



names a person (boy, Mr. Adams), place (Miami. city), thing (pencil. Ford), idea (love. hate)


takes the place of a noun (he. she them, him. someone. anything)


-- tells either the action of the subject {Kim walked) or the being of the subject (Jose is angry.). . ---??


< modifies a noun or pronoun (red car, soft kitten, hard candy, the test, a vacation)


modifies a verb {walk quietly), adj~ctive (quite tall), or other adverb (walk very quietly)


' .

joins together two or more words, phrases, or clauses (and, but. or. because. since)


word relating a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence {man on the stage)


exclamation that is not grammatically party of the sentence (No!, Ouch!)

Directions: Label the underlined words according to their part ofspeech.


N. fr~P?



Afexander discovered

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cure for --


2. He was a~ man.

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adv, /

3. The bOys played happily in the snow.

4. The dangerous river flowed rapidly.

5. The Tigers were never an exciting group ofballplayers.

6. Someone brought delicious apples and savocy pears for the salad.

7. During the storm the other day, several windows cracked.

8. The Garcias stored canned goods under the parch oftheir house.

9. That man seems consumed l!y anger or sadness.

10. On my desk was a long yellow pencil.

11. Close the door vecy quietly.

12. You can never succeed by dishonest methods.

13. The crowd shouted its apJ>roval of his speech.

14. "Hurrah!" shouted the boys. 'We won!"

15. The hammer and saw belonged to the carpenter.

16. Nonsense! It is not impossible to do that

17. fumy and his brother won the contest


The work that a word does in a sentence detennines what part of speech it is in that sentence. The same word may be used as?several different parts of speech. Notice how the underlined words in the following sentences are used as different parts ofspeech.

Example: We often study geography together. (verb) He drew a picture ofthe sea. (noun)

He has a large desk in his study. (nOI.Ul) Can you picture me as an acrobat? (verb)

We finished our work in study hall.

Our picture window is cracked.



In the space at the right of each sentence, write the part of speech of the underlined word. In making your decision, ask yourselfwhat work the word does in the sentence,

1. We took an express train.?


2. A train whistle sounded in the distance. 3. I will train your dog.

c:ae!j ?


4. Cross the street on a green light.

5. Turn right at the next cross street.

6. She was wearing a gold cross.

7. The boss wi11 :fire me.

8. The fire department is always ready.

9. Wesaw a large :fire in the distance.

I0. He has a bald head.

11. Who is head usher?

12 She will head the freshman class.

13. He can field a baH faster than any other player.

14. The new athletic field is ready for use.

15. A field mouse scampered by.

16. Everyone left the building I a huny.

17. I sat on the?left side ofthe room.

18. Tum left at the next corner.

19. Let's walk around.

20. They walk around the block

Write in the spaces the right part of speech described.


! . modifies a noun

jGinS~ two equal words and word groups

3. mOdifies an adverb

4. expresses an action

5. names a person, place, or thing

6. ?hm~VS the relationship between a following noun or pronoun and some other word

7. takes the place of a noun -

. 8. mod.ifies a pronoun

9. expresses sodded ~o~oh

. 10. modifies a ve-rbt..


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Write complete sentences usiilg theses words as directed.

1. ~as~ ~au'-

2. Jlli!y as a noun

3. scratch as a verb

4. scratch as a noun

5. light as a noun 2

,...... \i --.




Date -? - - - - - Period }. AND THE PART OF SPEECH IS...

There is ?a word missing in each sentence below. Fill in the space with a word of your choice and then in the space following the sentence, identify that word's part of speech.

~ S{o f 1. The elderly man wal\(ed

I& ................

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