Learn The Truth About the Polygraph (Lie Detector ...

SDPD Polygraph QuestionnaireNote: for any “Yes” answer, follow up questions will include, but not limited to: type, last time, first time, number of times/frequency, explanation, etcBiographical DataMarital statusPrevious marriages?Do you have any children?Are you proficient in any language other than English?What’s your current email address? Any additional email addresses? What social media sites do you have accounts with?Do you own any websites?Are you currently listed on any websites?Best phone number to reach you?Do you go by any other names?Have you ever performed court-mandated community service?Have you ever been on court-mandated probation?Have you ever paid a fine for anything beyond a traffic-related infraction?EducationWhat’s the highest education you have earned?Have you ever been expelled or suspended from elementary school, middle school, high school, college, or university?TenancyHave you ever been evicted?Have you had any issues with present or previous landlords?Are you currently late paying the rent or mortgage?Financial Have you ever been foreclosed upon?Have you ever filed for bankruptcy?Have you ever received any civil judgments or being sued?Have you ever had anything repossessed?How much are you in debt? Are you currently behind in providing child support?Are you currently behind on any bills?Do you have any debts that are refusing to pay? EmploymentCurrent employment: Have you ever served in the military?Have you had any experience as a law enforcement officer?Current applications with law enforcement agencies?Have you ever attended a law enforcement academy?Have you ever been fired from any places of employment?Have you ever been forced to resign from any places of employment?Did you ever quit any place of employment in order to avoid being fired?Have you ever received any written reprimands at any places of employment?Have you ever been suspended at any places of employment?Have you ever been demoted for disciplinary reasons at any places of employment?Have you ever been reassigned at work as a result of, or in lieu of, being disciplined?Have you called in sick to work in the past twelve months without legitimately being sick?Did you ever quit a place of employment without giving proper notice?Have you withheld any place of employment?Have you had any professional license(s) suspended or revoked?Do you have any intentions of leaving this job in the near future, if hired?Have you been under any internal investigations (Command, Professional Standards, EEO, personnel investigations?)Illegal GamblingHave you ever been involved in illegal gambling (animal fights, street fights, street racing, etc)?Use of AlcoholHow much alcohol do you consume per day/week/month?Have you been intoxicated in the past five years to the point of being sick or hung over?Have you ever consumed alcohol while at work without authorization (during work hours), including at lunch and while on breaks?Have you ever become intoxicated while at work?Have you ever come to work while under the influence of alcohol?Have you ever missed work or arrived late due to your consumption of alcohol?Have you ever operated a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol?Did you drink alcohol while under age?Have you provided any alcohol to minors, since you became an adult?Have you ever been cited for having an open container?Illegal Drug UseHave you ever used illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine, speed, meth, LSD, PCP, ecstasy, heroin, morphine, steroids, mushrooms, opium, amphetamines, steroids, etc)?Have you ever used synthetic drugs (K2, Spice, bath salts, etc.)?Have you ever used Salvia or any psychoactive plants to get high?Have you ever used any household or automotive products to get high?Have you ever used any prescription or over-the-counter medications to get high?Have you ever worked under the influence of illegal drugs?Have you ever used any illegal drugs while at work, including during lunch or breaks?Have you ever driven under the influence of any illegal drugs?When was the last time you were around someone while they were using any illegal drugs?Last time you were offered an illegal drug?Other Drug ActivityDo you currently know anyone who sells drugs illegally?Do you currently know anyone who grows marijuana illegally?Have you ever purchase illegal drugs?Have you ever sold illegal drugs?Have you ever sold any prescription medications?Have you ever transported illegal drugs for profit?Have you ever delivered any illegal drugs for someone else?Have you ever directed others in the purchase or sale of any illegal drugs?Have you ever cultivated marijuana?Have you ever manufactured illegal drugs?Have you ever provided urine to someone else for use on a drug test?Have you ever used someone else's urine, diluted urine, or synthetic urine in order to pass a drug test?Have you ever used a masking agent before a drug test?Have you ever failed a drug test?Have you ever forged a prescription in order to obtain medication?Have you provided tobacco products to minors, since you became an adult?Arrests and DetentionsHave you ever been arrested, including being expunged, sealed, dropped, or as a minor?Have you ever been detained for the investigation of a crime?Have you ever been fingerprinted for law enforcement reasons other than for employment?Have you ever been read Miranda rights?Were you ever charged with a violation of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice? (Captain’s Mast, Office Hours, Court Martial, Article 15, etc.)Have you been the subject of any Law Enforcement investigation?NoticesHave you ever received a No Trespass warning?Have you ever received a No Contact Order?Have you ever been issued a Restraining Order or an Order of Protection filed by someone else?Driving HistoryHave you ever had a driver's license suspended?How many traffic citations in the past FIVE years?Have you been involved in any AT-FAULT motor vehicle accidents in the past FIVE years?Have you received any traffic warnings in the past 12 months?Did you ever drive away from the scene of an accident, without reporting it?Have you received any boat warnings or fines in the past 12 months?Have you ever been involved in illegal street racing?AssociationsDo you have any family members, relatives, or friends that have been convicted of a felony?Have you ever associated with gang members?Have you ever associated with members of subversive groups?Have you ever associated with members of organized crime?Have you ever been with people while they were committing any illegal acts?Have you ever visiting anyone in jail or prison?MembershipHave you ever been a member of a gang?Have you ever been a member of a subversive group?Have you ever been a member of an organized crime organization?VandalismHave you committed any vandalism?Have you damaged anyone else's property to cause damage or harm?Have you ever set fire to cause damage or harm?Have you ever exploded anything to cause damage or harm?Have you ever intentionally spread a computer virus?TheftHave you ever broken into a coin operated device in order to take merchandise or money?Have you ever purchased a stolen credit card or check?Have you ever taken anything from a store without paying for it?Have you ever changed price tags on items at a store?Have you ever downloaded or copied music, movies, or software illegally for profit?Have you ever stolen any car parts?Have you ever stolen anything from a family member, relative, friend, or stranger (prisoner, custody, etc.)?Have you ever stolen anything from a place where you have either volunteered at or attended school?Have you ever stolen money from a place of employment?Have you ever stolen property or equipment from a place of employment (lost and found, evidence room, etc.)?Have you ever stolen merchandise from a place of employment?Have you ever stolen supplies, food, or drinks in excess from places of employment?Have you ever intentionally not turned in equipment, tools, or uniforms back to work?Have you ever kept money from register overages?Have you ever used a company or agency gas card, credit card, or company or agency funds to pay for personal items?Have you ever given someone an unauthorized discount or free items at work?Have you ever knowingly purchased, sold, or possessed stolen property?Have you ever pawned stolen items?Have you ever stolen a car, truck, SUV, boat, plane, jet-ski, three-wheeler, or other vehicle?Have you ever stolen anything from a yard or construction site?Have you ever burglarized a house, store, church, school, or any other buildings?Have you ever burglarized a car, truck, SUV, boat, plane, or any other vehicle?Fraud & DeceitHave you ever hacked into anyone else’s computer, email, server?Have you ever attempted to bribe anyone?Have you ever accepted a bribe?Have you ever lied on an employment application?Have you ever lied on a time card?Have you ever signed someone else's name without their permission, as an adult?Have you ever lied in order to receive public assistance, welfare, or unemployment?Have you ever filed a false, or an exaggerated insurance claim?Have you ever filed a false or exaggerated workman's compensation claim?Have you ever fraudulently filed false income on tax returns?Have you ever fraudulently claimed dependents on tax returns?Have you ever used someone else's credit card, debit card, ATM, or gift card without their permission?Have you ever cashed someone else's check without their permission?Have you ever used someone else's name or SSN?Have you ever used some else's social security card, birth certificate, passport, or other form of ID?Have you ever written a check that you were certain would not be covered by sufficient funds?Have you ever used a handicap sign illegally?Have you ever called in a false bomb threat, false fire threat, false criminal threat or false terror threat?Have you ever forged or altered any documents?Have you ever filed a false police report?Have you ever distributed or produced counterfeit money?Have you ever received electricity, water, cable, or satellite services without paying for it?Have you ever impersonated a law enforcement officer?Have you ever falsely accused someone officially of anything?Have you ever officially filed a false complaint?ViolenceHave you ever carried a concealed weapon illegally, or without a permit?Have you ever killed anyone, either accidentally or otherwise?Have you ever committing domestic violence?Have you ever been accused of domestic violence?Have you intentionally set animals on fire?Have you ever intentionally killed an animal outside of hunting?Have you been involved in any physical fights since high school?If LE experience, ask: Have you used unnecessary / excessive use of force?Have you ever committed any hate crimes?Have you ever said any racial slurs directed at others?Have you ever been questioned as a suspect by a family protective services, child protective services, Health and Human Services, Department of Social Services, or Department of Children and Family Services?Have you ever stalked anyone?Sex CrimesHave you ever viewed pornography at work?Have you masturbated at work?Have you ever urinated in public where your private sexual parts could be seen by others?Have you provided any pornography to minors, since you became an adult?Have you ever paid for sex?Have you ever been paid for sex?Have you ever had sexual contact as an adult with anyone under age?Have you ever sent, received, produced, stored, viewed, or been in possession of child pornography for sexual reasons?Have you ever forced someone to participate in a sexual act?Have you ever had sexual contact with someone who was asleep or unconscious?Have you ever committed an act of voyeurism?Have you ever committed an act of exhibitionism?Have you ever solicited a minor for sex?Have you ever had sexual contact with animals?Have you ever had sexual contact with a dead person?OverallHave you ever committed any other acts that you could have been arrested for?Have you committed anything more serious than what we have discussed? ................

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