Magner Center for Career Development

Magner Center for Career Development

I need a resume; can you write one for me?

We do not write resumes for students since writing your own resume is truly the best way to learn how to write an effective one.  We want you to develop resume writing skills, that you will likely use several times in your life.   The Magner Center has several ways to assist you in writing your resume.  We hold several resume writing workshops each semester and you can have your completed resume reviewed by a career counselor during drop in hours.  Visit our website for the current drop in hours and workshop schedule.

I’m undecided about what to select as a major; what can I do to make a decision?

You have many options:

← Speak to other students who have already declared majors and have clear career goals. Perhaps they can offer you some insight into how they arrived at their decisions.

← Seek advice and counseling at the Magner Center. Career counselors are available to advise you about possible career goals and choice of appropriate major.

← Attend a Finding the Right Major workshop held by the Magner Center.

← Register for the Magner Center Internship Program. You can attend workshops on various fields and do internships at a wide variety of companies that will enable you to decide on whether or not you want to follow a particular career. Internships are also offered through the various academic departments.

← Speak to department counselors in the departments you might have interest. Faculty members have posted counseling hours for your convenience.

Is it necessary for me to do an internship before I graduate?

While internships are not required for graduation, it is strongly advised that students consider taking at least one internship while they are undergraduates. Internships are now considered essential for career success. The Magner Center Internship Program provides you with experiential learning in a wide variety of career areas. Students can “try on” a career for a semester. The program assists students in obtaining paid/volunteer, part-time, and summer positions in their prospective career fields. The internship experience enables students to learn the technical, leadership, and interpersonal skills they will need to succeed in their future careers. Students need to start considering internships as early as their sophomore year. The program offers workshops that help students in their early career planning and career decision-making. An internship will provide you with knowledge you will not be able to get elsewhere.

I can't afford to do an unpaid internship; what do you suggest?

Consider the following suggestions:

← The Magner Center offers stipend awards that allow students to take unpaid or low paying internships. There are requirements to apply for a stipend and they are competitive.

← Visit for information on internship stipends and then come to the Magner Center to ensure you don’t miss any deadlines.

← Contact your major department for information on internship courses and requirements.

I will be graduating soon; when do I start my job search and what services are available to assist me?

Due to the competitive nature of today's job market, college graduates are best advised to start their job search at the beginning of their last year of academic study.  The Magner Center provides a host of services to assist job seekers, from workshops on resume writing, interviewing and job search to a web based recruiting system, virtual and live job fairs, job postings, etc. Come to the Magner Center as soon as you can and register for our programs.

If I come to the Magner Center will you find me a job?

The goal of the Magner Center is to teach students job search skills they can utilize throughout their lives.  We provide several services to help students land the job they want and to gain access to employers.  Students can participate in both the Internship and Senior Recruitment Programs that link them to employers recruiting on and off campus. Attendance at one of the Center’s job fairs, the Big Apple Job Fair and the Staten-Island-Brooklyn Job Fair, as well as registering for e-recruiting (which posts thousands of jobs) can be very helpful.  Job binders filled with full and part-time jobs are kept in 1303 James and many are posted on the bulletin boards near 1303 James. In addition, students can attend our Job Search Strategies Workshop or spend time with a career counselor to learn effective job search techniques.

What is the Senior Recruiting Program and how can it help me find a job?

The Senior Recruiting Program (SR) offered by the Magner Center for Career Development and Internships is designed to assist students with their career search through assistance with resume writing, resume critique, developing interviewing skills, as well as job search planning and implementation. SR consists of a series of required and optional workshops and then offers three distinct components to introduce students to employers in the public, private and governmental sectors.  The SR program is run using the e-Recruiting system and features on and off campus recruitment, virtual and live job fairs, career presentations, recruiting events, and local and national job postings.

What is the E-recruiting system and what can it do for me?E-Recruiting is a web based database used to administer the Senior Recruiting program as well as part-time, full-time, and internship listings. Through e-Recruiting students may apply to jobs and sign up for interviews online. E-Recruiting also houses a Calendar which lists important Magner Center and other career-related events and workshops. Students can often sign up online to reserve a space for these events and workshops.  To register to use the e-Recruiting system, stop by the Magner Center reception desk to pick up your password and user id.

I have very little work experience; what can I do about it?

The need for work experience will depend on the position, company and industry you have targeted. Having paid or non-paid experience will give you an advantage over other students and will help your resume stand out. Consider the following areas to get the work experience you need:

← Get an Internship - go to the Magner Center, 1303 James Hall to sign up;

← Get a temporary position, part time job or apply for a job on campus;

← Volunteer at a community organization or volunteer to do a project for a company;

← Assist a professor with research or a project or become a teaching assistant for a class;

← Help run a student organization or event.

What companies come to Brooklyn College to hire students for full-time jobs?

The Magner Center has many companies from various industries that recruit students for internships and full time positions. Some of the companies that have recruited and hired Brooklyn College students include Citigroup, Ernst and Young, Federated Merchandising (Macy's), N.Y.C Public Schools, New York Life Insurance, Attorney Generals Office, Enterprise Rent A Car, Avon, Bloomberg LLP, Young Adult Institute, Barnes and Noble and many, many more.


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