Pasta dishes, soups and cous-cous




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Pasta dishes, ciorbe, soups,

 This magazine has been published with funds from the European Commission, under LLP program. This publication reflects only the views of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made on the information contained there in.


Pasta dishes, soups and cous-cous

Risotto con gamberi e zucchini

(Prawn and courgette risotto)

Ingredients (serves 4 people)

150g whole prawns

2 cloves garlic, chopped

2 courgettes, cubed

1 small onion, chopped

1 small chili pepper chopped finely

1 handful of parsley

1 lemon zested

700ml fish stock (see below) 

300g risotto rice (e.g. cannaroli)

A good knob of butter

Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper


First prepare your stock - shell your prawns, placing the prawns on a plate for later and the shells, heads, etc. in a sieve. Wash the shells etc. under running water and then place in a pan half a litre of cold water and 200ml white wine. Add half a carrot, a leg of celery, two cloves of garlic, some black pepper corns and a little parsley. Bring to a boil and leave to simmer gently for about an hour, topping up with water occasionally (during this time you can prep your other ingredients). When nearly ready, taste and adjust the seasoning, adding some salt. Then strain and keep warm on a very low heat.

While the stock is bubbling away, prep your other ingredients, chopping the garlic, onion parsley and chilli, cubing the courgettes into approx. 1cm  squares and zesting a lemon. As your stock reaches a point of readiness, gently fry the onion, garlic, courgettes and chilli in some olive oil. When the onion is nice and soft, add the rice and mix well. Then start adding the hot stock, little by little: one ladle at a time, stirring the rice constantly until most liquid is absorbed before adding the next ladle of stock. This process should take around 20 minutes, but you should keep tasting the rice intermittently. When it is becoming creamy but al dente add the prawns, the lemon zest and the chopped parsley. Mix well, adjust the seasoning if necessary, add the knob of butter, cover with a lid and take off the heat. At this point the butter will melt into the rice, making it creamy and the prawns will cook in the heat of the rice. After a few minutes, take off the lid, mix well once more and serve, sprinkling a little more chopped parsley over each dish.


Zuppa di lenticchie Siciliana

(Sicilian lentil soup)

Ingredients (serves 4 people)

250g dried lentils

50g smoky bacon, diced small

1 onion, chopped

1 small chili pepper chopped finely

2 cloves of garlic

1 large carrot, diced small

A few sprigs of wild fennel, chopped

A bouquet garni of 1 sage leaf and 1 bay leaf rolled around a small sprig of rosemary and tied with string

1 glass red wine

500ml beef stock

150g ditalini or other small pasta

A squirt of tomato concentrate

Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper


Gently fry the bacon in a little olive oil and then add the chopped onion, garlic, diced carrot and chilli pepper. When the onion is soft, add a glass of red wine. Reduce and burn off the alcohol. Stir and add the hot beef stock. Rinse the dried lentils well and add to the pot, along with the fennel, the bouquet garni and the tomato concentrate. Season, bring to a gentle simmer and leave to cook for about 30 minutes. If after this time you feel it needs more liquid, add a little more stock. Bring to a boil and add the ditalini pasta. Cook until the pasta is al dente and serve, adding a good dribble of extra virgin olive oil.


Zuppa Primaverile

(Sicilian Spring soup)

Ingredients (serves 4 people)

50g smoky bacon, diced small

1 onion, chopped

1 chili pepper

3 cloves of garlic

2 carrots, diced small

1 large potato, diced small

200g garden peas

200g fava beans

1 glass white wine

500ml chicken stock

500ml chicken stock

A squirt of tomato concentrate

Extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp white wine vinegar

A small sprig of mint, chopped

Salt and pepper


Gently fry the bacon in a little olive oil and then add the chopped onion, garlic and chilli pepper. When the onion is soft, add a glass of white wine. Reduce and burn off the alcohol and add the potato and carrot, both diced into small pieces. Stir well and then add the chicken stock. Cook at a gentle boil until the carrots are cooked, adding some tomato concentrate to the mix and seasoning to taste. Add the peas, the fava beans, the vinegar and the chopped mint and leave for a few minutes until the fava beans are cooked. Serve with a dribble of extra virgin olive oil on top and a piece of crusty white bread.

Smashing pumpkin pasta

Ingredients (serves 4 people)

400g pasta shells

600g pumpkin, diced small

1 small white onion, finely chopped

1 clove of garlic

1 large glass of chicken stock

A couple of pinches of nutmeg

1 small sprig of rosemary

Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and white pepper

Fresh ricotta cheese


Put two or three tbsps of olive oil in a large pan and add the clove of garlic whole. Let this fry gently for a couple of minutes and then remove. Add the finely chopped onion and the diced pumpkin, the sprig of rosemary (to be removed later) and leave to fry gently. After a few minutes, when the onion is nice and soft, add the cup of chicken stock and leave to simmer and reduce. When the pumpkin becomes soft, gently squash a little with a fork. As the liquid reduces, taste and season with salt and white pepper. Take out the rosemary sprig, add the nut meg and stir well. At the end you should have a little liquid and soft, slightly squashed but not mashed pumpkin.

While the pasta shells are cooking, put your ricotta cheese in a bowl with a couple of tsps of warm water. Mix well until smooth and season if necessary. When the pasta shells are al dente, drain well and add to the pan with your pumpkin sauce, mixing well. Put into a serving dish, dribble with some excellent olive oil. When everyone has been served, invite your guests to add a dollop or two of ricotta cheese.

Ravioli con sugo di maiale alla Modicana

(Ravioli with a tomato and pork sauce -  a speciality of Modica)

Ingredients (serves 4 people)

For the ravioli

400gr plain flour

4 eggs

400gr fresh ricotta cheese

a small bunch of marjoram, chopped

Salt and pepper

The pork sauce

100gr pork chopped into small pieces

200gr pork sausage (preferably with fennel seeds)

300gr tomato extract

1 medium onion

1 glass red wine


Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper


The sauce: chop the onion and fry gently in a large pan, traditionally a terracotta casseruole dish. When the onion is nice and soft, add the pork and the sausage. Brown these and then add the red wine. When the alcohol is burned off, add the tomato extract and a glass or two of warm water. Mix well, cover and leave to cook for about 3 hours on a low heat. Check occasionally and add water if necessary, though your sauce should be quick thick.

After the sauce has been bubbling away for a couple of hours, you can make your ravioli (unless you''ve bought them!). First make a well of flour and break the eggs into the middle. Season with a little salt and pepper and then start mixing until you have a homogeneous, pliable dough. Work it well, then wrap in clingfilm and place in the fridge for between half and hour and an hour. While this is in the fridge, mix the ricotta with a little chopped marjoram and, if you like, a little lemon zest. Taste, and season if you think necessary Take out the dough, lay on a floured surface and start rolling out in a rectangular shape, until it is a few mm thick.Then, on half of the dough, place spoonfulls of the ricotta mix, leaving a couple of centimetres between each. You should aim to have about 7-8 ravioli per person. Then pick up the other half of the pasta and gently drape on top of the part with the ricotta mix. Press around the mix, to get out any air and make sure the two layers of pasta connect well. When you are happy with this, take a pasta cutter and cut the pasta into  individual ravioli. Dust with flour so they don't stick.

The ravioli making should ideally coincide with the end of the sauce's cooking (after 3 hours). To cook the ravioli, simply add to a pan of boiling salted water. When they float to the top (probably after a minute or two) they are ready. Carefully drain and plate up. Then add a piece of sausage and a spoonful or two of the thick tomato-pork sauce. Sprinkle with a little Parmesan or other tasty cheese and watch the dreamy faces of your guests! 


Pasta con le sarde... a mare!

(Pasta with the sardines at sea = pasta without sardines!)

Ingredients (serves 4)

400gr thick spaghetti

2 tins chopped tomatoes

1 bunch of wild fennel

30gr raisins

30gr pine kernels

2 cloves of garlic

100gr tomato concentrate

70gr breadcrumbs

Extra virgin olive oil


First wash and then boil the wild fennel until soft. When cooked, take out of the water (but keep the water for the pasta) and put aside for later. Then, in small frying pan, toast the pine kernels until the take on a little colour and remove.

In another, larger frying pan, heat some olive oil and gently fry the chopped garlic. Add the fennel, the tomatoes, the tomato concentrate, the raisins and the pine kernels and salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and leave to cook, gently simmering, for about 10-15 minutes.

In the meantime, put your spaghetti on, and then take the small frying pan you used for toasting the pine kernels. Pour in the breadcrumbs and toast until golden brown. When the pasta is ready, add to the sauce and mix well. Serve and add a sprinkling of breadcrumbs on top.

Pasta with monkfish, mint and cherry tomatoes


400 gr fresh or dry pasta

200 gr monkfish cut into small cubes

10-15 fresh cherry tomatoes

6 spoons chopped fresh mint

An extra bunch of fresh garden mint leaves

Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper


Sautè the monkfish cubes in extra virgin olive oil with fresh mint leaves and ground pepper. When the fish cubes are golden brown, add the cherry tomatoes (previously halved) salt and keep tossing for another 3-4 minutes.

Cook the fresh past 'al dente', when ready add it to the monkfish sauce and sautè for 2 more minutes. Blend a bunch of fresh mint leaves with extra-virgin olive oil and pour it over the pasta. To finish the dish you can also sprinkle with crushed toasted almonds before serving.

This recipe is reproduced with kind permission of Katia Amore, expert Sicilian cook and owner of the loveSicily cookery school in Modica. If you're staying in a Think Sicily villa in the south-east, why not let us arrange a cookery lesson or two for you?

Penne con salsiccia, funghi e piselli

(Pasta with sausage, mushrooms and peas)

Ingredients (serves 4)

400g penne

100g sausage

8 mushrooms

50g peas

half an onion

2 cloves of garlic

a handful of chopped mint

1 large glass of white wine

Salt and pepper

Extra virgin olive oil


Skin the sausages and cut the meat into 1-inch long pieces. Heat a little olive oil in a large frying pan and brown the sausages. Then add the chopped onion and garlic and let soften. Add the sliced mushrooms, mix well and put a lid on, turning the heat down. When the mushrooms have shrunk, take off the lid, season with salt and pepper, turn up the heat a little and add the white wine. Let the alcohol burn off and then turn down the heat and cover again. Heat some water in a large pan and, when boiling, salt, and add the penne. Halfway through the cooking spoon a little water to the sausages and mushrooms and add the peas. Mix well again and cover. When the pasta is cooked, drain and add it to the frying pan with the sausages, mushrooms and peas. Add the chopped mint and mix well. Toss a little and then serve.


Spaghetti al pesto alla Pantesca

Ingredients (serves 4)

400g spaghetti

50g capers in salt from Pantelleria (or others)

4 stoned green olives

100g tuna fish

Salt and pepper

Extra virgin olive oil


Chop the capers, the olives and the tuna fish as finely as possible and place in a bowl. Add olive oil and salt and pepper and mix well until you have a rough paste. Put the spaghetti in boiling salted water and cook until al dente. Drain and mix with the pesto. Serve and finish with a dribble of excellent olive oil. Buon appettito! 


Pasta con gamberi e pesto di pistacchi

Ingredients (serves 4)

40g shelled pistacchios

70g fresh basil

8 cherry tomatoes chopped in half

2 cloves of garlic

Extra virgin olive oil

400g spaghetti or tagliatelle

200g shelled prawns

1 small glass of white wine

Salt and pepper


First make the pesto: add the pistacchios, basil, 1 clove of garlic, a pinch of salt and pepper and a good slug of olive oil to a blender and mix until you have a densish liquid. Small chunks of pistachio are good. Taste and add more ingredients if necessary.

Heat some water for the pasta and when boiling, salt and add the pasta. Then put a drop of olive oil and a clove of garlic in a large frying pan. When hot, take out the garlic and add the prawns. Gently fry, adding a little salt and splash of white wine which should evaporate. Briefly add the halve cherry tomatoes but make sure you don't cook the prawns for more than 2/3 minutes.

When the pasta is al dente, drain but keep a cup of pasta water aside. Add the pasta to the prawns and mix well. Then place in a large serving bowl, and add the pesto. Mix well again and, if too dry, add a couple of spoonfulls of the pasta water. Serve and enjoy with a glass of good dry white.

Spaghetti con i piselli e mentuccia

(Spaghetti with peas and fresh mint)

Ingredients (serves 4)

600g spaghetti, broken into 5cm-long pieces

400g fresh or frozen peas

2 cloves of garlic

1 small onion

1 glass of dry white wine

1 small chilli pepper

1 handful of fresh mint

2 tsps white wine vinegar

1 tsp sugar

Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper


Finely chop the onion, the garlic and the chilli pepper. Soften the onions in some olive oil and add the garlic and chilli. Add the wine and let the alcohol evaporate. Then add the peas and mix well.

In the meantime, heat some water for the pasta. When boiling, add salt and break the spaghetti into it. Add some of the pasta water to the peas, just enough to cover them. Season with salt and pepper and leave them to cook slowly, making sure there is always a couple of cm of liquid.

Chop the mint finely and place in a glass. Add the vinegar and the sugar and mix well and then stir into the peas.

When the spaghetti is cooked, add to the peas and mix well, making sure there is still plenty of liquid. Serve with a little grated Parmesan cheese.

It's also very tasty served cold on a hot summer's day.

Tagliatelle ai funghi dei Nebrodi

Ingredients (serves 4)

250g mushrooms (preferably Porcini!)

450g tagliatelle

1 clove of garlic

A handful of parsley

1 glass of dry white wine

1 small chilli pepper (optional)

Extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper


Clean the mushrooms well, discarding the earthy feet and chop or slice into smallish chunks. Chop the garlic and gently fry in some extra virgin olive oil making sure that it doesn’t burn. Add the mushrooms, gently season with salt and pepper, stir and cover for a couple of minutes so they begin to cook in their own juices. Then, add the glass of wine, burn off the alcohol, reducing the liquid so that it just covers the pan’s bottom. Add the chopped parsley, mix well and you’re ready to serve! A good bottle of Nero d’Avola will accompany the mushrooms nicely!

Timballo Polizzano

Ingredients (serves 6)

500g risotto rice

400gr short pasta

750gr diced pork

125gr grated pecorino or other strong cheese

2 eggs

25grt butter

½ an onion

75gr tomato extract

250gr tomato sauce

50gr breadcrumbs

1 chilli pepper

250gr peas

Olive oil

Salt and pepper


Finely chop the onion and gently fry in a large pan. Add a little water and the tomato extract and wait for the latter to dissolve. Then add the pork and the tomato sauce and leave to cook slowly for about 3 hours. In the meantime, cook the rice until al dente, leave to cool and then mix in the beaten eggs, just over half the cheese and a little of the meat sauce. Then cook the pasta, again al dente, and mix this with some more of the meat sauce, some of the remaining cheese and the pre-cooked peas. At the end add a little melted butter mixed with the last of the cheese, some breadcrumbs and the chilli pepper.

Grease a baking dish with a little butter and sprinkle lightly with breadcrumbs. Cover the bottom and the sides with a layer of rice (leaving enough for another layer later). Then alternate layers of pasta with layers of meat sauce until you nearly reach the top. This last layer should be the rice mixture. Finally, cover the whole with bread crumbs and a few knobs of butter and put in the oven, pre-heated to 250° for about 20 minutes.

Pasta con i tenerumi

Ingredients (serves 4)

150gr “long” courgette leaves (or spinach if not available)

150gr cubed courgette

4 cloves of garlic

1 tin of tomatoes

Chilli pepper

Salt + pepper

200gr broken spaghetti


A splash of white wine


Put some olive oil in a pan and had the whole cloves of garlic. When the oil is flavoured a little, add the chopped greens (wash them carefully first) and a chopped chilli pepper. Cover and leave for a few minutes. Then add enough water to cover along with a splash of white win. Bring to a boil, burn of the alcohol and cover to simmer for around 30 minutes. After this time, add the tomatoes, ensure that there is still enough liquid and leave to cook for another five minutes. Then break the spaghetti into lengths of about 7-8cm and add to the pot. Salt and pepper to taste and cook until the pasta is ready. Serve either straight away or leave to cool, chill in the fridge and eat cold... very refreshing in the hot summer months!

Pasta con le sarde

(Pasta with fresh sardines) 

Ingredients (serves 4)

400g buccatini (or thick spaghetti if buccatini are not available) 

400g cfresh sardines 

2 handfuls of fresh fennel fronds 

1 medium-sized onion 

2 or 3 salted anchovies 

30g sultanas 

30g pine kernels 

1 teaspoon of tomato concentrate 

1 sachet of zaffron 

Extra virgin olive oil 

Salt and pepper


Wash the fennel and boil in salted water. After 10 minutes take it out and chop finely. Keep the water for cooking the pasta later. Chop the onion finely and sweat gently in some olive oil until soft – use a large frying pan with lid for this. Add the anchovies, the pine kernels and the tomato concentrate. When mixed well together add the sardines, the fennel and the sultanas. Splash with white wine, burn off the alcohol and break up the pieces of sardine and anchovies with a wooden spoon. Add the sachet of saffron, a little salt and pepper and leave to cook for about 10 minutes with the lid on. The sauce should not get too dry, but be moist. In the meantime, cook the pasta and, when ready, add to the sauce in the frying pan. Mix well and serve with a glass of chilled white wine.

Spaghetti alla Glassa

Ingredients (serves 4)

500gr spaghetti 

200gr beef in small cubes

1 onion

3-4 cloves of garlic 

2 largish potatoes 

White wine 

Olive oil 

Salt and pepper


Cut the beef and the potatoes into small cube and finely chop the onion and garlic. Heat the olive oil in a pan and gently saut the meat, onion and garlic. When the meat is sealed, add a glass or two of white wine. Burn off the alcohol and add the potatoes and a covering of boiling water. Season and cook slowly on a low flame until the potatoes are cooked.

In the meantime, cook the spaghetti al dente and add to the sauce. Mix well and then serve along with a sprinkling of freshly grated parmesan cheese.

Pasta c'anciova e muddica atturrata

(Pasta with anchovies and toasted breadcrumbs)

Ingredients (serves 4)

600g spaghetti 

150gr bread crumbs 

a bottle of tomato passata 

40gr of raisins 

150gr anchovy fillets 

2-3 cloves of garlic 

a handful of parsley 

a handful of pine kernels 

chilli pepper 

olive oil 

salt and pepper 


Gently fry your finely chopped garlic in abundant olive oil for a few minutes. Add the anchovy fillets and break them down into small pieces using a wooden spoon. Add the pine kernels, the raisins, some crushed chilli, some finely chopped parsley and the tomato passata. Mix thoroughly together, season, cover and cook slowly on a very low flame. In the meantime toast the breadcrumbs in a frying pan and get the pasta cooking.

Once the spaghetti is ready, serve with the sauce and a sprinkling of toasted breadcrumbs.

Pennette con la buccia di limone

(Pennette with lemon zest)

This recipe comes from a new Sicilian cookery book written by Natalia Ravidà a member of the distinguished olive oil-producing family based in Menfi, Sicily. Ravidà olive oil has won numerous awards and can be found in, amongst others, Harvey Nichols, Conran's and Waitrose. 

Ingredients (serves 4)

400g pennette, linguine or spaghetti 

3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 

1 organic lemon 

1/2 cup parmesan, freshly grated 

Parsley, finely chopped 

Freshly ground pepper 



Pare the zest of a lemon with a zester or vegetable peeler, avoiding the bitter white pith, and cut into fine shreds. Reserve a spoonful for final topping. In a medium sized serving bowl, marinate the olive oil with the lemon zest for at least 20 minutes. Cover with cling film to retain the aromas of the oil.


Bring a large stockpot of water to boil. Add the salt and cook the pasta according to package instructions. In the meantime, mix the parmesan with the oil, freshly ground pepper, half the parsley and three spoonfuls of cooking water.

Drain the pasta well al dente, pour onto serving bowl and mix thoroughly with the oil and lemon zest until well combined. Add a spoonful of pasta water if necessary to dilute sauce further to a creamy consistency. Sprinkle with remaining parsley, lemon zest and serve immediately with more parmigiano on the side.

Copyright Recipe and photos taken from ‘Seasons of Sicily’ by Natalia Ravidà and published by New Holland were used with the kind permission of the author. Available in Australia, Great Britain and South Africa.

Pesto alla Trapanese

(Pesto Trapani style)

Ingredients (serves 4) 

600g of short pasta 

6 cloves of garlic 

6 ripe tomatoes

100g almonds 

a handful of fresh basil 

extra virgin olive oil 

salt and pepper 


Using a pestle and mortar (or food mixer) pound the basil and the garlic until you have a paste. Add the tomatoes chopped into small cubes along with the almonds, a splash of olive oil and salt and pepper. Keep pounding (or mixing) until you have a thick creamy mix (lumps are no bad thing!).

Once the pasta is ready either mix with the pesto straight away and serve, or let it cool, adding a drop of olive oil, add the pesto and leave in the fridge for half an hour. Serve with a crisp white wine.

Zuppa di fave 

(Broad bean soup)

Ingredients (serves 4) 

600gr. fresh broad beans 

a small onion

olive oil

salt and pepper 


Place the broad beans in a pan with half a litre of water, the finely-chopped onion and a small amount of salt. Bring to the boil and then cook slowly with the lid on until the beans are soft and start opening (add water as they cook if necessary). At this point add freshly ground black pepper and put in the blender.

Serve with crusty white bread and a dribble of top quality olive oil.

Pasta Fasul

(Pasta with beans)

Ingredients (serves 4) 

300gr borlotti or cannellini beans 

1 onion 

1 stick of celery 

1 carrot 

1 tin of tomatoes 

50gr of cubed bacon 

About 1 litre of chicken stock 

2 glasses of white wine 

250gr of small pasta 

A couple of leaves of sage 

Salt and pepper 


If using fresh beans you will need to soak them overnight. Tins of beans are also acceptable. 

Gently fry the finely chopped onion, carrot and celery with the bacon until this latter is well-cooked. Season and add the tomatoes and a couple of glasses of white wine. Boil off the alcohol and then add abundant chicken stock (you should have enough liquid to cook the pasta at the end). When this is all simmering gently add the beans and leave to cook on a slow flame with the lid on for at least an hour. At this point add the pasta and cook without lid until ready. The liquid should be quite thick by this point. Serve with crusty white bread, a glass of full-bodied red wine and a dribble of extra virgin olive oil on top.

Spaghetti al Nero di Seppia

(Pasta with cuttlefish ink sauce)

Ingredients (serves 4) 

500gr spaghetti 

2 cleaned cuttlefish with their ink sacks 

1 small shallot 

2 tablespoons of tomato concentrate 

olive oil 

a little fresh chili pepper 

1 glass of white wine 

salt and pepper 



Finely chop the shallot and brown in olive oil. Cut the cuttlefish into thin strips and add to the shallot. Fry quickly, add the wine (burning off the alcohol) and then the tomato concentrate. Mix well, cover the pan and leave to cook slowly for about 20-25 minutes until the cuttlefish is relatively tender. Finally add the ink and a little crushed chili pepper and cook for a minute of two, adding the finely chopped parsley at the end.

Mix the sauce with the spaghetti and serve with a good bottle of chilled white wine.

Fish Couscous

Ingredients (serves 6) 

1 kg of cous cous (you should be able to find packeted couscous with instructions) 

2 kg. of fish suitable for making a stock (fish with no small bones, such as rock fish, grouper or dentex) 

1 onion 

1 tomato 

1 clove of garlic 

1 tuft of parsley 

1 hot chili pepper or ½ teaspoon of harissa (a spicy Tunisian chili paste) 

bay leaf 



Cook the fish in about four litres of water, adding the chopped onion, the garlic, the parsley, a piece of chili pepper (or ½ teaspoon of harissa), the tomato and the salt. At the end of cooking (up to 2 hours simmering on a fairly low flame), pass the soup through a sieve and mix part of the liquid to the cooked couscous along with two or three bay leaves. Serve the couscous in bowls, adding the rest of the soup/fish to each portion.

This recipe was kindly provided by Francesco Spadafora, owner of Virzi, winemaker and chef.

Spaghetti con tonno e pomodorini

(Spaghetti with tuna and cherry tomatoes)

Ingredients (serves 4) 

500gr spaghetti 

250g fresh tuna steaks 

3-4 cloves of garlic 

60g cherry tomatoes 

olive oil 

a handful of fresh mint 

1 glass of white wine 

a dash of vinegar 

1 teaspoon of sugar 


Cube the tuna steaks and cut the cherry tomatoes in two. Heat some olive oil in a frying pan with some sea salt and gently fry the tuna cubes with the cherry tomatoes. Add the white wine, boil off the alcohol and do the same with the vinegar. Finely chop the mint and add along with the sugar. Leave to cook for another few minutes with a lid on. Add the sauce to the spaghetti and serve with a glass or two of chilled white wine.

Spaghetti alle Vongole

(Spaghetti with clams)

Ingredients (serves 4) 

300g of clams 

3 cloves of garlic 

olive oil 


large glass of white wine 

salt and pepper 

600g spaghetti


Wash the clams carefully in running water. Heat some olive all in a large thick-bottomed frying pan (with lid) and add the chopped garlic for a moment. Then add the clams and cover until they open up. Throw in the wine and let the alcohol evaporate for a few minutes. Make sure not to cook off too much liquid, however (clam sauce without the juice is Not good). Add the finely chopped parsley, salt and pepper to your taste and add the sauce to your al dente spaghetti.

Serve with a chilled bottle of white wine.

Pasta al Forno

Christmas, a family picnic, a day on the beach, Easter, a birthday dinner, a Christening…….One dish that is brought out on all special occasions in Sicily, is Pasta al Forno. The dish is based on a type of pasta, anelletti (little rings), mixed with a tasty meat ragu’ and any other ingredients that take the cook’s fancy including mozzarella balls, fried cubes of aubergine, boiled eggs, and chunks of ham or mortadella . Once all mixed up with the pasta and topped with mozzarella slices, the whole lot is placed in an oven to meld together. Once the top layer is browned a little, it’s time to serve up for your guests to discover all the goodies inside.

Ingredients (Serves 6) 

800g of anneletti or other short pasta (rigatoni are suitable) 

For the ragu’ 

500g minced pork (for a traditional Sicilian ragu’) or beef 

1 onion 

4-5 cloves of garlic 

1 leg of celery 

1 largish carrot 

Up to ½ a litre of red wine 

A little tomato paste 

1 large tin of plum tomatoes or bottle of passata 

150g peas 

Salt, pepper, oregano

Other additions: cubes of ham or mortadella, fried chunks of aubergine, hard-boiled eggs, mozzarellballs, etc. etc.. 


Gently fry your finely chopped onion, garlic, celery, and carrot in olive oil until the onion becomes soft. Add some more olive oil, let it heat up and add the meat, stirring constantly until it is all sealed. Put a lid on and turn down the flame and let it cook for a while in the meat’s juices. After 10 minutes, turn up the heat and add the red wine, ensuring that all the alcohol is burned off. Turn heat down, cover and let the sauce simmer gently for half an hour.

Add peas and tomatoes, salt and pepper and oregano and once again cover, leaving it to cook as long as possible (the more it cooks the better it is), stirring occasionally to ensure that the sauce is smooth.

When the sauce is almost ready, heat a pan of salted water, add the pasta and cook until “al dente”. Do not overcook. Add the pasta to the ragu and mix well, adding the other extra additions such as mozzarella balls etc. Place the whole lot into a large baking tray, cover with slices of mozzarella and a drop of olive oil and place in a hot oven for 15 – 20 minutes.

Pasta con pesce spada

(Pasta with swordfish)

Ingredients (serves 4) 

Penne or Fusilli (400grms) 

pesce spada/sword fish (one slice 2cm thick, chopped into small cubes) 

pomodoro pelato/peeled tomatoes (one tin of chopped tomatoes is fine if you don’t have fresh cherry tomatoes) 

aglio/garlic (one clove) 

cipolla/onion (one) 


olio d’oliva/olive oil 



vino bianco/white wine 


Chop the garlic and onion and brown them in a frying pan on a moderate heat with some olive oil.Increase the flame, add the chopped sword fish and let it brown. Sprinkle with white wine and turn the flame down again. Add the tomatoes, salt, pepper and mint and let it all cook for a few minutes.

Cook the pasta until "al dente", drain it and mix it with the sword fish in the frying pan. Serve hot, adding a few leaves of fresh mint and – if you desires - some small cubes of fried aubergines.

It can be served as a main dish, followed by salad or vegetables and accompanied by cool white wine.

Pasta “cui vroccoli arriminati”

(Pasta with cauliflower)

Ingredients (serves 4 people) 

600g pasta (traditionally bucatini – a type of thick spaghetti) 

1 large cauliflower (about 1kg) 

100g raisins 

100g pine kernels 

1 onion 

6 anchovy fillets 

1 small packet of saffron 

olive oil 

salt and pepper 


Cut up the cauliflower and boil in salted water until soft. In the meantime, gently sauté the chopped onion in olive oil until brown and add the anchovies, the raisins and the pine kernels. Mix well and leave to cook gently for about 10 minutes until the cauliflower is ready. When cooked, add the cauliflower to the anchovies, onions etc, using a spoon with holes in so that the cauliflower water remains in the pan (you will need it to cook the pasta in). Add some of the cauliflower water and slightly mash the cauliflower, mixing it with the other ingredients. Add salt and pepper and leave to cook gently, making sure it doesn’t get too dry. If it does, add more cauliflower water. Just before the pasta is cooked, add the saffron and mix in thoroughly.

Cook the pasta in the cauliflower water and drain when ready. 

Serve the cauliflower sauce on top of the pasta and sprinkle liberally with parmesan cheese, or another stronger cheese, such as ricotta salata.   




Supa de ciuperci:


2 l supa de carne sau de zarzavat strecurata, 2 linguri ciuperci, 1 lingurita cu varf unt (30 g), 1 ceapa mijlocie, 1 lingura orez, 1 ou, 150 g smantana, lamaie, patrunjel, sare, piper;

Mod de preparare:

Ciupercile se taie felii, se inabuse in unt cu ceapa rasa fin, 5 minute, apoi se stinge cu supa. Se adauga o lingura de orez si se lasa sa fiarba 20-30 minute pana fierbe orezul. Se ia de pe foc si se drege fierbinte cu smantana si galbenusul, batute bine cu o lingura apa rece. Se acreste cu zeama de lamaie si se serveste cu patrunjel tocat.

Supa de rosii:


maruntaie de pui, morcov, patrunjel, 1/4 kg ceapa, 2 linguri orez, 1/2 kg rosii sau pasta de rosii;

Mod de preparare:

Maruntaiele si partea osoasa se taie bucatele si se fierbe in 2 l apa rece. Cand fierbe se pune zarzavatul taiat mic si ceapa tocata marunt si putina sare. Dupa 30-40 de minute cand toate sunt fierte, se scoate zarzavatul si se pun 2 linguri orez si bulionul din rosiile fierte si strecurate. Se serveste cu patrunjel tocat si o mica frunza de telina.

Supa de mazare boabe:


maruntaie de pui, morcov, patrunjel, telina, ceapa mica, 1 pahar de 2 dl mazare boabe, 1 galbenus, 150 g smantana, patrunjel, 30 g unt;

Mod de preparare:

Zarzavatul se da prin razatoarea mare, se caleste 2 minute cu unt, apoi se stinge cu 2 l apa rece. Se pune carnea taiata bucatele, putina sare si se lasa sa fiarba. Dupa 30 de minute se pune mazarea boabe si se mai fierbe inca 20 de minute. Se pune sare si se drege cu smantana si galbenusul batute bine. Se serveste cu patrunjel.

Supa de mere:


maruntaie de pui, 1 ceapa, 1/2 kg mere, 1 galbenus, 150 g smantana, patrunjel;

Mod de preparare:

Carnea taiata bucatele se pune la foc cu 2 l apa rece, putina sare si ceapa intreaga. Cand s-a fiert carnea, se scoate ceapa si se pun merele curatate de coaja si taiate felii si se fierb 10 minute. Se pune sare si se drege cu smantana si galbenusul batute bine si patrunjel tocat. Daca nu este destul de acra se mai poate pune zeama de lamaie. De asemenea se mai poate pune si putin zahar.

Supa cu usturoi:


2 l de supa de carne sau zarzavat strecurata, 2-3 catei de usturoi, 3 oua, 2 felii franzela, 1 lingurita unt, 100 g smantana, patrunjel;

Mod de preparare:

In supa clocotita se pune usturoiul tocat marunt, apoi se ia de pe foc si se adauga smantana, patrunjelul tocat si un galbenus batute bine cu o lingura apa rece. Se pune putina supa fierbinte, apoi se adauga totul la restul de supa si se amesteca. Se bat bine doua oua si un albus, se adauga circa 100 g franzela taiata cubulete mici, putin piper si patrunjel tocat. Se face o omleta in tigaia infierbantata cu o lingurita unt. Se taie cubulete si se servesc la masa in supa fierbinte. Se poate acri cu zeama de lamaie.

Ciorba de burta:


1/2 burta curatata, 1/2 zarzavat de supa, 3 - 4 catei de usturoi, lamaie, 1 galbenus, 150 g smantana, patrunjel, leustean, marar; 

  Mod de preparare: 

se curata stomacul de vaca sau de vitel de membrana care-l captuseste pe dinauntru. Membrana se desprinde cu mana, punand cate putina sare si numai partea fibroasa din exterior care ramane se mananca. Dupa ce se curata, burta se spala de mai multe ori. Se pune la fiert cu 3 l apa rece. Cand clocoteste se pune zarzavatul taiat sferturi. Se fierbe 3 - 4 ore la foc mic. Cand este fiarta, burta se scoate din supa si se taie ca fideaua subtire, de 3 - 4 cm lungime. Se adauga usturoiul tocat marunt, patrunjel, marar, leustean si sare. Se drege cu galbenus si smantana, batuta cu o lingura apa rece.

Ciorba de varza alba:


300 - 400 g carne osoasa de rata, gasca, porc, 1 morcov, 1 patrunjel, 200 g telina, 1 ceapa mijlocie, 1 varza mica (1/2 kg), 1 ardei, 1 rosie, 1/4 l bors sau zeama de la muraturi, marar; 

  Mod de preparare: 

Carnea se pune la fiert cu 3 l apa rece si putina sare. Zarzavatul ras prin razatoarea mare se caleste 2 minute impreuna cu ceapa in 2 linguri untdelemn, apoi se pune la supa. Cand carnea este pe jumatate fiarta se pune varza taiata ca fideaua si ardeiul gras taiat felii. Dupa ce au fiert toate se pune rosia taiata felii si se acreste dupa gust. Se pune sare si se mai fierbe cateva clocote. Se pune putin cimbru si marar.

Ciorba de fasole verde:


1 morcov, 1 patrunjel, 1 ceapa, 1/2 kg fasole verde, 1 ardei, 1/2 kg rosii, patrunjel verde, 1 frunza de telina, untdelemn, sare; 

  Mod de preparare: 

morcovul, patrunjelul, ceapa se rad prin razatoarea marea, se calesc 2 minute in 3 linguri untdelemn, apoi se stinge cu 2 l apa calda. Cand apa clocoteste se pune fasolea curatata la capete si rupta in 2 - 3 bucati si ardeiul. Dupa ce fierb toate, se pune bulionul din rosiile fierte separat si strecurate. Se da in 2 - 3 clocote, se adauga sare si se serveste cu patrunjel si o mica frunza de telina, tocate.                                           Top



Ciorba de sfecla: 


1/2 kg sfecla rosie, 1 morcov, 1 patrunjel, 1 ceapa, 1/4 l bors, untdelemn, leustean, patrunjel, 2 cartofi; 

  Mod de preparare: 

zarzavatul si ceapa se rad prin razatoarea mare si se inabuse in 3 linguri untdelemn, 2 minute. Se stinge cu 2 l apa si se fierbe 30 de minute. Apoi, se adauga sfecla rosie curatata si rasa prin razatoarea mare si cartofii taiati cubulete. Cand toate sunt fierte se acreste cu bors sau zeama de lamaie. Se adauga patrunjel si leustean.

Ciorba de miel:


cap si maruntaie de miel, 1 morcov, 1 patrunjel, 1 ceapa mica, 1 lingura orez, 1 galbenus, 150 g smantana, 1/4 l bors sau zeama de lamaie, tarhon; 

  Mod de preparare: 

capul de miel se curata bine in partea nasului, se taie urechile si varful botului. Se spala bine si in gura. Se poate parli putin la flacara. Se spala, se taie bucatele. Capul se lasa intreg sau jumatate, si se pune la fiert cu 3 l apa rece. Cand clocoteste se pune zarzavatul taiat marunt si putina sare. Dupa 20 de minute se pune 1 lingura de orez. Dupa o ora se acreste cu zeama de lamaie sau bors, dupa gust. Se drege imediat ce s-a luat de pe foc cu galbenus si smantana batute cu o lingura de apa rece. La sfarsit se pune tarhon si sare dupa gust.

Ciorba de potroace:


400 - 500 g carne osoasa de curcan sau de gaina grasa, morcov, patrunjel, telina, 1 ceapa, 1 lingura orez, zeama de varza, 1 ou, 150 g smantana, leustean, patrunjel, sare, piper; 

  Mod de preparare: 

carnea taiata bucati se pune la fiert in 3 l apa rece si putina apa. Dupa ce fierbe se adauga zarzavatul ras prin razatoarea mare si ceapa taiata marunt. Cand sunt aproape fierte se pune o lingura de orez. Se fierbe 20 de minute. Se acreste apoi cu zeama de varza. Se fierbe inca cateva clocote, se ia de pe foc si se drege cu galbenusul frecat cu smantana si cu o lingura apa rece. Se pune leustean si un varf de cutit de piper.

Ciorba greceasca:


maruntaie si partea osoasa de la un pui, 1 morcov, 1 patrunjel tocat, 1/2 telina, 1 ceapa mijlocie, 2 linguri cu varf orez, 1 lamaie, 1 galbenus, 150 g smantana; 

  Mod de preparare: 

Carnea de pui se taie bucatele si se pune la fiert in 3 l apa rece si sare. Cand clocoteste se pune zarzavatul taiat sferturi mici. Cand zarzavatul si carnea sunt fierte, se strecoara supa, se fierbe orezul in ea, apoi se pun bucatile de carne (fara zarzavat). Se pune sare si zeama de lamaie. Dupa ce s-a luat de pe foc se drege cu galbenusul si smantana amestecate cu o lingura apa rece si patrunjel tocat.





12 Senior volunteers from Italy and Romania enjoyed cooking together!

 This magazine has been published with funds from the European Commission, under LLP program. This publication reflects only the views of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made on the information contained there in.


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