Doodle Story: Dump It Out At the Ball Game

Doodle Story: Dump It Out At the Ball Game

The one thing Koby loved about baseball games was all the free food. He had an unlimited supply of peanuts, frankfurters, popcorn, and nachos even if he ran into the right fur who sold them. The brown bear had a habit of eating a lot more than he should, fixating more on the scrumptious food than the actual game itself. Even right now, he was shoveling a hot dog into his mouth instead of looking down at the field and cheering when the star player on his team scored a home-run. Everyone in the bleachers—including his rhino friend Mark—stood up and cheered or clapped wildly, chatting the team’s name. Once the brown bear swallowed his hot dog, he looked down at the field and scanned the whole area.

“What’d I miss?” he asked.

The rhino shook his head. “A home-run! This is the first time I’ve been to a game where the Jetcats scored one!”

Koby’s eyes grew wide. “That’s not possible. They-they—Arlen Tumbelberry was at bat! That jaguar can’t even hit the ball!”

Mark shrugged. “Guess they got lucky.”

“Aww! I can’t believe I missed that!”

The pachyderm glanced down at Koby’s seat. He had two bags of peanuts and popcorn surrounding him, a bucket of nachos, and a medium-sized cola beverage. Even after the brown ursine missed one of the greatest moments in the Jetcats’ history, he still continued to pig out on the food. The bear opened his large paw and grabbed as many nachos as he could before gobbling them all down noisily. The rhino just watched the bear as he messily smacked on the nachos, hardly even bothering to chew.

“Geez, Koby, slow down! You wanna give yourself gas?”

The bear gulped loudly before taking a long swig of his soda. “Relax, Mark, I’ll be fine.”

The rhino grinned. “Just remember: there are no commercials here. So if you have to pee—”

“I said I’ll be okay. Really.”

Mark shrugged. “If you say so.”

An hour-and-a-half had passed, and now Koby and Mark were busy sitting on the edge of their seats, awaiting the end. The Jetcats were up by two, but their rivals, the Scorpions, had a wolf on third base and a Labrador on second. All they needed was one good hit and the score would be tied. A burly green husky was up at bat. He stared at the pitcher, waiting to crack the ball in half. The pitcher threw the ball; the husky hit it as hard as he could before he sprinted towards first base. The wolf made it to home, and the Labrador sprinted towards third.

“They’re cutting it close,” said Mark.

Koby wasn’t listening. He was fidgeting around in his seat, trying his best not to seem like he was disturbed by something. The brown bear sighed as he looked down at his light grey shorts. His distended stomach was bulging against his green shirt; part of it was visible and spilling over his waistband. Mark glanced at Koby, wondering why he was fidgeting so much. But the rhino knew Koby, so there was no need to ask.

“You gotta pee.”

“Yeah.” There was no point in denying it.

“Koby, the game’s almost over. If you leave now—”

“I know, I know. It’s just…I don’t know if I can hold it much longer. I drank a lot of soda.”

“You guzzled down a medium and ordered two more larges. I’m surprised your whole bladder hasn’t exploded!”

Koby chuckled. “What do you think? Maybe they’ll go into overtime and-and I won’t miss much!”

Mark grinned. “Or you can just go here, kill two birds with one stone.”

“Dude! I’m in public! There are furs all over the place—I can’t just…” Koby lowered his voice. “I can’t just pee myself right here and now. Someone could see me!”

“No one’s gonna care. They’re all too focused on the game. Even if someone saw you pee yourself, do you really think they’d pay attention to some random bear they don’t know?”

“Well…you got a point.”

“Hey, it’s not like I haven’t done it before. Remember the construction site a while back, when I accidentally drank prune juice and crapped myself?”

“You weren’t near anybody though—you went up on one of the buildings and soiled yourself up there.”

The rhino shrugged. “Just sayin’. You can go to the bathroom, but if you miss the end of this game…”

Koby huffed. While the duo was busy talking, they failed to notice that the score was now tied and the Jetcats were up at bat. If he left now and they scored another home-run, it would’ve been very disappointing for him. At this point, Koby would prefer peeing himself than missing the climax of the game. So he shifted around in his seat a little, looked left, looked right, and then down at the bleachers. He tried to hold it in, but he felt something warm already trickling down into his boxers. So he just leaned back and sighed before smiling widely. The bear let himself go and started to pee in his shorts. Mark glanced down at the bear’s crotch and saw a small stain appear and spread across the fabric quickly. The rhino laughed softly before fixating on the game again. Meanwhile, Koby sighed and cherished the moment, enjoying how warm the fluids felt against his groin and legs. There was absolutely no sound, so no one even heard him. However, once the urine began to bleed through his boxers and shorts, it began to stain the chair. It wasn’t long before the pee began to drip down onto the floor of the bleachers faintly. Koby sighed again and peed in his trousers even more. The stain on his groin was huge; the urine was dripping down onto the floor in four separate rivulets. Some of it was even coming out of the leg-holes in Koby’s shorts. Koby was so caught up with the moment that he failed to notice that the raccoon sitting next to him had heard the splashing. He stared at Koby’s shorts and examined the stain and the liquid dripping down them. There was only one conclusion the coon could come up with.

“Dude…are you pissin’ yourself?” he asked.

Koby looked at him, still unaware of what was going on. “What?”

He gasped. The raccoon was staring at him questionably, with an eyebrow lifted.

“No! No, no, no, I—I was—”

Koby screamed. His groin suddenly felt cold and there was even more liquid on his trousers. He looked down and panted as he saw ice and more yellow fluids dripping down his shorts. Then he looked up at Mark, who seemed agitated.

“DAMNIT!” he shouted. “I can’t believe I just spilled lemonade all over your shorts! I paid five bucks for that!”

Koby lowered his arms and relaxed. He glanced over at the raccoon, who lowered his eyebrow and turned away to watch the game. Either Mark’s plan worked or the coon was too concerned about the game to care about a lone ursine he didn’t know who willingly peed himself in public. Besides, it was the Jetcats. If the coon had to, he’d piss his pants too than miss a second of the game.

“Thanks Mark.”

“Just be glad I bought a large lemonade to drink.”

Koby leaned back again and relaxed. Now he truly had nothing to worry about. …And then his stomach rumbled. The brown bear curiously looked down at his stomach and put his left paw on it, rubbing it a little to ease the digestive system. It gurgled at him even louder this time, up to a point where Mark had heard it. The bear grunted and shifted around in his seat, but the pachyderm could already tell that he needed to go. He sighed exasperatedly.

“And now you gotta poop.”

Koby nodded. “What—”

“In your pants. C’mon, it’s not like you haven’t done it before.”

“Not in a place this public, Mark!”

“We only got thirty seconds left in the game. By the time they finish, your shorts will only be partially ruined. I have a spare in my car so you can just go to the bathroom and finish, wipe yourself up, and then change when we get back to the parking lot. Absolutely no one has to know.”

“What if they go into overtime? They’re tied right now.”

“They won’t.”

“What if they do?”

“They won’t.”

“But what if—”

“They won’t, Koby.”

The brown bear stopped asking questions. He continued to fidget around in his seat, hoping that the baseball game would end before he filled his trousers with scat. Nevertheless, he knew that he was gonna have to let out some gas in order to get rid of some of the abdominal pain, so he slyly leaned over and let out a long, but silent fart. It hissed out of his anus like steam; it was so warm it felt like someone just turned on a heater inside of Koby’s shorts. Mark didn’t seem to react, so he obviously didn’t smell it. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for the next fart he let out, which was not only loud, but vaguely squishy too. It lasted for quite a few seconds and left a moist spot on Koby’s underwear. The bear thought he had just soiled himself right there. Koby could tell that Mark smelled it judging by the way he grimaced after flaring his nostrils a couple times, but Mark was Mark. He was already used to the stench of Koby’s gas. The bear was just lucky the raccoon didn’t smell it.

Only five seconds left. Koby could do this. Passing gas helped out much more than intended, but the pressure was still there. So the bear pretended to get out of his chair, but he was really just leaning forward and sticking his ass and stubby tail in the air. Koby sighed and let out tremendous fart that sounded just like a tuba blasting for eight long seconds. He knew that Mark—the raccoon even—heard him, but he didn’t care. Getting caught farting at a baseball game was much less embarrassing than getting caught soiling himself. The only problem was that Koby didn’t just let out flatus. When he finished up the fart, it became squeaky and wet, and the ursine yelped as he felt something hot and slippery shoot out of the crevice in-between both buttocks. He quickly sat back down, knowing a little diarrhea just came out. But lucky for him, it looked like the game was over—the Jetcats had just hit a home-run. At least, it would’ve have been, if the wind hadn’t shifted at the last second, causing the ball to lose speed and promptly fall down right into a Scorpions ball-player’s glove. He caught it; everyone on the Jetcats’ team was out. The horn blared, but the score was still tied.

“I don’t believe it folks! Looks like we’re going into overtime!” shouted the announcer.

Everyone in the audience said “aww” or “ooh” or swore out loud like Mark did. Koby just whimpered, and sharted himself even more. This time, Mark not only heard him, but smelled his feces. The rhino waved the smell away, but he knew what happened to the bear. The smell wouldn’t go away for a while. And if it got any worse, then everyone in the entire section of the bleachers would catch wind of it.

“Um, maybe you should go to the bathroom,” advised Mark.

Koby didn’t have to think twice. He hopped out of his seat and ran down the aisle, clenching his butt cheeks together and praying no one could see the brown stain on his shorts. The coon detected something foul in the air, but he didn’t care. A few other furs reacted questionably and plugged their noses as Koby ran past them, but the bear didn’t care anymore. He had to find a toilet and fast. Koby rushed up the stairs and entered the stadium, which was empty short of a few janitors cleaning up the place and other baseball fans buying souvenirs and junk food. He could just squat and go in the corner, but the place was still public. Besides, if a security guard found him defecating, he might get kicked out permanently. So he ran up to the nearest janitor he could find and asked him where the latrines were.

“Hey, uh, where are the bathrooms?”

“Down that hall and to the right. You’d better hurry though.”

“…What do you mean?”

“For the game! You don’t wanna miss the final minutes, do you?”

Koby exhaled with relief. For a second there, he thought the janitor had found out what happened. “Oh, okay.”

The bear entered the hallway, but as he ran, sloppy scat was sliding out of his butt crack. He groaned again, hoping that the stain on his shorts hadn’t grown. The bear was about halfway when his gut exploded, and he let out a gargantuan fart that echoed throughout the corridor. Even worse, he could feel a hefty amount of dung coming out of his ass. The brown bear whimpered and held the seat of his pants, only to realize that they were wet from the diarrhea earlier. Koby squatted a little and started to go. Part of his subconscious told him, “Fuck it. Just go right here. No one’s around and you already crapped yourself. It can’t get any worse.” Koby actually squatted down and spread his legs wide, grinning as he passed gas and began to let the giant boulder fill up his boxers. His shorts bulged outwards, and the bear sighed. Truth be told, Koby actually enjoyed soiling himself and would sometimes do it intentionally. The fact that he was doing it in public just made it even better. It was like he was telling the world he was the ultimate potty rebel, and even when he did it in front of an open crowd, no one gave a damn. But his devious and dirty thoughts were knocked aside when another voice screamed out, “You’re only ten feet away from the bathroom and you’re gonna soil your trousers now?!”

Koby snapped back to reality, stood up, and sprinted down the hall. He took a sharp turn to his right, and then grunted and fell down as he bumped into another fur who was standing in the middle of the hallway. Koby sat up and looked at the animal—a large gray elephant in an orange suit—before noticing the bathroom was just up ahead. He was about to get up and go, but he suddenly smelled something funky in the air, and it wasn’t his own mess.

“Hey,” he said.

The elephant gasped and quickly spun himself around. “Oh, hey. I-I guess I was in your way, huh?”

“No, no, it’s my fault. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” Koby raised an eyebrow. Something looked familiar about the pachyderm. “Do I know you?”

The elephant quickly stood up and began to back up towards the bathroom door. “No, no, of course not! Why would you?”

The elephant was sweating and smiling nervously, like he was about to get robbed. Something was wrong with him.

“Are you sure? Because I remember this one guy who looked strangely like you who crapped himself in a post office so hard—”

“How did you—” The elephant changed his words. “That—That wasn’t—you’re mistaken…I’m sure that—”

The elephant’s cheeks turned red when he left out a nasty fart that was muffled by the sound of his pants. “Excuse me.”

As Koby stood up and saw the elephant run into the bathroom, he noticed that the guy had soiled himself too, and was trying to make it to the lavatory before he ruined his pants. Of course, the bulge in the seat of his trousers was gargantuan and completely brown. The brown bear actually felt a little bad for the guy. His shorts were only fifteen bucks—the elephant looked like he had spent over four hundred dollars on that suit, and no amount of dry cleaning would get rid of those brown streak marks. His feelings for remorse were cut short when the bear felt more slurry sliding down his filthy anus and splashing into his boxers. He too, sprinted into the bathroom, ready to throw himself into a stall. When he entered the bathroom, he swore softly. There were only three stalls, all of which were occupied. Koby crouched down and tried to see if anyone was finishing up. A dragon was reading a newspaper inside one stall; a bull was grunting as he dropped watery fecal matter; the elephant Koby ran into panted hastily as he dropped his pants (Koby could see the mess in his underwear), sat on the porcelain, and began to go. The bear thought about waiting for one of them to finish, but once he heard the cacophonous farting and splashing from the elephant’s stall, he knew that waiting was almost pointless by now. Unbeknown to Koby, the dragon had been stuck in his stall for over twenty minutes, trying to overcome constipation. The bull was suffering from food poisoning and had been enduring vomiting and diarrhea for the past week. Even if he left his stall, he’d just run back inside so he could puke or squirt out more dung. That only left one option for Koby. The voice inside his head spoke again. “Oh, look at that: all the stalls are full. Guess you have to poop yourself now.” Koby didn’t argue with that logic. He was gonna soil himself.

Koby walked over towards the end of the bathroom next to one of the occupied stalls and grinned. He squatted down and placed his paws on his knees, pretending that there was a fourth stall and he was sitting on the porcelain. Then he grunted and let it all out in his shorts. The bulge from behind increased instantly—all the feces rushed out of his anus with lightning speed. He could feel it sliding down his boxers, staining the back of his legs even. Koby let out a giant, muffled fart before sighing and letting out two more huge boulders. The bear giggled, pleased by the squishy sensation developing in his trousers. He passed gas again, but the elephant in the stall muted it out when he let out an equally loud fart that echoed deeply in the toilet bowl. More excrement slid out the bear’s ass; his shorts were so full that they were drooping now in a rather comical way. The seat of them was completely brown and anyone could’ve seen the bloated lumps bulging against the fabric. Koby let out some more and heard two plops. Some of the feces actually fell out the leg-holes and plopped on the floor. It’s all right, Koby thought. This is a men’s bathroom—no one’s gonna care if some of my shit gets on the floor if no one cares that others pee all over the walls. The bear felt like he was finished, but at the very last second, shouted when it felt like someone was filling his shorts with very warm coffee. The diarrhea had struck again, and it was spreading all over the place. But Koby enjoyed the warm sensation, and relaxed with a pleased smile on his face. He growled softly as the warm, liquid feces filled his shorts, before more liquidly, but partly chunky defecation began to come out.

“Ohhhhhhh yeeeeeeeaaaaahhh…that feels good…” he muttered.

The bear was so pleased by the warm feeling that it made soiling his trousers worth it. It was all so hot, so messy, and so putrid. The diarrhea was dripping all over the floor, but he didn’t care. There were lumps the size of his fists in the back of his trousers, not to mention the gigantic brown stain. And yet, Koby didn’t care. The brown ursine let out two more greasy farts before he sighed and realized his bowel trauma had disappeared. He stood up and looked at the mess he made on the floor. It wasn’t too bad, and chances were no one would even notice. But the bear didn’t risk it, so he got some napkins from their dispenser, picked up the fecal matter, and tossed it in the trash. Then he washed his paws, dried them off, and left the bathroom.

Walking back to his seat was fun. Koby had run into several furs and scaleys in the stadium, but no one had said a thing to him. Many of them were wondering why the air was suddenly filled with the unbearable stench of bear shit, but no one ever thought to look at Koby. Some furs didn’t even notice. The bear just grinned as he felt the excrement slosh around in his shorts, feeling all that squishy slurry rubbing against his chubby buttocks. The hard part was getting past the fans in the bleachers since he had to squeeze his way past them. Only a couple had groaned out loud and shouted out that something really stinks, but again, no one was smart enough to look at Koby’s shorts. They were too focused on the game. Even the raccoon who noticed Koby wet himself earlier clearly could tell that the bear failed to make it to the bathroom on time. But he didn’t care, because the Jetcats were playing. Frankly, if the coon had been placed in the same position as Koby, he wouldn’t have even tried to make it to the restroom. He would’ve just gone in his seat so he wouldn’t miss a single second of the game.

“Hey, Mark.”

“Oh, hey…” Mark couldn’t even finish his sentence before he covered his nose with his arm and began to cough. Koby just smiled widely.

“I take it you didn’t make it?”

“Actually, I did. But all the stalls were full and I didn’t feel like waiting. Did I miss anything?”

“Nope. We still got two minutes left.”

Koby sat down in his seat with a relieved sigh and giggled when he felt and heard the mess in his shorts squish. “Good.”

Mark coughed a few more times. “I gotta remember to bring clothespins whenever I hang out with you.”

“Like you wouldn’t do the same thing I did?”

Mark grinned. “Good point. Still, it’s gonna be hard walking back to the parking lot without anyone seeing you—or smelling you, for that matter. I still got those extra pair of shorts in my car. You want me to run out and get ’em?”

Koby chuckled. “What? And miss the rest of the game?”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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