Mr. Tamer Elsharkawy | Mostafa Kamel Ex. I. L. School, Benha

Unit 1 Jump Aboard 5


|Word |Meaning |Word |Meaning |

|Video games |ألعاب الفيديو |Drop |يسقط |

|Sit on |يجلس على |Fly |يطير |

|Sofa |كنبه |Steal - stole |يسرق |

|Living room |حجرة المعيشة |Skateboard |لوحة التزحلق |

|Weather |طقس |Printer |طابعة |

|Worse |سيئ |Screen |شاشة الكمبيوتر |

|Heavy |ثقيل |Speakers |سماعات |

|Suddenly |فجأة |Scanner |الماسح الضوئي |

|A flash of lighting |برق |Mouse |فأر |

|Storm |عاصفة |Joystick |ذراع اللعب |

|Hide |يختبئ |Computer games |ألعاب الكمبيوتر |

|Scared |خائف |Sounds |أصوات |

|Doorbell |جرس الباب |Print |يطبع |

|Ring |يرن |Move around |يتحرك حول |

|Hit |يضرب |Type |يكتب علي الكمبيوتر |

|Strange |غريب |Digital camera |كاميرا رقمية |

|What happened? |ماذا حدث ؟ |Begin |يبدأ |

|Creature |مخلوق |Interested in |مهتم بـــ |

|Appear |يظهر |Website |موقع علي الإنترنت |

|Wait for |ينتظر |Businessman |رجل أعمال |

|Solve |يحل |Space ship |سفينة فضاء |

|Puzzle |لغز |Delicious |لذيذ |

|Meet |يقابل |Have a picnic |يقوم بنزهة |

|Find the clues |يجد مفاتيح للحل |Eat a pizza |يأكل بيتزا |

|Use |يستخدم |A monster |وحش |

|Look around |ينظر حول |Wait for |ينتظر |

|Fantastic |رائع |Outside |في الخارج |

|Lots of information |كثير من المعلومات |Don’t worry |لا تقلق |

|Keyboard |لوحة المفاتيح |Copy |ينسخ |

2- Grammar Points

2- The past simple tense:-

زمن الماضى البسيط

-We use the past simple tense for an action that started and completed in the past.

1- Positive :-الإثبات

I cleaned my room yesterday.

He played football.

They visited their uncle last week.

2 – Negative النفى :-

She didn’t close the window.

He didn’t see the match.

3 – Questions الأسئلة

Did you play tennis yesterday?

- Yes, I did.

- No, I didn’t.

Did she hear her teacher advice last week?

- Yes, she did.

- No, she didn’t.

► Verbs which end in (e) add just (d).

Close --------- closed

Arrive ------- arrived

Live ---------- lived

Verbs which end in a consonant after a vowel double the last letter.

Travel -------- travelled

Stop ---------- stopped

-♥ He travelled abroad last year.

► Irregular verbs

Ring rang يرن

Eat ate يأكل

Find found يجد

Hit hit يضرب Keep these verbs in your mind

Read read يقرأ

Make made يصنع

Steal stole يسرق

Begin began يبدأ

Go went يذهب

Put put يضع M S

Buy bought يشتري

Pay paid يدفع

Come came يأتي

Fall fell يسقط

see saw يري

زمن الماضي المستمر

• We use the past continuous tense to talk an action that was already happening at a particular time in the past.

Subject I

He was + verb + ing



were + verb + ing




- I was reading stories for fun

- He was having his breakfast.

- They were walking to school when I saw them.


Subject + was + not + verb + ing


► I wasn’t playing when you came.

► We weren't eating when the doorbell rang.


Was + subject + verb + ing ?


• Was he writing a letter?

-Yes he was.

-No he wasn’t.

• Were you playing when the doorbell rang ?

-Yes I was.

- No I wasn’t.

Question word + Was + subject + verb + ing ?


What were you doing at five yesterday?

- I was reading a story.

What was she doing yesterday?

- She was typing a letter.

►Study these remarks: -

بقاعدة الحروف المتحركة وتضعيف الحرف الأخير

Key words:-

While بينما When عندما As بينما

While ( as ) + past continuous past simple Or

Past simple while ( as ) past continuous

- As I was eating my breakfast the doorbell rang.

- He dropped the egg as he was making a pizza.

- As he was playing football it rained.

- My father came as I was playing tennis.

When past simple past continuous


Past continuous When + past simple

§ When the doorbell rang, I was eating.

§ He was reading a book when his father knocked at the door.

§ When my father came, I was studying English.

1- The child ……….. playing a video game .

were - was - are

2- They …………around when they saw a monster.

were looking - looked - looking

3- They were going home, …………they met Ali .

when - as - while

4- He was ……….. his bike , when a dog appeared .

ride - riding - rode

5- As I was listening to music, the telephone ……………. .

ringing - wining - rang

Keep the following verbs in your mind.

Make a cake يصنع كيك

the bed يرتب الفراش

a pizza يصنع بيتزا

a phone call يجري مكالمة تليفونية

Read a book يقرأ كتاب

A magazine يقرأ مجلة

An e – mail يقرأ بريد اليكتروني

Have breakfast يتناول الإفطار

a picnic يقوم بنزهه


► Study these questions:-

1- What do we use screen for?

- We use a screen to see what is on our computer.

2- What do we use scanner for?

- We use a scanner to copy pictures onto the computer.

3- What do we use speakers for?

- We use speakers to listen to sounds from our computer.

4- What do we use printer for?

- We use a printer to print words and pictures from our computer.

5- What do we use mouse for?

- We use a mouse to move around the screen.

6- What do we use key board for?

- We use a key board to type words into the computer.

7- What do we use joystick for?

- We use a joy stick to play computer games.

1- We use the ………… to copy pictures onto the computer .

screen - scanner - printer

2- We use the ………. To print words from the computer .

screen - scanner - printer

3- We use the ………. To move around the screen .

mouse - printer - key board

4- We use the …………. To type words into the computer .

mouse - printer - key board

►Keep these remarks in your mind.

- You should study hard.

- You should listen to my teachers.

يحل اللغز و يجد مفتاح الحل

□ You should solve the puzzle and find the ……………..

Keys - questions - clues

With بـــــــ

أحياناً تأتي عند وصف شخص ما .

❖ I saw a man with yellow hair.

❖ I met a woman with blue eyes.

Have a picnic يقوم بنزهة

( in the present )

Had a picnic قام بنزهة

( in the past )

- We ……….. a fantastic picnic last week .

has - have - had

- We ………….. a nice picnic every week .

has - have - had

On The internet علي الإنترنت

The children find lots of information …………….. the internet .

in - at - on

Wait for ينتظر

I was waiting ………… Ali at five last week.

for - at - of

1- What were you doing at five yesterday?


2- Were you playing when the doorbell rang?


3- Was your father driving to work five minutes ago?


4- Did you play tennis yesterday?


5- What do we use screen for?


Re – arrange:-

1- a pizza - for – He – making – was – lunch .


2- do – printer – we – What – for – use ?


3- Matt – on – and – were – Megan – sitting – sofa – the .


4- playing – five – Ali – tennis – at - was – yesterday .


Model Exam 1

1- The children ……………..…. playing a video game.

were - was - are

2- We use ………. to play computer games.

speakers – printer – joystick

3- Where ………… you go yesterday?

did - were – are

4- The telephone rang ………… I was sleeping.

as – when – why


1- We use a scanner to …………….. pictures on to computers .

2- I ……………… to the zoo last week.

3- …………. I was watching TV, I fell asleep.

4- I was studying ……….…my father came.

1- What were you doing yesterday evening?


2- Were you studying English?


3- Was Maha washing her clothes?


4- What did you do yesterday?


5- What do you use to move around the screen?


Unit 1

I. Choose:

1. Matt and Megan ............ sitting on the sofa.

a) is b)was c)were

2. The children were ............ video games.

a) play b)plays c)playing

3. When the doorbell ............, I was eating.

a) ring b)rings c)rang

4. My father ............ as I was playing tennis.

a) come b)came c)coming

5. You should solve the puzzle and find the.............

a) keys b)questions c)clues

6. As Ali was ............ a pizza, he dropped the eggs.

a) making b)drinking c)reading

7. We use the ............ to copy pictures onto the computer.

a)screen b)scanner c)printer

8. We use the ............ to print words from the computer.

a)screen b)scanner c)printer

9. I met a man ............ yellow hair.

a)with b)in c)on

10. What ............ your father doing at five yesterday ?

a)is b)was c)were

II.Finish the following sentences:-

1.I was ............... my homework when the telephone ran.

2. We ..................... a fantastic picnic last week.

3. The children find lots of information ................... the internet.

4. I was waiting................... Ali at five yesterday.

5. We use the ....................... to move around the screen.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What were you doing at five yesterday?

2. Were you playing when the doorbell rang?

3. Was your father driving to work five minutes ago?

4. Did you play tennis yesterday?

5. What do we use screen for?


1. a pizza - for - He - making - was - lunch .

2. home - was - Paul - going .

3. do - printer - we - What - for - use ?

4. Matt - on - and -were - Megan - sitting - sofa - the.

5. playing - five - Ali - tennis - at - was - yesterday.

V. Fill in the missing letters:

1. Matt and Megan were pl - ying vid - o games.

2. The we - ther was g - tting worse outside.

3. There was another fl - sh of li - hting.

4. We use j - ysticks to play computer g - mes .

5. We use scre - n to see what is on comp - ter.



The video game

Some remarks

Did + subject + verb infinitive?


Choose the correct answer:-

Subject + didn’t + verb infinitive

Answer these questions

Subject + verb + d /ed/ied.

2. The past continuous Tense

1) Positive



Should + infinitive

Solve the puzzle and find the clues.


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