Federal Register /Vol. 85, No. 70/Friday, April 10, 2020 ...

嚜澹ederal Register / Vol. 85, No. 70 / Friday, April 10, 2020 / Notices

A. Overview of Information Collection

Title of Information Collection:

Manufactured Home Construction and

Safety Standards Act Park Model RV

Exemption Notice.

OMB Approval Number: 2502每0616.

OMB Expiration Date: May 31, 2020.

Type of Request: Extension of a

currently approved collection.

Form Number: None.

Description of the need for the

information and proposed use: For

recreational vehicles that are exempt

from HUD regulation as manufactured

homes, HUD requires certification with

either the American National Standards

Institute*s (ANSI) standard for Park

Model Recreational Vehicles (PMRV),

A119.5每15 or the National Fire

Protection Association*s NFPA 1192,

Standard on Recreational Vehicles, 2015

Edition. PMRVs built to ANSI A119.5每

15 may exceed the RV exemption*s 400

square foot threshold, a manufacturer

must post notice in the home that the

structure is only designed for

recreational purposes and is not

designed as a primary residence or for

permanent occupancy.

The Recreation Vehicle Industry

Association*s (RVIA) current seal does

not satisfy HUD*s standard for the

manufacturer*s notice. HUD

requirements provide specifics

regarding the content and prominence

of the notice and which requires the

notice to be prominently displayed in

the unit and delivered to the consumer

before the sale transaction is complete,

regardless of whether the transaction

occurs online or in-person. PMRV

manufacturers will satisfy this

requirement with two printed sheets of

paper per PMRV: One in the kitchen,

and one delivered to the consumer

before the transaction.

Respondents (i.e., affected public):

Business or other for-profit.

Estimated Number of Respondents:


Estimated Number of Responses:

4,000 per annum.

Frequency of Response: Approx. 181.

Average Hours per Response: 20


Total Estimated Burden: 22 hours.


B. Solicitation of Public Comment

This notice is soliciting comments

from members of the public and affected

parties concerning the collection of

information described in Section A on

the following:

(1) Whether the proposed collection

of information is necessary for the

proper performance of the functions of

the agency, including whether the

information will have practical utility;

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(2) The accuracy of the agency*s

estimate of the burden of the proposed

collection of information;

(3) Ways to enhance the quality,

utility, and clarity of the information to

be collected; and

(4) Ways to minimize the burden of

the collection of information on those

who are to respond; including through

the use of appropriate automated

collection techniques or other forms of

information technology, e.g., permitting

electronic submission of responses.

HUD encourages interested parties to

submit comment in response to these


C. Authority: Section 3507 of the

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44

U.S.C. Chapter 35.

The General Deputy Assistant Secretary for

Housing, John L. Garvin, having reviewed

and approved this document, is delegating

the authority to electronically sign this

document to submitter, Nacheshia Foxx, who

is the Federal Register Liaison for HUD, for

purposes of publication in the Federal


Dated: April 6, 2020.

Nacheshia Foxx,

Senior Clearance Officer for the Office of

Regulations Division, Office of the General


[FR Doc. 2020每07542 Filed 4每9每20; 8:45 am]



Fish and Wildlife Service



Draft Categorical Exclusion and Draft

Los Alamos Conservation Plan for

Cultivation Activities in Santa Barbara

County, California

Fish and Wildlife Service,


ACTION: Notice of availability; request

for comments.


We, the U.S. Fish and

Wildlife Service (Service), announce the

availability of a draft conservation plan

(plan), as well as the associated draft

categorical exclusion (CatEx), for

cultivation activities within and around

Los Alamos in Santa Barbara County,

California. The Service developed the

plan in accordance with the Endangered

Species Act to provide a streamlined

mechanism for proponents engaged in

activities associated with agricultural

development, to meet statutory and

regulatory requirements while

promoting conservation of the Santa

Barbara County distinct population

segment of the California tiger


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salamander. The Service prepared the

draft CatEx in accordance with the

National Environmental Policy Act to

evaluate the potential effects to the

natural and human environment

resulting from issuing permits under the

plan. We invite public comment on

these documents.

DATES: Written comments should be

received on or before May 11, 2020.

ADDRESSES: Obtaining Documents: You

may download a copy of the draft plan

and draft CatEx at

ventura/, or you may request copies of

the documents by U.S. mail (below) or



Submitting Written Comments: Please

send us your written comments using

one of the following methods:

? U.S. mail: Stephen P. Henry, Field

Supervisor, Ventura Fish and Wildlife

Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,

2493 Portola Road, Suite B, Ventura, CA


? Email: rachel_henry@.


Rachel Henry, Fish and Wildlife

Biologist, by phone at 805每677每3312,

via the Federal Relay Service at 1每800每

877每8339 for TTY assistance, or at the

Ventura address (see ADDRESSES).


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service),

announce the availability of a draft

conservation plan (plan), as well as the

associated draft categorical exclusion

(CatEx), for cultivation activities within

and around Los Alamos in Santa

Barbara County California. We invite

public comment on these documents.

Draft General Conservation Plan

The draft conservation plan was

developed by the Service in accordance

with section 10(a)(2)(A) of the

Endangered Species Act of 1973, as

amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).

The plan meets the issuance criteria as

required by section 10(a)(2)(B) of the

ESA for issuance of a section 10(a)(1)(B)

incidental take permit (ITP). The

Service developed the plan to provide a

streamlined mechanism for proponents

engaged in activities associated with the

installation and operation of vineyards,

crops, and other agricultural

development, to meet statutory and

regulatory requirements while

promoting conservation of the Santa

Barbara County distinct population

segment (DPS) of the California tiger

salamander (Ambystoma californiense).

Permits issued under the plan would

authorize incidental take of the Santa

Barbara County DPS of the California

tiger salamander for up to 20 years after

the plan becomes effective.




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 70 / Friday, April 10, 2020 / Notices

Draft Categorical Exclusion

The Service prepared the draft CatEx

in accordance with the National

Environmental Policy Act of 1969

(NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) to

evaluate the potential effects to the

natural and human environment

resulting from issuing permits under the




The Service listed the Santa Barbara

County DPS of the California tiger

salamander as endangered on

September 21, 2000 (65 FR 57242).

Section 9 of the ESA and its

implementing regulations prohibit the

take of fish or wildlife species listed as

endangered or threatened. &&Take** is

defined under the ESA to include the

following activities: &&[T]o harass, harm,

pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap,

capture, or collect, or to attempt to

engage in any such conduct** (16 U.S.C.

1532); however, under section

10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA, we may issue

permits to authorize incidental take of

listed species. &&Incidental take** is

defined by the ESA as take that is

incidental to, and not the purpose of,

carrying out of an otherwise lawful

activity. Regulations governing

incidental take permits for threatened

and endangered species are in the Code

of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR

17.32 and 17.22, respectively. Issuance

of an incidental take permit also must

not jeopardize the existence of federally

listed fish, wildlife, or plant species.

The permittees would receive

assurances under our &&No Surprises**

regulations ((50 CFR 17.22(b)(5) and

17.32(b)(5)) regarding conservation

activities for the Santa Barbara County

DPS of the California tiger salamander.

with the requirements of the plan,

including all applicable avoidance,

minimization, and mitigation actions.

The draft CatEx provides the required

NEPA documentation for the proposed

Federal action, which is approval of a

conservation plan and subsequent

issuance of permits pursuant to section

10(a)(1)(B) of the ESA. The CatEx also

provides baseline environmental

information, and a discussion of

impacts to the human and natural

environment that may occur as a result

of implementation of the proposed plan.

Public Availability of Comments

Before including your address, phone

number, email address, or other

personal identifying information in your

comment, you should be aware that

your entire comment, including your

personal identifying information, may

be made publicly available at any time.

While you can ask us in your comment

to withhold your personal identifying

information from public view, we

cannot guarantee that we will be able to

do so.


We provide this notice under section

10(c) of the ESA (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)

and its implementing regulations (50

CFR 17.22 and 17.32) and NEPA (42

U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and its

implementing regulations (40 CFR


Stephen Henry,

Field Supervisor, Ventura Fish and Wildlife

Office, Ventura, California.

[FR Doc. 2020每07574 Filed 4每9每20; 8:45 am]



Proposed Action

Bureau of Land Management

The proposed action is approval of

the plan and subsequent issuance of

permits. The Service prepared the plan

to provide a more efficient and

standardized mechanism for proponents

in activities associated with the

installation and operation of vineyards,

crops, and other agricultural

development on non-Federal lands. The

plan meets the permit issuance criteria

as required by section 10(a)(2)(B) of the

ESA and enables the construct of a

programmatic permitting and

conservation process to address a

defined suite of proposed activities over

a defined planning area. The proposed

plan would allow private individuals,

local and State agencies, and other nonFederal entities to meet the statutory

and regulatory requirements of the ESA

by applying for permits and complying



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Notice of Availability of the Record of

Decision for the Uncompahgre Field

Office Approved Resource

Management Plan, Colorado

Bureau of Land Management,


ACTION: Notice of availability.


The Bureau of Land

Management (BLM) announces the

availability of the Record of Decision

(ROD) for the Approved Resource

Management Plan (RMP) for the

Uncompahgre Field Office located in

southwestern Colorado, in Montrose,

Delta, Gunnison, Ouray, San Miguel and

Mesa counties. The Colorado State

Director signed the ROD on April 2,


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2020. The ROD makes the Approved

RMP effective immediately.

ADDRESSES: Copies of the ROD/

Approved RMP are available upon

request from the Uncompahgre Field

Office, Bureau of Land Management,

2465 South Townsend Avenue,

Montrose, CO 81401 or via the internet

at . Copies of

the ROD/Approved RMP are available

for public inspection by appointment at

the Uncompahgre Field Office,

Montrose, CO, and the BLM Colorado

State Office, 2850 Youngfield St,

Lakewood, CO 80215.


Angela LoSasso, Planning and

Environmental Coordinator, telephone

970每240每5300; email uformp@.

Persons who use a telecommunications

device for the deaf (TDD) may call the

Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1每800每

877每8339 to contact Ms. LoSasso during

normal business hours. The FRS is

available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,

to leave a message or question. You will

receive a reply during normal business



Uncompahgre Approved RMP replaces

the 1985 San Juan/San Miguel RMP, as

amended; and the 1989 Uncompahgre

Basin RMP, as amended. The BLM

developed the Uncompahgre Field

Office RMP in collaboration with 18

cooperating agencies. The BLM began

engaging with the public and its

cooperating agencies on the RMP

revision in 2010 and made the Draft

RMP/Draft EIS available for public

review and comment in 2016; the BLM

made the Proposed RMP/Final EIS

available to the public on June 28, 2019.

The BLM received 13 protest letters

from parties with standing during the

ensuing protest period, and the BLM

Director resolved those protests. The

Colorado Governor submitted a letter

identifying certain concerns related to

the consistency of the Proposed RMP

with State plans. After a thorough

review, the BLM determined that the

Proposed RMP is consistent with

existing State plans; however, as a result

of the Governor*s comments, the BLM

adopted a new controlled surface use

stipulation for fluid mineral leasing. Its

purpose is to ensure the function and

suitability of big game winter range,

migration and production areas. The

BLM also modified a stipulation to

enhance the Gunnison Sage-Grouse

habitat protection. The Approved RMP

describes landscape-level management

actions and allowable uses for

resources, resource uses and special

designations within the Uncompahgre

Planning Area. The Planning Area




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