Lesson 6 : Email lesson worksheet ideas

Lesson 6 : Email lesson worksheet ideas

1. Mr. Sachin owns a wholesale book shop which stocks school text books. He regularly gets emails from different publishers giving him a list of latest books available. He also gets mails from customers asking about availability of books. Schools and educational institutes also mail and ask him to supply textbooks to their school.

As his mail box is flooded with so many mails, suggest how Mr.Sachin should organize his mails under different categories. Also write a sample email with 2 to 3 lines which is written by a publisher, customer or institute to Mr.Sachin.

Eg: Dear Mr. Sachin,

We request you to send us 100 copies of Computer Masti textbooks to our school immediately. As we have already started the classes, the teachers need the students to have the textbooks with them as soon as possible.

2. Read the following email. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. Are there any spelling mistakes? If so, underline the word and correct the spellings. Suggest a suitable subject line phrase for the email.

Subject :

Dear Gargi, Usha, Swati, Shruti, Payel, Pritika, Nehal, Anchal, Anurag, Ashwin

As I am turning 10 next week, I am planning to throw a poolside party in my complex. I want all of you to come for my party on 10th May , from 5.00 pm to 10.00 pm . We will have activeties like swiming competitions , pool throw ball match. My parents have also arranged for a maggic show and various games. We will have dinnar at 9.00 pm and my parents have arrangged for all of you to be droped back at your houses.



3. Following is a list of words and phrases used in emails. Categories them as formal and informal words/phrases .


Best regards

Request you to send me your business address

Send me your business email id

Give my regards to your mother

Hugs and kisses to your baby brother

What’s your plan for summer?

Let us go for a movie.


4. You are writing a mail to a celebrity inviting him/her as chief guest to your school function. On a blank paper write the following phrases. Keep a perforation at the end of every line. Each student should fill one line, fold it at the end of that line and pass it on on to the next student. The next student fills the line without looking at the earlier sentence.

Read the mail after the activity. It will be hilarious!

Dear Mr/Miss ___________________________-


We are happy to invite you for our school ___________________________-


We will have various activities like ___________________________________


We know that you are very busy but _____________________________________


We never miss watching your ___________________________________________


All the students will be very excited to see you ________________________________-

Thank you.

5. You receive emails with following subject lines. Tick the ones you think are probable spam mails?

Earn more money

Class report card

Free gifts, click this link

You have been selected for a free trip to USA

Annual day dance practice plan

Share your Bank password

Cheap deals for you

6. The following phrases are used in communication through email or phone. Categorise which can be used only in email [E ], only on phone[P] or in both [B]. Across the line write E, P or B

“Operator, I cannot get through the extension number”

“Please hold, I will transfer the line”

“Waiting eagerly to meet you”

“How was you vacation?”

“ Your voice is not clear ,there is a lot of cross talk”

“ Please open the attachment for details”

7. Circle the keywords that do not belong to an email application interface






Sent mail







8. Guess the date . You get an email asking you to guess a date in the month for an important event . Only if your answer is correct , you can attend the event. The guidelines are as follows:

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |Sunday |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |

|8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |

|15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |

|22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |

|29 |30 |31 | | | | |

The date is an even number

The date is divisible by 4

The date is also divisible by 3

If you divide the date by 8 , the remainder is 4

What is the date?

EXPLORE : Type the email address wrongly while sending an email. Find out what happens


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