Cell Parts and Functions

Name Date Period

3.2 Cell Organelles – Structures & Functions

|Part/Organelle |Pro? |Eu? |Functions & Other Info |Sketch |

| | |P/A? | | |

|Cytoskeleton |No |Yes, | |[pic] |

| | |Plant & |Network of proteins that crisscross entire cell | |

| | |Animal |Provide internal structure and tracks for molecular and organelle movement | |

|Microtubules |No |Yes, |Long hollow tubes | |

| | |Plant & |Give cell shape | |

| | |Animal |Act as tracks for movement of organelles | |

|Intermediate Filaments |No |Yes, |Give cell its strength | |

| | |Plant & | | |

| | |Animal | | |

|Microfilaments |No |Yes, |Tiny threads that enable cells to move and divide. | |

| | |Plant & |Important in muscle cell contractions | |

| | |Animal | | |

|Cytoplasm |Yes |Yes, |Location of many chemical reactions |[pic] |

| | |Plant & |Fills space between nucleus and cell membrane | |

| | |Animal |Fluid portion = cytosol | |

|Nucleus |No |Yes, |Storehouse for genetic info (DNA) |[pic] |

| | |Plant & |Contains instructions for making proteins | |

| | |Animal |Controls all of cell’s activities | |

|Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum |No |Yes, | |[pic] |

| | |Plant & |Interconnected network of folded membranes | |

| | |Animal |Ribosomes attached | |

| | | |Helps in making proteins | |

| | | | | |

|Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum |No |Yes, |Interconnected network of folded membranes | |

| | |Plant & |Helps in making lipids | |

| | |Animal |Breaks down drugs & alcohol | |

|Ribosomes |Yes |Yes, |Link amino acids together to make proteins | |

| | |Plant & |Can be free floating in cytoplasm or attached to ER | |

| | |Animal | | |

|Golgi Apparatus |No |Yes, | |[pic] |

| | |Plant & |Process, sort and deliver proteins | |

| | |Animal |Layered stacks of membranes | |

|Vesicles |No |Yes, |Isolate and transport specific molecules | |

| | |Plant & |Short-lived & are formed and recycled as needed | |

| | |Animal | | |

|Mitochondria |No |Yes, |Supply energy to the cell |[pic] |

| | |Plant & |Bean shaped & contain inner folded membrane | |

| | |Animal |Perform cellular respiration – burning of sugars to make cellular energy | |

| | | |(ATP’s) | |

|Vacuole |No |Yes, |Fluid filled sac used for storage of materials |[pic] |

| | |Plant & |Animals – many small vacuoles | |

| | |Animal |Plants – one large central vacuole filled with watery fluid that strengthens | |

| | | |the cell and helps to support the plant | |

|Lysosomes |No |Yes, |Membrane-bound organelles that contain enzymes |[pic] |

| | |Animal Only |Defend a cell from invading bacteria and viruses | |

| | | |Break down damaged or worn out cell parts | |

|Centrosomes and Centrioles |No |Yes, |Centrosome :produces microtubules |[pic] |

| | |Animal Only |Centrioles (animal cells) assist in cell division | |

|Cell Walls |Yes |Yes, |Rigid layer that gives protection to cells (surrounds the cell membrane) |[pic] |

| | |Plant Only | | |

|Chloroplasts |No |Yes, |Carry out photosynthesis – reactions that convert solar energy into |[pic] |

| | |Plant Only |energy-rich molecules the cell can use. | |


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