
Center for Process Analytical Chemistry

University of Washington

Box 351700

Seattle, WA 98195-1700

Phone: (206) 685-2326

FAX: (206) 543-6506

August 1, 2000


The Center for Process Analytical Chemistry (CPAC) has initiated an effort to facilitate the state-of-the-art evaluation (and ongoing development) of the next generation modular sampling system designs. The expectation is that the new generation designs will be built on the same surface mount concepts used in the semi-conductor industry (see specification: SEMI PR3-0699E – “Proposed Specification for Surface Mount Interface of Gas Distribution Components” in the Standards Section at ). An ISA SP76 committee is currently working on specifying the interface properties between the base and surface components for a "Chemical Industry" version of this design.

Towards this end, several papers have been presented at the recent IFPAC2000 conference. A workshop co-sponsored by CPAC provided an additional forum for inputting requirements to the SP76 committee effort. It also laid the groundwork for the CPAC initiative to facilitate industry participation in translating traditional designs to the new modular configurations and to start the on-line evaluation of prototype designs. It should be pointed out that the CPAC effort is complementary to the ISA effort - the CPAC initiative is aimed at evaluating sample system designs based on the forthcoming ISA SP76 interface standard.

An important additional goal is to expand the concept of an integrated sampling and sensor system design. By integrating sensors to measure the physical properties of the sample, the goal of a "smart" sampling system capable of validating the representative state of the sample will be in reach (by measuring and optionally controlling temperature, flow and pressure). Further integration of the "smart" sampling system with the analytical sensor(s) gets us closer to the concept of a smart, integrated and self-contained analyzer transmitter which will open the door for the implementation of an "analyzer-on-a-pipe" closely coupled with the sampling point. This "integrated" concept also allows for building the bridge needed to interface the macro world of the chemical process and the micro world of future micro-analytical systems, which is one of the new technology directions of interest to CPAC.

As a supplier of components, sampling and/or analyzer systems, you have indicated an interest in participating in the proposed exercise to translate, adapt and optimize traditional designs based on the new modular surface mount technology. The enclosed request to submit “paper” design(s) will allow end-users to understand how this technology will be used and to assess what off-the-shelf capabilities are available today or how close we are to manufacture all or major sections of these new sampling system designs. Some of you have indicated an interest in following this effort whereas some end-users are ready to use this information as the basis for specifying and purchasing systems for on-line evaluation. We are also

hopeful that these designs will highlight the expected benefits of this new technology in terms of reliability, validation , cost of ownership and longer term, reduced cost to build.

The enclosed package of information includes the following sections:

• Request for Design Proposals

• A Vision of the Next Generation Sampling/Sensor/Analyzer System (background)

• Definition of “Smart” Sampling/Sensor Systems (background)

• Area Classification Requirements (technical info)

• Analysis Function Block Matrix (technical info)

- a list of function blocks required for miniature, modular sample systems

- a useful classification system for modular systems (technical info)

• ISA SP76 Modular Component Interface Standard - Draft (technical info)

• Attachment 1

- Set of Typical Traditional Sample System Designs with a Functional Description

As the package of information is probably not as complete as it could be, many questions are expected. In addition to contacting the authors of this memo (see below), a meeting has been scheduled during the ISAEXPO2000 Conference to clarify and answer questions about the information package, the request to submit modular designs, definition of "smart" sampling systems, "analyzer-on-a-pipe" concept etc. The meeting will be listed in the ISA Program guide as “CPAC/ISA AD Sampling Focus Group Meeting" and will be held on Wednesday August 23rd from 4 – 6 pm in Room 260 at the at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. Looking forward to seeing you there.

We look forward to your continued interest and participation in this effort. Please feel free to call or e-mail Rob Dubois (780.998.5630, rndubois@), Peter van Vuuren (281.834.2988, peter.vanvuuren@) or Mel Koch (206.616.4869, if you have any questions about the information package, the ISA meeting or any assistance you may need to effectively participate in this effort.


Mel Koch

Peter van Vuuren

Rob Dubois

Center for Process Analytical Chemistry

University of Washington

Box 351700

Seattle, WA 98195-1700

Phone: (206) 685-2326

FAX: (206) 543-6506


[pic]Center for Process Analytical Chemistry

University of Washington

Box 351700

Seattle, WA 98195-1700

Phone: (206) 685-2326

FAX: (206) 543-6506

New Sampling/Sensor Initiative


Information Package

August 1, 2000


1. Request for Design Proposals

2. Vision of Next Generation Sampling/Sensor/Analyzer Systems

3. Definition of “Smart” Sampling/Sensor Systems

4. Area Classification Requirements

5. Analysis Function Block Matrix Description

6. ISA SP76 Modular Component Interface Standard - Draft

Attachment 1

Set of Typical Traditional Sample System Designs with a Functional Description

Attachment 2

Set of Typical Examples of Modular Sampling System designs

1. Request for Design Proposals

1.1 Introduction

The main objective of the NeSSI initiative is to solicit design proposals based on the proposed ISA SP76 surface mount standard for the 6 sample system designs included in this information package. These proposals including alternative solutions, suggestions etc. will be reviewed by a small workgroup (to be constituted at the ISAEXPO2000 meeting, see cover letter).

The workgroup is expected to generate a report which will:

• Summarize the designs that were submitted

• Assess the viability of modular designs for the Chemical Industry

• Identify areas where development of additional components may be necessary

• Identify areas and a process for further standardization

• Identify a list of vendors who consider themselves as suppliers of modular sampling system components, analyzers and fully integrated systems

Several end-users are expected to use this report as a basis for going ahead with the specification, design and purchasing of prototype systems for in-house evaluation

The following considerations are important:

• It is recognized that not all suppliers can design and manufacture complete systems; collaborative efforts between component manufacturers, analyzer vendors and system integrators are therefore encouraged

• This proposal process is also designed to get comments and proposals back that would enhance the applicability of modular sample system designs in the Chemical Industry; by the same token, it is an opportunity to identify and suggest alternatives to deficiencies in standards, component technology, electronic interfaces, etc. that would need to be addressed before modular designs will become viable

In fact, any assistance via this Request for Proposal (RFP) process that will create the necessary momentum and facilitate the adoption of this modular design technology in the Chemical Industry, will be welcomed.

1.2 Request for Proposal

Please review the background and other technical information in the rest of this document as well as the sample system designs and descriptions which are presented in Attachment 1. Section A1.2 in particular describes the expectations in terms of translating the traditional designs shown in Attachment 1 to the new surface mount configuration per the SP76 specification. Attachment 2 shows typical modular sampling system designs for a gas delivery system used in the semi-conductor industry. We propose the following items to be submitted as part of your proposal package:

1. A paper design (drawings) for each of the 6 sampling systems described in Attachment 1

• partial designs are acceptable (i.e., those subsystems of any of these sample systems which lend itself to modularization)

• a response to a selected set of the 6 sampling systems is also acceptable

• hybrid designs based on a combination of new generation of components and traditional components/sensors are acceptable

• in addition to a two dimensional layout diagram, a three dimensional layout or exploded view drawing would also be appreciated

2. Electrical layout and interface drawing for all electronic components (e.g. sensors, solenoid valves, mass flow controllers, heaters etc.)

3. A functional description of the design

4. A proposal for:

• the implementation of a “sampling system sensor/electrical bus” which will allow the plug and play installation and operation of all electronic components


• a process whereby the industry can develop a standard for such a bus

5. A proposal for:

• the standardization of the software protocol interface for the interrogation, configuration and control of sensors and other electronic components


• a process whereby the industry can develop such a protocol standard

6. A description where the SP76 specification standard presents a barrier to the efficient integration of components, vent lines (i.e. limited flow paths) etc. if any

7. Any alternative designs not based on the SP76 standard with an explanation of the benefits of the alternative design (optional)

8. Any additional comments or proposals which would facilitate the adoption of modular sampling systems in the Chemical Industry (i.e., where opportunities for new components or the redesign of existing components exist)

9. If your proposal represents a collaborative effort between different suppliers, please identify the collaborators clearly

Our target date for receiving the design proposals is 15 October, 2000. Please submit your proposal package by e-mail to : with copies to:

Rob Dubois at rndubois@dow,com

Peter van Vuuren at peter.vanvuuren@

If you would prefer to submit a hardcopy proposal package, please send to:


c/o Mel Koch

Center for Process Analytical Chemistry

160 Chemistry Library Building

University of Washington

Box 351700

Seattle, WA 98195-1700

2. Vision of Next Generation Sampling/Sensor/Analyzer Systems

Sampling system design has changed very little over the past 20 years. Designs and the components used for these designs have remained essentially the same. Looking at a sampling system that was built 10 years ago vs. one that is built today, very little change will be obvious.

The semi conductor industry has spearheaded the development of a new sampling system paradigm by adopting a flow channel base and surface mounted components allowing for a small footprint and tight integration of components and sensor based control devices. It seems a natural evolution to leverage this development by adopting these principles to the sampling system designs and special needs in the Chemical Industry.

In the IFPAC2000 paper by Gunnell and van Vuuren, “PROCESS ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS: A VISION FOR THE FUTURE”, key business drivers have been identified which will put pressure on reducing cost to build and cost of ownership for Process Analytical systems. Three scenarios are foreseen for the future, some of which are already close to reality:

1. Smart Analyzer Transmitter:

A self contained analyzer system (tight integration and packaging of the sampling system, sensors and analyzer controllers) which do not require an analyzer shelter environment and which can be installed “at“ or “on-the-pipe”, will significantly reduce the cost of the expensive infrastructure (shelter, sample transport lines, etc.) which is currently needed to support Process Analytical systems in the field. By using modular designs, it is anticipated that “plug-and-play” operation (reduced maintenance) will become standard. This scenario results in reduced cost to build and cost of ownership. Examples of analyzer transmitters that embody some of these principles are available today.

2. The Smart Sample System/Sensor Transmitter

In some cases it will be possible to locate the analytical sensor remotely from the analyzer proper (e.g., moisture probe, NIR transmission cell, RAMAN probe etc.). But by tightly integrating and packaging the sampling system, sensors and sample system controller, the sampling/sensor system can be mounted “at” or “on-the-pipe”. The analyzer can be located in a remote general purpose area. The reduction in infrastructure cost benefit is similar to the Smart Analyzer Transmitter alluded to above.

3. Smart Validation of Analyzer Operation

“Smart” in this case means that the analyzer is not only cognizant of all the conditions that ensure validation of the sample and the analysis process but can also control operational variables (e.g., temp, flow, pressure etc. of utility gases, the sample itself, etc.) to maintain the viability and the validity of the analysis. Implementing these capabilities will increase the overall reliability of the system and self-diagnostics will further enhance the efficiency of maintenance by exploiting the “plug-and-play “ features of these systems. When validation at all levels of the process analytical system is properly implemented, cost of ownership will be the main beneficiary.

In all of the above examples, the successful development and implementation of the modular sampling system/sensor/analyzer capability, will be key in realizing the benefits of these designs.

These concepts will be further clarified during the ISA2000EXPO meeting in New Orleans (see cover letter). A copy of the IFPAC2000 Paper “PROCESS ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS: A VISION FOR THE FUTURE “ is also included in this information package.

3. Definition of “Smart” Sampling/Sensor Systems

3.1 Design Objectives of a Smart Sampling/Sensor System

1. Integrate the sample system with the analytical and other diagnostic sensor(s)

2. Standardize analytical systems by providing "smart” sample system applets

3. Increase the reliability of analyzer sample systems. (Q.: Why is 80-90% of the analytical problems caused by the sample system?)

4. Eliminate to an absolute minimum routine maintenance

5. Provide a representative sample to the analytical sensor(s) and validate under all process conditions.

6. Increase/enhance safety. (comply/design to SIL/SIS* criteria)

3.2 What is a Smart Sampling/Sensor System?

Provides plug-and-play hardware components and software which…

7. Self-adjusts for optimal performance under variable process conditions

8. Tracks Reliability and Operation Metrics

9. Provides an intuitive Self-Diagnostic GUI

(1) Self-adjusting by means of “smart” applets – some examples

• Pressure control by means of a pressure sensor/control valve

• Flow control to maintain constant flow by flow sensor/control valve

• Pressure control around a fluctuating process control valve to maintain a constant flow

• Pressure control to ensure atmospheric pressure or a fixed pressure on the outlet of an analytical sensor

• Temperature control of vaporizer, sample system heater, enclosure heater, air purifiers, etc.

• Swings sample filters based on DP or change/loss of flow

• Self-purges/cleans a dirty system on an as need or regular basis

• Swings gas cylinders based on pressures

• Provides safety trips – pressure, temperature, flow (leak), etc.

• Shuts off the sampling system/analysis when the process stream is taken out of service

• Analytical interaction modules – ranges, optical filter selection, pathlength selection

• “Soft” startup and shutdown after process events

• Suggestions?

(2) Track Reliability and Operation Metrics by means of “smart” applets – some examples

10. Calculates cycles, for example,

- valve operations (millions of ops)

- filter in service time (days)

11. Tabulates mass flow of....

- sample

- utility gases e.g. helium, nitrogen, instrument air

- calibration gases

12. Tabulates power usage

13. Tracks temperature, pressure, flow cycles or patterns

14. Provides statistics on percent uptime

15. Provides drift information on all parameters

16. Tracks control chart for zero/span benchmark

17. Tracks control chart for zero/span calibration.

18. Maintenance log

19. Data storage and recovery (e.g. CEMS applications)

20. Equipment data e.g. serial number, software version, etc.

21. Spare parts lists

22. Equipment parts lists

23. Auto reorder points for consumable parts, gases, etc.

24. Suggestions?

(3) Self-diagnostic GUI (the analyzer as a “mini-process”)

25. Graphical, dynamic user interface (GUI) of all system operation parameters to:

- Operations(on the plant DCS system

- Maintenance(PC based

- Other Users(PC based e.g. via intra/internet

26. Self-diagnostic providing solutions/fixes to abnormal events

27. Provides these generic modes…

Condition RED

- Out of Service(broke, tripped, "in the weeds", etc.

Condition AMBER

- Standby(undergoing calibration, benchmarking, service request, process shutdown

Condition GREEN

- In Service(system running OK

3.3 Summary – 3 key ideas

• A need for universal, industry wide “smart applets” for self-adjustment and reliability and operation metric tracking.

• Tight integration of analytical and physical sensor(s) and sample system

• Graphical display of all parameters on remote DCS and/or PC User Interface – standard interfaces

3.4 Examples of Some Inputs…

|Sample inlet (upstream) pressure |Valve movement/limit switches |

|Sample outlet (downstream) pressure |Plant in operation/Process Stream Off-line/In operation. |

|Sample flow rate |Level monitor in sample collection pots. |

|Sample bypass flow rate |Condensation sensor |

|Sample temperature |Position of utility gas manifold valving |

|Sample vaporizer temperature |Pressure of utility gas manifold system |

|Sample system enclosure temperature |Monitors 120 VAC power |

|Sample filter differential |Analyte concentrations |

|Sample pump/aspirator differential |Heat tracer temperature |

|Actuator air pressure |Pressure/Flow of Utility Gases |

|Sample enclosure/housing purge pressure |Others? |

3.5 Examples of Some Outputs…

|Heater |Optical pathlength selection |

|Thermoelectric cooler |Column selection |

|Fan operation |Block and bleed |

|Vortex cooler |Detector selection |

|Control valve adjustment |Light source selection |

|Shut-off valve |Optical filter selection |

|Pump motor speed |Pressure programming |

|Stream selection |Temperature programming |

|Zero fluid selection |Ultrasonic Cleaner (on/off) |

|Cal fluid selection |Others? |

|Analyzer range selection | |

4. Area Classification Requirements

4.1 Hazardous Locations

• The majority of analyzer installations in the petro-chemical and refinery industries require hazardous area rated equipment. Consequently components on the miniature modules should be X-proof - and preferably to the most hazardous scenario. (Division 1 or Zone 1)

• Some recognized Types of Protection include…

- Flameproof (explosion proof)

- Intrinsic Safety

- Pressurized

- Increased Safety*

- Oil immersed, Powder filled, encapsulated*

(*Some of these Types of Protection may yet to be recognized in the USA)

• Trend is to smaller lighter X-proof enclosures in the USA – while Intrinsically Safe (IS) equipment as well as Increased Safety is esp. popular in Europe. IS and Increased Safety equipment lends itself well to miniature systems.

• Purging is popular in the USA. “Lazy mans protection method.” However adds size and additional utility requirements to a miniature system.

• Electrical equipment for hazardous areas must be approved by the appropriate agencies.

• These include:

• UL/FM in USA

• CSA in Canada

• CENELEC in Europe

• With global economies manufacturers should work to obtain approvals from all key-approving agencies. We hope and encourage these agencies to speed the harmonization of their codes. (we consider this an “artificial tariff”)

4.2 Other Considerations

• CE certification – immunity to EMI and RFI

• Safety Instrumentation Systems (SIS), and Safety Integrity Levels (SIL)

4.3 References

• API RP-500-91 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities

• AGA XF0277-92 A Classification of Gas Utility Areas for Electrical Installations

• IEC 79-10 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Part 10: Classification of hazardous areas

• NFPA 496 Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment

• NFPA 497A-92, NFPA 497B-91; NFPA 497M-91

• John A. Bossert. “A Guide for the Design, Testing, Construction and Installation of Equipment in Hazardous Locations”. Canadian Standards Association.

• ANSI/ISA-S84.01-1996. Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industries. ISA.

5. Analysis Function Block Matrix Description

Implementation of a manifold mounted miniature, modular sample and analysis system is a novel and powerful concept, which could revolutionize the way we engineer and provide analysis systems. Since one manifold or design can not handle all sampling scenarios a new classification system and vocabulary has been proposed in order to clearly define the elements of an integrated sampling/analytical system.

We wish to solicit feedback on these ideas from participants.

5.1 A Classification Model

A 3-dimensional model analogous to the Class, Division and Group model currently used for classifying electrical hazardous areas is proposed for the classification of miniature, modular sample and analysis systems. In this model the Analysis Class is divided by physical state specifically Gas, Liquid or Solid. A Service Division further subdivides the physical state (e.g. gas analysis) into further subdivisions based on categories such as vaporized sample, low-pressure (pumped) sample, etc. A Dimension Group is a final classification, which is common to all components mounted on the manifold or module. This Dimension Group could include materials of construction, designed for Toxic service, electrical hazard rating or other key elements common to the design. More than one Dimensional Group can be applied to a system.

5.2 Modules and associated function blocks

From a design point of view not all components can or should be put on the modular, miniature (S5) manifold. Consequently architecture has been devised which divides up all components into five clustered modules. These five modules specifically are the ASP=analyzer sample point, T1=transport tube to S5, S5=smart, small, sensor, sample system, T2=transport tube from S5, and finally the ARP=analyzer return point. With this architecture as the basis, a list of function blocks is named which are required to populate the five modules. Additionally various rules and over-all philosophy on placement and purpose of these modules are expanded upon. On the basis that a non-proprietary, standard footprint is available to the industry as whole we wish to have manufacturer's and other interested parties design and manufacture exclusive components which could serve as function blocks for the common miniature, modular manifold.

5.3 Sample system of the future?

And finally, a patented design on a syringe like sampling system, which would benefit from the miniaturization of analytical devices, is presented. This so-named Sampling Engine serves as an example of the type of sampling systems, which could be used if analytical sensors could be made small, and with low internal dead volume (1-3 cc).

AnalysisFunctMatrix.ppt (AnalysisFunctMatrix.pdf)

6. ISA SP76 Modular Component Interface Standard

05/29/01 Draft – Version 4

A. Modular Component Interface Standard – Metal Seal

1. Purpose

1. This standard establishes the properties and physical dimensions that define the interface for surface mount fluid distribution components. The design of the actual system components and the flow conveyance is not specified here.

2. Scope

1. This standard applies to all types of surface mount, fluid distribution components with metal sealing devices used within process analyzers and their sample handling systems. This includes components such as valves, filters, regulators, transducers, and controllers. This standard applies to components that convey fluids at less than 50 standard liters per minute (slm). The maximum pressure limitation for these systems is 6900 KPa (1000 psig) at 25 deg, C (77 deg. F).

2. Limitations to Scope

1. This standard only addresses the actual components and proper sealing methods. This standard is limited to the sealing methods using particular types of material/metallurgy of the seals.

2. The user shall be aware that based on the stream conditions of their process, there are other technologies and components readily available.

3. This standard does not address the effects of various stream conditions on the technical functionality of the component.

4. The user shall be aware that this standard does not address maintenance concerns for the components.

5. This standard does not refer to design issues pertaining to specific safety requirements. These issues shall be referenced to other standards, organizations and/or recommended guidelines.

6. International, national, and local codes, regulations, and laws shall be consulted to ensure that each component meets the user’s regulatory requirements.

7. The user shall be aware that the performance of the seals refers to another standard.

3. Referenced Documents

NOTE: As listed or revised, all documents cited shall be the latest publication date.

1. ASTM Documents[1]

1. ASTM A 276 – Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes

2. ASTM A 314 – Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Billets and Bars for Forging

3. ASTM A 580 – Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Wire

4. ASTM A 581 – Specification for Free-Machining, Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Wire and Wire Rods

5. ASTM A 582 – Specification for Free-Machining, Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars, Hot-Rolled or Cold-Finished

2. ASME Documents[2]

1. ASME Y14.5 – Dimensioning and Tolerancing

2. ASME B16.34 – Valves – Flanged, Threaded and Welding End

3. ISO 6507 – Metallic Materials – Vickers Hardness Test

4. ISO 4288 – Geometrical Products Specification (GPS) – Surface Texture: Profile Method – Rules and Procedures for the Assessment of Surface Texture.

4. Terminology

1. Surface Finish –

2. Surface Mount –

3. Modular Interface -

5. Ordering Components with the Modular Interface

1. This document should be used when ordering systems employing the modular component design. It conveys both the concept of the Modular System and provides “footprint” dimensions to permit interchangeability of components.

2. Manufacturers may use this guide when procuring processing equipment to communicate to the equipment supplier the interface specifications required for interchangeability of components. This document may also be used by equipment suppliers to specify standardized interfaces to component and module suppliers.

3. Orders for components in accordance with this standard shall include this standard number and date of issue, reference to the table number, and reference to the option number, if applicable.

6. Requirements

1. Material Requirements

1. The following materials are acceptable for use:.

1. Materials listed in ASME B16.34

2. Materials listed in Table 1

2. Material certifications shall be obtained and shall include chemical analysis and mechanical properties. For materials ordered to specifications which do not include mechanical properties, the manufacturer shall specify minimum mechanical properties.

3. In order to ensure the performance of these systems the user is cautioned to adhere to the bolt torquing requirements as specified by the manufacturer.

4. Other materials are acceptable for use as agreed upon by manufacturer and user. These additions will include the necessary material and material processing references as noted above.



|Material |Form |ASTM |Grade or |

| | |Specification |Type |

|Austenitic |Forging Bars | |303 |

|Stainless Steel (b) | |A 314 |304. 304L |

| | | |316, 316L |

| |Bars and Shapes |A 581 |303 |

| | |A 582 | |

| | |A 276 |304, 304L |

| | |A 580 |316, 316L |

(a) Type 303 shall not be used where welding is required.

(b) Forgings may be produced from A 108, a recognized bar material.

2. Sealing Surface Requirements

1. Surface Hardness – The sealing surface (the bottom of the counterbore) minimum hardness requirement, regardless of material, is 170 Vickers. Testing is to be performed per ISO 6507.

Note: This test will damage the sealing surface and should be considered destructive in nature.

2. Surface Roughness – The sealing surface (the bottom of the counterbore) maximum surface roughness is 0.4 micrometers Ra max. Testing is to be performed per ISO 4288.

1. Note: This test may damage the sealing surface and may be destructive in nature.

3. Surface Condition – The sealing surface (the bottom of the counterbore) shall not have any lateral scratches that are visible to non-magnified normal vision.

3. Dimensional Requirements - Figures

1. Standard block (Fig. 1)

2. Mass Flow Controller block (Fig. 2)

3. (true vs. dimensional measurement points – John Thomas and Mike Mohlenkamp)

6. Safety/Legal - To be completed by ISA

7. Figures

Figure 1. Standard Block Dimensions (Metal Seals)

Figure 2. Standard Mass Flow Controller Block (Metal Seals)

Modular Component Interface Standard – Elastomeric Seal

1. Purpose

1. This standard establishes the properties and physical dimensions that define the interface for surface mount fluid distribution components. The design of the actual system components and the flow conveyance is not specified here.

2. Scope

1. This standard applies to all types of surface mount, fluid distribution components with elastomeric sealing devices used within process analyzers and their sample handling systems. This includes components such as valves, filters, regulators, transducers, and controllers. This standard applies to components that convey fluids at less than 50 standard liters per minute at 25 deg. C. (77 deg. F.)The maximum pressure limitation for these systems is 6900 KPa (1000 psig).

2. Limitations to Scope

1. This standard only addresses the actual components and proper sealing methods. This standard is limited to the sealing methods using particular types of material for the seals.

2. The user shall be aware that based on the stream conditions of their process, there are other technologies and components readily available.

3. This standard does not address the effects of various stream conditions on the technical functionality of the component.

4. The user shall be aware that this standard does not address maintenance concerns for the components.

5. This standard does not refer to design issues pertaining to specific safety requirements. These issues shall be referenced to other standards, organizations and/or recommended guidelines.

6. International, national, and local codes, regulations, and laws shall be consulted to ensure that each component meets the user’s regulatory requirements.

3. Referenced Documents

NOTE: As listed or revised, all documents cited shall be the latest publication date.

1. ASTM Documents[3]

1. ASTM A 276 – Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes

2. ASTM A 314 – Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Billets and Bars for Forging

3. ASTM A 580 – Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Wire

4. ASTM A 581 – Specification for Free-Machining, Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Wire and Wire Rods

5. ASTM A 582 – Specification for Free-Machining, Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars, Hot-Rolled or Cold-Finished

2. ASME Documents[4]

1. ASME Y14.5 – Dimensioning and Tolerancing

2. ASME B16.34 – Valves – Flanged, Threaded and Welding End

3. ISO 4288 – Geometrical Products Specification (GPS) – Surface Texture: Profile Method – Rules and Procedures for the Assessment of Surface Texture.

4. Terminology

1. Surface Finish – The final surface specifications of the substrate block, interface plate, sealing grooves, and seal devices.

2. Surface Mount – The arrangement of independent sample conditioning system modules upon a defined flow conveyance.

3. Modular Interface - The boundary between an independently operable part of the sample conditioning system and the flow conveyance to which it is connected.

5. Ordering Components with the Modular Interface

1. This document should be used when ordering systems employing the modular component design. It conveys both the concept of the Modular System and provides “footprint” dimensions to permit interchangeability of components.

2. Manufacturers may use this guide when procuring processing equipment to communicate to the equipment supplier the interface specifications required for interchangeability of components. This document may also be used by equipment suppliers to specify standardized interfaces to component and module suppliers.

3. Orders for components in accordance with this standard shall include this standard number and date of issue, reference to the table number, and reference to the option number, if applicable.

1. .


6. Requirements

1. Material Requirements

1. The following materials are acceptable for use:.

1. Materials listed in ASME B16.34

2. Materials listed in Table 1

2. Material certifications shall be obtained and shall include chemical analysis and mechanical properties. For materials ordered to specifications that do not include mechanical properties, the manufacturer shall specify minimum mechanical properties.

3. In order to ensure the performance of these systems the user is cautioned to adhere to the bolt torquing requirements as specified by the manufacturer.

4. Other materials are acceptable for use as agreed upon by manufacturer and user. These additions will include the necessary material and material processing references as noted above.

1. Sealing Surface Requirements

1. Surface Roughness – 32 Ra

2. Surface Condition

2. Figures

1. Single block

2. MFC block, if necessary

7. Safety/Legal

8 Figures

Fig.1 Interface Block Specification (Elastomer Seals)

Fig.2. Component Specification (Elastomer Seals)

Attachment 1

Set of Typical Traditional Sample System Designs

with a Functional Description

A1.1 Overview

A1.2 Expectations

A1.3 Functional Description by Drawing Number

A1.4 Drawings of Typical Sample System Designs

A1.1 Overview

A set of typical drawings are shown below:

Drawing No. 1: Measurement of ppm H2O and O2 in a High Purity Hydrocarbon Stream

2: Measurement of pH in an Aqueous Acid/Base stream

3: O2 Measurement in a Stack Gas (low pressure system)

4: Sampling System for a Toxic Gas Measurement (by Photometry/Spectroscopy)

5: Two Stream Sampling System (Liquid -> Vapour )

6: 8 Stream Sampling System

Sampling system designs can result in different designs for the same application. These drawings are typical examples and are not intended to demonstrate “best” or “preferred“ designs. Some of them are conceptual and aimed at identifying typical components, sensors, valve switching arrangements, utility and venting facilities which may be incorporated in a sampling system design. The examples are by no means exhaustive but the selected ones cover application areas related to liquid, vapor, aqueous and toxic streams.

A1.2 Expectations

The sampling system examples are typical of what can be characterized as “traditional” designs. It is our expectation that the availability of new generation components (miniature valves, micro sensors, etc.) will allow not only the translation of the functionality of these traditional designs into a new generation of modular surface mount designs but more such as the automation of maintenance functions. We are not looking for just a 1:1 replacement of the old with the new but for innovative designs which will achieve the same functionality as the traditional system but with the added capabilities of a smart system (see Section 3, Definition of Smart Sensors), smaller footprints, higher reliability, easy maintenance, lower cost (eventually), etc. Examples are inherently safe solenoid valves which could replace solenoid pilot/pneumatic valve combinations, auto sensing of leakage across double block and bleed valves, monitoring of filter flows and auto switching to backup filters, automatic adjustment of fast loop flows, etc. Furthermore, not only are designs with a tight integration of fluidic/mechanical components and sensors preferred, but the hardware needs to be integrated with software applets which will allow the configuration and execution of the applets as an integral part of the analyzer operation (see Section 3, Definition of Smart Sensors). We also understand that until standardization of sensor interfaces to the analyzer controller proper has been defined, taking full advantage of a truly integrated sensor/sampling designs might be limited. Any ideas or proposals for facilitating such a standardization process will be welcomed. Also, please review Section 4 for the area classification requirements that should be taken into account in preparing new designs.

A1.3 Functional Description by Drawing Number

Dwg. No. 1: Measurement of ppm H2O and O2 in a High Purity Hydrocarbon Stream


Measurement of trace level (ppb, ppm) analytes (e.g. H2O, O2) in a shared sample vapor stream (hydrocarbon in this example) using serial in-line analytical sensors


28. Vapor pressure at the measurement sensors should be around 1- 2 barg

29. Sample tubing should minimize adsorption effects (H2O very polar):

- polished or conditioned surfaces

- temperature control of all sample lines (also to ensure vapor state, i.e. no condensation)

30. Sample lag time (transit time from sample probe to sensor) should typically not exceed 30 sec

31. It shall be possible to isolate, purge and/or calibrate individual or both sensors with an indication as to the status of the sensor (on-line, off-line or standby)


32. Sample at high pressure is reduced to low pressure at the sample probe (high pressure volume in sample probe must be minimized to reduce lag time) and transported as a "low pressure" vapor to sample conditioning system; an aspirator and backpressure controller is used to set the pressure differential between the probe and sensors and the pressure at the sensors

33. Instrument air is provided to purge individual sensors (via instrument air vent line) or the whole sample conditioning system (entry point upstream of sample conditioning system)

34. N2 is used to calibrate individual sensors (zero gas) and is used to drive the aspirator via the flare header (flare header may contain hydrocarbons)

35. To validate a representative sample at the analytical sensors, the pressure, temperature and flow are measured and a flow controller controls the sample flow.

36. Although a steam supply for heating the cabinet is shown in this drawing , electrical heating and heat tracing of sample lines are preferred


Drawing demonstrates a sampling system in which:

37. Pressure reduction is used to work with a vapor sample

38. Surface and temperature conditioning are required because of a very polar analyte at very low levels (minimize adsorption)

39. Multiple sensors sharing the same sample stream in a serial mode

40. Switching requirements for isolation of multiple sensors are highlighted

41. Switching requirements (isolation/calibration) and utility needs for purging or calibrating a sensor are shown

42. Lag time requirements going from high pressure to low pressure are important

Dwg. No. 2. Measurement of pH in an aqueous acid/base


43. Installation to meet Zone 2 (Div. 2) requirements.

44. Freeze protection required for sample lines. Heat enclosure.

45. Stop flow if sample high pressure occurs.

46. Prevent contamination of the pH salt bridge by pressurizing pH cell.


47. Large tubing is used to transport a liquid sample. (1/2” in this case)

48. Sensor and switches are employed including pressure, temperature and flow.

49. On high pressure the system shuts off the sample flow.

50. Manual buffering/calibration capabilities are available.

51. Intrinsic safety is employed. (E.g. flow switch, analyzer).

52. Air pressure is maintained on the pH probe. A gas cylinder is used as backup in the event of failure of this air supply.

53. Check valves used to protect backflow to the utility services.

54. IS circuits, heat trace power and equipment power are each housed in their own separate junction boxes.

Comments Regarding this System:

55. European designs widely use IS circuits.

56. Drawing style is compact. Bill of Materials example contains many of the operational remarks as well as a typical format.

57. No filtration is needed.

58. Still use pressure gauges!


59. This drawing represents a simple liquid handling system for a pH application.

Dwg. No. 3 - O2 Measurement in a Vent Line (low pressure system)


60. Heat the enclosure to keep major equipment at 20 C. in order to meet equipment-operating specifications.

61. Provide an inert sampling system. Sample tubing and components should be inert – 316 SS. No rubber or other absorbing elastomers in regulators or sample system components allowed.

62. Temperature control of all sample lines to maintain hydrocarbon sample dewpoint.

63. Sample lag time (transit time from sample probe to sensor) should typically not exceed 30 sec

64. Coalesce to remove minute amounts of condensable material.

65. Account for a deadheaded pumping system.

66. Design interior of enclosure to meet Class I, Div. 1 (Zone 1) requirements. Area classification is Class I, Div. 2 (Zone 2).

67. Provide both manual and automatic calibration capabilities required.


68. Sample is obtained from a collection vent going to a flare stack. It is typically under a slight vacuum but fluctuates. Sample is returned just downstream of the sample take-off point. A pump is used as the differential generator.

69. A sample probe is used to ensure representative sample (from 33% to 50% penetration of pipe ID) to ensure representative sampling from the pipeline and also to act as a pre-filter for entrained particulate.

70. Oxygen is monitored at a % level to determine if any atmospheric air is being pulled into the header, which could cause the contents to enter a flammable – and dangerous - region.

71. The analytical system is a freestanding enclosure next to the sampling location.

72. Instrument air is used to X-purge the oxygen sensor. A differential pressure (purge) indicator monitors the analyzer sensor to meet NFPA 496 purge requirements. The overall enclosure is vented to prevent buildup of hazardous gases in the event of a leak.

73. A bypass filter is employed for fine particulate removal.

74. Nitrogen is used to check analyzer zero.

75. 5% oxygen in balance N2 is used to check analyzer span.

76. A coalescing filter removes small amounts of condensate.

77. Pressure relief on the pump discharge ensures that over-pressure does not damage sensitive analyzer components in the event of a dead-head

78. A pump bypass and needle valve is placed around the pump to match system requirements to pump flow.

79. A sensitive backpressure regulator is used to stabilize the analyzer return sample.

80. The enclosure interior has Class I, Division (Zone) 1 heating.

81. A remote zero or span effectively bypasses the 5-way manual valve. A unique feature is that either a zero or span signal will cause a pneumatic shuttle valve to block the incoming process sample.

82. Pneumatic valves are used for operations internal to the enclosure.

Comments Regarding this Design

83. Addition of (1) Standby (2) Out-of-service and (3) In Service alarms would be a very useful diagnostic feature.

84. Addition of flow, pressure and temperature sensors would be very useful diagnostic tools - especially for a remote freestanding enclosure such as this.

85. A constant backpressure at the process return point may eliminate the need for a regulator at that point.

86. Air purges for hazard reduction can add to a cost of an installation. These require high-grade instrument air and rigor in implementation. Nitrogen may have to be used for certain purging applications however care has to be taken not to create an oxygen deficiency in an enclosed area. Explosion proof enclosures for large instruments are heavy and expensive.

87. Drawing style is very detailed – includes fittings.


Drawing demonstrates a sampling system in which:

88. A pump is used to withdraw the sample.

89. A percent level analysis is done.

90. Both manual and automatic sampling are employed in one package.

91. A field mounted freestanding enclosure is employed in a classified area.

Dwg. No. 4 – Toxic Gas Measurement (by Photometery/Spectroscopy)


Although designed for toxic service, this sample system, its components and description is for a specific application. Sample systems for toxic systems must be carefully designed and engineered according to the special needs of each specific application.


92. Measure several percent level components in a vapour stream.

93. Minimize leak potential by design.

94. Account for any leaks by design.

95. Provide emergency isolation in the event of a gas leak.

96. Provide a corrosion resistant and inert system.


97. No glass components allowed.

98. Major flows are contained outside of the analyzer shelter.

99. A sample bomb for lab check sampling is incorporated into the sample system.

100. Components such as sample bomb, gauges, etc. are located in the bypass to minimize dead volumes upstream of the analyzer.

101. Relief and check valves incorporated for safety.

102. Flow switch alarm is sent to the analyzer.

103. Trouble alarm originates from the analyzer (integrated with sample system!)

104. Double block and bleed on zero and span introduction.

105. Valve handles accessible from outside enclosure for quick isolation without opening the cabinet.

106. No permanent connection to nitrogen due to potential of backflow.

107. Many purge ports available for cleanout of the system.

108. Enclosure is hard piped to a safe area in the event of a leak.

109. Sample is stopped to the analyzer shelter in the event of a gas leak.

110. Pressure reduction is done outside of analyzer house. Sample to house minimized.

111. Return point is under vacuum.

112. System is classified for X-proof areas.

113. NPT threads are minimized.

114. System is operated hot to prevent dropping below dewpoint.

Comments Regarding this System:

115. Drawing provides very useful operating instruction integral with the drawing. Having directional arrows for flow path very useful.

116. Other than flow not too many sensors.

117. Considerable thought spent to sample containment and safety.


Drawing demonstrates a sampling system in which:

• High safety factor is built into the system.

Dwg. No. 5 – Two Stream Sampling System (Liquid -> Vapour )


Measurement of several % level components in a dual stream sampling system using a serial implementation of a spectroscopic and GC technique respectively; although both streams are liquid phase at the sample tap, one stream needs to remain liquid for the NIR measurement and both streams need to be vaporized for the GC analysis


118. NIR measurement required only on liquid sample

119. GC measurement requires vapor sample for both streams

120. Temp of outside enclosure to be maintained between 75 – 100 degF

121. Prevent condensation of vapor streams; prevent “bubble” formation in liquid stream

122. Two levels of calibration gases to be used by GC

123. Provide leak detection for double block and bleed valves sample must be in Measure several percent level components in a vapor stream.

124. Control and measure flow, pressure for fast loops; measure temperature of both sample streams



125. Stream#2 is vaporized at the sample tap and pass through the first enclosure to become a vapor fast loop for the second enclosure (drawing 5B)

126. Stream#1 supply is a liquid phase sample; a liquid fast loop is created through the enclosure with a bypass filter, flow control, NIR sampling cell and manual sampling facility (LS block) on the bypass loop; note that flow control and manual sampling are downstream of NIR cell to minimize dead volumes

127. The NIR cell is connected to the remote NIR spectrometer via optical fibers

128. The bypass filtered stream is vaporized and sent to the next enclosure as part of a new vapor fast loop (drawing 5B)

129. All components between the bypass filter and including the vaporizing regulator should be close coupled to minimize the liquid volume and therefore lag time

130. Note that a nitrogen purge capability is provided to purge the vapor loop if necessary

131. The liquid fast loop can be drained

132. Note that the temperature for the enclosure is controlled year round between 75 – 100 degF (steam heater and a vortex cooler)

133. Relief valves are incorporated for safety.


134. Both vapor fast loops are controlled by pressure and flow control

135. Double block and bleed selection of process streams

136. Double block and bleed selection of calibration gases

137. Leak detection provided on double block and bleed manifold

138. Note that the temperature for the enclosure is controlled not to fall below 75 degF

139. Final sample flow to the analyzer sample inject valve is filtered and flow controlled

140. The lab sampling facility allow in-line sampling of the fast loop with no dead volumes.

Valve handles accessible from outside enclosure for quick isolation without opening the cabinet

Comments Regarding this System:

141. The analysis application represented in this sample system is conceptual (we typically would not combine a NIR with a GC on the same sample as presented). However, the design brings together several sample design concepts for the purpose of this modular design exercise

142. The importance of double block and bleed with the ability to detect leakage is an important consideration for all sampling systems where appropriate


Drawing demonstrates a sampling system in which:

143. Remote measurement via fiber-optics is highlighted

144. Extensive stream switching are employed (process as well as calibration)

145. Changes in sample phase are involved (vaporization of liquid phase)

146. Maintenance of a temperature environment is critical (insulation of sample lines and enclosure temperature)

Dwg. No. 6 – Eight Stream Sampling System


Measurement of several % level components in an eight stream sampling system. Key considerations are the bypass loops and double block and bleed configurations (drawing 6A). The sampling system panel to select either process or calibration streams is similar to sample system 5.


147. GC measurement requires vapor sample for all streams

148. All streams must maintain flow to ensure a representative sample at time of selection

149. Availability of lab sampling facility for each fast loop

150. No contamination of streams allowed

151. Prevent condensation of sample



152. All 8 streams provide a coalescing filter (for knocking out water) and automatic drain facilities prior to entering the stream selection module

153. The stream switching heated enclosure ensures samples remains above dewpoint

154. Common leak detection for all double block and bleeds provided

155. To minimize dead volumes, a ring loop is provided that is always purged with the selected sample which is separated into the bypass and sample loop respectively (drawing 6B)

156. Relief valves are incorporated for safety on the primary loops

157. The lab sampling facility allow in-line sampling of the fast loops with no dead volumes.

158. Valve handles accessible from outside enclosure for quick isolation without opening the cabinet


159. Vapor fast loop is controlled by pressure and flow control

160. Double block and bleed selection of process or calibration stream selection of calibration samples or SQC sample is via a manual switching panel (double block and bleed valve arrangement; not shown)

161. Leak detection provided on double block and bleed manifold

162. Final sample flows to dual analyzer sample inject valves are filtered and flow controlled

163. The lab sampling facility allow in-line sampling of the fast loop with no dead volumes.

Valve handles accessible from outside enclosure for quick isolation without opening the cabinet.

Comments Regarding this System:

164. The importance of double block and bleed with the ability to detect leakage and prevent contamination between streams is an important consideration for all sampling systems; in this example, a large number of streams are involved and most of the sampling system is comprises of valves


Drawing demonstrates a sampling system in which:

165. Extensive stream switching are employed (process as well as calibration)

A1.4 Typical Sample System Designs

Drawing No.1. Measurement of ppm H2O and O2 in a High Purity Hydrocarbon Stream

Drawing No.2. Measurement of pH in an Aqueous Acid/Base stream

Drawing No.3. O2 Measurement in a Stack Gas (low pressure system)

Drawing No.4. Sampling System for a Toxic Gas Measurement (by Photometry/Spectroscopy)

Drawing No. 5A & 5B. Two Stream Sampling System (Liquid -> Vapour)

Drawing No. 5A & 5B. Two Stream Sampling System (Liquid -> Vapour)

Drawing No. 6A & 6B. 8 Stream Sampling System

Drawing No. 6A & 6B. 8 Stream Sampling System

Attachment 2

Set of Typical Examples of Modular Sampling System designs

Fig. A2.1 Exploded View of a Typical Surface Mounted Stick

Fig. A2.2 Comparison of Fitting, Welded and Modular Implementations of a Gas Delivery System


* SIL = Safety Integrity Level; SIS = Safety Instrumented Systems

[1] American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, W. Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959

[2] American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

[3] American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, W. Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959

[4] American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990












Pictures Courtesy John Thomas, Parker Hannifin Corp

Fig. A2.2

Fig. A2.1


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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