DHL EXPRESS maintains various parking lots around DHL Air Park to meet the needs of employees, customers, vendors, and visitors. Parking permits are required at all the DHL parking areas. All employees that park at the DHL facility assume full responsibility for any damage to their vehicles. DHL will not be responsible or liable for any damage to any vehicle while parked at the Air Park.


All vehicles in DHL parking lots (except Logistics Services and Visitor spaces) must have a DHL-issued parking permit clearly visible in the lower passenger’s side corner of the front windshield. DHL stickers must be permanently affixed to the glass as described above, with the serial number clearly visible. Temporary placards, issued to VIP, Visitor, etc…, must be clearly displayed on the dash. Each lot has one or more designated color codes, indicating which parking permits are allowed in that particular lot. Please observe the signs posted at the lot entrances for details on which permits are allowed.

Assigned Parking Areas:

• Field Access Permits will be reissued in limited numbers to USCBP, ABX, and DHL. Purple permits will no longer gain personal vehicle access to the secure side of the Air Park.

o Each company has identified specific employees to receive Field Access Permits for their personal vehicles.

o A new red and yellow Field Access Permit sticker will replace the purple permit.

o Security will issue the new permit sticker to the personnel authorized by each company.

• The Admin lot will change permit color from yellow to purple and will be designated for various Air Park work groups including:

o DHL and ABX personnel assigned to the Admin building and building 2065.

o Supervisors and above assigned to buildings A-K.

o All Air Park Services personnel.

o DHL building E Line Haul personnel.

o ABX SOC, Maintenance Control, Flight Control, Dispatch and office personnel that are assigned to Building “D”.

o DHL NCG personnel.

Yellow permit holders not part of a workgroup listed above are to begin using the remote lot at the Employee Welcome Center and obtain a white permit following the procedures noted below.

Non purple permitted employees requiring entry to an Admin location may park in the Admin lot leave their DHL Air Park issued badge with the Admin Receptionist and specifics of their vehicle, obtain a “Visitors No Escort Required” badge and proceed to their appointment within the Admin building.

• The 1005 lot will be color coded red and designated for ABX personnel assigned to the base shops and hangers (no changes).

• The 224 lot will be colored coded blue and designated for all occupants of building “209”, 224 and Haz Sort building (207 and 208).

• The remote lot at the Employee Welcome Center will be color coded white for all other DHL and ABX employees. All parking stickers will be acceptable for use in this lot.

Note that all employee entry and egress will be limited to the security gate associated with the designated parking area. Entry or departure through non-assigned gates will be prohibited. Exception will be that Managers and above will be granted access and egress through all entry/exit points.

Permit Application Procedures:

Supervisors may obtain forms from the Admin Security desk, and distribute as necessary. Employees are required to fill out the form completely; one for each vehicle that they intend to drive to work (limit two). The employee must take the completed form(s) to the Admin Reception to obtain the appropriate color sticker(s). Once the sticker is obtained, it must be permanently affixed to the lower passenger’s side corner of the front windshield of the vehicle for which it was issued.

Vehicles displaying parking stickers attached to CD cases, Plexiglas placards, or in any other temporary or portable configuration will be considered non-compliant and may be subject to citation, wheel-lock, or towing (see Parking Enforcement below). Temporary parking permits for rental cars may be obtained at the Admin Security Post.

Handicapped Parking:

Handicapped parking spaces are available only to vehicles bearing a valid DMV or DHL Air Park-issued handicapped placard or plate. Parking is restricted to a handicap space in your designated parking lot.

Visitor Parking:

Visitor parking spaces are available only to short-term visitors (two hours or less) to the facility. Visitors are required to register their vehicle with security upon entry to the facility.

Employees are not permitted to park in visitor spaces.

Motorcycle Parking:

Motorcycle parking spaces are available only to two and three-wheeled vehicles bearing an appropriate DHL-issued parking permit for that particular lot. All motorcycles MUST park in a designated “Motorcycle Parking Only” area.


Vehicles that are found to be parked in a DHL managed lot without the appropriate color-coded parking permit permanently affixed to the lower passenger’s side corner of the front windshield are in violation of the DHL Parking Policy and subject to citation, wheel-lock, or towing.

Vehicles that are found to be parked in designated “Reserved”, “Visitor” or “Tour” spaces inappropriately are in violation of the DHL Parking Policy and subject to citation, wheel-lock, or towing.

Vehicles that are found to be parked in designated “Handicapped” spaces without a DMV-issued handicapped placard or plate or DHL-issued handicapped placard are in violation of the DHL Parking Policy and subject to citation, wheel-lock, or towing. Designated “Handicapped” parking spaces and areas are further subject to enforcement in accordance with Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 4511.69.


Parking citations may be issued by contract Security Officers as warnings regarding parking violations. Repeated violations may result in copies of the citation(s) being forwarded to DHL & Tenant (ABX, ASTAR, etc) management for disciplinary measures.


A wheel-lock device may be applied to vehicles found to be in violation of DHL parking policies. This lock, consisting of a bright yellow colored metal brace, renders the vehicle inoperable when applied to the front driver’s side wheel. An accompanying yellow placard will also be placed on the front driver side door window of the vehicle, advising that the vehicle has been “Immobilized” by Security for violation DHL parking policies. Any employee whose vehicle has been wheel-locked should report to the Admin Reception to arrange for the wheel-lock to be removed. The employee will be required to pay a $25.00 administrative fee to cover costs associated with the application and removal of the locking device. This fee may be paid in cash, check (made out to DHL), or by payroll deduction.

Once the administrative fee has been paid, contract Security Officer(s) will accompany the employee to his or her vehicle. After verifying ownership/control of the vehicle, the wheel lock will be removed by Security. The fee for a second wheel lock is $50.00. Should an individual receive a third wheel lock, the vehicle is subject to be towed.

Note: Employees should never attempt to drive their vehicle with a wheel-lock installed. Any driver who knowingly or negligently attempts to drive a wheel-locked vehicle will be solely liable for any resultant damage or injury, and may be charged for the replacement cost of the wheel-locking device.

Lost, stolen, or destroyed permits:

All lost, stolen, or destroyed permits must be reported to Security immediately. Permits may be replaced at any time at the Admin Security Post.

It is a violation of DHL Policy to display a permit that has been reported lost, stolen, or destroyed; or to display an altered or counterfeit permit. Old red in color “Airborne Express” parking stickers and any yellow or red “ABX Air” parking stickers with the clear background, are NOT valid DHL parking permits and must be replaced with the appropriate permit. Vehicles found without the proper permit stickers will be subject to citation, wheel-lock, or towing. Anyone found selling, procuring, or creating parking permits will be in violation of this policy and subject to disciplinary action by their respective company.

Abandoned Vehicles:

A vehicle is considered abandoned as follows:

• Any vehicle that has an expired license plate in excess of thirty (30) days.

• Any vehicle reported parked in the same spot for a period of time in a non-drivable condition i.e. flat tires.

The Security Department will issue a letter to the registered owner at the last known address via registered mail with receipt of delivery. The letter in part will state that the owner has ten (10) days from date of said letter to remove the vehicle from the DHL property. If the owner does not respond to the Security Department within the stated amount of time, the vehicle will be considered abandoned. The Security department will contact the current towing company in use and have the vehicle removed at the owner’s expense.

A record of ALL towed/removed vehicles will be maintained at the Admin Receptionist to include;

a. Owners Name

b. Vehicle’s Registration Number

c. VIN Number

d. Vehicle Make

e. Vehicle Model

f. Date of Removal

g. Name of Removal Company

h. Contact information to include location and phone number of the removal company

REMOTE LOT – Employee Welcome Center

For the convenience of DHL & Tenant employees, the remote lot at the Employee Welcome Center has 2,300 parking spaces, ample lighting, regular security patrols, and shuttle service running within the Air Park.

Each employee is responsible for allowing adequate time to park, ride the shuttle, and arrive at his or her work area on time.


• The parking lots surrounding Buildings 2 and 4 are not DHL-managed parking lots. Any employee(s) who choose to park in this lot may be subject to any and all parking restrictions and/or penalties that may be imposed by the owners of the lot.

• When flying out on the ABX/ASTAR system, employees are required to park only in the lot(s) that their parking permit allows.

• A parking permit may be obtained at any time by completing a Parking Permit Form and bringing the completed form to the Admin Security Post.

• Ten Fitness Center parking spaces are provided in the 1005 overflow lot. Fitness Center members may park in these spaces only when using the Fitness Center and their vehicles must display a DHL parking permit (regardless of color).


Any disputed citation or wheel-lock must be addressed through the employee’s Department Manager. If the Manager feels that the matter deserves further consideration, the Manager should address the concern by contacting the Security Shift Supervisor at extension 24009. If this does not resolve the matter, the employee’s Manager and/or Security Shift Supervisor may contact the Manager of Security.

Prohibited Vehicles

The following vehicles will NOT be authorized to park in or around the DHL managed parking locations:

1. Any oversized vehicle that occupies more that one parking spot.

2. Vehicles that are in tow or that are towing a trailer, boat or another vehicle.

3. Vehicles that are used as either a temporary or permanent residence.

Vehicles in this category will be subject to immediate citation, wheel-lock, or towing.

The above list is not all inclusive and is subject to change at the discretion of the Airpark Security Manager.


The above noted parking violations are not only violations of the DHL Parking Policy, but are also violations of Ohio law pursuant to ORC 4511.681:

A) If an owner of private property posts on the property, in a conspicuous manner, a prohibition against parking on the property or conditions and regulations under which parking is permitted, no person shall do either of the following:

1) Park a vehicle on the property without the owner’s consent;

2) Park a vehicle on the property in violation of any condition or regulation posted by the owner;

3) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

Mike Gilpin

DHL Security Manager




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