Logging Into Avatar - Santa Cruz Health

Avatar Introduction TrainingTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Logging Into Avatar PAGEREF _Toc434575009 \h 3Screen Lock and Sign Out PAGEREF _Toc434575010 \h 4Change Your Current Password and What to do When You Forget Your Password PAGEREF _Toc434575011 \h 5Java Errors PAGEREF _Toc434575012 \h 7Home View and Menu Bar PAGEREF _Toc434575013 \h 10Widgets PAGEREF _Toc434575014 \h 10Staff Messaging PAGEREF _Toc434575015 \h 18Caseload Assignment Form PAGEREF _Toc434575016 \h 21Chart View PAGEREF _Toc434575017 \h 26Search for Clients When Opening a Form PAGEREF _Toc434575018 \h 28Master Client Inquiry Report PAGEREF _Toc434575019 \h 30Quick Tips and Shortcuts PAGEREF _Toc434575020 \h 31Spell Check PAGEREF _Toc434575021 \h 32Wiki Help/Other Resources PAGEREF _Toc434575022 \h 33Logging Into AvatarClick on the Avatar icon located on your desktop or go to the web address for the UAT Click Start Avatar.10016832275205To log in:If it is not already listed, enter the System Code (all caps). Ex. UAT or LIVE (The live system is not available yet)Enter your Username (lowercase).This will be the first 6 letters of your last name (or less if your last name is shorter than 6 characters) followed by the first letter of your first name. ex: Mike Coopertown would be coopermEnter your Password (case sensitive).If this is the first time you have logged in, your password will be the same as your login. You will be prompted to change your password. Click Sign In. Screen Lock and Sign OutIf you need to step away from your desk, remember to lock your screen by clicking on Lock located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. You will not lose any data, unless you are away for a significant amount of time. Always save when possible to avoid losing work to any surprises such as power surges. 755073370954001239520422390To sign out of Avatar, click on Sign Out. You will lose any unsaved data when you sign out.112216129302400Change Your Current Password and What to do When You Forget Your Password Locate the Forms & Data widget on your home view.Click in the Search Forms field and type Change Current Password. As you type in the search forms field, the results will dynamically display.Select the Change Current Password search result by double clicking on the form name.In the Current Password field, enter your current password.In the New Password field, enter your new password. In the Re-Enter New Password field, enter your new password again.On the left hand side of the screen, click on the Submit Button.78278229787300The form should close if successful. If the change was not successful, you will receive an error letting you know what this issue is. If you have forgotten your password, call x4657 or email hsamhhelp@co.santa-cruz.ca.us Java ErrorsThe first time you launch UAT, you may experience some issues with java.If you see this message, please call x4657 or email the helpdesk at hsamhhelp@co.santa-cruz.ca.us asking for a Java update.HTTP Status 404 - /radplus/plugins/jre-6u21-windows-i586.exe&returnPage=application.jnlp&locale=en-UStype Status reportmessage /radplus/plugins/jre-6u21-windows-i586.exe&returnPage=application.jnlp&locale=en-USdescription The requested resource (/radplus/plugins/jre-6u21-windows-i586.exe&returnPage=application.jnlp&locale=en-US) is not available.Apache Tomcat/5.5.20If you see this message, click Allow.24799631920586-45027331750000If you receive this popup, click Save and then click Open.If your Avatar is telling that you need to update Java (seen usually at the login screen), you can make these messages disappear by:Going to the Avatar UAT login screen.The go to Tools → Internet Options595630287857100429490924869000315883624868900192578124868900Click on the Security Tab → Trusted Sites → Click on Sit914400200025esYou should see the Avatar address in the window that appears (shown below). Click on Add, then click Close.48629451406929004862945140692900If none of these steps help or if you need further assistance, call x4657 or email the helpdesk at hsamhhelp@co.santa-cruz.ca.usHome View and Menu BarOnce you launch your Avatar, the first screen that will appear is the Home View. The Menu Bar, located at the top of the Avatar screen, is an important feature of Avatar. This area will allow you to navigate between Forms, Chart Views, and your Home view. 00Form Chart ViewForm HomeForm Chart ViewForm Home 1094509848533007360269532500Depending on how your access is setup, you may have more than one view. These views are known as Consoles and are displayed in a row next to My Views. To switch between views, just click on the Console name. In the example, the Home Console is selected.WidgetsWhat is a Widget? A Widget is one of many smaller windows that show views of information shown on your Home View. The screen shot below shows the widget: “Forms & Data” (depending on your Role, the Widgets on your Home View will vary). Some common widgets/sections are:Forms & DataMy Forms – can be customized to show forms you access regularlyRecent Forms – shows forms you have recently accessedSearch Forms – where you can search for forms, forms will launch new screens to enter/view dataBrowse Forms – You can browse this area to locate a formClientsMy Clients – shows Clients in your caseloadRecent Clients – shows Clients that you have recently accessedSearch Clients – You can search for Clients here by last nameMy to Do’sMessage CenterMy CalendarWidget MaintenanceWidgets are assigned by Role and may vary depending on your access.While on the Home View, you can move the widgets around by dragging and dropping them to a new location. You can also re-size them using the curser. This is done by moving the cursor over to the edge of the widget. Once the cursor changes to a double arrow, you can click and drag the edges of the widget until you have your desired size.If you have made changes in error to the layout of your widgets and want to return to the default layout, on the right side of the menu bar, you are able to reset your widgets to your default layout by click on the box icon shown.728133175683Takes you to alter/reset to default layoutTakes you to alter/reset to default layoutClick Reload Home View and then Apply to restore the widgets to their default layout.213995041148000264362041090300My Forms WidgetThe My Forms Widget is where you access forms. You can browse forms by clicking on Avatar PM, Avatar CWS, or Avatar MSO (depending on your role you may only use forms in one of these areas).1974273268622200You can also use the Search Forms box to display a list of forms based on the words you type. Once you start typing, the matching forms will display dynamically (see next page).242454567448500217516467448500Forms that you have recently opened during your current sessions will appear in Recent Forms. 3061855107724900There are two ways to add a form to your My Forms list. You can click and drag a form from Recent Forms up to the My Forms section. Or you can click on Edit, located in the upper right of the widget. 242396858067900This will open a new window. You can type in the name of the form that you wish to add, then click on Add Form.4086225774700025767147747000While in this window, you can also right click and add folders to organize your forms. Once you Right Click in the window, click Add Folder and then name the folder. Click and drag any forms you want onto the folder and they will be placed in the folder.My Clients WidgetThis widget behaves like the My Forms widget. You can start by searching for a Client under Search Clients, a list of all matches will appear dynamically as you type. Once you have opened a Client, they will appear in your Recent Clients list until you end the current session in Avatar.To add the Client to your My Clients list, click and drag them up from the Recent Clients list or Click Edit, located in the upper right corner of the widget.4495280454083003235035154074100428625678757This will open a new window where you can search for a Client and then add them to your Client list or remove the Client from the list. To add a Client, click on their name and then click the blue arrow in the center. Please note, just because a Client is in your My Clients List, it does not mean they are assigned to your caseload. My To Do’sYour My To Do’s will show you forms that are saved in draft mode, other items that have not been completed, and messages you have received from other staff. To make your My To Do’s disappear, just complete the task. My Calendar Widget The My Calendar Widget is a view of your schedule. You can move forward and backwards in days by clicking the arrows on either side of the date. You can also click on the calendar icon in the upper right to select a date to view. Please Note: My Calendar Widget is NOT the scheduling calendarOne benefit of the My Calendar Widget is that you can right click on a Client’s appointment and open the progress note form.The My Calendar Widget is only for viewing existing Client appointments. The Scheduling calendar, where Client appointments are created, will be shown in a different session. Service History WidgetThis widget shows the history of the Client. A Client must be selected in order to see this information or the widget will be blank. Service Request and Disposition Log WidgetThis shows the entries from what was previously called the Access Log or Call Logging. This widget will be covered more in the Access class.Staff MessagingTo Utilize the Staff Messaging, open the form if it is save in your My Forms or search for the form in Search Forms.A window will appear called Select User ID/User Description. You need to search for your own name and then double click on your name. If you have previously sent a message to a staff member, a Pre-Display will appear showing this history. If you want to review the old message, just double click on it.213360032413800To make a new message if you see the Pre-Display screen, click on Add located in the lower left of your screen.You will now see the Staff Messaging window. You must complete the items in red: Date of Notification, Send Notification To, and Send Notification to Outgoing Comments. You also have the option of adding a notification subject, a specific patient’s name, the program that they were referred to and detailed comments. Once you have entered all of the information, click Submit to send.If there is no one listed in the Send Notification to Field, you will need to go to the Notification Users form (located under Search Forms).A window will appear called Avatar 2015 – Workflow Notification Users. Use the dropdown menu and located your name. Click OK.Click on Users in the menu on the left upper corner of the screen to add users to your Staff Messaging. 265006752154600To add a user, click on Add New Item. You should see a green row appear on the screen.364913328088100Type in the user’s name under Select User and then click on the name as it appears in the search results. This will add the user to your list. Once you have added your users, click Submit on the left side of the screen.265006764367900Caseload Assignment FormLocate the Forms & Data widget on your home view.Click in the Search Forms field and type Caseload Assignment. As you type search results will dynamically display.Select the Caseload Assignment search result by double clicking on the form name. 1170709763674001524007639050The Select Client box will appear on the screen. In the search field, type in the name of the Client that you want to assign or unassign from a caseload and then click enter. For this search you can use either the first name or the last name of the Client.The Clients who are similar matches will appear in the large search results box. You can either double click on the Client you want or click on the Client’s name then click Select.76962047688500 If the Client is not currently in your caseload, you will see the Non-Caseload Access message appear. Click on Yes.You must now enter a reason for accessing the case. In this example we used the reason “assigning case to staff”. Once you have entered your reason, click OK.You will see another Non-Caseload Access message appear that notifies you that your access date, time and reason have been recorded. Click OK.769620111760You may see a Pre-Display if the Client has previously been assigned to other staff. Specify the action you wish to takeSearch for the Practitioner you wish to assign the Client (search for the Practitioner by last name), the Program of Service and the Type of Assignment.Click on Submit.32073278156800Chart ViewTo open the Chart View, first you must select a Client. You can use the My Clients Widget to select one of the Clients in your My Clients list, Recent Clients list or search for a new Client under Search Clients. Once you have located the Client you wish to open, double click on their name to open the Chart View.What you initially see in the Chart View is referred to as an Inquiry View. This is not a form. You must open a form in order to enter data. The graphic below shows what your menu will look like when you have Chart View and an Open Progress Note open. To toggle between Home View, Patient Chart, and the Progress Note, just click on them in the menu bar.431800171450Open Progress Note FormPatient ChartHome ViewOpen Progress Note FormPatient ChartHome ViewOn the left hand side of the window that opens, you will see forms. If no forms are listed we have not finished creating your role yet. If you need to access a form that is not listed on the left hand side form list, you can open forms by clicking on the box that looks like it has a green cross on it. This will open the My Forms Widget where you can access form saved to My Forms, Recent Forms and you can also use Search Forms.2292350-11580100The rest of the Chart View Screen will show widgets (these will vary depending on the role) that show information about the specific Client whose chart you have opened. If you are a practitioner, you will be spending most of your time in the chart view. Search for Clients When Opening a FormThere were be some forms that you will open that require you to search for a Client. In this example, we have searched for and select the Admission form which has opened the Select Client Window. 60896518499700You must have 3 pieces of information to search for a Client. As an example, this could be Last Name, First Name and Sex. Once 3 pieces of information are entered, the Search button will activate. If your search shows no results, you will see a popup message notifying you of this and the New Client button will activate. If there are matches to your search, the names will appear and you can either double click on the name or click on the name then click the Select button.955155164581003407872141893No Client Found0No Client Found94869036195003208020959485Possible Client Match Found0Possible Client Match FoundMaster Client Inquiry ReportThe Master Client Inquiry Report is similar to what has been used in the past called Face Sheets. You can access this report by go to My Forms, searching for Master Client Inquiry Report and double clicking it from the results. This opens a select Client window. Type in your Client’s name and then double click it in the results.The next screen, select an episode in the dropdown menu Select Episode NumberThen click Process, located on the left side of the screen.359502492998600A Report should open in a new window that looks similar to this:Quick Tips and ShortcutsLightbulbs on forms means you can click on the lightbulb for specific information about the field it is located next to.In list fields that contain multiple check boxes, you can use Ctrl and A to select all. To unselect all use Ctrl and D. Use F5 button to uncheck a radio button.On home page, you can click once on Client name in your Client list or recent Clients then go and search for a form to pull up with that Client (works on most forms).Some fields resort when you click on the column headerYou can use the space bar to check or uncheck a box.Red text on a form means that it is a required field. Most forms that have a name search field require you to do the search by entering the last name. You can also use the Client number or practitioner number in name search fields. In date fields, you can use T for today instead of entering a date. You can also use Y for Yesterday, “T-30” for 30 days in the past. Admission is what we use to admit a Client. For Mental Health Clients, we have an Umbrella Episode.We use the Client Registration + Financial admission to create a Client numberSpell CheckSpell Check is located under Preferences. You can find this in the upper right of your screen.2168948425450014795529802700323850029337000You can add words that you commonly use in this area and also set preferences. You can also use the dictionary to insert phrases that you use regularly. Note: If you set this up be sure to use codes that are not common in regular language or contained within a word, otherwise when you do your spell check you may add phrases in places you do not want them to be! Note: this will only work on the machine that you have set up the dictionary on. Wiki Help/Other ResourcesYou can use the Avatar Wiki and help resources by:Clicking on the Online Documentation Link when it is present (located on the left side of several forms)3546763156873900Clicking on Help in the upper right of your screen.369887523904800Visiting the Training Folder for available materials at I:\Shared\Training MaterialsContacting the helpdesk at x4657 or hsamhhelp@co.santa-cruz.ca.us ................

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