Chapter 04 - Cell Structure and Function

?Multiple Choice1.?Bacteria in the intestinal tract assist their hosts by ____.??a.??helping with digestion?b.??eating other bacteria?c.??producing minerals reptiles cannot?d.??producing stomach acid?e.??encouraging the growth of pathogensANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.1 Food for ThoughtLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.1 - Examine the ill-effects of Escherichia coli on humans.2.?As few as ____ toxic Escherichia coli cells can cause disease.??a.??one?b.??10?c.??100?d.??1000?e.??10,000ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.1 Food for ThoughtLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.1 - Examine the ill-effects of Escherichia coli on humans.3.?Who was the first person acknowledged to have seen living, moving cells by using a microscope???a.??Robert Hooke?b.??Robert Brown?c.??Galileo Galilee?d.??Rudolf Virchow?e.??Anton van LeeuwenhoekANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.2 What Is A Cell?LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.2 - Examine the principles of cell theory.4.?One generalization of the cell theory is that ____.??a.??all cells have a nucleus?b.??all cells have cell walls?c.??the cell is the smallest unit that displays the properties of life?d.??cells can arise from nonliving matter?e.??all cells are microscopicANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.2 What Is A Cell?LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.2 - Examine the principles of cell theory.5.?What components of membranes are the most abundant???a.??carbohydrates?b.??sterols?c.??proteins?d.??fats?e.??phospholipidsANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.2 What Is A Cell?LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.3 - Describe the components of a cell using a diagram.6.?When a cell expands in diameter, volume increases by the ____ of the diameter, and surface area increases by the____ of the diameter.??a.??square; square?b.??square; cube?c.??cube; square?d.??cube; cube?e.??square root; square rootANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.2 What Is A Cell?LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.3 - Describe the components of a cell using a diagram.7.?What is a tenet of the cell theory???a.??All organisms consist of more than one cell.?b.??The cell is the smallest unit that retains the characteristics of life.?c.??Each cell makes its own hereditary material.?d.??Each cell is composed only of products that it manufactures.?e.??Cells may arise spontaneously under certain laboratory conditions.ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.2 What Is A Cell?LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.2 - Examine the principles of cell theory.8.?What microscope is best to use to view internal features of specimens???a.??basic light microscope?b.??phase contrast light microscope?c.??Nomarski process light microscope?d.??scanning electron microscope?e.??transmission electron microscopeANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.3 How Do We See Cells?LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.4 - Examine the different methods used to study cells.9.?Prokaryotes ____.??a.??have a nucleus?b.??are multicellular?c.??always have cell walls?d.??are either bacteria or archaeans?e.??always have flagellaANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.4 Introducting ProkaryotesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.5 - Demonstrate the structural similarities shared by bacteria and archaea using a diagram.

?Figure 4.810.?What is the function of the structure labeled G in the accompanying figure???a.??attachment?b.??locomotion?c.??protein-making?d.??breathing?e.??communicationANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.4 Introducting ProkaryotesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.5 - Demonstrate the structural similarities shared by bacteria and archaea using a diagram.11.?What is one function of the structure labeled A in the accompanying figure???a.??attachment?b.??locomotion?c.??protein-making?d.??breathing?e.??communicationANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.4 Introducting ProkaryotesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.5 - Demonstrate the structural similarities shared by bacteria and archaea using a diagram.12.?What is the structure labeled F in the accompanying figure???a.??cytoplasm?b.??nucleoid?c.??plasma membrane?d.??capsule?e.??pilusANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.4 Introducting ProkaryotesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.5 - Demonstrate the structural similarities shared by bacteria and archaea using a diagram.13.?What is the structure labeled B in the accompanying figure???a.??cytoplasm?b.??nucleoid?c.??plasma membrane?d.??capsule?e.??pilusANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.4 Introducting ProkaryotesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.5 - Demonstrate the structural similarities shared by bacteria and archaea using a diagram.14.?Groups of bacteria living together in a close knit group are also known as ____.??a.??eukaryotes?b.??pathogenic bacteria?c.??monophylogenic cultures?d.??biofilms?e.??archaeaANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.4 Introducting ProkaryotesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.5 - Demonstrate the structural similarities shared by bacteria and archaea using a diagram.15.?One of the two main functions of the nuclear envelope is to ____.??a.??provide residence for ribosomes?b.??allow separation of DNA from cytoplasm machinery?c.??provide total isolation of nuclear components?d.??enable faster cell division?e.??enable larger cell sizeANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.6 The NucleusLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.7 - Describe the various parts of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell using a diagram.?Figure 4.1216.?The accompanying figure is a photomicrograph of ____.??a.??a nucleus?b.??a Golgi body?c.??endoplasmic reticulum?d.??a vacuole?e.??a nucleoidANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.6 The NucleusLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.7 - Describe the various parts of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell using a diagram.17.?The area labeled "C" in the accompanying figure is ____.??a.??a nucleus?b.??chromatin?c.??the nuclear membrane?d.??a vacuole?e.??a nucleolusANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.6 The NucleusLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.7 - Describe the various parts of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell using a diagram.18.?The area labeled "A" is ____.??a.??a nucleus?b.??chromatin?c.??the nuclear membrane?d.??a vacuole?e.??a nucleolusANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.6 The NucleusLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.7 - Describe the various parts of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell using a diagram.19.?What is the correct sequence of polypeptide transport in the secretory pathway???a.?plasma membrane → Golgi bodies → ER → ribosome??b.??plasma membrane → ER → Golgi bodies → ribosome?c.??ribosome → Golgi bodies → ER → plasma membrane?d.??ribosome → ER → Golgi bodies → plasma membrane?e.??Golgi bodies → ribosomes → ER → plasma membraneANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: SynthesizeREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.9 - Examine the importance of the endomembrane system in a eukaryotic cell.20.?What is an organelle that pinches off portions of its membrane to form a transport vesicle???a.??mitochondrion?b.??chloroplast?c.??nucleolus?d.??Golgi body?e.??peroxisomeANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.9 - Examine the importance of the endomembrane system in a eukaryotic cell.21.?Where are proteins manufactured in cells???a.??Golgi bodies?b.??vesicles?c.??rough endoplasmic reticula?d.??lysosomes?e.??smooth endoplasmic reticulaANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.9 - Examine the importance of the endomembrane system in a eukaryotic cell.22.?What primary structures package cellular secretions for export from the cell???a.??Golgi bodies?b.??ribosomes?c.??mitochondria?d.??lysosomes?e.??endoplasmic reticulaANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.9 - Examine the importance of the endomembrane system in a eukaryotic cell.23.?Which cell organelle is responsible for the breakdown of fatty acids???a.??Golgi body?b.??ribosome?c.??mitochondrion?d.??lysosome?e.??peroxisomeANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.9 - Examine the importance of the endomembrane system in a eukaryotic cell.24.?Which organelle contains powerful enzymes for digesting cellular waste???a.??Golgi body?b.??ribosome?c.??mitochondrion?d.??lysosome?e.??peroxisomeANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.10 - Examine the importance of lysosomes to the normal functioning of a eukaryotic cell.25.?Lysosomes are specialized ____.??a.??ribosomes?b.??vacuoles?c.??Golgi bodies?d.??vesicles?e.??plastidsANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.10 - Examine the importance of lysosomes to the normal functioning of a eukaryotic cell.26.?Which of the following contain enzymes used in the breakdown of glucose and generation of ATP???a.??Golgi bodies?b.??ribosomes?c.??mitochondria?d.??lysosomes?e.??endoplasmic reticulaANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.8 MitochondriaLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.11 - Examine the importance of mitochondria and plastids in the production of adenosine triphosphate in a eukaryotic cell.27.?Which of the following is thought to be the descendant of ancient bacteria???a.??nuclei?b.??Golgi bodies?c.??ER?d.??mitochondria?e.??lysosomesANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.8 MitochondriaLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.11 - Examine the importance of mitochondria and plastids in the production of adenosine triphosphate in a eukaryotic cell.28.?The space between the two membranes of the mitochondrion accumulates ____.??a.??proteins?b.??H+?c.??carbohydrates?d.??H2O2?e.??CO2ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.8 MitochondriaLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.11 - Examine the importance of mitochondria and plastids in the production of adenosine triphosphate in a eukaryotic cell.29.?The mitochondrion harnesses the energy of the flow of ____ from its ____ compartment to its ____ compartment to generate ATP.??a.??CO2; outer; inner?b.?H2O2; outer; inner?c.?H+; inner; outer??d.??H+; outer; inner?e.??CO2; inner; outerANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: SynthesizeREFERENCES:??4.8 MitochondriaLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.11 - Examine the importance of mitochondria and plastids in the production of adenosine triphosphate in a eukaryotic cell.30.?The cytoskeleton ____.??a.??extends between the nucleus and the plasma membrane?b.??is found within the nucleus?c.??is associated with only certain cell structures?d.??is found within organelles?e.??is found in all animal cells but not in cells with cell wallsANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.10 The CytoskeletonLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.12 - Examine the components of a cytoskeleton using diagrams and examples.31.?Lamins are a type of ____.??a.??myosin?b.??microtubules?c.??intermediate filaments?d.??microfilaments?e.??actinANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.10 The CytoskeletonLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.12 - Examine the components of a cytoskeleton using diagrams and examples.?Figure 4.1932.?What is a main function of the structure in the accompanying figure labeled "B"???a.??It controls cell shape.?b.??It separates DNA during cell division.?c.??It helps nerve cells lengthen.?d.??It is found in hair.?e.??It helps regulate DNA replication.ANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: SynthesizeREFERENCES:??4.10 The CytoskeletonLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.12 - Examine the components of a cytoskeleton using diagrams and examples.33.?What is a main function of the structure in the accompanying figure labeled "A"???a.??It controls cell shape.?b.??It separates DNA during cell division.?c.??It helps nerve cells lengthen.?d.??It is found in hair.?e.??It helps regulate DNA replication.ANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: SynthesizeREFERENCES:??4.10 The CytoskeletonLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.12 - Examine the components of a cytoskeleton using diagrams and examples.34.?The cell wall ____.??a.??provides physical support for plant cells?b.??controls the transport of materials out of the cell?c.??replaces the plasma membrane in plant cells?d.??is found in all eukaryotes?e.??prevents the transport of toxic substances into the plant cellsANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.11 Cell Surface SpecializationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.13 - Describe the characteristics and functions of the extracellular matrix in a cell using an example.35.?What is a characteristic of the cell walls of mature plant cells??a.??pectin?b.??cellulose?c.??glue-like polysaccharides?d.??lignin?e.??a gluey matrix containing rope-like strandsANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.11 Cell Surface SpecializationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.13 - Describe the characteristics and functions of the extracellular matrix in a cell using an example.?Figure 4.23A36.?The structures labeled "B" in the accompanying figure ____.??a.??prevent movement of materials between cells?b.??are found in tissues subjected to stretching?c.??allow the free passage of materials between cells?d.??are found mostly in heart muscle?e.??are found in most tissues except in the stomachANSWER:??aDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.11 Cell Surface SpecializationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.13 - Describe the characteristics and functions of the extracellular matrix in a cell using an example.37.?The structures labeled "D" in the accompanying figure _____.??a.??prevents movement of materials between cells?b.??allows passage of a signal to contract heart muscles?c.??allows the free passage of materials between cells?d.??is found mostly in stomach tissue?e.??is found in most tissues except heart muscleANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.11 Cell Surface SpecializationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.13 - Describe the characteristics and functions of the extracellular matrix in a cell using an example.38.?What are the structures labeled “C” in the accompanying figure???a.??plasmodesmata?b.??basement membranes?c.??tight junctions?d.??gap junctions?e.??adhering junctionsANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.11 Cell Surface SpecializationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.13 - Describe the characteristics and functions of the extracellular matrix in a cell using an example.39.?Which structure in the accompanying figure is responsible for allowing entire regions of cells to respond to a single stimulus???a.??A?b.??B?c.??C?d.??D?e.??EANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.11 Cell Surface SpecializationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.13 - Describe the characteristics and functions of the extracellular matrix in a cell using an example.40.?Cilia and flagella are most similar in ____.??a.??length?b.??the kinds of cells that have them?c.??the number that cells usually have?d.??their internal composition and structure?e.??their location along the cell's peripheryANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??4.10 The CytoskeletonLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.12 - Examine the components of a cytoskeleton using diagrams and examples.41.?Which property is true of living things???a.??They are stable over time.?b.??They are stable over many generations.?c.??They use protein as their hereditary material.?d.??They must obtain all organic molecules of life from external sources.?e.??They consist of one or more cells.ANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.12 The Nature of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.14 - Examine the properties that are unique to living organisms.42.?Which item below is unique to eukaryotic cells???a.??cell wall?b.??plasma membrane?c.??nucleoid?d.??ribosomes?e.??vacuoleANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??4.5 Introducing Eukaryotic CellsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.6 - Differentiate between the components of a eukaryotic plant cell and a eukaryotic animal cell using diagrams.43.?Which structure below is unique to organisms that harness solar energy to make sugar???a.??endoplasmic reticulum?b.??chloroplast?c.??plasma membrane?d.??chromosome?e.??nuclear envelopeANSWER:??bDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.9 Chloroplasts and Other PlastidsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.xx - Describe the role of the chloroplast and plant plastids in photosynthesis and storage.44.?Which characteristic of a chloroplast makes it appear green???a.??The outer membrane?b.??The inner membrane?c.??The stroma?d.??The plastid?e.??The chlorophyllANSWER:??eDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.9 Chloroplasts and Other PlastidsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.xx - Describe the role of the chloroplast and plant plastids in photosynthesis and storage.45.?What is a function of plastids???a.??aerobic respiration?b.??environmental sensing?c.??breakdown of ATP?d.??pigmentation?e.??waste removalANSWER:??dDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.9 Chloroplasts and Other PlastidsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.xx - Describe the role of the chloroplast and plant plastids in photosynthesis and storage.46.?What is the defining feature of a eukaryotic cell???a.??cell wall surrounding the cell?b.??plasma membrane external to the cell wall?c.??internal membranes surrounding organelles?d.??ribosomes in the cytoplasm?e.??large vacuole for storageANSWER:??cDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: AnalyzeREFERENCES:??4.5 Introducing Eukaryotic CellsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.6 - Differentiate between the components of a eukaryotic plant cell and a eukaryotic animal cell using diagrams.MatchingChoose the one most appropriate response for each.?a.??contain enzymes for intracellular digestionb.??primary cellular organelles where proteins are assembledc.??package cellular secretions for exportd.??extract energy stored in carbohydrates; synthesize ATP; produce water and carbon dioxidee.??synthesize subunits that will be assembled into two-part ribosomes in the cytoplasmf.??molecules that?participate in protein synthesisg.?store substancesh.??encode hereditary informationi.??help distribute chromosomes to the new cells during cell divisionj.??convert light energy to chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose or starchDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.10 The CytoskeletonLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.12 - Examine the components of a cytoskeleton using diagrams and examples.47.??microtubulesANSWER:??iChoose the one most appropriate response for each.?a.??contain enzymes for intracellular digestionb.??primary cellular organelles where proteins are assembledc.??package cellular secretions for exportd.??extract energy stored in carbohydrates; synthesize ATP; produce water and carbon dioxidee.??synthesize subunits that will be assembled into two-part ribosomes in the cytoplasmf.??molecules that?participate in protein synthesisg.?store substancesh.??encode hereditary informationi.??help distribute chromosomes to the new cells during cell divisionj.??convert light energy to chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose or starchDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.9 Chloroplasts and Other PlastidsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.xx - Describe the role of the chloroplast and plant plastids in photosynthesis and storage.48.??chloroplastsANSWER:??jChoose the one most appropriate response for each.?a.??contain enzymes for intracellular digestionb.??primary cellular organelles where proteins are assembledc.??package cellular secretions for exportd.??extract energy stored in carbohydrates; synthesize ATP; produce water and carbon dioxidee.??synthesize subunits that will be assembled into two-part ribosomes in the cytoplasmf.?molecules that ?participate in protein synthesisg.?store substancesh.??encode hereditary informationi.??help distribute chromosomes to the new cells during cell divisionj.??convert light energy to chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose or starchDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.9 - Examine the importance of the endomembrane system in a eukaryotic cell.49.??Golgi bodiesANSWER:??c50.?central vacuolesANSWER:??gChoose the one most appropriate response for each.?a.??contain enzymes for intracellular digestionb.??primary cellular organelles where proteins are assembledc.??package cellular secretions for exportd.??extract energy stored in carbohydrates; synthesize ATP; produce water and carbon dioxidee.??synthesize subunits that will be assembled into two-part ribosomes in the cytoplasmf.?molecules that ?participate in protein synthesisg.?store substancesh.??encode hereditary informationi.??help distribute chromosomes to the new cells during cell divisionj.??convert light energy to chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose or starchDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.6 The NucleusLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.7 - Describe the various parts of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell using a diagram.51.??DNA moleculesANSWER:??h52.??RNA moleculesANSWER:??f53.??nucleoliANSWER:??e54.??ribosomesANSWER:??bChoose the one most appropriate response for each.?a.??contain enzymes for intracellular digestionb.??primary cellular organelles where proteins are assembledc.??package cellular secretions for exportd.??extract energy stored in carbohydrates; synthesize ATP; produce water and carbon dioxidee.??synthesize subunits that will be assembled into two-part ribosomes in the cytoplasmf.??molecules that?participate in protein synthesisg.?store substancesh.??encode hereditary informationi.??help distribute chromosomes to the new cells during cell divisionj.??convert light energy to chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose or starchDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.10 - Examine the importance of lysosomes to the normal functioning of a eukaryotic cell.55.?lysosomesANSWER:??aChoose the one most appropriate response for each.?a.??contain enzymes for intracellular digestionb.??primary cellular organelles where proteins are assembledc.??package cellular secretions for exportd.??extract energy stored in carbohydrates; synthesize ATP; produce water and carbon dioxidee.??synthesize subunits that will be assembled into two-part ribosomes in the cytoplasmf.??molecules that?participate in protein synthesisg.?store substancesh.??encode hereditary informationi.??help distribute chromosomes to the new cells during cell divisionj.??convert light energy to chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose or starchDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.11 - Examine the importance of mitochondria and plastids in the production of adenosine triphosphate in a eukaryotic cell.56.?mitochondriaANSWER:??dClassification. The following items are organelles found in animal cells. Respond to the statements below with reference to these organelles.?a.??ribosomeb.??mitochondrionc.??lysosomed.??Golgi bodye.??endoplasmic reticulumDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.6 The NucleusLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.7 - Describe the various parts of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell using a diagram.57.??This organelle is the site of polypeptide assembly.ANSWER:??a58.??Proteins are synthesized on this tiny, two-part organelle.ANSWER:??aClassification. The following items are organelles found in animal cells. Respond to the statements below with reference to these organelles.?a.??ribosomeb.??mitochondrionc.??lysosomed.??Golgi bodye.??endoplasmic reticulumDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.10 - Examine the importance of lysosomes to the normal functioning of a eukaryotic cell.59.??The cellular digestion and disposal of biological molecules occurs inside this organelle.ANSWER:??c60.?DNA synthesis occurs in the nucleus. Its breakdown can occur in this organelle.ANSWER:??cClassification. The following items are organelles found in animal cells. Respond to the statements below with reference to these organelles.?a.??ribosomeb.??mitochondrionc.??lysosomed.??Golgi bodye.??endoplasmic reticulumDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.11 - Examine the importance of mitochondria and plastids in the production of adenosine triphosphate in a eukaryotic cell.61.?Aerobic respiration occurs in this organelle.ANSWER:??b62.?Sugar metabolism occurs in association with this organelle.ANSWER:??bClassification. The following items are organelles found in animal cells. Respond to the statements below with reference to these organelles.?a.??ribosomeb.??mitochondrionc.??lysosomed.??Golgi bodye.??endoplasmic reticulumDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.9 - Examine the importance of the endomembrane system in a eukaryotic cell.63.?RNA carries out the genetic code translation process in association with ribosomes in this organelle.ANSWER:??e64.?The packaging of secretory proteins occurs in association with this structure.ANSWER:??d65.??This organelle is involved in lipid production and protein transport.ANSWER:??eClassification. The following items are structures found in plant cells. Respond to the statements below with reference to these structures.?a.??chloroplastb.??central vacuolec.??plasmodesmatad.??cell walle.??chromoplastsDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.9 Chloroplasts and Other PlastidsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.xx - Describe the role of the chloroplast and plant plastids in photosynthesis and storage.66.??causes carrots to appear orangeANSWER:??e67.??the site of solar energy harvestingANSWER:??a68.??houses chlorophyllANSWER:??aClassification. The following items are structures found in plant cells. Respond to the statements below with reference to these structures.?a.??chloroplastb.??central vacuolec.??plasmodesmatad.??cell walle.??chromoplastsDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.11 Cell Surface SpecializationsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.13 - Describe the characteristics and functions of the extracellular matrix in a cell using an example.69.?makes plants more waterproofANSWER:??d70.?connects adjoining plant cellsANSWER:??c71.?composed primarily of celluloseANSWER:??d72.??extends across cell boundariesANSWER:??cClassification. The following items are structures found in plant cells. Respond to the statements below with reference to these structures.?a.??chloroplastb.??central vacuolec.??plasmodesmatad.??cell walle.??chromoplastsDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.8 - Identify the components of the endomembrane system.73.??keeps stems firm and uprightANSWER:??bClassification. The following items are structures found in plant cells. Respond to the statements below with reference to these structures.?a.??chloroplastb.??central vacuolec.??plasmodesmatad.??cell walle.??chromoplastsDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.9 Chloroplasts and Other PlastidsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.7 - Describe the various parts of the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell using a diagram.74.?responsible for the color changes in ripening fruitANSWER:??eLabeling. Label the parts of the model animal cell.?DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.5 Introducing Eukaryotic CellsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.6 - Differentiate between the components of a eukaryotic plant cell and a eukaryotic animal cell using diagrams.75.??cytoskeleton componentsANSWER:??p76.??DNA in nucleoplasmANSWER:??c77.??Golgi bodyANSWER:??h78.??lysosomeANSWER:??i79.??microfilamentsANSWER:??n80.??microtubulesANSWER:??o81.??mitochondrionANSWER:??l82.??nuclear envelopeANSWER:??a83.??nucleolusANSWER:??b84.??nucleusANSWER:??d85.??pair of centriolesANSWER:??k86.??plasma membraneANSWER:??j87.???ribosomesANSWER:??e88.??rough ERANSWER:??f89.??smooth ERANSWER:??g90.??intermediate filamentsANSWER:??mClassification. The following items are part of the cytoskeleton. Respond to the statements below with reference to these elements.?a.??microtubulesb.??microfilamentsc.??intermediate filamentsd.??motor proteinse.??ciliumf.??flagellumg.??pseudopodsDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: ApplyREFERENCES:??4.10 The CytoskeletonLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.12 - Examine the components of a cytoskeleton using diagrams and examples.91.??This is a very visible structure in human sperm.ANSWER:??f92.??These make up the cell cortex.ANSWER:??b93.??This structure is elongated by microfilaments.ANSWER:??g94.??These fine fibers function in contraction.ANSWER:??b95.??These molecules function like cellular freight trains.ANSWER:??d96.??These temporary structures allow cells to engulf targets.ANSWER:??g97.??These are the most stable cytoskeletal elements.ANSWER:??c98.??These form a dynamic scaffold for cellular processes.ANSWER:??a99.??The coordinated movement of many of these stirs fluid around some cells.ANSWER:??eCompletion100.?A number of ____________________ cover the rough ER.ANSWER:??ribosomesDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.8 - Identify the components of the endomembrane system.101.?Eukaryotic cells contain membrane bound _____________________ in their cytoplasm.ANSWER:??organellesDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.5 Introducing Eukaryotic CellsLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.6 - Differentiate between the components of a eukaryotic plant cell and a eukaryotic animal cell using diagrams.102.?The ____________________ is used to package and ship components to other organelles and out of the cytoplasm.ANSWER:??Golgi bodyGolgiDIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: RememberREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.8 - Identify the components of the endomembrane system.Subjective Short Answer103.?In the development of the cell theory, Schleiden and Schwann did not study prokaryotes. Why might this have limited their understanding of cells?ANSWER:??Prokaryotes are the most common of cells. By not understanding them, they could have missed something very important. Fortunately, the cell theory was stated broadly enough that this was not a problem and subsequent research shows prokaryotes are not an exception to this theory.DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.2 What Is A Cell?LEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.2 - Examine the principles of cell theory.104.?Prokaryote means "before the nucleus", but what general feature could prokaryotes also be said to lack?ANSWER:??Prokaryotes generally lack any organelles, and are poorly compartmentalized.DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.4 Introducting ProkaryotesLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.5 - Demonstrate the structural similarities shared by bacteria and archaea using a diagram.105.?Chart the path of molecules of a secreted protein beginning at the DNA for a eukaryote.ANSWER:??The DNA message on the gene would be converted to RNA in the nucleus.? The RNA would leave the nucleus and travel to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.? At this point it would bind to a ribosome for translation to protein. The protein would leave the rough ER in a vesicle, travel to the Golgi apparatus for sorting, and then put in a new vesicle. This vesicle would travel to the cell membrane to be secreted.DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.7 The Endomembrane SystemLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.9 - Examine the importance of the endomembrane system in a eukaryotic cell.106.?What are the properties of life?ANSWER:??Life makes and uses organic molecules, and is made of one or more cells. Life engages in metabolism to maintain homeostasis and to hydrolyze and synthesize molecules. Life grows, matures and ages - and thus is in constant change. And while DNA serves as the molecule of heredity to keep life similar from one generation to the next, life can change and evolve.DIFFICULTY:??Bloom's: UnderstandREFERENCES:??4.12 The Nature of LifeLEARNING?OBJECTIVES:??UDOL.STES.16.4.14 - Examine the properties that are unique to living organisms. ................

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