The UMC Austin District

Capital District UMC Charge Conference

Agenda for 2020

Welcome and Opening Prayer

Call to Order Rev. Teresa Welborn, District Superintendent

Designation of the Recording Secretary - The Board or Council Secretary holds this office. Each church represented will need a recording secretary and sign-in sheets.

Action Items:

Each of these items should have been reviewed & approved by your church council, so discussion should be minimal.

• 2021 Church/Pastor Compensation Report

• 2021 Leadership/Nominations Report including delegates to Annual Conference and Mission Board Lay Representative

• Continuation of Candidates for Ministry, Lay Servant Ministries, and Certified Lay Ministers. At group Charge Conferences we will vote to CONTINUE candidates for ministry and CLMs, but there will be no votes for new ministry candidates and/or first time CLMs. Please contact Teresa to schedule an individual Charge Conference for first time candidates and CLMs.)

• Consent agenda and written reports: The following items are adopted as a group:

Report of Finance committee, Report of Trustees, written Report of Pastor and other clergy affiliated with the charge, any other written reports from lay leadership/church ministries.


Devotional and Sharing with District Superintendent

Adjournment & Sending Forth


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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