No Fear Vocabulary Chapter 1-1

Directions: Look up the definition for each word match it to it’s definition. Then add if the word is being used as a noun (n) adjective (adj) verb (v) or adverb (adv)

|assent | | |a passionately worded argument |

|collaborate | | |to put down |

|concur | | |to cast doubt on something |

|demur | | |to have contempt for |

|discredit | | |to say or write bad things about someone |

|disdain | | |unable to be denied |

|disparage | | |not easily moved by pity or emotion |

|incontrovertible | | |difficult to mange or deal with |

|intractable | | |to object mildly |

|malign | | |unsupportable |

|obdurate | | |talkative |

|polemic | | |to agree |

|presumptuous | | |to resist certain things as they arise |

|suppress | | |overconfident, especially when not entitled to be doing something |

|untenable | | |to work together to produce something |

|voluble | | |Agree, accept |

Write 2 synonyms for each word and 1 antonym

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

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|16 | | |


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