Three-Year School Improvement Plan - Henry County Public ...


(8 VAC 20-131-310.F; 8 VAC 20-131-310.G)

|School Improvement Plan for the Period 2010-2011 |School Name: Sanville Elementary |

|Targeted Academic Area(s): |School Number: 220 |

|Reading | |

|Writing |Division: Henry |

|Mathematics | |

|Science |Grade Levels Served: PreK - 5 |

|Social Studies | |

| |Amount of Time in School Day Devoted to Instruction in the Four Core Academic Areas: 5 hours |

| |(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.3) |

|Plan Developed with Assistance from (check all that apply): |Description of Data Reviewed Supporting Need for Improvement in Each Warned Area: |

|(8 VAC 20-131-310.F.1.) |AIMSweb |

|X Teachers |PALS |

|X Building Administrators |Standards of Learning Tests |

|Central Office Administrators |Off-grade Tests 2 |

|X Parents |Leveled Word List |

|Community Members |Developmental Spelling Analysis (DSA) |

|Students |STAR (reading assessment) |

|Other (specify): ____________________________________ |Writing Predictors |

| |Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI) |

| |Curriculum Based Assessment (CBA) |

| |Interactive Achievement (IA) |

|Waiver(s) Needed and Request(s) Attached (check one): |Date Approved by Local School Board/Superintendent: ____________ |

|(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.8.) |(8 VAC 20-131-310.F.3.) |

|X Yes |_________________________________________________________ |

|No |Superintendent Signature |

| |Sally T. Rodgers |

| |Principal Signature |

Three-Year School Improvement Plan

A Description of How the School will Meet the Provisional Accreditation Benchmarks, or the Requirements to be Fully Accredited,

for Each of the Years Covered by the Plan

(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.1)

Goal Statement: Sanville Elementary School will maintain full state accreditation and federal AYP designation with emphasis on subgroups to ensure that all subgroups at Sanville will meet the AYP standards whether or not the sample is too small.

Objective #1: Ninety-six percent of students (K – 3) participating in Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) will meet the benchmarks in the spring of each year.

Specific measures of student achievement that will be taken throughout the school year(s)

and use to monitor academic improvement over time (8 VAC 20 – 131-310.G.2):

|Types of Assessments |Frequency of Measures and Data Collection |Evidence/Data to be Collected |

|Running Records |As recommended by A-Z and/or STAR Reading Assessments |Protocol Sheets with running record (one per nine week to be placed |

|STAR | |in Reading Folder) |

|Grade Level Assessments (Kindergarten and first grade teachers design assessments|One formal assessment each nine week period |Classroom Spreadsheet with Item Analysis |

|for each nine week grading period. Second and third grade teachers design tests |One informal assessment at the interim |Grade distribution sheets of each test given |

|using Interactive Achievement for each nine week grading period. These tests | |Summary relative to data collected per nine week period |

|reflect those reading SOLs taught for the specified period of time.) | | |

|Developmental Spelling Analysis (DSA) Grades 1 – 5 |Three times a year |DSA Class Record Spreadsheet |

|PALS Tests Grades PreK – 3 |Fall, Winter, and Spring |PALS Summary Sheets |

|Brigance PK |Fall/Spring |Protocol Sheets |

|AIMSweb Grades K – 3 |Three times a year |Protocol Sheets |

|ELL Assessments |Fall and Spring |ELL Assessments |

|Interactive Achievement Grades 2 – 3 |Each nine week period |Class Summary Sheets with Item Analysis |

| | | | | | | |

|Action Strategies/Tasks |Person (s) |Resources Needed to Complete|Budget Implications |Dates of Activity |Monitoring Dates |Monitoring Indicators |

|(Use action strategies from the School Strategy |Responsible |Task | |(start-to-end) | |(Indicators that point to success at the end of a |

|Cards here.) | | | | | |strategy.) |

|STRATEGY #1: The primary instructional program | | | | | | |

|will be based upon the identified positive and | | | | | | |

|negative trends as determined by specific | | | | | | |

|assessments. | | | | | | |

|STRATEGY #2: Grade level meetings and on-going | | | | | | |

|assessments will be provided to ensure the | | | | | | |

|instructional program is appropriate to meet the | | | | | | |

|specific needs of the student. | | | | | | |

|Action Step # 2: Grade level teachers and the |Reading Specialist |Words Their Way (Sorts) | |September, 2010 |November, 2010 |Lesson Plans of teachers and Literacy Team |

|Literacy Team will provide reading instruction | |Ready Readers | |Throughout the year |March, 2011 |IA |

|which is based upon the trends identified in |Classroom Teachers |A-Z Website | | |May, 2011 |PALS assessments |

|Strategy 1 and/or current assessments. | |Reading Mastery | | | |Grade level word list |

| | |Language for Learning | | | |DSA |

| | |Orton-Gillingham | | | |IRI |

| | |Tucker Signing Trade Books | | | |Interactive Notetaking |

|Action Step #3: Grade level teachers will meet |Grade Level Chairman |Resources to be determined | |Begin September, 2010 and |Interim and end of |Master Schedule |

|every other week to continuously evaluate the | | | |weekly thereafter |each nine-week |Agendas of meetings |

|instructional program, specifically about: | | | | |grading period |Minutes from Meetings |

|On-going assessments | | | | | | |

|Curriculum development | | | | | | |

|DI lessons | | | | | | |

|Specific student needs | | | | | | |

|Other areas as requested. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #4: A 20-minute block of time will be|Principal |Resources to be determined | |October, 2010 |Interim and end of | Master Schedule |

|scheduled to specifically work with students at | | | | |each nine-week | |

|various levels, needs and/or interests | | | | |grading period | |

|(enrichment, remediation, etc.) | | | | | | |

|Action Step #5: Students who did not meet the |Reading Specialist |Words Their Way (Sorts) | |August, 2010 |October, 2010 |Master Schedule |

|benchmark in PALS testing will receive at least 30| |Ready Readers | | |January, 2011 |Intervention strategies used with specific |

|minutes of daily additional remediation from the | |Houghton Mifflin | | |May, 2011 |students |

|literacy team. | |Leveled Readers | | | |List of students who receive inventions |

| | |Intervention Kit | | | |Class checklists will be used as a means of |

| | |A-Z Website | | | |continuous informal assessment |

| | |Orton-Gillingham Materials | | | |AIMSweb probes and RTI documentation |

| | |Tucker Signing | | | | |

Three-Year School Improvement Plan

A Description of How the School will Meet the Provisional Accreditation Benchmarks, or the Requirements to be Fully Accredited,

for Each of the Years Covered by the Plan

(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.1)

Goal Statement: Sanville Elementary School will maintain full state accreditation and federal AYP designation with emphasis on subgroups to ensure that all subgroups at Sanville will meet the AYP standards whether or not the sample is too small.

Objective # 2: Ninety percent of students in grades 2 will pass the Off-grade Reading Test. Ninety-one percent of the students in grade 3 – 5 will pass the Reading Standards of Learning test.

Objective #3: By the end of the 2010-2011 school year, 93%of all third, fourth and fifth grade students will perform proficiently in the reporting category Comprehension on the Reading SOL test.

Objective #4: Forty-four percent of students in grades 3 – 5 will perform pass advanced on the Reading Standards of Learning test.

Objective #5: Seventy- six percent of students in grades 3 – 5 will perform proficient in the categories of author’s purpose and identifying the correct reference materials needed.

Objective #6: Eighty-percent of the students in grades 3 – 5 will perform proficient in determining main idea and drawing conclusions.

Specific measures of student achievement that will be taken throughout the school year(s)

and use to monitor academic improvement over time (8 VAC 20 – 131-310.G.2):

|Types of Assessments |Frequency of Measures and Data Collection |Evidence/Data to be Collected |

|Running Records |As recommended by A-Z Reading Assessments |Protocol Sheets with running record (one per nine week to be placed|

| | |in Reading Folder) |

|Grade Level Assessments developed by specific grade levels and/or content |One formal assessment each nine week period |Classroom Spreadsheet with Item Analysis |

|teachers. SOL released items, Interactive Achievement question bank |One informal assessment at the interim |Grade distribution sheets of each test given |

|These tests reflect those reading SOLs taught for a specified period of time. | |Class Summary relative to data collected per nine week period |

|Developmental Spelling Analysis (DSA) |Three times a year |DSA Class Record Spreadsheet |

|Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI) |Three times a year as needed |Reading Inventory Analysis spreadsheet |

|Standards of Learning Released Items |During second semester- as needed for review |Tests |

|Off-Grade Reading Test |Annually |Tests and Summary of Scores |

|Standards of Learning Results |Once a year-information received from DOE |Summary of Test Results |

|Interactive Achievement |At least once each nine weeks |Class Summary |

|STAR (1-5) |Three times a year |STAR Spreadsheet |

|AIMSweb |Three times a year |AIMSweb Summary Scores |

|PALS Test (PK-3) |Two to three times a year |PALS Summary Sheet |

| | | | | | | |

|Action Strategies/Tasks |Person (s) |Resources Needed to Complete |Budget Implications |Dates of Activity |Monitoring Dates |Monitoring Indicators |

|(Use action strategies from the School Strategy |Responsible |Task | |(start-to-end) | |(Indicators that point to success at the end of a |

|Cards here.) | | | | | |strategy.) |

|STRATEGY #1: Teachers of reading will identify | | | | | | |

|specific areas in which additional concentration is| | | | | | |

|needed. | | | | | | |

|Action Step # 2: By October, 2010, teachers will |Teachers of reading |Golden Package | |August, 2010 to October |October 15, 2010 |Strategic plan for reading |

|revisit the “unpacked” the curriculum which relates| |Flocabulary AIMSweb | |15, 2010 | |Classroom Spreadsheet with Item Analysis |

|to each identified area of weakness. Specific |Reading Specialist |Summary Sheet from Action | | | | |

|strategies will be implemented to address the | |Step #1 | | | | |

|problem areas. A written copy of these strategies | | | | | | |

|will be given to all teachers to be included in the| | | | | | |

|School Improvement Plan. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #3: Teachers will differentiate |Classroom Teachers |Readiness Assessments | |Throughout the school year|October, 2010 |SOL Test results (Performance by Question within |

|instruction according to readiness and/or learning | |Learning Styles Inventories | | |January, 2011 |category) |

|styles. Preassessments will be used to determine | |Common Planning Time for | | |April, 2011 |Skill Performance Matrix |

|the readiness level. The learning style of each | |Grade Levels and/or Content | | |June, 2011 |Observations/Walkthroughs |

|student will be determined within the first month | |Areas | | | |Lesson Plans |

|of school (2-5). Learning styles results will be | | | | | |Copies of informal preassessments and/or analysis |

|posted in the classroom and shared with other | | | | | |from preassessments |

|teachers as appropriate. | | | | | | |

|STRATEGY # 2: A remedial program will be | | | | | | |

|established and implemented which will identify | | | | | | |

|those students in need of specific assistance in | | | | | | |

|the area of reading, whether it is decoding and/or | | | | | | |

|comprehension. | | | | | | |

|Action Step # 2: Grade level teachers and the |Literacy Team |Words Their Way (Sorts) | |September, 2010 |October, 2010 |Classroom Summary Sheets |

|Literacy Team will provide reading instruction | |Corrective Reading | |May, 2011 |February, 2011 |Running Records |

|which is based upon the instructional level of the |Classroom Teachers |Reading Mastery | | |May, 2011 |Lesson Plans |

|student. This will be determined from PALS, SOL | |Ready Readers | | | |PALS assessments |

|tests, running records, theme tests, DSA, grade | |AIMSweb | | | |Grade level word list |

|level work list, CBA, QRI, STAR, AIMSweb, | |A-Z website | | | |DSA |

|Corrective Reading and/or Reading Mastery. | | | | | |QRI |

| | | | | | |CBA (from ) |

| | | | | | |AIMSweb |

| | | | | | |Corrective Reading/Reading Mastery |

|Action Step #3: Students who did not meet the |Reading Specialist |Words Their Way (Sorts) | |August, 2010 - throughout |October, 2010 |Literacy Team Schedule |

|benchmark in PALS and/or other appropriate testing | |Running Records | |the year |February, 2011 |Grouping assignments |

|measures will receive at least 30 minutes of | |Ready Readers | | |May, 2011 |Updated Classroom Summary Sheets |

|additional remediation in the identified areas of | |Houghton Mifflin | | | | |

|weakness. This remediation may include an inclusive| |Leveled Readers | | | | |

|setting, pull-out, Reading Mastery, and/or | |Intervention Kit | | | | |

|Corrective Reading. | |A-Z website | | | | |

| | |Reading Mastery | | | | |

| | |Corrective Reading | | | | |

| | |CARS & STARS | | | | |

| | |Princeton Review | | | | |

| | |Orton-Gillingham | | | | |

| | |Tucker Signing | | | | |

|Action Step #4: Teachers will identify students |Reading Specialist |CARS and STARS |After-school |September, 2010 until |Each nine-week |Pre and Post testing of tutoring students. |

|who are in need of additional instruction in the | |Reading Mastery |Tutorial Budget |July, 2011 |period |Attendance Roster |

|area of reading and/or writing. If necessary a CBA|Grade Level Teachers |Corrective Reading | | | |Classroom Summary Sheet |

|will be used to determine the specific skill to be | |Princeton Review |Summer School Budget| | |Master Schedule |

|addressed. Progress monitoring will be used to |RTI Committee |Reading Mastery | | | |Fluency Checks |

|ensure a specific strategy is working. A remedial | |Four-Square Writing Method | | | |Progress Monitoring through RTI |

|time of at least 20 minutes will be worked into the| |(1 – 4) | | | |Copies of the “unpacked” curriculum at each grade |

|daily schedule to address these specific needs. | |AIMSweb probes | | | |level |

|After-school tutoring and/or summer school will be | | | | | | |

|made available to selected students. | | | | | | |

|STRATEGY # 3: The school-wide reading program will| | | | | | |

|provide strong emphasis on the comprehension | | | | | | |

|components of the Standards of Learning. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #2: The students will be provided |Reading Specialist |Leveled Readers |As determined by the|August, 2010 throughout |Each nine-week |Observations/Walkthroughs |

|fiction, nonfiction and narrative nonfiction | |A-Z website |needs of the staff |the year |period |Classroom Library |

|reading materials which are on each student’s | |SRA Kits | | | |List of students by reading levels provided by |

|instructional level. | |Novel Study | | | |PALS, QRI, STAR Assessments |

| | |Tumblebooks | | | | |

| | |Expert Space | | | | |

|Action Step #3: Differentiation of Instruction |Principal |DI Coach | |September, 2010, |Each nine-week |Observations of Specific DI Lesson |

|will be incorporated into lessons to meet the | |Common Planning Time | |throughout the year |period |DI Lesson Plans Notebook – in classroom |

|specific reading needs of the students. These |Classroom Teachers |Readiness Assessments | | | |Samples of students work |

|lessons will be based on readiness and/or learning | |Learning Styles Inventory | | | |Informal preassessments |

|styles. | | | | | | |

|STRATEGY # 4: Literacy will be emphasized | | | | | | |

|throughout the school program and environment. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #2: Students will participate in the |Classroom Teachers |AR Lists | |August, 2010 through May, |Time period to be |Student AR record – on record in computer |

|Accelerated Reader (AR) program, earning points | |Computer Access | |2011 |determined by |Classroom Teachers’ summary record of AR |

|based on individualized instructional reading | |Accessibility to internet | | |Division Committee |participation |

|levels. | |Printer | | | | |

| | |AR tests available on the | | | | |

| | |computer | | | | |

|Action Step #3: Literacy Night Out will be |Reading Specialist |To be determined as each |As needed to plan |Each Nine Week Period |Each nine-week |School Calendar |

|scheduled each nine week period to promote the love| |Literacy Night is planned |for each Literacy | |period |Parent Invitations |

|of reading and parental support in reading | | |Night | | |Attendance Log |

|activities. | | | | | | |

|STRATEGY # 4: Teachers in grades K – 5 will | | | | | | |

|emphasize the determination of main idea and | | | | | | |

|identification of details in a paragraph and/or a | | | | | | |

|passage. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #2: Teachers of Language Arts will |Classroom Teacher |IA | |September, 2010 through |Each nine week |Lesson Plans |

|provide a variety of methods in the lessons to help| |Teacher Created Materials | |May 2011 |period |IA results |

|students understand major points vs. supporting | |Teacher Observation | | | |IRN Notebooks |

|sentences. | | | | | |Cars & Stars results |

Three-Year School Improvement Plan

A Description of How the School will Meet the Provisional Accreditation Benchmarks, or the Requirements to be Fully Accredited,

for Each of the Years Covered by the Plan

(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.1)

Goal Statement: Sanville Elementary School will maintain full state accreditation and federal AYP designation with emphasis on subgroups to ensure that all subgroups at Sanville will meet the AYP standards whether or not the sample is too small.

Objective #7: In order for the fifth grade students to reach a goal of 98% or greater passing the writing portion of the SOL test, the writing process will be emphasized in all grade levels with specific benchmarks starting in kindergarten.

- Ninety-six percent of the fifth grade students will pass the writing portion of the SOL test.

- Seventy-five percent of the fourth grade students will score attaining target in the spring with two percent on target.

- Seventy-five percent of the third grade students will attain the target on the district’s writing prompt given in the spring.

- Seventy-five percent of kindergarten through second grade students will attain the target on a written assignment given in the spring.

Objective #8: Twenty-six percent or more of students in fifth grade will perform pass advanced on the Writing Standards of Learning test in each of the testing categories.

Specific measures of student achievement that will be taken throughout the school year(s)

and used to monitor academic improvement over time (8 VAC 20 – 131-310.G.2):

|Types of Assessments |Frequency of Measures and Data Collection |Evidence/Data to be Collected |

|Grade Level Assessments (Each grade level and/or content specialist has designed |Each nine week period |Classroom Spreadsheet and Individual Mastery |

|tests for the interim and end of each nine week period. These tests reflect | |Grade distribution sheets of each test given |

|those writing SOLs taught for the specified period of time.) | | |

|Interactive Achievement Test |At least one each nine weeks |Summary of Tests results |

|Grade Specific Written Assignment (1-5) |November, January, and May |Written assignments |

|Standards of Learning Released Items and Prompts |Second semester |Tests |

|Writing Prompts |As assigned by division and/or school |Summary and papers |

|Standards of Learning Results |Once a year-information received form DOE |Summary of Test Results |

| | | | | | | |

|Action Strategies/Tasks |Person (s) |Resources Needed to Complete|Budget Implications |Dates of Activity |Monitoring Dates |Monitoring Indicators |

|(Use action strategies from the School Strategy |Responsible |Task | |(start-to-end) | |(Indicators that point to success at the end of a |

|Cards here.) | | | | | |strategy.) |

|STRATEGY #1: Teachers in grades K-5 will teach a | | | | | | |

|specific writing process to ensure continuity | | | | | | |

|through the grade levels. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #2: All grade levels will be given |Testing Coordinator |Writing Prompts | |September, 2010 until May,|1 sample per 9 weeks|Hard Copies of Writing Prompts will be placed in |

|writing prompts and/or writing assignments as | |(K-5) | |2011 |(K-5) |the Reading Folder |

|assigned by the School Board Office Personnel |Reading Specialist |Picture Story Paper | | | |Data sheets showing student, class and grade level|

|and/or the Principal. | |Rubrics | | | |status and percentages |

|Action Step #3: All teachers will emphasize verb |All school personnel |School Wide Initiative | |September, 2010 until May,|End of nine weeks |Summary of Interactive Achievement Test |

|tenses in most written and oral communication. | |Interactive Achievement Test| |2011 | |Results of student writings specifically targeting|

| | |Daily Language Review (1 – | |(3-5) | |verb tenses |

| | |5) | |January, 2011 until May, | | |

| | | | |2011 (1-2) | | |

|Action Step #4: Language arts teachers at all |Classroom Teachers |WTW Spelling Sort Books | |September, 2010 |September, 2010 |Observations/Walkthroughs |

|grade levels will incorporate word study and | |Word Journeys by Kathy | | |January, 2011 |DSA results recorded in Reading Folder |

|dictionaries as a method to address spelling | |Ganske | | |May, 2011 | |

|weaknesses in the writing process. | |Spelling Journals | | | | |

| | |Dictionaries | | | | |

|STRATEGY # 2: Grade specific language review, both| | | | | | |

|written and oral, will be incorporated into the | | | | | | |

|daily language arts block. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #1b: Students will be grouped |Reading Specialist |Language for Learning | |September, 2010 |September, 2010 |Student Placement Test Results |

|according to the placement test and a schedule will| |materials | | | |Master Schedule |

|be developed to provide each student with the |Classroom Teachers |Teacher Manuals | | | | |

|appropriate lesson. | |PALS Scores | | | | |

|Action Step #2: Common English terminology and |Reading Specialist |Blueprints | |1st Semester |January 30, 2010 |Assessments at each grade level |

|specific teaching techniques for specified skills | |Division Curriculum Guide | | | |List of common English terminology |

|will be identified at all grade levels and built |Grade Level |Common Planning time for | | | |List of techniques and skills |

|upon each year. |Teachers |content area teachers | | | | |

|Action Step #3: All teachers, including content |Principal |World of Language | |Throughout the year |Throughout the year |Observations/Walkthroughs |

|area teachers, will expect students to respond in | |Daily Language | | | |Samples of student work |

|complete sentences in oral and/or written |Classroom Teachers |Daily Analogy | | | |Copies of teachers’ communication |

|communication. | |Student Word Journals | | | |Class Summary for each writing prompt indicating |

| | |Language for Learning (K-1) | | | |specifically complete sentence |

|Action Step #4: Teachers at each grade level will |Classroom Teachers |Picture Story Paper | |October, 2010 through May,|October, 2010 |Reading Folder |

|assign at least two writing samples per nine week | |HWT paper | |2011 |January, 2011 |Rubric results |

|period which are grade level appropriate. Rubrics | | | | |April, 2011 |Student Samples |

|will be used as appropriate. | | | | |June, 2011 | |

|STRATEGY #3: All teachers in grades 3 – 5 will use| | | | | | |

|the Golden Package to identify areas of weakness. | | | | | | |

Three-Year School Improvement Plan

A Description of How the School will Meet the Provisional Accreditation Benchmarks, or the Requirements to be Fully Accredited,

for Each of the Years Covered by the Plan

(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.1)

Goal Statement: Sanville Elementary School will maintain full state accreditation and federal AYP designation with emphasis on subgroups to ensure that all subgroups at Sanville will meet the AYP standards whether or not the sample is too small.

Objective # 9: Ninety-eight percent of the students in grades 3 – 5 will pass the mathematics SOL test given in the spring of 2011.

Ninety-five percent of the students in grade 2 will pass the off-grade mathematics test given in the spring of 2011.

Objective #10: By the end of the 2010-2011 school year, 90%, as determined by an analysis of the Golden Package, of all third, fourth and fifth grade students will perform proficiently in each reporting category on the mathematics SOL test.

Objective #11: Sixty percent of the students in grades 3 – 5 will perform pass advanced on the Mathematics Standards of Learning tests.

Specific measures of student achievement that will be taken throughout the school year(s)

and used to monitor academic improvement over time (8 VAC 20 – 131-310.G.2):

|Types of Assessments |Frequency of Measures and Data Collection |Evidence/Data to be Collected |

|Grade Level Assessments (Each grade level and/or content specialist designed tests |Once each nine weeks (interim and end of nine weeks) |Classroom Spreadsheet (matrix analysis) |

|for the interim and end of each nine week period. These tests reflect those | |Individual Mastery Sheets |

|mathematic SOLs taught for the specified period of time.) | |Item Analysis of Nine Week Assessments |

|Interactive Achievement Tests (2 – 5) |Once each nine week period |Classroom Spreadsheet – item analysis |

|Standards of Learning Released Items (3 – 5) |Second semester |Classroom Spreadsheet - item analysis |

|Standards of Learning Results (3 – 5) |Once a year |Performance by Question Analysis |

|Division Off-Grade Level Tests (second grade only) |Once a year |Summary of Test Results – Item Analysis |

| | | | | | | |

|Action Strategies/Tasks |Person (s) |Resources Needed to Complete |Budget Implications |Dates of Activity |Monitoring Dates |Monitoring Indicators |

|(Use action strategies from the School Strategy |Responsible |Task | |(start-to-end) | |(Indicators that point to success at the end of a |

|Cards here.) | | | | | |strategy.) |

|STRATEGY #1: Teachers of mathematics will identify| | | | | | |

|specific areas in which additional mathematics | | | | | | |

|concentration is needed. | | | | | | |

|Action Step # 2: By October, 2010, teachers will |Mathematics teachers |Golden Package | |August, 2010 to October |October 21, 2010 |Strategic Plan for Mathematics |

|“unpack” the new curriculum which relates to each | |AIMSweb | |15, 2010 | | |

|identified area of weakness. Specific strategies | |Saxon Assessments | | | | |

|will be implemented to address the problem areas. | | | | | | |

|A written copy of these strategies will be given to| | | | | | |

|all teachers to be included in the School | | | | | | |

|Improvement Plan. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #3: Teachers will differentiate |Classroom Teachers |Readiness Assessments | |Throughout the school year|October, 2010 |Skill Performance Matrix |

|instruction according to readiness and/or learning | |Learning Styles Inventories | | |January, 2011 |Observations/Walkthroughs |

|styles. Preassessments will be used to determine | |Common Planning Time for | | |April, 2011 |Lesson Plans |

|the readiness level. The learning style of each | |Grade Levels and/or Content | | |June, 2011 | |

|student will be determined within the first month | |Areas | | | | |

|of school. | | | | | | |

|STRATEGY #2: Teachers will provide continuous | | | | | | |

|means of student assessment and preassessment to | | | | | | |

|drive the instructional program. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #2: Grade level nine-week mathematic |Classroom Teachers |Grade Level Nine Week | |October, 2010 |End of each nine |Copies of assessments |

|assessments will be given as a means of continually| |Assessments | |May, 2011 |week period |Class Summary spreadsheets with item analysis |

|monitoring the instructional program. Areas of |RTI Committee |Interactive Achievement | | | | |

|weakness will be determined and remediation | |Teacher Assessments | | | | |

|provided. | |Saxon Assessments (K-2) | | | | |

|Action Step #:3: Teachers will use the technology |Principal |Computer Lab | |Throughout the year |January, 2011 |Observations/Walkthroughs |

|as a resource - Harcourt mathematics, Saxon | |Classroom computers with | | |June, 2011 |Lesson plans |

|Challenge, Knowledge Box, Brain Pop, Safari |Classroom Teachers |software installed | | | | |

|Montage, Interactive Achievement, and any other | |Access to printers | | | | |

|software which might be appropriate for specific |Instructional Technology|Laptop computers | | | | |

|skills. |Resource Teacher |Smartboards | | | | |

| | |iPads (Grade 4&5) | | | | |

| | |Classroom Response Systems | | | | |

|Action Step #4: After-school tutoring and/or |Principal |Pre-assessments After-school |After-school |September, 2010 to July, |October, 2010 |Class Lists of students participating in |

|summer school will be made available to all | |tutorial staff |Remedial Program |2011 |March, 2011 |after-school tutorial and/or summer school |

|students in grades 1 – 5 who have been identified |Classroom Teachers |Summer school staff |Budget | |June, 2011 |programs |

|as “at risk” in the area of mathematics. These | |Progress Monitoring Sheets | | | |Targeted skills to be remediated during tutoring |

|sessions will address the specific skills which |RTI Committee |Mastery Skills Sheets |Summer School Budget| | |sessions from the referring teacher |

|have been identified by the classroom teacher. | | | | | |Evidence of achievement of students in each |

| | | | | | |specific program |

|STRATEGY #3: Teachers of mathematics will | | | | | | |

|emphasize mathematical vocabulary and fact | | | | | | |

|families. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #2: Primary teachers will continuously|Primary Teachers (1-2) |Timers | |October, 2010 Weekly |End of each nine |Interactive Timed Assessments (2nd grade) |

|concentrate on the mastery of fact families (oral | |Nine week Assessment on fact | | |week period |Teacher Data Collection |

|and written). Various strategies concentrating in | |families | | | | |

|number and number sense will be used. Fluency | |Mad Minutes | | | | |

|checks will be used as one means for progress | |Saxon Assessments | | | | |

|monitoring. | |Pocket Facts | | | | |

| | |AIMSweb | | | | |

|Action Step #3: Elementary teachers will |Classroom Teachers (3-5)|Timers | |October, 2010 |End of nine week |Interactive Timed Assessments |

|continuously concentrate on the mastery of | |Nine week assessment on fact | |Twice a month |periods |Mathematics Folder |

|multiplication facts (oral and written). |Itinerant Teachers |families | | | |Progress Monitoring Sheets |

|Memorization | |Mad Minutes | | | | |

|Skip Counting | |Pocket Facts | | | | |

|Fluency Check | |Rhymes & Times | | | | |

| | |Interactive Achievement | | | | |

| | |Multiplication CD’s/songs | | | | |

Three-Year School Improvement Plan

A Description of How the School will Meet the Provisional Accreditation Benchmarks, or the Requirements to be Fully Accredited,

for Each of the Years Covered by the Plan

(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.1)

Goal Statement: Sanville Elementary School will maintain full state accreditation and federal AYP designation with emphasis on subgroups to ensure that all subgroups at Sanville will meet the AYP standards whether or not the sample is too small.

Objective #12: Ninety-six percent of the third and fifth grade students will pass the science SOL test given in the spring, 2011.

Objective #13: By the end of the 2010-2011 school year, 95% of all third and fifth grade students will perform proficiently in all reporting categories on the science SOL test.

Objective #14: By the end of the 2010-2011 school year, 85% of all second grade students will perform proficiently in the all of the reporting categories on Interactive Achievement.

Objective #15: Forty percent of the third and fifth grade students will perform pass advanced on the Science Standards of Learning test.

Specific measures of student achievement that will be taken throughout the school year(s)

and used to monitor academic improvement over time (8 VAC 20 – 131-310.G.2):

|Types of Assessments |Frequency of Measures and Data Collection |Evidence/Data to be Collected |

| Grade Level Assessments (Each grade level and/or content specialist has designed|Once a nine week or more if needed. |Classroom Spreadsheet with item analysis |

|tests for each theme and/or unit. These tests reflect those science SOLs taught | |Grade distribution sheets of each test given |

|for the specified period of time.) | |Copy of Assessments |

|Interactive Notebook |Continuous |Interactive Notebooks of Students (2-5) |

|Interactive Achievement Tests |At least once each nine weeks |Class Summary Analysis (2-5) |

|Standards of Learning released items |Second semester |Tests |

|Off-grade Science Test |May, 2011 |Classroom Summary with Item Analysis |

|Standards of Learning results |Once a year – information received from DOE |Summary of test results |

| | | | | | | |

|Action Strategies/Tasks |Person (s) |Resources Needed to Complete |Budget Implications |Dates of Activity |Monitoring Dates |Monitoring Indicators |

|(Use action strategies from the School Strategy |Responsible |Task | |(start-to-end) | |(Indicators that point to success at the end of a |

|Cards here.) | | | | | |strategy.) |

|STRATEGY #1: All teachers of science will use | | | | | | |

|off-grade tests and/or the Golden Package to | | | | | | |

|identify areas of weakness in the instructional | | | | | | |

|program. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #2: Teachers will identify and |Grade Level and/or |IA |Interactive Reading |August, 2010 |October, 2010 and |Hard copy of common science terminology |

|determine the common terminology which is necessary |Content Chairman |SOL Released Test Items |and Notetaking | |throughout the |Science notebooks of students |

|for successfully mastering the science SOLs at each |Science Teachers |Data Analysis from Action | | |school year |Evidence of “Unpacked” curriculum |

|specified grade level. Teachers of students in | |Step 1 | | | | |

|grades 2 – 5 will use the instructional strategy of | |Curriculum Framework | | | | |

|interactive reading notetaking. | |Interactive Reading | | | | |

| | |Notetaking | | | | |

| | |Golden Package | | | | |

|Action Step #3: Teachers will differentiate |Classroom Teachers |Preassessments | |Throughout the school year|October, 2010 |SOL Test results (Performance by Question within |

|instruction according to readiness and/or learning | |Learning Styles Inventories | | |January, 2011 |category) |

|styles. Preassessments will be use to determine the| |Common Planning Time for | | |April, 2011 |Skill Performance Matrix |

|readiness level and when necessary lessons will be | |Grade Levels and/or Content | | |June, 2011 |Observations/Walkthroughs |

|differentiated. The learning style of each student | |Areas | | | |Lesson Plans – specifically DI lessons |

|will be determined within the first month of school.| | | | | |Copies of pre-/post-assessments |

|Action Step #4: Teachers will provide instruction |Classroom Teachers |Curriculum Frameworks |Interactive |November, 2010 throughout |January, 2011 |Models |

|which reflects more real-world, interactive, and | |Interactive Notebooks |Notebooks |school year. |June, 2011 |Displays |

|engaging activities where scientific investigation | |Expert Space | | | |Student Work |

|is the base. Graphing and interpreting data will be| | |Expert Space | | |Classroom observation/Walkthroughs |

|used where appropriate. | | | | | |Lesson Plans |

| | | | | | |Interactive Notebook of each student |

|Action Step #5: Third through fifth grade teachers |Principal |Curriculum | |October, 2010 |October 31, 2010 |Long-term goals for mathematics and science with |

|of science and mathematics will collaborate to | |Framework | |January, 2011 |February, 2011 |the scope and sequence |

|determine areas which overlap in each discipline, |Science and Mathematics |Timeline of curriculum being | | | |Timeline and/or time frame |

|such as, graphing and interpreting results. |Chairmen |taught in both content areas | | | |Interactive notebooks for science and mathematics |

|Teachers will also determine the time of year that | |Interactive notebooks for | | | | |

|each area is being taught. | |science and mathematics | | | | |

| | |Expert Space | | | | |

|STRATEGY #2: Teachers of science will emphasize scientific investigations. | | |

|Grade Level Assessments (Each grade level and/or content specialist has designed |Twice each nine weeks (interim and end of nine weeks) |Classroom Spreadsheet and Individual Mastery |

|tests for the interim and end of each nine week period. These tests reflect | |Grade distribution sheets of each test given |

|those social studies SOLs taught for the specified period of time.) | | |

|Interactive Achievements |Twice each nine weeks |Summary with matrix analysis |

|Interactive Notebooks |Throughout the year |Interactive Notebooks of students |

|Standards of Learning released items |Second semester |Tests |

|Standards of Learning results |Once a year – information received from DOE |Summary of test results |

| | | | | | | |

|Action Strategies/Tasks |Person (s) |Resources Needed to Complete |Budget Implications |Dates of Activity |Monitoring Dates |Monitoring Indicators |

|(Use action strategies from the School Strategy |Responsible |Task | |(start-to-end) | |(Indicators that point to success at the end of a |

|Cards here.) | | | | | |strategy.) |

|STRATEGY #1: More emphasis will be placed on | | | | | | |

|historical figures and their actions/contributions. | | | | | | |

|STRATEGY #2: All teachers will place more emphasis | | | | | | |

|on the economics portion of the SOLs. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #2: Teacher of K-3 students will |Social Studies Teachers |Standards of Learning | |September, 2010 throughout|October, 2010 |SOL Test results (Performance by Question within |

|concentrate on needs/wants and goods and services. | |Curriculum Framework | |the year |February, 2011 |category) |

|Teachers of 4-5 students will concentrate on | |4th grade iPad | | |May, 2011 |Skill Performance Matrix |

|industry in Virginia. | | | | | |Observations/Walkthroughs |

| | | | | | |Lesson Plans |

| | | | | | |Copies of pre-/post-assessments |

|Action Step #3: Teachers will provide instruction |All Teachers |Newspaper | |August, 2010 throughout |October, 2010 |Log of Resource persons |

|which reflects real-world, interactive, engaging | |Internet | |end of year |February, 2011 |Lesson Plans |

|activities. | |I-pads | | |May, 2011 |Observations/Walkthroughs |

| | |Resource people | | | | |

Three-Year School Improvement Plan

A Description of How the School will Meet the Provisional Accreditation Benchmarks, or the Requirements to be Fully Accredited,

for Each of the Years Covered by the Plan

(8 VAC 20-131-310.G.1)

Goal Statement: Sanville Elementary School will maintain full state accreditation and federal AYP designation with emphasis on subgroups to ensure that all subgroups at Sanville will meet the AYP standards whether or not the sample is too small.

Objective #18: One hundred percent of the classroom teachers, special education teachers and ELL tutors will meet with all the parent(s) of their students at least one time each semester.

Objective #19: One hundred percent of the classroom teachers will meet with the parents of identified “at risk” students at least one time each semester, with at least one conference held in the second semester.

Objective #20: Ninety percent of the parents whose children have IEPs will participate in the development of the IEP by attending the meeting.

Objective #21: One hundred percent of the faculty will maintain a webpage which is updated weekly.

Specific measures of student achievement that will be taken throughout the school year(s)

and used to monitor academic improvement over time (8 VAC 20 – 131-310.G.2):

|Types of Assessments |Frequency of Measures and Data Collection |Evidence/Data to be Collected |

|Currently Working on an assessment and/or contact sheet which will document the extent |Once the assessment and/or contact sheet is developed, it is |Hard copies of contact sheet |

|to which each teacher is involving the parents in their child’s education. |expected to be updated continuously. At the end of the year, |Hard copy of the generalizations from the contact sheets |

| |teachers give them to the principal. | |

| | | | | | | |

|Action Strategies/Tasks |Person (s) |Resources Needed to Complete|Budget Implications |Dates of Activity |Monitoring Dates |Monitoring Indicators |

|(Use action strategies from the School Strategy |Responsible |Task | |(start-to-end) | |(Indicators that point to success at the end of a |

|Cards here.) | | | | | |strategy.) |

|STRATEGY 1: Teachers will expect parents to become | | | | | | |

|involved in the education of their child. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #2: Teachers will conference with each |Classroom Teachers |Released time as needed for | |November, 2010 May, 2011 |Each semester |Documentation of contacts to parents |

|student’s parent(s) once each semester, with at | |conferences | | | |Schedule of conferences |

|least one face-to-face contact and/or the other by |Special Education |Transportation for parents | | | |Notes from conferences (conference logs) |

|telephone. These meetings are in addition to |Teachers |Principal | | | | |

|regularly scheduled IEP meetings and LEP meetings. | | | | | | |

| |ELL Tutor | | | | | |

|Action Step #3: Teachers will contact parents of |Classroom Teachers |Released time as needed for | |November, 2010 through |End of each nine |Documentation of contacts to parents |

|students, who are experiencing difficulty and may be| |conferences | |May, 2011 |week period |Schedule of conferences |

|considered “at risk”, no less than twice during the |Special Education |Transportation for parents | | | |Notes from conferences |

|year, with one during second semester. Specific |Teachers |Principal | | | |Copies of strategies given to parents |

|details of progress, as well as possible retention, | | | | | |Copies of pre/postassessments |

|will be reviewed with the parents. |ELL Tutor | | | | | |

|Pre/postassessments will be available to address | | | | | | |

|specific areas where their child has weaknesses. | | | | | | |

|Parents will be given specific strategies to assist | | | | | | |

|with these skills. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #4: Each nine weeks, all grade level |Classroom Teachers |Transportation for parents |Monies for |October 29,2010 throughout|End of each nine |Date of meeting |

|teachers will have a parent meeting which addresses |(K-5) |First Alert |Refreshments and/or |the school year |week period |Agenda |

|specific instructional materials and strategies. | |Newsletters about meeting |“dinner” | | |Parental Contact Roster |

|Personal contact about the meeting will be expected.| |Principal | | | | |

|Action Step #5: Teachers will contact parents of |Classroom Teachers (K-2)|Pre-post assessments | |September 15, 2010 |Weekly for probes |Printout of completed spreadsheet |

|students who are in the bottom two tiers (below | |Graph of probes | |May, 2011 |End of each nine | |

|average and well below average) on AIMSweb no less | | | | |weeks | |

|than four times a year. Specific details of | | | | | | |

|progress will be reviewed with the parents. | | | | | | |

|Action Step #6: All teachers (classroom, |All Teachers |Computer with access to | |Throughout the year |Once during each |Periodic checks of web pages |

|itinerants, and specialists) will have an updated | |internet | | |nine week period | |

|web page with information relative to upcoming | | | | | | |

|activities, homework, links, and other information | | | | | | |

|parents may need to become involved in the education| | | | | | |

|of their child. | | | | | | |


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