
1600200342900Manor ISD Advanced ProgramsAIM Gifted AcademyAccelerate*Innovate*Motivate00Manor ISD Advanced ProgramsAIM Gifted AcademyAccelerate*Innovate*MotivateAIM for the Future!Overview:Manor ISD is excited to have a gifted academy approach within all eight elementary campuses in order to better serve students qualifying for GT services. The AIM Academy ~Accelerate*Innovate*Motivate will provide a rigorous and engaging curriculum for GT children in grade levels 1-5. It will allow concentrated gifted instruction in all academic areas through integrated lesson designs based upon a STEM and Humanities PBL model. All MISD lessons are designed collaboratively through Advanced Programs with curriculum supports aligned with TEA and current Gifted Education leaders in resource development. Instructors will directly serve elementary grade level cohorts one day per week. PCE’s Lead AIM teacher:The AIM LEAD teacher is Mrs. Jennifer Cooper. Mrs. Cooper has been teaching for going on 13 years with 3 of those being in Secondary education and 10 in Elementary. She has been the Gifted Coordinator at PCE for 6 years and has worked with gifted children her entire career. She has developed a life long passion for working in gifted education and constantly reviews research and stays current in new innovative ideas in education. Mrs. Cooper also serves as a district PBL trainer. AIM curriculum:All gifted children at PCE will engage in a one day a week pull out in the AIM classroom. The schedule will include cross-curricular real world PBL units based around the grade level theme. The PBL projects are derived from the Prufrock Press series called Differentiated Curriculum. First grade’s theme is Patterns, Second Grade is Changes, Third Grade is Relationships, Fourth Grade is Systems, and Fifth Grade is Structures. There will also be hands on interest stations. The stations are Creation Station, Brain Games, Math Magicians, Assembly Zone, STEM, Author’s Corner, Tech Café, Discovery Spot, Book Worms, and Composer’s Chair. All of these tie in every subject and interest from one end of the spectrum to the other. The students will journal, document, write, research, critically think, collaborate, present, blog, create, and problem solve.AIM daily structure:PCE and Shadow Glen:Monday: 1st/2nd: 1st half dayTuesday: 3rdWednesday: 4thThursday: 5thFriday: GT Coordinating & team planning Other Elementary Schools:Monday: 2nd-3rd: 1st half-day School A Tuesday: 4th-5th: School AWednesday: 2nd-3rd: 1st half- day School B Thursday: 4th-5th: School BFriday: GT Coordinating & team planningCommunication:Please subscribe to my website for updates, and please follow me on Twitter @JennieCoop. I consistently update our daily learning on there. The children will have an AIM folder that will contain important information if paper copies are needed. They have an AIM reflection and behavior chart that will communicate what and how they did that day. Please check this folder every week. Home Extensions:The students will have home extensions that connect to their AIM classroom projects. They have a specified amount of time to complete them. They are discussed and pertinent to their projects. Please adhere to the due dates. We are holding the kids to high real world standards. Grading policy:AIM students will keep a portfolio of their work and interactive journals of their work. At the end of the year they will bring home all that they have accomplished in the academy. At the end of each semester they will be given an evaluation report. While they will not receive a formal grade in Skyward for AIM, please encourage your child to take every bit of the work done in AIM seriously. Consequences will be assigned to those as needed for not completing work done in AIM. Parents will be notified if there are concerns with work completion, progress, and behavior. Supplies:MISD Gifted and Talented will provide all consumables. The district will purchase the books for projects as well, but they will belong to the district. If you would like to purchase your own copies of the books you are more than welcome to. Please check Half Price Books and first before buying them new. I will also post a wish list on my website and would greatly appreciate anything that you are able to provide on that list. Participation:AIM is an academy designed for GT identified students. There will be periodic times throughout the year where students who are being considered for AIM to come “try it out.” Observations used for qualification will be collected during these times. Identified GT students are expected to attend AIM on their one day a week pull out. If a student misses their AIM day, he or she is responsible to communicate with the AIM teacher or their PBL team on what they missed. Kindergarten aged children are typically not assessed for AIM until the spring semester. They will not be serviced by AIM until first grade if they qualified while still in Kinder. However, Kinder qualifiers will be invited to special AIM events in the spring. AIM Academy students are expected to come to AIM prepared to learn and prepared to work hard. By the end of the day their little brains should be sore but they should be smiling at the same time. We have high expectations of their work ethic as well as their behavior. Consequences are assigned as needed for work ethic and behavior as it would be in any class, and extensions will not be given unless mastery has been achieved.Ultimately, AIM students are serviced by their classroom teacher for four days and 1 day in the AIM Academy. Parent Volunteers:AIM parents are more than welcome to volunteer in the classroom to help with lesson preparation, material distribution, copying, laminating, and other classroom duties as needed by the AIM teacher. There will be times when guest speakers are needed for specific units of study. If you would like to participate or know someone in the desired profession, we would love to have you or them in to talk with the kids. Parents are also invited to participate as panels in PBL presentations as well. Any volunteers will be asked to sign up on the district website for volunteers before coming in. Please visit the district website for how to volunteer. Projects:Since our curriculum is based off of PBL and 21st Century Skills, projects are the main part of the program’s study. Each grade level will complete 4 projects for the year. 3 are problem based from our GT curriculum. The 4th project is at the end of the year and is showcased at the Mindspill Symposium. AIM home extensions connect directly to the grade level projects. Students are welcome to complete AIM work during their class time as well, if approved by their homeroom teacher. However, they are responsible for this work and will be held accountable if they lose it. Field Trips: AIM students will attend 1 grade level field trip per year. The trips will correlate with our topics of study. Gifted and Talented will cover the expenses of these trips. Students will be expected to demonstrate acceptable behavior and have passing grades to attend. Special Events:AIM will hold several special events each year. 4th grade holds a living wax museum and 3rd grade holds a taste of heritage event. All of AIM will present passion projects through the Texas Performance Standards in the spring at an event called, Mindspill Symposium. There will be a public viewing for all of these. Each year AIM also participates in the District Technology Showcase in the spring and several PBL showcases throughout the year. During the spring AIM parent meeting, projects will be showcased as well. Parent Meetings:There will be two parent meetings during the school year. The fall parent meeting will be in September/October. The second one will be in January/February. The dates and times will be solidified ASAP. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support! MISD AIM Teachers377190014478000Email: Jennifer.cooper@Phone: 512-278-4250 ext. 3787Note: This is a living document and is subject to revision. ................

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