If you have a passion for helping others, are compassionate,

[Pages:2]If you have a passion for helping others, are compassionate,

understanding and a good listener, this may be the career for

you! Graduates have enjoyed considerable success with job

placement and the opportunities are growing. Within our 50-

week Community Support Worker Diploma are two employer

supervised practicums, each is four weeks in duration. We

benefit from strong ties to

social service agencies in

the Mid Island region and

have recently placed stu-

dents in settings that sup-

port pregnant teenagers,

homeless persons, children

with special needs, and

those with substance abuse

problems. We have also

placed graduates in the ar-

Community Support Worker student Kaitlyn Niddrie volunteers as a greeter at our Fall 2012 Graduation

ea of First Nations outreach and community develop-

ment, especially for youth

and those in rehabilitation. Sprott Shaw CSW graduates can

be found working at Ladysmith Resource Center, J. Garnons

Williams (adult residential housing), Samaritan House, Nanai-

mo Men's Resource Center, The Cedars in Cobble Hill,

Clements Society (Adult residential & adult day programs for

mentally and physically challenged individuals as well as af-

ter school programs for challenged children), Child Develop-

ment Centre, Pregnancy Crisis Center, Forward House in

Parksville (adult day programs for adults with mental illness

and addiction), Tansor Elementary School Daycare Center,

VITALS in Cowichan (residential facilities for physically and

mentally challenged

adults, Bill's Place in

Nanaimo (adult brain

injury clients), Warm-

land Shelter in Duncan

(transitional housing),

Island Crisis Care So-

ciety, Nanaimo Asso-

ciation for Community

Living, and One Stop

Community Support Worker graduates celebrate the completion of their program and pose for a picture with CSW Instructor, Jan Hull (2nd from right)

(youth drop-in center).

As part of the enrolment

process, students meet

with our Community Sup-

port Worker instructor, Jan

Hull. Jan brings into the

classroom a wealth of ex-

perience in this helping pro-

fession. Her background

includes teaching at the

elementary school level

and is a certified Mediator

through the Justice Insti-

tute. Jan specialized in

family mediation, and oper-

ates her own practice

around the hours she

Community Support Worker Instructor, Jan Hull

teaches in the classroom at Sprott Shaw. During the

50-week program, students learn a variety of counselling

techniques and theories, discuss child and adolescent

growth and development, understand addictions and mental

health issues

and review

social service

supports avail-

able in the

local commu-

nity. Upon


CSW students

have the skills


knowledge to

make a posi-

tive impact in

the lives of the

clients they


Sprott Shaw College 6-140 Terminal Ave, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5C5 groups/sprottshawnanaimo Phone (250) 754-9600

Over a year ago I entered a

new phase in my life, and that

phase was my decision to go

back to school! I have been

procrastinating about this huge

step for the last ten years. I

thought, my kids are older, I'm

in a dead end job with no room

for advancement, I wasn't get-

ting any younger, so really

what was I waiting for? I bit

the bullet and signed up for the

Community Support Worker/

With 2 offers of employment, Patty enthusiastically rings the job bell

Social Services Program. I am so glad I did! My journey began last November and a year

later I'm in a job that I love, with more prospects on the hori-

zon. I feel a great sense of accomplishment and pride within

myself today and for that I am very grateful. It was a long

hard road of self discovery and acceptance for who I am. I

truly feel that this was my time to discover that, and I don't

think I would have found out who "Patty really was" had I not

made the decision to go back to school. So I decided to take

my "leap of faith"! I haven't regretted my decision for one

minute. Today I am a confident woman who is becoming

comfortable in her own skin and for that I will be forever

thankful. My teacher helped me see that, and aided me to

recognize that I have a lot to contribute and just to go out

there and grab it! Thanks to everyone at Sprott-Shaw for

believing in me and for helping me to see that with hard work

and dedication you can have everything that you want in your

life...I am so proud of who I am today, and that I could be a

positive role model for my kids! It was all worth it!

For me, the thought of

going back to school was

terrifying. I dropped out of

high school in grade 12

with less than average

grades and never

dreamed of getting a high-

er education. I honestly

didn't believe I could do it. But I took the leap of faith and decided to go

Kate is enjoying her new position at The Cedars Rehabilitation Centre

back to school and get my CSW/SS diploma. It was far from

easy. But with the support of amazing instructors, my class-

mates (many of whom are close friends now) and my own

drive and determination, I came out a straight A student and

hired out of both practicum placements. Now, I spend my

days helping others in a way I have always dreamed.

Anyone can accomplish what I have in the last year. It all comes down to how much of your self you are willing to put into it. I gave it my all and now my options are limitless. I say, take the leap of faith, give it everything you've got and you won't be disappointed.

Sprott Shaw College 6-140 Terminal Ave, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5C5 groups/sprottshawnanaimo Phone (250) 754-9600


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