Les verbes réguliers au passé simple et present perfect

Les verbes réguliers au passé simple et present perfect

Present Simple Past Present Perfect

I played

she has listened

you work

Andrew cleaned

we count

I have helped

the brothers live

he has watched

they started

Susan looks

Les verbes réguliers et irréguliers au present perfect

1. Karen (send) an e-mail.

2. Dave and Pat (visit) the museum.

3. They (already pack) their suitcases.

4. I (be) to the pet shop.

5. Mark (have) an accident.

6. We (do) the shopping for our grandma.

7. I (just clean) my bike.

8. Emily (paint) her room.

9. Lisa and Colin (go) to a concert.

10. My friends (give) up smoking.

Since ou For ?

I have lived in France ___________ nine months.

They have studied Spanish ___________ 2002.


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