Book Report Collage - Ms. Young

|Book Report Poster Rubric |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ Score ______________ |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Graphics - Originality |The graphics used on the |One or two of the graphics |The graphics are not related|No graphics are included. |

| |poster reflect the book that|are related to the book that|to the book that was read. | |

| |was read. |was read. | | |

|Attractiveness |The poster is exceptionally |The poster is attractive in |The poster is acceptably |The poster is not very neat |

| |attractive in terms of |terms of design, layout and |attractive needs more of the|and or laid out very well |

| |design, layout, and |neatness. |space filled. | |

| |neatness. | | | |

|Required Parts of the Book |Title and author, list of |Only 4 of the 5 required |Only 3 of the required parts|Only 2 of the required parts|

|Report |characters, plot timeline, |parts of the book report |of the book report present |of the book report present |

| |and personal review. |present | | |

|Book Report Mechanics |Capitalization and |There is 1 error in |There are 2 errors in |There are more than 2 errors|

| |punctuation are correct. |capitalization or |capitalization or |in capitalization or |

| | |punctuation. |punctuation. |punctuation. |

|Book Report Grammar |There are no grammatical |There is 1 grammatical |There are 2 grammatical |There are more than 2 |

| |mistakes in the book report.|mistake. |mistakes. |grammatical mistakes |

| | | | |. |

|Book Report Appearance |Very Neat |Neat |Not Neatly written or paper |Obviously rushed and not |

| | | |is torn or wrinkled. |enough care taken. |

Attach this Rubric to the poster for grading.


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