Remedial Exercises English

Extra Exercises Tenses

a) Complete the schedule

|To work |Simple |Continuous |

|Present | | |

|Past | | |

|Present Perfect | | |

|Past Perfect | | |

b) List three rules for each of the following Tenses and give an example sentence for each:

• Simple Past

• Simple Future

• Present Perfect

• Present Continuous

c) Which tense has been used in the text: A University Story?

A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband,dressed in a silly suit, stepped off the train in Boston, and walked timidly without an appointment into the president of Harvard's outer office. The secretary could tell in a moment that such two dumb farmers had no business at Harvard and probably didn't even deserve to be in Cambridge.

She frowned. "We want to see the president," the man said softly. "He'll be busy all day," the secretary snapped. "We'll wait," the lady replied. For hours, the secretary has ignored them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away.

They didn't. And the secretary was growing frustrated and finally decided to disturb the president, even though it was a chore she always regretted to do. "Maybe if they just see you for a few minutes, they'll leave," she told him.

And he sighed in exasperation and nodded. Someone of his importance obviously didn't have the time to spend with them, but he had always detested country folks. The president, stern-faced with dignity, strutted toward the couple. The lady told him, "We had a son that attended Harvard for one year. He loved Harvard. He was happy here. But about a year ago, he died. And my husband and I would like to erect a memorial to him, somewhere on campus."

The president wasn't touched, he was shocked. "Madam," he said gruffly. "We can't put up a statue for every person who has attended Harvard and died. If we did, this place would look like a cemetery". "Oh, no," the lady explained quickly. "We don't want to erect a statue.

We thought we would like to give a building to Harvard." The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, "A building! Do you have any earthly idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars in the physical plant at Harvard." For a moment the lady was silent. The president was pleased. He could get rid of them now. And the lady turned to her husband and said quietly, "Is that all it costs to start a University? Why don't we just start our own?" Her husband nodded. The president's face wilted in confusion and bewilderment. And Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford walked away, traveling to Palo Alto, California where they established the University that bears their name, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about.

"You can easily judge the character of others by how they treat those who can do nothing for them or to them." Malcolm Forbes

d) Translate and explain why you have used that particular tense:

Present Perfect or Past Perfect (+ Simple Past)?

• Waar heb je hem ontmoet?

• Voordat hij naar de film ging, had hij een hamburger gegeten.

• Ik kom juist van de bibliotheek.

• Sinds augustus woon ik hier.

• Hij had de Eiffeltoren nog nooit gezien.

• Hij had twee jaar voor dat bedrijf gewerkt.

Simple Past or Present Perfect?

• In 1964 werd President Kennedy vermoord?

• Heb je ooit een voetbalmatch bijgewoond?

• Hij is een maand ziek geweest en hij is nog altijd niet genezen.

• Toen hij stierf liet hij een grote postzegelverzameling na.

• Heb je die nieuwe film met Jude Law al gezien?

• Gisteren voelde ik me depressief.

Present Perfect Continuous, Past continuous or Past Perfect Continuous (+ Simple Past)?

• De dokter kwam nadat we al twee uur hadden gewacht.

• Hij werkte me die dag vreselijk op de zenuwen.

• Ze heeft nu al twee jaar lang een LAT-relatie.

• Hij had al een uur gewerkt aan de oefening, toen hij zag dat hij de verkeerde vraag had beantwoord.

• Toen ik aankwam, was de pianist aan het oefenen.

• Hij had een halfuur in de regen gestaan voor de bus kwam.

Solutions extra exercises tenses

c) Text Sample

He will be busy: Simple Future, prediction

Has ignored: Present Perfect, “for”

Was growing: Past Continuous, irritation

Decided: Simple Past, definite past

They’ll leave: Simple Future, prediction

Had always detested: Past Perfect, habit

Loved: Simple Past, verb of feeling

He died: Simple Past, definite past

Has attended: Present Perfect, indefinite past

We thought: Simple Past, verb expressing a state

It costs: Simple Present, verb expressing a state

You can easily judge: Simple Present, verb expressing a state

Present Perfect or Past Perfect (+ Simple Past)?

• Where have you met him: Pr. P, indefinite past

• Before he went to the film he had eaten a hamburger: Pa P., action before another action in the past

• I’ve just come from the library: Pr. P, recent past

• I’ve lived here since August. Pr. P., “since”

• He had never seen the Eiffel Tower: Pa P, state

• He had worked two years for that company: Pa P, permanent job

Simple Past or Present Perfect?

• In 1964 President Kennedy was killed. Simple Past (passive!), definite past

• Have you ever attended a fottball game? Present Perfect, indefinite past

• Hij has been ill for a month and he still hasn’t cured. Present Perfect, indefinite past

• When he died, he left a large stamp collection. Simple Past, definite past + characteristic

• Have you seen the new movie with Jude law yet? Present Perfect, indefinite Past

• Yesterday I felt depressed. Simple Past, verb of feeling

Present Perfect Continuous, Past continuous or Past Perfect Continuous (+ Simple Past)?

• De dokter kwam nadat we al twee uur hadden gewacht.

• Hij werkte me die dag vreselijk op de zenuwen.

• Ze heeft nu al twee jaar lang een LAT-relatie.

• Hij had al een uur gewerkt aan de oefening, toen hij zag dat hij de verkeerde vraag had beantwoord.

• Toen ik aankwam, was de pianist aan het oefenen.

• Hij had een halfuur in de regen gestaan voor de bus kwam.


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