1 - Tripod

1. (objective1/1)“A verbal that is used as an adjective” forms the definition of:

a. Gerund

b. Infinitives

c. Verb

d. Participle

2. (Objective1/3) Which are of the following shows the verbal which is used as an adjective in a sentence?

a. Participle

b. Adjective

c. Conditionals

d. Infinitives

3. (Objective 2/1) “Clauses in which the first verb in the verb phrase is participle and acts as a unit and modifier” is called

a. To infinitive

b. Bare infinitive

c. Gerund phrases

d. Participle clauses

4. (Objective 2/3) We find the participle phrases in a sentence because

a. it contains gerund with its modifier.

b. its first verb in the verb phrase is a participle which is a verbal used as an adjective c. it is made up of a noun or pronoun that is placed beside another noun or pronoun.

d. it functions as an adverb.

5. (Objective 3/1) Which sentence below has a participle clause?

a. We watched the men sawing the tree.

b. Did you want him a go to the police?

c. I could tell you what this means if I know Greek

d. You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.

6. (Objective 3/3) Which sentences have participle clauses?

I. I did not know what it was about because I did not see the letter.

II. After Richard had washed the dishes the dried them and put them away.

III. The man sitting in the waiting room wanted to see the doctor.

IV. Entering the room suddenly she found them smoking.

a. I-II b. I–II–III c. III–IV d. II – III – IV

7. (Objective 4/1) “the participle phrase in which the action performed actively by the subject and which ends in – ing” is defined as

a. gerund clause

b. present participle

c. perfect participle

d. to infinitive

8. (Objective 4/3) In present participle, the action is :

a. performed actively by the subject

b. done to the subject

c. taking place before the action described in the main clause

d. indicated in the form of a verb used with “to”

9. (Objective 5/1) : What is the appropriote diagram (indicating – showing) the clauses – conjunctions thort we can use present participle after?

a. clauses of time

relative clauses present

wish clauses participle


b. clauses of reason

relative clauses present

conditional clauses participle

co-ordinate clauses

c. conditional clauses

quantifiers present

adverbs of manner participle

adverbs of frequency

d. adverbs of manner

relative clauses present

clauses of concession participle


10. (Objective 5/3) Present participle can be used in place of:

a. infinitives c. Adverbs of manner

b. conditionals d. Adverbs of frequency

11.(Objective 6/1) Which list is the right one indicating time conjunctions after which we can use present participle?

a. as b. before

when directly

since until

as soon as when

c. after d. while

before on

since until

when directly

12. (Objective 6/3) What can be the other five time conjunction that complete the list showing time conjunctions participles used after them

after a. as soon as c. before

____ since since


____ b. before d. directly

when until as soon as

13. (Objective 7/1) Which list is the right one indicating time conjunctions that we cannot use present part after them?

a. as b. before

as soon as since

directly until

until when

c. when d. on

while as

before when

after after

14. (Objective 7/3): Present participle can not be used after time conjunction except:

a. as c. until

b. as soon as d. before

15. (Objective 8/1) “Since phoning you this morning, I have changed my plans”

Which one represents present participle in the sentence above?

a. have changed

b. this morning

c. since phoning you

d. my plans

16. (Objective 8/3) “Choosing his words with care, the speaker suggested that the government was mistaken in its attitude”

Which phrase represents present participle construction in the sentence above?

a. choosing

b. the speaker

c. was mistaken

d. suggested

17. (Objective 9/1) “The author approached the publisher because he was still hoping to have his book accepted.”

What is the right sentence produced by using participle clause instead of 'because' according to the given sentence?

a. The author approached the publisher, hoped to have his book accepted

b. The author approaching the publisher and hoping the have his book accepted

c. The author have approached the publisher, he was hoping to have his book accepted

d. The author approached the publisher, hoping to have his book accepted

18. (Objective 9/3) “She lay awake all night and recalled the events of the day”

a. She lay awake all night, recalling the events of the day.

b. She laying awake all night, is recalling the events of the day.

c. She been lay awake all night, have been recalling the events of the day.

d. She lay awake all night; she recalled the events of the day.

19. (Objective 10/1) “While I was walking down the street, I ran into one of my old friends”

Which sentence is the right one produced by present participle instead of a time clause?

a. Walking down the street, I ran into one of my old friends.

b. While walking down the street, running into one of my old friends.

c. Walking down the street, one of my old friends runs into me.

d. While I was walking down the street, running into one of my old friends.

20. (Objective 10/3) “While Jim was looking through the book, he noticed that there were a number of illustrations in it”

Which sentence is the other version of this sentence produced by present participle?

a. While Jim was looking through the book, noticing that there were a number of

illustrations in it.

b. Looking through the book, Jim noticed that there were a number of illustrations in


c. Jim, who was looking through the back, noticed that there were a number of

illustrations in it.

e. Jim looking through the back, noticing that there being a number of illustrations in


21. (Objective 11/1) “Since Bob is an experienced teacher, he knows how to deal with such problems.”

Which sentence is the right version produced by present participle in place of


a.Bob, an experienced teacher, he knows how to deal with such problems.

b.Bob is an experienced teacher since he knowing how to deal with such problems.

c.Being an experienced teacher, Bob knows how to deal with such problems.

d.Knowing how to deal with such problems, Bob is an experienced teacher.

22. (Objective 11/3) “As he did not know what to do, he applied to me for advice.”

Which sentence with present participle below has the same meaning with the given


a.Knowing what to do, he applied to me for advice.

b.When he doesn’t know what to do, he applies to me for advice.

c.He doesn’t know what to do, applying to me for advice.

d.Not knowing what to do, he applied to me for advice.

23. (Objective 12/1) “If you promise, you cannot go back on your word.”

Which sentence with present participle below is the same with the given sentence?

a. If promising, you cannot go back on your word.

b. Not going back on your word, you should promise.

c. Unless promising, you cannot go back on your word.

d. As soon as promising, you cannot go back on your word.

24. (Objective 12/3) “If you order a vehicle, you have to pay a deposit.”

Which sentence with present participle below has the same meaning with the given sentence above?

a. Having ordered a vehicle, you have to pay a deposit.

b. If ordering a vehicle, you have to pay a deposit.

c. To order a vehicle, if you have to pay a deposit.

d. If ordering a vehicle, paying a deposit.

25. (Objective 13/1) “Have you met the woman who is chatting to your boss?”

Which sentence with present participle below has the same meaning with the given sentence above?

a. Have you met the woman who chatted to your boss?

b. Have you met the woman who met with your boss?

c. Have your boss chatted to the woman you met?

d. Have you met the woman chatting to your boss?

26. (Objective 13/3) “A novel which uses a white whale to represent evil tells of one man's attempt to capture this whale.”

Which sentence with present participle below is the same with the given sentence?

a. A novel using a white whale to represent evil tells of one man's attempt to capture

this whale.

b. A novel uses a white whale to represent evil tells of one man's attempt to capture

this whale.

c. A novel which uses a white whale telling of one man's attempt to capture this whale.

d. A novel tells of one man's attempt to represent evil by using a white whale.

27. (Objective 14/1): “Although I don't like owing people money, I accepted his offer of a loan.”

Which sentence below is the present participle clause version of the sentence given above?

a. Although I don't like owing people money, accepting his offer of a loan.

b. Although not liking to owe people money, I accepted his offer of a loan.

c. Although liking to owe people money, I did not accept his offer of a loan.

d. Although offering of a loan, not liking to owe people money.

28. (Objective 14/3): “While he admitted that he had received the stolen jewellery, he denied taken part in the robbery.”

Which sentence with present participle has the same meaning of the sentence given above?

a. While receiving the stolen jewellery, he denied having taken part in the robbery.

b. He admitted that he had received the stolen jewellery although denying taking part

in the robbery.

c. While admitting that he had received the stolen jewellery, he denied having taking

part in the robbery.

d. Although he admitted receiving the stolen jewellery, he denies having taken part in

the robbery.

29. (Objective 15/1) “A bus crashed on the motorway yesterday. It was carrying 30 passengers.”

Form one sentence by using present participle from the sentences given above.

a. A bus crashed on the motorway yesterday because it was carrying 30 passengers.

b. A bus carrying 30 passengers crashed on the motorway yesterday.

c. A bus crashing on the motorway yesterday was carrying 30 passengers.

d. Since a bus was carrying 30 passengers, it crashed on the motorway yesterday.

30. (Objective 15/3) “She became tired of my complaints about the programme. She turned it


Select the right sentence below which combine two sentences above by using present participle.

a. Becoming tired of my complaints about the programme, she turned it off.

b. She became tired of my complaints about the programme, turning it off.

c. Although becoming tired of my complaints about the programme, she turned it off.

d. Turning it off, she became tired of my complaints about the programme

31. (Objective 16/1):” a phrase consists of a verbal that ends in –ing and functions as a noun” forms the definition of:

a. participial clauses

b. gerund phrase

c. relative clause

d. adverb clause

32. (Objective 16/3) Gerund phrase is the one except:

a. Consisting of a verbal that ends in – ing.

b. That can be introduced by a relative adverb.

c. Functioning as a noun.

d. That can be anywhere in a sentence that a noun can be used.

33. (Objective 17/1) “Concentrating on the long and boring lecture was no easy task for


Which one represents the gerund phrase in the given sentence?

a. boring

b. easy task

c. the long

d. concentrating

34. (Objective 17/3) “Unfortunately, my monkey’s only trick is jumping off his swinging perch into the rubber plant.”

Which of the underlined words/phrases represents the gerund?

a. Unfortunately

b. Jumping off

c. Swinging

d. My monkey’s

35. (Objective 18/1) Which one includes gerund phrase?

a. Watching the others leave, grandmother finally decided to go.

b. Watching TV is grandmother’s favorite past time.

c. My grandmother is watching her favorite soap opera.

d. The grandmother always watching the soap opera at night

36. (Objective 18/3) Which sentences have gerund phrases?

I. Hurrying to the railroad station, Mete experienced a series of upsetting incidents.

II. Filling the baskets with heavy stones is tiring work.

III. The thieves took two mail bags containing registered letters.

IV. At present the new child is very shy of joining in with the others.

a. I-II


c. II-IV


37. (Objective 19/1) " gerunds always fill ------------- functions (subject, direct object, indirect object etc), whereas participles are always ----------- (noun or pronoun or adverbials).

a. adverb phrase /adjective phrase

b. modifier /participle phrase

c. noun phrase/modifiers

d. noun phrase/participle phrase

38. (Objective 19/3) gerunds always function as noun phrases like ------------, -----------, while participles are always modifiers like, ------------, ------------.

a. object, pronoun / noun, adverbial.

b. subject, indirect object / pronoun, object.

c. subject, object/noun, adverbial

d. noun, direct object /adjectives, subject.

39. (Objective 20/1) Which sentence has present participle as well as gerund phrase?

a. After seeing the movie, he wanted to read the book.

b. Motorists intending to take their cars with them are advised to make early reservations.

c. The bears' attacking the innocent hiker was surprising.

d. Not sleeping all night, she looked after the crying baby

40. (Objective 20/3) “Insisting on not her cleaning the house everyday, her husband is thinking of her health."

Which one is the gerund phrase?

a. insisting

b. thinking of

c. cleaning

d. health

41. (Objective 21/1) "the participle phrase in which the action is done to the subject described by the phrase and which ends in -ed " is defined as:

a. present participle

b perfect participle

c. past participle

d. "to" infinitive

42. (Objective 21/3) Which is not true for past participle?

a. used in a passive sense

b. the action is done to the subject

c. ends in -ed

d. consists of an infinitive

43. (Objective 22/1) “The young violinist encouraged by his teacher decided to enter his name in the music contest."

Which word represents past participle in the given sentence above?

a. decided

b. encouraged

c. enter

d. contest

44. (Objective 22/3) “Reports now reaching London suggest that the number of causalities caused by the earthquake may exceed two hundred"

Which one below represents past participle according to the sentence given above?

a. reaching

b. caused

c. exceed

d. suggest

45. (Objective 23/1) Which sentence below has past participle construction?

a. The young woman running to catch the bus stumbledand fell .

b. He admitted making the mistake after we questioned him for a long time.

c. Just waking up, she is in no mood for Metin’s jokes.

d. Any package not wrapped properly will not be accepted by the post office.

46. (Objective 23/3) Which sentences given below has/have past participle?

I. Despite her quite manner, she is not a person to be ignored.

II. Two waterspouts-deadly sea tornadoes- threatened our ship.

III. Have you seen three boys pushing a piano down the street?

IV. Asked whether he would resign or not , he said that he might.

a. I-II

b. Only II

c. Only IV


47. (Objective 24/1) “Driving along an almost deserted country road and not heard by anybody , they ran out of gas.”

Which one is present participle construction?

a. driving

b. deserted

c. heard

d. ran out of

48. (objective 24/3) “Believing he was a total failure in everything he did and depressed by the news that his darling had left him , the man was on the point of suicide.”

Which words are present and past participle sequentially according to the sentence given above?

a. depressed/had left

b. believing /depressed

c. believing /left

d. depressed/believing

49. (Objective 25/1) Which one is the right list indicating the which we can use past participle instead of them?

a. passive construction

gerund construction

clause of reason

adverbial clauses

b. relative clauses


conditional clauses

gerund clauses

c. passive construction

adverbial clauses

relative clauses

clause of reason

d. relative clauses

passive construction

wish clauses

gerund construction

50. (Objective 25/3)

I. Relative clauses

II. Passive construction

III. Reported speech

IV. Adverbial clauses

V. Wish clauses

Which ones can be reduced and replaced by past participle?


b. I-II-IV



51. (Objective 26/1) which one is the right list indicating the time conjunctions after which past participle cannot be used directly?

a. after




b. before




c. after




d. until




52. (Objective 26/3) Past participle cannot be used directly after some time conjunctions except:

a. after

b. on

c. when

d. since

53. (Objective 27/1)” The leaflets which were printed last week will be distributedn at tonight’s meeting.”

The sentence below is the same in terms of meaning?

a. the leaflets printing last week will distribute at tonight’s meeting.

b. The leaflets printed last week will be distributed at tonight’s meeting.

c. Printed last week, they will distribute the leaflets at tonight’s meeting.

d. They printed the leaflets, distributing at tonight’s meeting.

54. (Objective 27/3) “The money which was not accounted for in his will was distributed equally among his children.”

Which sentence with past participlebelow has the same meaning with the given sentence?

a. the money accounting for in his will was distributed equally among his children.

b. The money distributed equally among his children accounted for in his will.

c. Since he didn’t account for his money in his will, it will be distributed equally among his children.

d. The money not accounted for in his will was distributed equally among his children.

55. (Objective 28/1) “ Although it was built before the war, the engine is still in perfect order.”

Which sentence with past participle is the same with the given sentence?

a. Although building before the war, the engine is still in perfect order.

b. Although building before the war, the engineer saw it in perfect order.

c. Although being built before the war, the engine was in perfect order.

d. The engine built before the war is still in perfect order.

56. (objective28/3) “After my car was stolen, it was abondoned fifteen miles away and not done any damage.”

Which sentence is the right version with past participle of the given senetence above?

a. After stolen, my car was abondoned doing not any damage.

b. After being stolen, my car was abondoned fifteen miles away and not done any damage.

c. My car was stolen after being abondoned and it had no damage.

d. On being stolen, he abondoned my car fifteen miles awayand didn’t do any damage.

57. (Objective 29/1) “their eldest son, who was spoiled by his parents, never becomea mature, responsible adult.”

Which sentence with past participleis the replaced sentence of the given one above?

a. Their eldest son becoming a mature, responsible adult is never spoiled by his parents.

b. Their eldest son spoiling his parents became a mature, responsible adult.

c. Since his parents spoiled the eldest son, he never became a mature, responsible adult.

d. Their eldest son spoiled by his parents never became a mature, responsible adult.

58. (Objective 29/3) “The boy who was strongly influenced by his young friends dropped out of school for a while.”

Which sentence belowis the past participle clause version of the given sentence above?

a. The boy strongly influenced by his young friends dropped out of school for a while.

b. Influencing his young friends, he dropped out of school for a while.

c. The boy dropped out of school for a while was strongly influenced by his young friends.

d. The boy influencing his young friendsdropped out of school for a while.

59. (Objective 30/1) “You raised some questions in your last letter. But I have not considered the questions yet.”

Form one sentence with past participle from two related sentences given above.

a. Considered the questions you raised in your last letter.

b. I have not yet considered the questions raised in your last letter.

c. I haven’t yet considered the questions considering the questions in your last letter.

d. You raised some questions in your last letter that I haven’t considered yet.

60. (objective 30/3) “The hansome actor were much admired by women. Then he became very vain and arrogant.”

Which sentence below combine two senetences above appropritely with the help of past participle?

a. The handsome actor much admired by women became very vain and arrogant.

b. The handsome actor becoming very vain and arrogant were much admired by women.

c. Admired by women, the handsome actor is becoming very vain and arrogant.

d. Even though admireed by women, the handsome actor never became very vain and arrogant.

61(Objective 31/1) " the participle phrase which the action takes place before the action described in the main clause" is defined as :

a. present particple

b.past participle

c. perfect participle

d. gerund phrase

62. (objective 31/3) Which is not true for perfect participle?

a. It can be used in place of clauses in present and past perfect tense.

b. It is in the form of " having + a past particple"

c. The action is done to the subject.

d. the action is taking place before the action described.

63. (Objective 32/1) " Having collected sufficient data, she started to write her thesis."

The underlined phrase can be defined as :

a. passive construction

b. past participle

c. present participle

d. perfect participle

64. (Objective 32/3) " Having overheard part of the conversation , I thought it best to remain hidden until after they had left."

Tthe underlined phrase is :

a. to remain

b. having overheard

c. hidden

d. had left

65. (Objective 33/1) Which sentences below include a perfect participle?

a. Knowing that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare.

b. Having barricaded the windows, we assembled in the hall.

c. Wilma loved spending the summer with you.

d. When viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.

66. (Objective 33/3) Which sentences have perfect participle clause?

I. Rotting patatoes give off a choking , sulfurous odor.

II. Our teacher being absent, we got to do our homework.

III. Having spent all his money, he was in a very difficult situation.

IV. Ali not having understood the chemistry lectures at all, failed the examination.

a. I-II



d. I-IV

67. (Objective 34/1) “The participle construction used in place of clauses in the perfect progressive” forms the definition of:

a. present progressive tense

b. past participle

c. perfect progressive participle

d. gerund phrase

68.(Objective 34/3) Which one is right for perfect progressive participle?

a. It consist of an infinitive

b. It is formed with “having + a past participle”

c. It is used in active form with” having + been+ Ving”

d. It is used in a passive sense.

69.(Objective 35/1) " The orchestra members having been practicing all day were very tired by evening."

The underlined phrase is:

a. past participle

b. present participle

c. perfect progressive participle

d. gerund phrase

70. (objective 35/3) " Having been talking things over and over, they agreed never to quarrel again."

The underlined phrase is :

a. past participle

b. perfect progressive participle

c. present participle

d. perfect participle

71. (Objective 36/1) Which option shows the present, past, perfect and perfect progressive forms of the verb “write”?

a. write, to write, have written, have been writing

b. writing, written, have written, have been written

c. writing, written, having written, having been writing

d. writing, wrote, have written, having been writing

72. (Objective 36/3) “driving, driven, having driven, having been driving” are examples for -----------, -----------,-----------, ----------, respectively.

Fill in the blanks.

a. past participle

present participle

infinitive phrase

perfect participle

b. present participle

past participle

perfect participle

perfect progressive participle

c. gerund phrase

past participle

perfect tense

perfect progressive participle

d. past participle

present participle

perfect progressive participle

perfect tense

73. (Objective 37/1) “ the participle construction in which the subject of a verb names who or what receives the action “ is defined as:

a. present participle

b. passive participle

c. infinitive phrase

d. perfect participle

74. (Objective 37/3) Which one is the right for passive participles?

a. the subject of a verb names who or what receives the action.

b. Ends in –ing and functions as a noun.

c. It is used in the form of “having + been + Ving” in perfect progressive.

d. It is used in active form.

75. (objective 38/1) : present, past and perfect passive participle of the verb “swim” are respectively:

a. swimming, swam, have swum

b. swimming, swum, have been swum

c. being swum, swam, have being swum

d. being swum, swum, ahve been swum

76. (Objective 38/3)

| |TYPE |VERB : find |

|1 |Present passive participle |---------------- |

|2 |Past passive participle |found |

|3 |Perfect passive participle |----------------- |

Which option completes best in the blanks?

a. 1. finding

3. have found

b. 1.finding

3. having been found

c. 1. being found

3. have been found

d. 1. being found

3. having been found

77.(Objective 39/1) “ Having been warned that bad weather lay ahead, the ship’s captain changed course.”

The underlined phrase is:

a. past participle

b. perfect passive participle

c. perfect participle

d. gerund phrase

78.(Objective 39/3) Although received general support from the house, the motion was not carried until having been considerably amended.”

Which one is the passive participle construction?

a. received general

b. was not carried

c. having been amended

d. having been considerably

79. (Objective 40/1) Which one includes passive participle?

a. Putting on her hat and coat quickly, she ran outside to see what was causing such a competition.

b. Those houses being torn down were built 50 years ago.

c. The girl making the most noise is my daughter.

d. The policemen who was directing the traffic looked tired.

80. (Objective 40/3) Which sentences have passive participle?

I. Arriving home late at night, they found that the house had been broken into.

II. While digging, the workmen unearthed the remains of a Roman village.

III. The dinner prepared now is for the member of the conference.

IV. Having been forbidden to read the book, he was even more anxious to get hold of a copy.

a. I-II



d. I-IV

81. (Objective 41/1) “the gale had uprooted the tree. Then the tree had fallen across the road.”

Which one shows the right combination of two sentences in the form of passive participle?

a. The gale had uprooted the tree falling across the road.

b. The gale uprooted the tree, having been falling across the road.

c. The tree uprooted by the gale had fallen across the road.

d. The tree having uprooted by the gale fell across the road.

82. (Objective 41/3) “their parents instructed the children not to stay out too long. And they came back before dinner time.”

a. Coming back before dinnertime, their parents instructed their children not staying out too long.

b. The children coming back before dinnertime were instructed by their parents not to stay out too long.

c. The children having been instructed not to stay out too long by their parents came back before dinnertime.

d. The children came back before dinnertime because they had been instructed not to stay out too long.

83. (Objective 42/1) “the participle clause that is not related to the subject of the main clause but has its separate subject” is defined as:

a. present participle

b. gerund phrase

c. absolute participle clauses

d. perfect progressive participle

84. (Objective 42/3) Which one is true for absolute participle?

a. We don’t need to emphasize subject before it.

b. It is related to the subject of the main clause

c. It is not related to the subject of the main clause, rather it has another subject

d. It is not a subordinate clause.

85. (Objective 43/1) Which one has an absolute participle clause?

a. The Browns getting to the concert hall late had to wait until the first number was over before they could be seated.

b. He had to put off buying a house, the bank being unable to lend him any money at that time.

c. Being away at the time of disastrous floods, I could do nothing to help with salvage work.

d. Mr. Alp having been badly wounded in the last war was receiving a pension from the government.

86.(Objective 43/3) Which sentences have absolute phrase.

I. Spring having come, we may perhaps lock forward to better weather.

II. We decided not to visit Oxford, it being the time of the summer vocation ad there were few students in residence.

III. When viewed under an electronic microscope, a piece of iron can be seen to be made up of many tiny magnetic areas called domains.

IV. He was very angry when his car broken down, having had it serviced only a week before.

a. I-II



d. I-IV

87.(Objective 44/1) “ The participle that is used when the subject is felt to be the indefinite pronoun one or used in certain stereotypes or that used when the participle has the force of a preposition” is called:

a. absolute participle clauses

b. unrelated participle clauses

c. perfect passive participle clauses

d. gerund phrase

88.(Objective 44/3) ______________ is used

• With certain verbs when the subject of the participle is felt to be the indefinite pronoun “one”

• In certain stereotyped phrases

• When the participle has the force of preposition

Which one is suitable for the blank above?

a. Absolute participial

b. Passive participle

c. Unrelated participial

d. Gerund phrase

89.(Objective 45/1) “Judging from recent events, the government appears to be gaining popularity”

The underlined clause is:

a. Passive participial

b. Unrelated participial

c. Absolute participial

d. Infinitive clause

90. (Objective 45/3) “Strictly speaking, the Isle of man is not port of the United Kingdom.”

The underlined clause is:

a. perfect participial

b. passive participial

c. absolute participial

d. unrelated participial

91. (Objective 46/1) Which one is made up of unrelated participial?

a. A man wearing a dark brown suit will deliver the package to you.

b. The holidays being over, we must now get down to some hard work.

c. Weather permitting, well go hunting on Saturday.

d. Written by a well-know journalist, the article interested many people.

92. (Objective 46/3) Which sentences are made up of unrelated participle clauses?

I. Studying his course book, he realized that he had little hope of passing the exam.

II. Taking everything in to account, it war the living.

III. Judging from post performances, he is not likely to do very well in his exams.

IV. One evening sitting by the fire, you will remember this day.

a. I-II



d. I-III

93.(Objective 47/1) “A participle violating the principle that a participle clause belongs to the noun or pronoun immediately preceding it or is considered to belong to the subject of the following main verb” is the definition of.

a. unrelated participle

b. misrelated participle

c. absolute participle

d. passive participle

94. (Objective 47/3)

I. It does not belong to the noun/pronoun immediately preceding it.

II. It is not considered to belong to the subject of the following main verb.

III. It does not state its own subject before the subordinate clause.

All the points above are the characteristics of:

a. passive participial

b. gerund phrases

c. misrelated participial

d. absolute participial

95. (Objective 48/1) “No one was surprised at the change in Bank Rate, it having already been confidently expected by investors” is an example sentence for ________ while “misunderstanding the question, the wrong answer was sent in” is a sample for _________.

Which ones fill the blanks appropriately?

a. absolute participle clause / misrelated participle clause

b. unrelated participle / passive participle

c. present participle / gerund phrase

d. misrelated participle / absolute participles

96.(Objective 48/3)

I. Written in large letters, they read the words “No Entry”.

II. Dropped by parachute, the country seemed entirely unfamiliar.

III. Barking furiously, I led the dog out of room.

IV. He had to put off buying a house, the bank being unable to lend him any money

“__________ sentence is different from other three sentences since it is __________.”

Which option fills in the blanks appropriately?

a. First sentence / misrelated participle

b. Second sentence / passive phrase

c. Third sentence / unrelated participle

d. Fourth sentence / absolute participle

97. (Objective 49/1) “Sitting in the dentist’s chair, an idea suddenly occurred to me.”

Which sentence below is the correct version of the given misrelated sentence?

a. While sitting in the dentist’s chair, an idea suddenly occurred to me.

b. While sitting in the dentist’s chair, I an idea suddenly occurred to me.

c. As I sat in the dentist’s chair, an idea suddenly occurred to me.

d. An idea sitting in the dentist’s chair suddenly occurred to me.

98. (Objective 49/3) “Having paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.”

a. Having paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank being hardly worth mentioning.

b. After I had paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank being hardly mentioning.

c. After I had paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.

d. Having paid my taxes, I left the amount in the bank, which is mentioning worth.

99. (Objective 50/1) Which list is showing the verbs followed by two-part objects, the second which is a participial?

a. catch b. behold c. keep d. feel

keep drive witness notice

leave read perceive apply

send hear like suppose

find see express listen to

100. (Objective 50/3)








Which ones are odd in the list of the verbs which are followed by two part objects given above?

a. send b. put c. wait d. notice

put wait listen observe

101. (Objective 51/1) “She caught her daughter ---------------money from her purse.”

Which one below fills the blank?

a. Borrow

b. Taken

c. Taking

d. Borrowing

102. (Objective 51/3) listened / his teacher / lesson / sleepily / he / explain

What is the right formation of the sentence by using participle phrase?

a. His teacher listened to lesson sleepily, he explaining.

b. He explained the lesson when his teacher listened sleepily.

c. He listened to his teacher when he explains the lesson sleepily.

d. He listened sleepily his teacher explaining the lesson.

103. (Objective 52/1)

I. We heard angry voices coming from next room. (-------------------)

II. Judging by what the critics say, this new play is worth seeing. (---------------)

Which option gives the right names of the participles for the sentences above?

a. I. misrelated participle

II.past participle

b. I. perfect participle

II.present passive participle

c. I. present participle

II.unrelated participle

d. I. present participle

II.absolute participle

104. (Objective 52/3) Which option state the wrong participle name for the given sample sentence?

a. Passing under a ladder, a pot of paint fell on my head. (misrelated participle)

b. The platform was crowded with people waving goodbye to friends. (present participle)

c. All things considered, we are doing quite well.(absolute participle)

d. Anyone not registered for the course will not be allowed to attend the lectures.(past participle)

105. (Objective 53/1) “Impressed by the young man’s qualifications, they offered him a good job with their firm.”

Which one is the other version of the given sentence above?

a. Although impressed by the young man’s qualifications, they offered him a good job with their firm.

b. Because they were impressed by the young man’s qualifications, they offered him a good job with their firm.

c. While they were offering him a good job with their firm, they get impressed by the young man.

d. They impressed by the young man’s qualifications; otherwise, they offered him a good job with their firm.

106. (Objective 53/3) “He had never before observed rainbow arching in the sky.”

What is the other version of the given sentence without participle phrase?

a. Having never before observing, rainbow arched in the sky.

b. He had never before observed rainbow when it was arching in the sky.

c. Since he had never observed before, he looked at the arching of the rainbow in the sky.

d. He had never observed before that rainbow arching in the sky.


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