Review of prepositional phrases and parts of a sentence

Review of prepositional phrases and parts of a sentence. Name________________________

I. Put parentheses around the prepositional phrases.

1. One of the most famous oracles in Greece was the Delphic oracle, which was located in Apollo’s temple at


2. The temple’s priestess inhaled vapors that rose from a chasm, and then she went into a trance because of

the gases throughout the air.

3. During the trance the priestess delivered messages from Apollo; however, the pronouncements by the oracle

were misleading and caused misfortune for many people.

4. This oracle once told the great Croesus a story.

5. Croesus would destroy a great empire through an expedition against the Persians.

6. After the encounter with the Persians, Croesus had an unfortunate realization. The prophetic oracle

apparently meant his own kingdom, not the Persians’.

7. On account of predictions like this, the term “Delphian” is sometimes applied to an ambiguous or vague


8. I always have read with pleasure these ancient stories.

9. Paintings of the scenes at Delphi will be seen at the art museum near the city; however, I cannot be in

attendance for that field trip.

10. We should try to learn about such events and understand the motivation for some historical events.

11. On another topic, by the way, underneath the ground throughout the rain forest within the depths of the

Amazon region, many microorganisms thrive without much interference.

12. Tell me the distinction between ‘presume’ and ‘assume.’

13. In addition to the general feeling of celebration in the air, our local celebrities offered lots of humor and

glamour among the participants.

14. After years of struggle against many odds, the members of the Olympic team from Argentina shot forward

toward victory and excellence.

15. After he arrived, he entered the university to study engineering.

16. On the trip down the Mississippi River, Mark Twain acquired his famous pen name.

17. Do not go! I need your assistance in the kitchen.

18. During our walk toward Cades Cove in the Smokies, we were surprised by a group of three deer beneath

a cluster of evergreen trees.

19. Well, students, I do hope the second chance quiz on prepositional phrases will help your averages in my


20. If it does not, then you will need to study in the quiet of your home.

II. Circle which word(s) is/are modified by the prepositional phrase in parentheses. Indicate if the phrase acts as an adjective or adverb.

21. (Among ourselves) we shared the day’s experiences and joy. ____________

22. (With grave concern) my brother discussed natural habitats and their preservation. ____________

23. Many are very unhappy (about today’s results.) _____________

24. Do not disturb the tiny kittens (with the fluffy fur.) _____________

25. My brother (in the seventh grade) does not like to play basketball. _____________

III. Sentences / Fragments

Indicate whether each group of words is a complete sentence or a fragment.

1. Shared a picnic lunch on the beach.

2. After attending a concert at the Mid-South Fair.

3. Factories plan to decrease pollution.

4. Took a picture of the lighthouse.

5. John visited the historic village in Maine.

6. The group enforces the regulation.

7. The most unusual of all participants.

8. Rules against smoking in the library.

9. Along with all of those children.

10. While running along.

11. Had been developed by a new type of energy.

12. In addition to the purchases.

13. Environmental concerns of the people.

14. Go away.

15. Whenever he asks, I respond.

IV. Simple / Compound Sentences

Label each simple subject and simple predicate. Then, indicate whether the sentence is simple or compound.

16. The Amazon River is located in South America and is one of the longest rivers in the world.

17. The Amazon begins in Peru, and it flows across Brazil to the Atlantic Ocean.

18. The Amazon is actually a network of several rivers, but most people think of these combined rivers as only one river.

19. In the photo at the left, the Amazon does twist and curve.

20. Generally, it follows a fairly straight course and flows at an average rate of about one and one-half miles an hour during the dry season.

21. The variety of plant life in the Amazon rain forest is remarkable; in fact, of all rain forests in the world, this area may contain the greatest number of plant species.

22. Raw materials are shipped directly from ports deep in the rain forest, for oceangoing ships can sail more than two thousand miles up the Amazon.

V. Subjects and Predicates

Identify the complete and simple subjects and the complete and simple predicates of each sentence.

32. On your way out of the building, please close the door.

33. Have you met Marisa and her younger brother?

34. We wrote a script and took pictures for our own slide presentation.

35. According to Greek mythology, Arachne angered Athena and was turned into a spider.

36. There will be no more flights to Chicago today.

37. Did you complete your essay and write your story?

38. Here comes the distinguished figure of our new principal.

39. What an experience flying on a jet is!

40. How do you make those lovely decorations?

41. On Medusa’s head grew snakes instead of hair.

42. With Hermes as his guide, Perseus soon found Medusa.

43. Each year the teams in Latin America play toward a season championship.

44. Much of the earth’s surface is mountainous.

45. Down the middle of the Atlantic ocean floor runs the earth’s longest continuous mountain range.

46. What a thrilling adventure we had!

47. How talented you are!

48. There are some beautiful flowers growing in the field.

VI. Phrase or Clause?

Label each fragment a phrase or clause.

1. _____ that is held in the Southwest

2. _____ on top of the stove

3. _____ serving as secretary of the interior

4. _____ housed by the minority voters

5. _____ who overcame severe impairments

6. _____ reaching the top of the Andes

7. _____ which involves many different native American tribes

8. _____ running in a marathon

9. _____ to sever all major arteries

10. _____ that was given by illustrious donors


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