVH) Appeal, up to $300.00, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to hire a land person to determine easements on the Bell Lake Road from the Westerheim Road to the Hall turn off and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to allow the Information Technology Division (ITD) to increase the fiber optic and copper cable communication lines they are installing from the Social Service Building to the Courthouse from 2 inches to 4 inches and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

County Recorder, Susan Davidson, met with the Board to discuss the quotes she received on the digital scanning equipment that was demonstrated at the Commissioners last meeting. Susan is to pencil these figures into her 2003 budget and the Board will see if this purchase is feasible once all the budget figures are submitted.

Sheriff DaLane Stedman met with the Board to discuss the teletype system in his office. Due to the fact that the current system is so old they are unable to install the new software for the teletype system. The group discussed various options regarding this system and also the County/City Police Contract.

11:30 the Board adjourned as the Board of County Commissioners and met as the County Park Board. Board members Brian Keohane and Patricia Lynch were also present. After some discussion Keohane made a motion to give the Golva Park Board and Sentinel Public Rec each $400.00 and the Fair Board and the Fall Pumpkin Festival each $300.00 from the County Park Fund and Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Lynch made a motion to adjourn at 11:45 and Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board then reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, and Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson PC met with the Board to discuss current and future road projects and the 2003 road budget.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 3:40 P.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


___________________________ _______________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Co. Commissioners






SEPTEMBER 10, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present.

The purpose of this special meeting was to meet on the proposed 2003 budgets.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to give Aaron Brown a $50.00 a month raise since he is done with his 6 month probationary period and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld met with the Board to discuss his proposed 2003 budget. The group also discussed future projects for the coming year.

Treasurer Gene Skoglund met with the Board to discuss his 2003 budget and the deputy position in his office.

Tax Director met with the Board to discuss her proposed 2003 budgets.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 2:35 P.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


_________________________ _______________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Co. Commissioners






SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 8:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners George D. Hildebrant and Irvin Bares were present.

The purpose of this special meeting was to continue reviewing the proposed 2003 budgets. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to start a group health insurance plan for the county’s full-time employees and the regular part-time employees for the 2003 budget year and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The County will pay toward a single policy for the full-time employees and this amount will be prorated for the regular part-time employees.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 11:05 and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


_______________________________ __________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Co. Comm.






SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 1:00 P.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners George D. Hildebrant and Irvin Bares were present along with Julie Goldsberry from the Golden Valley News office.

The purpose of this special meeting was to discuss a letter the Chairman received from the Forest Service asking for nominations for a Scientific Review Team that is being set up for reviewing the Allotment Management Plans of the revised Land & Resource Management Plan for the Dakota Prairie Grasslands. Commissioner Bares made a motion to nominate County Extension Agent, Harvey Peterson, for this Scientific Review Team and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 1:25 P.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.







OCTOBER 2, 2002 1:00 P.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioner Irvin Bares was present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

The purpose of this special meeting was for the annual budget hearing on the proposed 2003 budgets.

The Auditor presented a letter to the Board from the Jerry Iverson, Manager of the ND State Fair requesting the Board to appoint a delegate from the County to attend the State Fair Association’s Annual Meeting. Commissioner Bares appointed Doug Peterson as our delegate for the meeting and Chairman Ross seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Deputy Dean Van Vleet met with the Board to discuss the possibility of hiring another full-time deputy for county and city coverage. Van Vleet presented a letter to the Board from Sheriff Stedman with this request, since Stedman is out of town and unable to attend the meeting. Beach City Auditor, Kim Nunberg, was present for this part of the meeting. Commissioner George D. Hildebrant joined the meeting at this time. After more discussion regarding another full-time deputy the Board informed Van Vleet that they would go over the figures and consider his request before they adopt the final budget for the Sheriff’s department for 2003. The Board will get in contact with the Beach City Council to see how this change would affect the County/City Law Enforcement Contract.

9-1-1 Coordinator, Sue Finneman, met with the Board to discuss some recent emergency dispatch problems with the pagers and Dan Walz’s fee for inspecting the Sentinel Butte repeater site. Sue and the Board will do some checking into this area and revisit this issue at a later meeting.

The Board met briefly with County Recorder Susan Davidson to discuss some of the new scanning equipment they had seen demonstrated and the NDACo Convention in Bismarck earlier in the week.

The Board continued their discussion regarding the proposed revenues and expenditures for the 2003 budget. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to rescind his motion of September 11, 2002 regarding health insurance for full and part time employees and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a new motion to start a group Health Insurance Plan for the County’s Elected and Regular Full-Time employees, as defined in the County’s Policy Manual, with the County paying for a single insurance policy, capped at $200.00, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve the 2003 budgets as amended by the Board and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 3:40 P.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


__________________________ ____________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Co. Commissioner






OCTOBER 8, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson and Julie Goldsberry from the Golden Valley News Office.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve the minutes from the four September meetings and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

States Attorney Charles J. Peterson updated the group on county and court issues that have been addressed through his office.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to transfer the Bureau of Land Management payment of $13,783.00 from the BLM Fund into the Special County Road Fund and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Olie Golberg from the Buffalo Gap Guest Ranch & Trailhead met with the Board to discuss the activities of his first year in business and the outlook for 2003. Due to an over run on the original project and problems with the general operation of the lodge, Olie requested a deferred payment of his 1st annual grant payment, that was due in July, until July of 2003. After some discussion, Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve Golberg’s request for the deferred payment, with the principle payment to be payable on July 16, 2003 and the interest to date due now, and to recommend this request to the ND Department of Commerce and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Ray Clouse met with the Board to update them on the grassland and roadless area issues. Clouse informed them of a bill introduced in Washington on September 26th that would establish the Great Plains Historic Grasslands Wilderness Area. Clouse stated that this Wilderness Area would include all the grazing area lands in North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.

The Auditor presented the list of the lots that were turned back to the County for taxes to the Board for appraisal. After some discussion, Commissioner Bares made a motion to

set the price of each lot at $250.00, the tract in Near’s Re-Survey Addition at $450.00 and the tract in Zook’s Addition at $70.00 and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The hearing on the appraised values set by the Board will be held on October 21st at 11:00 A.M.

Wally Owen met with the Board to discuss a project called Dakota Detours. The project includes many historical sites in Golden Valley County that would be promoted for tourism. Owen stated that various State departments have monies available for to promote projects such as these. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to support the Dakota Detours concept and send a letter of support to Owen to present to the State and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

DES Director Carole Vondall met with the Board to discuss projects that are being mandated for her office through the ND Division of Emergency Management. Carole is moving her office back into the courthouse to work on these projects. The Board plans to meet with Carole’s Regional District Manager to discuss these projects in more detail.

Laurence & Helen Green of Gildford, Montana, met with the Board and Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, to display their roadside safety devices that they sell to various road departments.

The Board and the Auditor discussed the canvassing board for the November Election. The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners is suppose to serve on this Board but since Commissioner Ross is on the ballot he cannot serve on this board. Commissioner Hildebrant is also running for re-election and Commissioner Bares is on the ballot for Soil Conservation Supervisor so neither of these two commissioners will be eligible to serve on the canvass board. Commissioner Bares made a motion to appoint Kim Nunberg to serve on the canvass board in place of a commissioner and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Jim Wosepka met with the Board, Auditor and Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, regarding the GASB 34 accounting system that the county must implement in 2003. There was discussion regarding an asset management program and requirements for future county audits.

Walt Ricker who recently acquired the Wischow place northwest of Sentinel Butte, met with the Board to discuss open range and cattle guards on the roads by his place. The Road Foreman will check with adjacent landowners and get back to Ricker and the Board on this request.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, and Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC met with the Board regarding various road projects.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 4:00 P.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


__________________________ ______________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman

Board of County Commissioners







OCTOBER 21, 2002 11:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners George D. Hildebrant and Irvin Bares were present.

The purpose of this special meeting was for the hearing on the values the Board set on the property turned back to the county of non-payment of taxes. No one appeared for this hearing so the Board left the values at the price they had set at their October 8th meeting.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to adjourn at 11:30 A.M. and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.







NOVEMBER 5, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and George D. Hildebrant were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to approve the minutes from the three October meetings and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

County Agent Harvey Peterson met with the Board to discuss purchasing a new printer, copier and portable PA system for his office and discussed the outdated surplus property he has in the office. Peterson informed the Board that NDSU will do cost sharing on the printer and two other entities will pay part of the copier expense. Commissioner Bares made a motion to allow Peterson to change the category funds in his budget to purchase the printer and copier out of his 2002 budget and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. There was also some discussion regarding grant funds available to install fiber optic cable, which would enable their office to perform a wider range of services.

Mike Sikorski met with the Board to find out the status of the rite-or-way research that is being done on the Bell Lake Road. States Attorney Peterson spoke to Dave Ridl to see how the project was progressing and Ridl stated that this project should be done within a week to 10 days.

Social Service Director, Dick Fedje, met with the Board to discuss the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPPA) Privacy Officer appointment. This officer will work with the HIPPA Coordinator to institute the necessary HIPPA requirements in each county. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to appoint Dick Fedje as Golden Valley County’s HIPPA Privacy Officer and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to reappoint the Auditor, to represent the County, for another 2 year term on the Badlands Human Service Regional Council and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to give the county employees Friday, November 29th off for a longer Thanksgiving holiday and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to apply for reimbursement for Grant #Y02898 for the gravel packers the County purchased through the Oil Impact Grant they were awarded and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Clarence and Sheila Finneman met with the Board and States Attorney Charles J. Peterson in regard to the status of a case that the States Attorney’s Office is handling on behalf of the County.

The Board approved of the Auditor attending a seminar in Bismarck on Monday, November 18th and also approved of the Auditor’s Office running payroll on Friday the 15th since the Auditor will be gone on the 18th.

DES Director Carole Vondall met with the Board regarding the status of her job due to the revision of the Local Emergency Operations Plan and Homeland Security issues. Commissioner Bares made a motion to set Carole’s position at a one-half time position and raise her salary to $780 per month beginning with the November payroll, with this issue to be revisited again in July 2003, and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to amend the 2002 DES budget to cover this increase in salary and to amend the 2003 DES budget to cover the increased salary and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Mark O. Golberg met with the Board to discuss using the county’s grid roller on the road from the I-94 to the Buffalo Gap Lodge. The Board told Golberg he could use the roller but should work with the Road Foreman to see when the roller would be available.

Tax & Zoning Director, Sue Finneman, met with the Board to inform them of the Zoning Board meeting regarding a variance for Dennis Dietz to plant bushes along his property. Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve the Zoning Board’s recommendation to approve this variance and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Sue also informed the Board that she will be attending a week long Ag-land valuation seminar in Bismarck the week of November 18th through the 22nd.

Dan Walz joined the meeting at this time and Walz and Finneman discussed the job description for the Radio Maintenance Person who checks the repeater on Sentinel Butte every month. After some discussion Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to pay Dan Walz $100.00 per month, beginning November 1st, on the county payroll for this position and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board reviewed and revised the building insurance forms for the State Fire & Tornado Fund.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, and Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC met with the Board to discuss road projects, weight limits and other road concerns.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 4:25 P.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


___________________________ _____________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Co. Commissioners






NOVEMBER 13, 2002 8:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners George D. Hildebrant and Irvin Bares were present along with Commissioner elect David Quale.

The purpose of this special meeting was for the eligible county employees to meet with Jeff Reisenauer from Blue Cross Blue Shield regarding the Health Insurance Plan the County is setting up beginning January 1, 2003. 13 county employees and Julie Goldsberry from the New’s Office were present for this meeting. Reisenauer explained the plan to the group and answered various questions.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to go with the Basic Blue Plan with a $500.00 deductible and to have no probationary period for new employees for the insurance benefit and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hildebrant made a motion to pay Golden Valley County’s percentage of the percentage split between Golden Valley County and Billings County on the $200.00 insurance benefit for the eligible Social Service employees and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld, met briefly with the Board to discuss weight limits on county road and road bills.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to have Commissioner Hildebrant attend the December meetings to finalize various county issues and Commissioner Ross seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. This motion was due to the fact that ND Century Code states that the newly elected Commissioner takes office on the 1st Monday in December succeeding the officer’s election.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 10:00 A.M. and Commissioner Hildebrant seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman






DECEMBER 3, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and David Quale were present along with States Attorney Charles J. Peterson and George D. Hildebrant.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to approve the November minutes and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the easement work that has been done on the Bell Lake Road and will ask Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC to look in their records for further information regarding these easements.

Sheriff DaLane Stedman met with the Board briefly to discuss sheriff department bills and grant funding that is available due to the Homeland Security legislation. Stedman also stated that Keith Wilson is on longer a deputy for the county now that he has hired Scott Steele for the full time deputy position.

Lawrence Kukowski met with the Board and States Attorney regarding a past criminal case and restitution payments.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to close at noon on Christmas Eve, to allow the county employees the afternoon off for the Christmas holiday, and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Auditor presented a letter of gratitude to the Board from the Board members of the Historical Society for putting the mill levy increase to a vote of the people even though the levy didn’t pass.

The Board received a letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs thanking them for allowing Golden Valley County Veterans Service Officer, LeRoy Walz, to attend the spring and fall conferences. The letter also stated that $l27,321.00 in the form of VA benefits came into Golden Valley County in 2001.

Mark O. Golberg met with the Board to renew his beer & liquor licenses for 2003. Commissioner Bares made a motion to renew the beer and liquor licenses for 2003 and leave the fees the same as they were for 2002 and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The beer license fee is $100.00 and the liquor license fee is $300.00 annually.

The Board reviewed the County’s Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan which was prepared by DES Director Carole Vondall. Commissioner Quale made a motion to accept the completed Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan for Golden Valley County for 2003 and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed a meeting they had attended in Medora regarding the expansion of the Elkhorn Ranch Unit of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Various concerns were raised regarding future grazing, hunting and oil activity in this area, the loss of revenue to the county, compensation for added expenses to maintain roads for tourists and the effect it would have on the current land values in the county. The Board drafted a letter to be sent to Andy Banta, Acting Superintendent of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park with copies to be sent to Governor Hoeven and our congressmen.

County Agent Harvey Peterson met with the Board to inform them that he has been selected to serve on the Scientific Review Team that the Board had nominated Peterson for in September. This Team is to review the Allotment Management Plans of the revised Land & Resource Management Plan for the Dakota Prairie Grasslands and Peterson informed the Board that this appointment may take any where from ¼ to ½ of his time for the next 2 years. Peterson also discussed the use of the fiber optic cable to set up a community learning center.

George Underwood, Terry Schmeling, Ray Wehrman and Dan Zachmann representing Garner Township, Rick Bostyan, Don Maus, Gary Hardy and Linda Stoveland representing Lone Tree Township and Charles J. Peterson met with the Board to discuss the Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company’s plans to construct a high pressure natural gas pipeline through the county. Peterson voiced his concerns regarding the resolutions that were sent to the 3 entities and will contact Williston Basin’s Permit Agent regarding these concerns and the concerns voiced by the group.

The Township representatives then met with the Board and Road Foreman, Pete Wirtzfeld regarding the FEMA projects and funding received in 2001. All the projects have been complete and there was discussion regarding the left over FEMA monies. Commissioner Bares made a motion to give Lone Tree Township $31,982.89, Garner Township $11,261.98 and the Special County Road Fund $1354.90 of the remaining FEMA funds, based on the allotment set for each project, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The distribution of the remaining funds will be decided at the late December meeting this month.

Jerry Krieg from Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson, PC and Road Foreman Pete Wirtzfeld met with the Board to discuss various road department concerns. Commissioner Bares made a motion to adopt a 105,000 weight limit on the County’s Farm to Market Roads, per the recommendation of the Road Foreman, and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. This action was taken due to a request from the ND Department of Transportation regarding weight limits on county roads.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 4:20 P.M. and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


_____________________________ ____________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman, Bd. of Co. Comm.






DECEMBER 27, 2002 9:00 A.M.

Chairman Gary L. Ross called the meeting to order. Commissioners Irvin Bares and David L. Quale were present.

The purpose of this special meeting was for the Board to approve the final 2002 bills.

Commissioner Quale made a motion to authorize the Auditor’s Office to pay the Blue Cross Blue Shield premiums as a prepaid bill and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Funds. Commissioner Bares made a motion to adopt Resolution 2002-18 and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.



WHEREAS, the people of Golden Valley County recognize that programs addressing the needs of youth in trouble is a positive way to turn youth around, while this is still possible, and

WHEREAS, the federal government through the North Dakota Association of Counties makes available funding to assist programs addressing youth needs, and

WHEREAS, this funding program is called the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) program, and

WHEREAS, the grant monies are allocated to counties and cities based on established factors without having to apply for the moneys, and

WHEREAS, the program mandates that individual governments allocated less that $5000.00 form coalitions with other governments in order to access said grant funds, and

WHEREAS, there is recognition in southwest North Dakota that all recipient cities and counties, including the city of Dickinson and Stark County, each of which are eligible for

separate grants should cooperate in providing this money to benefited organizations with a limited cost of administration, and

WHEREAS, a committee was formed comprised of eligible recipient governments and associated organizations to oversee the JAIBG program, and

WHEREAS, the oversight committee recommends splitting the grant proceeds for the year 2003 equally between the Sunrise Youth Bureau and the Southwest Community Service and Restitution Program because each organization meets the program guidelines of the JAIBG program and the youth of this area,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE County of Golden Valley that this government hereby joins the coalition comprised of the recipient governments in the eight county area known as Southwest North Dakota, in order to combine allocated funds into one grant, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the joint proceeds of the grant be divided evenly between the Sunrise Youth Bureau and the Community Service and Restitution Program for the year 2003, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Dunn County be designated to administer JAIBG funds allocated to governments in the eight counties of Southwest North Dakota, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this government agrees to pay its portion of the match necessary to fund this grant, which equals approximately 11.1% of the grant amount.

Dated this 27th day of December, 2002.


Gary L. Ross, Chairman

Board of County Commissioners



Cecilia Stedman, Auditor

The Board discussed the balance remaining in the FEMA Fund. Commissioner Quale made a motion to pay the administrative fees and mileage expenses with the balance to be transferred to the County HT fund to be used in the future to touch up spots on the County’s FEMA Project and Commissioner Bares seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board called in Clerk of Court, Cindy Meek, to thank her for her years of service to the County and to wish her good luck in the future. As of December 31, 2002 the Clerk of Court’s Office will be terminated with the remaining duties of that office to be transferred to the County Recorder’s Office.

Sheriff DaLane Stedman met briefly with the Board to discuss various activities in his office and to discuss his budget.

Former Commissioner, George D. Hildebrant stopped in to return the county radio and his keys to the courthouse and county shop.

Commissioner Bares made a motion to adjourn at 11:15 A.M. and Commissioner Quale seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.


______________________________ _____________________________________

Cecilia Stedman, Auditor Gary L. Ross, Chairman


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