The Ten Commandments of Meetings - Clover Sites

The Ten Commandments of Meetings

1. Thou shalt not start late nor shall you waste time.

Time is a valuable commodity these days. The quickest way to reduce attendance at meetings is to meet without an adequate justification. Do not meet if a e-mail or phone call will suffice. Make sure you let the leader of the group know if you can’t make the meeting!

As a general rule, in order to attend your meeting people will have to leave something else. People don’t attend church meetings to “chew the fat.” It is their service to God; so don’t ask them to give the time unless you plan to accomplish something for the Kingdom of God.

2. Thou shalt not meet without a designated leader and secretary of the meeting.

This may be the chairperson, staff person, pastor, or a designated member. In order for the meeting to be efficient and effective, someone must guide it-call for decisions, assign tasks, and suggest implementation and follow-up. Someone also must take good notes of the decisions and actions of the group. After each meeting, a copy of the meeting notes should be submitted to the Pastors.

3. Thou shalt not meet without a submitted agenda.

Communication must be made to all members and the Pastors of the meeting time and agenda before any meeting can take place. This ensures that the members will not break the first commandment.

Usually less significant issues take up too much time. A well-thought out agenda will keep the meeting on focus and productive. A good rule of thumb is to deal with the most important issues first.

4. Thou shalt comprehend the group’s job description and its relationship to the greater church.

Sometimes the best decision a group can make is to not make a decision, if that decision is better made and implemented by another group. Know your ministry and do not step on the toes of another team or ministry.

5. Thou shalt understand the group’s authority to expend funds.

Know your budget and stay within it. The team’s leader must initial the office purchase order in order for there to be any reimbursements. Do not spend another group’s budget without their awareness and permission.

6. Thou shalt not adjourn a meeting until a person and a deadline has been assigned to the implementation of the group’s decisions.

Each group must submit to the church office a request for facilities or a plan for an event before any event will be calendared and approved.

Okay, we think we ought to do it. How will we do it? Who will do it? When will it be done? These questions are important because if they are not answered the decisions will probably not be implemented.

The next meeting you will read the minutes of the last meeting and remember what you decided to do. You will also follow-up on the assigned tasks and monitor progress.

7. Thou shalt not create work for other groups or people without their consent and without willingness on your behalf to help.

8. Thou shalt listen to one another and reach consensus, so that decisions come from the group and not just part of it.

It’s amazing how a leader can state their case and leave believing or assuming that everyone agreed with them, when the opposite is true. Listen to everybody. Ask what they believe about God’s direction and let them express what they believe. If the committee has not reached consensus, consider postponing the vote.

9. Thou shalt maintain a covenant of confidentiality.

What goes on in the group stays in the group. Accountability and resolution issues must be taken care of within the group. If the group cannot come to a consensus, then group must consult the pastor and spend more time in prayer about the issue.

10. Thou shalt always maintain a spirit of Christ-likeness and excellence.

Since we are serving in this position for the cause of Christ Jesus, we must strive to maintain Christ-like attitude in our words and deed: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5.22-23).

Since God deserves and demands our best, we must work diligently and responsibly to ensure that all that is done in the name of Jesus can be described as excellent.


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