Monday, February 16, 2015


Monday, February 16, 2015

(Read this issue online: resources/e-news/nn-issue-191.aspx)



1. Executive Director’s Reflection *

2. The NACC is deeply grateful to the many systems who have become our 2015 Institutional Partners! *

3. 2015 brings yearlong celebration of NACC’s jubilee *

4. NACC Initial Certification Application Deadline tomorrow, February 17! *

5. Interested in being a mentor for those applying for certification?

6. Upcoming NACC network calls in February *


7. NACC –The 90s-Professionalism-Through-Partnerships *

8. Reflecting on the ministry: Ask the Rock, by Blair Holtey *

50th ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE – March 6-9, 2015!

9. Plans are being finalized for streaming Conference 2015 Plenary Speakers! *

10. The NACC is deeply grateful to all our 2015 Conference Sponsors! *


11. Request: NACC seeks to update its resources for members

12. Request: How do dioceses/hospitals address parish on call coverage?

13. CHA USA provides a Lenten reflection series. *

14. Watch tomorrow for an invitation to participate in an important national survey! *

15. Important research resource on case studies in chaplaincy now in print! *

16. National Healthcare Decisions Day, April 16, 2015! *

17. A Unique Professional Continuing Education Opportunity for Chaplains *

18. Interested in participating in a virtual community of healthcare chaplains?

19. Healing Tree: a request for prayers *

20. Recent job postings *

* new/updated items

1. Executive Director’s Reflection *

This past Friday I received an email from Sr. Anna Marie Schwieder who was asked by her religious community member, Sister Carol Sue Daniels (Hospital Sisters of St. Francis), to write me to tell me of her early involvement with NACC. She is now 92, and retired at their Motherhouse in Springfield, Illinois. She wrote that in the early 70’s she was one of the first five sisters to become an NACC member. Sister Jamesine Lamb, another member of her community, who is now deceased, was also one of those five. Sr. Anna Marie (then her religious name was Sr. Gerard) later became a CPE supervisor, and then an NACC Board Member (Delegate At Large). She had been Director of Pastoral Care at St John's Hospital in Springfield and offered five week programs mostly for sisters of other communities who wished to become certified. I immediately replied to thank her for her thoughtful, lovely email!

Our newer members are blessed with the gift and heritage of Sr. Anna Marie, and many others like her! In the year of 2015 we encourage our members (or retired members) to share their early years with the NACC!


2. The NACC is deeply grateful to the many systems who already are 2015 Institutional Partners! *

The NACC is deeply grateful to the many 2015 Institutional Partners, Endorsers, and Supporters who so far have committed in 2015 to partner with the NACC in advancing and supporting the spiritual care profession. If you do not see your system on the growing list, please consider asking to become a partner. You can go to advancing/partners.aspx or contact David Lichter (dlichter@).

3. 2015 brings yearlong celebration of NACC’s jubilee *

This month, the NACC begins a year-long celebration of its 50th anniversary. To read Executive Director David Lichter’s initial thoughts about where we have come from and where we are now, click below to read the January–February 2015 issue of Vision.

2015 brings yearlong celebration of NACC’s jubilee - by David Lichter, D.Min.

4. NACC Initial Certification Application Deadline tomorrow, February 17! *

The NACC is accepting applications for the February 2015 deadline until tomorrow! All materials must be postmarked no later than tomorrow, February 17, 2015, for consideration for an October 2015 certification interview. For questions regarding the application process, please contact Ramona Zeb at rzeb@ or at (414)483-4898 ext. 304. Best wishes to all those who are working to prepare their materials!

5. Interested in being a mentor for those applying for certification?

As NACC members begin their application process for certification, most seek out another NACC member who is currently certified and has successfully been through the process to help mentor or assist the applicant in thinking through and preparing their documents for certification. Would you be interested in being such a mentor? If so, please contact Ramona Zeb, NACC certification specialist (rzeb@).

6. Upcoming NACC network calls in February *

In the coming weeks, the NACC will be hosting two networking calls before the Annual Conference.

If you would like to participate, please contact Tim Charek (tcharek@).

Thursday, February 19, at 11:00 a.m. Central Time – Palliative Care and Hospice

Thursday, February 19, at 1:00 p.m. Central Time – Directors of Spiritual/Pastoral Care


7. NACC –The 90s-Professionalism-Through-Partnerships *

What do you know about NACC in the 90’s? To read about that first full decade of NACC, please see the excerpt from the NACC 40th Anniversary booklet:

docs/about/40th Anniversary Reflection excerpt - the 90s-Professionalism-Through-Partnerships.pdf

8. Reflecting on the ministry: Ask the Rock, by Blair Holtey *

In each NACC Now, during this 50th jubilee year, we are featuring a reflection by one of our NACC chaplains on his or her ministry and an experience of a gift of that ministry. Please go to Blain Holtey’s reflection, “Ask the Rock,” and allow it to inspire you to share this year in writing one of your “gifts” of ministry. Your own reflection is welcomed! If you want to share a reflection, please contact David Lewellen (dlewellen@).


9. Plans are being finalized for streaming Conference 2015 Plenary Speakers! *

The NACC is finalizing plans to make available via video streaming the plenary speakers of our 2015 50th Anniversary Conference. Through the generosity of sponsors we are planning to make these plenary speakers available at no cost. Please watch for more information later this week.

10. The NACC is deeply grateful to all our 2015 Conference Sponsors! *

The NACC is deeply grateful to all our 2015 Conference Sponsors whose financial support helps us keep our keep our fees reasonable, and makes affordable our top quality speakers, and excellent events! Thank you all. Please go to conference/default.aspx#sponsors to recognize our 2015 Conference Sponsors.


11. Request: NACC seeks to update its resources for members

The NACC is in the midst of redesigning its website to make it more valuable to members. We want to update and improve its many spiritual resources. We are asking you, our members, to share your spiritual care documents and practices with your colleagues. Please go to this link, review the areas of need, and submit materials you are using that you believe your colleagues will find valuable. Please send them to David Lichter (dlichter@) at your earliest convenience. Thank you for sharing these.

12. Request: How do dioceses/hospitals address parish on-call coverage?

The Archdiocese of Boston is in the process of looking at the parish on-call coverage of its 72 hospitals and 300+ nursing homes. They would like to hear from other dioceses on the methods used such as: is there 24/7 coverage, what are the expectations from the hospital (i.e., are they expected to respond immediately when called), has there been a change made in the way the hospitals are covered? Any information on your current hospital coverage would be appreciated. Please contact Deacon Jim Greer @617-746-5842 or JGreer@

13. CHA USA provides a Lenten reflection series. *

This Wednesday Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. CHAUSA is again offering a 2015 set of Lenten Reflections to help those in Catholic health care, and our members, make meaning of the season in relation to their lives. The 2015 author is Sr. Renee Yann, RSM, D. Min., a Sister of Mercy of the Mid-Atlantic Region, who serves as chief mission integration officer at AmeriHealth Caritas in Philadelphia. At heart she is a poet and enjoys spiritual writing. Here is the reflection developed for Ash Wednesday (on Feb. 18) and the First Week of Lent. This first weekly offering, and will the other offerings is available as an

• MP3 file — downloadable audio file

• Hardcopy — printable and editable Word document

Access the entire 2015 Lenten Reflection series.

14. Watch tomorrow for an invitation to participate in an important national survey! *

Rev. Jane Jeuland, M.Div., BCC, is conducting an important national survey on the current state of palliative care chaplaincy: The survey is intended for hospital chaplains whose work is on average 15% or more dedicated to palliative care work (including clinical, teaching, administrative, etc.). Well known chaplaincy researcher George Fitchett invites and encourages our qualified members to participant. We also highly encourage our NACC members who qualify to participate in it. This is the first national survey of Palliative Care Chaplains and it is designed to deepen our understanding of Palliative Care Chaplaincy in the United States. In the survey you will be asked about your degree of involvement in the Palliative Care Program at your hospital, your current practices, your training, stressors, self-care methods, and the like. Your responses will help Palliative Care Chaplains and their colleagues gain a greater sense of best practices in the field, normalize stressors, and increase connection among Palliative Care Chaplains.

15. Important research resource on case studies in chaplaincy now in print! *

A book of chaplain case studies that was co-edited by George Fitchett and Steve Nolan, a United Kingdom hospice chaplain, was published this past week. It contains nine cases from chaplains working in the US, Canada, United Kingdom and Israel. Our NACC member, Kate Piderman, authored one of the cases. Please note: here is a link to a flyer that includes information about a 20% discount.

16. National Healthcare Decisions Day, April 16, 2015! *

If you haven’t done so already, NOW is the time to assemble your NHDD committee and solidify your plans. It’s also the time to recruit others; please direct them to confirm participation here: join. Furthermore, now is the time to write your own blogs, prepare articles, and reach out to the media. Here’s a short list of other ideas:

• Set up a continuing education event for health or legal professionals;

• Contact your local bar association for a volunteer speaker;

• Contact your largest referral source and set up a joint program;

• Arrange to hold an event for the public at a non-healthcare venue like a library, church, or school;

• Offer advance directive forms and other information at the movies or the theatre; and

• Make NHDD personal and reach out to family and friends to encourage them to take action.

17. A Unique Professional Continuing Education Opportunity for Chaplains *

The 2015 Caring for the Human Spirit® Global Conference (April 20-22, 2015) is a Unique Professional Continuing Education Opportunity for Chaplains. It will be held at the Walt Disney World Resort, The B Resort and Spa, Orlando, Florida. Attendees at the 2014 first global conference described it as a transformative experience for the profession and for advancing the integration of spiritual care in health care. The line-up of speakers, workshops, and intensives for this year is equally stellar. The Early Bird rate for in-person registration is available through March 20th: $275 individual or $225 for two or more attendees from one institution. Registration after March 20th is $375 for an individual or $325 for two or more attendees from one institution. For those who cannot attend in person but wish to attend via webcast – individually or as a group from your institution ‒ the rate per site is $995. Details about the conference can be found at conference. For Registration online click here.

18. Interested in participating in a virtual community of healthcare chaplains?

Please consider joining a research project sponsored by Dominican University in River Forest, IL. Chaplain Jeanne Wirpsa at Northwestern Memorial and Joan Bieler launched the project, Virtual Community of Practice for Healthcare Chaplains (VCOP), to explore the value of this virtual community to help chaplains maintain what is most meaningful to them in their work. The VCOP is open to any chaplain working in any healthcare setting such as a hospital, hospice, rehab units or nursing home, medical or nursing schools, etc. The chaplain can be full- or part-time, contract chaplain or volunteer. The attached information sheet contains additional details about the project.

Anyone interested in joining this research project should send an email to Joan Bieler at She can answer questions or address concerns, as well as send the Informed Consent form – the next step in enrolling in the project – via email. A telephone call can be arranged via email if that would be helpful.

19. Healing Tree: a request for prayers *

Please let us know if you would like our membership to pray for your health and healing.

Also please let us know when you want us to remove your name from our Healing Tree.

We continue to pray for: Renato Fallico, Kathy Ponce, Konstanty Pawicz (husband of former staff member Mary Pawicz), Pam Kimmel, Susan Balling, Maria Meneses, Chaplain Julia Mary Sweeney (mourning the death of her sister, Margaret Maureen Lewis, BA Honors), Sr. Sheila Prendeville, CPPS, AnaLisa Bischoff, Sister M. Dianna Hell, Linda Piotrowski, Sister Maria Theresa Hronec, Betty and Louis Skonieczny, Mary Theresa (niece of NACC Chaplain Sister Dorothy Kline), Jim Castello, Jeff Michel (brother-in-law of David Lichter), Thomas from Chicago (12 years old), Thomas Smiley (brother of member Diane Smiley), Marga Halala, Donn Renfro (son-in-law of Karen Pugliese), Amy in Atlanta (friend of NACC member Theresa Sullivan), Thomas (grandson of NACC member Ginny Grimes Allen), Beth from Boston (friend of NACC member Dana Sandlin), Sr. Janet Bielmann, Kelly Folan (daughter of NACC member Marty Folan), Mary Potts (twin sister of Deacon Francis Potts), Elizabeth A. Walsh, Francesco Marshall, Glenn and Pat Teske, Susan Murphy, Fr. Jim Radde, SJ, Sr. Mary Clare Boland, SP, Sr. Phyllis Ann DiRenzo, Kathy Brier (daughter of NACC member Theresa Brier), Gloria Troxler, Fr. Kevin Ikpah, Lourdes B. Ruta (wife of Peter Ruta), and Kelly Elizabeth Sexton (daughter of NACC member Melyssa Sexton).

20. Recent job postings *

The following positions have been posted recently on our Positions Available page. Please go to positions/available.aspx for more information.


Albany, New York - St. Peter's Health Partners (SPHP)


Lufkin, Texas - CHI St. Luke’s Memorial Health System


New York, New York - HealthCare Chaplaincy Network


Newport, Rhode Island - Salve Regina University


Maryland - Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC)


Waterbury, Connecticut - Saint Mary’s Hospital


Houston, Texas - Villa de Matel


Green Bay, WI - St. Vincent Hospital


Rochester, MN - Mayo Clinic


Cambridge, Minnesota - Benedictine Health System


Pasco, WA - Lourdes Health Network


Baltimore, MD - Mercy Medical Center


Buffalo, NY - Catholic Health


Santa Rosa, CA - Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital


Appleton, WI - Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital


Springfield, Oregon - PeaceHealth


Mercy Circle, Chicago, IL - Trinity Health


Milwaukee, WI - Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare


Warwick, NY - Bon Secours Schervier Pavilion

View these jobs and more at: positions/available.aspx

This e-newsletter is a publication of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains and is ©2015     



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National Association of Catholic Chaplains

4915 S. Howell Avenue, Suite 501

Milwaukee, WI 53207-5939


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