Life is all about passion, when you have passion you can ...

Life is all about passion, when you have passion you can accomplish the unthinkable. My life is all about passion, desire, determination, and excellence. I know that I will be excellent in anything that I do because my desire is so great. One of my greatest passions is golf. For the last six years I have dedicated everyday but Sunday to golf. I have endured many sacrifices and enjoyed many accomplishments from this great game. For example, this last year I had the opportunity to play in the America Junior Golf Association with the best golfers from around the world, but I declined the opportunity because every tournament was on Sunday and I believe in keeping the Sabbath day holy. Many judged this as foolish, but my commitment for the Lord is greater than my passion for golf. Despite some missed opportunities, I was still able to live my passion and dreams by being one of the best players in the Utah Junior Golf Association, Academic All-State, first in Region, first team All-State, and now to play golf for BYU Hawaii this coming fall. By putting the Lord first over everything else in my life, I am living my dream.


I believe that the people you surround yourself with make a great difference in your life. That is one of the biggest reasons I want to attend BYU Hawaii. The great students as well as the professors, who have the same beliefs and values as I do, will only add to my learning experience. I have been faithful in living the gospel standards and teachings all my life. I am going to continue on that path. Because of my strong testimony, my dedication not only to the Lord, but to my education, my perseverance and determination in all that I set my intention on, and my excellent athletic ability, I know I will be a great example to many, an excellent contributor to the golf team, and an influential leader through college and throughout my career. I also know that attending BYU Hawaii will help me prepare for my mission when I turn nineteen. BYU Hawaii will give me many great opportunities to teach and learn the gospel that will build on my foundation before and after my mission. These experiences will help me continue to surround myself with great people throughout my entire life.

Where ever you go and whatever you do, what matters the most and leaves the greatest imprint on your life are the people and the environment. BYU H has the best people that live the word of god and have the same standards as I do. The most loving, kind, and respectful people are the people of the church. Being around them my whole life and to go somewhere else you wouldn’t have the same spirit, and the same love and kindness as you do when you live around them. The way I live my life to be the best that I can be in the eyes of god is the only way that I live. It is the only way that the people of the church live, and it is the way I want to live the rest of my life. I have been around BYU since I was a boy and it is the only place that has the same spirit as home


• I am a value to BYU H because

• I have a burning testimony of Jesus Christ

• I love people of all different cultures

• I have spent many vacations visiting my grandparents in Laie and have grown to love the spirit their


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