Las partes del cuerpo

Las partes del cuerpo.

Complete the following sentences with the correct body part. (1 point each for accurate response = 5 points total)

|cabeza |dientes |espalda |estómago |mano |pulmones |

Modelo: Guardo cama cuando me duele la __________________.

Guardo cama cuando me duele la espalda.

1. Tengo dolor de __________________. Debo tomar dos aspirinas.

The subjunctive to express feelings and emotions

10-5 A conjugar.

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. (1 point each = 8 points total)

Modelo: Espero que tú ________________ bien tu tarea. (hacer)

Espero que tú hagas bien tu tarea.

1. ¡Ojalá que ________________ a tiempo mi familia! (llegar)

Subjunctive Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. (1 point each = 8 points total)

Modelo: Yo dudo que el profesor ________________ la respuesta. (saber)

Yo dudo que el profesor sepa la respuesta.

1. Creemos que ellos ________________ dejar de fumar. (poder)

Vocabulary: matching Match the body part to the item most closely associated with it. Write the correct letter on the lines provided. (1 point each = 8 points total)

1. ____ la mano ….guante

Nosotros commands

10-2 A conjugar.

Complete the following commands with the correct nosotros form of the verb in parentheses. (1 points each = 8 points total)

Modelo: _________________ la comida en el refrigerador. (poner)

Pongamos la comida en el refrigerador.

1. _________________ una cita con el médico. (hacer)

Complete the following indirect commands with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. (1 point for correct verb form = 8 points total)

Modelo: Que no le ________________ tú. (molestar)

Que no le molestes tú.

1. Que no te ________________ el estómago. (doler)

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. (1 point each = 8 points total)

Modelo: Yo dudo que el profesor ________________ la respuesta. (saber)

Yo dudo que el profesor sepa la respuesta.

2. Creemos que ellos ________________ dejar de fumar. (poder)

Vocabulary For each of the following foods, decide whether it is a Bebida Alcóholica (B), Carbohidrato (C), Grasa (G), or Producto Lácteo (P). (1 point each = 10 points total)

1. ____ el arroz

Quiere dejar de fumar...

• Assessment Goal: Writing

• Topic: Comprehensive

• Response Type: Paragraph

• Machine Gradable: No

Your best friend wants to quit smoking but is worried about the outcome. Make some recommendations to him/her on how to live a healthy, smoke-free life. Be sure to express your opinions and feelings about his/her decision to quit, and include information such as the following: (8 points for content/length, 8 points for grammar/accurate sentence structure, 8 points for rich/varied vocabulary = 24 points total)

—activities your friend can do instead of smoking

—people he/she can talk to for help or support

—places and situations to avoid in order to increase his/her chances of success



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