Mark the letter of the correct part of speech for each ...

Mark the letter of the correct part of speech for each underlined word in the sentences below.

A. Noun B. Verb C. Adjective D. Adverb

1) Freedom is something we treasure.

2) Tiny spines and feet cover their body.

3) At first, he walked quite slowly.

4) Luis stayed really calm.

5) Alan grows tomatoes anywhere.

6) He was lost.

7) We saw that big, friendly dog.

8) They brought him to that excellent shelter.

9) He watered them daily.

10) Finally, he picked four ripe tomatoes.

Mark the letter of the correct part of speech for each underlined word in the sentences below.

A. Conjunction B. Preposition C. Interjection D. Pronoun

11) She walked fast too.

12) Other people with blankets prefer to sit outside.

13) Visitors from many places talked to the musicians.

14) Wow! I made all A’s.

15) Plastic tools and machines do not break easily.

16) They were talking about a school project.

17) Put your homework in the basket.

18) Books, magazines, or videos were used by each team.

19) Oh, I knew they would!

20) Well, I wasn’t sure.

21) Put your books under your desk.


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