The University of Texas at El Paso

The University of Texas at El Paso

School of Nursing

Fall, 2016

Sections 1 & 2 (CRNs: 12911 and 12912)

Course: N 2402 – Human Adaptation to Pathophysiology

Course Description: Major emphasis of this course is on the study of

pathophysiological processes and their impact on the body

systems, with special attention to disease or trauma – induced

alteration of regulatory mechanisms within the human organism.

Prerequistes: Biol. 3211, 1211, 3213 & 1213 or Departmental approval.

Credit Allocation: 4 semester hours

Faculty: Bill Farnsworth APRN(c) DNP

Family Nurse Practitioner: Sports Medicine

Office: Room 324 School of Nursing


Office hours: Tuesdays 8:00 – 12:30 Room 324 School of Nursing

Monday / Wednesdays 10 – 10:20.

Class meeting days: Section 1: Mondays & Wednesdays

Class meeting times: Section 1: 8:00 – 10:00 Room: 211

Class meeting days: Section 2: Mondays & Wednesdays

Class meeting times: Section 2: 10:30 – 12:30 Room: 211

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the learner should be able to:

1. Explain concepts of physiology and pathophysiology.

2. Relate normal physiology and pathophysiology to the processes of adaptation.

3. Explain the role of internal and external stressors in the development of illness,

disability and dysfunction of body systems.

4. Identify common stressors which alter the healthy state.

5. Describe signs and symptoms peculiar to frequently occurring illnesses and


6. Describe adaptive behaviors which alleviate the course of varied pathological


Teaching Methods: Lecture, discussion, case studies.

Required textbook: Huether, Sue & McCance, Kathryn. “Understanding

Pathophysiology.” 5th edition. (2012). Mosby. St. Louis,

Missouri. ISBN: 978-0-323-07891-7

Optional: Notebook: Notebook is composed of powerpoint presentations (3 colored slides per page), topic objectives, test your knowledge questions from previous quizzes and exams, and handouts. (These are also available for copying (except for the powerpoints & objectives) at the UTEP Library at the Reference Desk in the Patho class folder.

Grading policy: Total points possible for course = 600

A. Grade scale:

A = 600 - 540

B = 539.9 - 480

C = 479.9 - 450 (75)

D = 449.9 - 360

F = 359.9 or lower

B. Exams 5 500 (100 points each)

Quizzes 5 100 (20 points each)

C. Incomplete grades: A grade of an “I” is given only in exceptional circumstances

with the approval of the instructor. Course requirements for an incomplete grade

must be completed within a year of the assignment of the “I” per university policy. Extra credit or bonus points are not given nor allowed in School of Nursing courses.

D. Rounding of grades: grade point totals are not rounded up, a 79.9 = C.

The minimum number of points needed to pass the class is 450 equalling a 75 ©.

E. There are no bonus points given in the class.

Course Policies

Review Academic Regulations in UT El Paso Undergraduate Studies Catalog for the following policies: Statement on Disability, Class Attendance, Religious Observance and Policy on Academic Integrity


• Students are expected to attend all classes and to arrive on time. Late comers are asked to enter quietly and unobtrusively. Students are responsible for obtaining content and announcements presented in class.

Policy on Scholastic Dishonesty

• Students are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities. Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the university. "Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit or any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts." Regents' Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Subsection 3.2, Subdivision 3.22.

Since scholastic dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the university, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. See detailed procedure in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) available in the Office of the Dean of Students.

Professional Behavior

• Students are expected to behave professionally at all times with faculty, peers, preceptors, and clients and in any setting in which the student is a representative of UTEP. Bullying, verbal abuse, insubordination, or personal attacks will not be tolerated in any form. Any behavior deemed inappropriate by clinical faculty or preceptors will result in faculty conference(s), and completion of a SOS plan that addresses the student’s areas of needed improvement. Possible activities available to assist the student in attaining the SOS objectives include stress and/or anger management counseling sessions. Repeated inappropriate behaviors may result in removal from the clinical setting and/or an administrative withdrawal from the course and/or dismissal from the program.

Blackboard Access

• Students are required to subscribe to and access the course Blackboard site. This site is the main source of communication between faculty and students. Students are encouraged to access this site on a daily basis. The course syllabus, calendar, topical outline of scheduled lectures with objectives and assigned readings are posted on this site.

• Exam grades and final course grades will be made available ONLY through this site.


• Communication is the responsibility of both students and faculty. Faculty will keep students informed of progress in both theory and clinical and students will inform faculty of any deterrent to their success. Students with questions or concerns relating to academic progress should:

1. First meet with the involved faculty member and/or course manager

2. If still unresolved, submit in writing, a statement of cause for concern and a request to meet with the following administrators in the chain of command: Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education

Dean of the School of Nursing

Specific course policies:

1. All beepers and cell phones are to be placed in the “silent” mode during class and exams. There should be no texting during class, please leave the class if you need to text or you will be asked to leave.

2. No one is allowed to leave the classroom during the exam until he / she has finished the exam.

3. All scheduled exams will include multiple choice, & / or true / false type questions. All make up exams will be derived from content within the assigned chapters and may consist of various types of questions (true/false, fill in the blank, essay, multiple choice.

4. No exam is to be removed from the classroom. Any exam that is taken from the classroom during the exam or during the exam review, will result in a “50” point deduction from the exam grade.

5. Exams may be reviewed during office hours. Exams may or may not be reviewed during class times. Time allotted for each exam is 1 hour and 50 minutes.

6. Course handouts / information will be placed on Blackboard. Powerpoints / handouts will be placed on Blackboard no later than Friday of the preceding week the information is scheduled to be covered in class.

7. Communication with the course instructor may be inperson, via email, or phone. Emails will be answered within 72 hours excluding weekends, no emails are answered during the weekend or after 5 p.m. during the week.

8. Exam grades will be available within 24 hours of the exam.

9. Quizzes are not made up if absent. All quizzes will be announced ahead of time. The lowest quiz (from a total of 6) will be dropped.

10. If an exam or quiz is missed you cannot attend another section to makeup any exam or quiz. Due to the limited number of seats / classroom students must attend the assigned class for which he/she is registered.

11. Audio recording of the class is permitted however video recording of the class is NOT permitted.


Each student is strongly encouraged to keep track of their own grade throughout the semester. To calculate your grade at any time, take the total points you have achieved at that date and divide by total points to date:

For example, after exam 3 you have achieved 288 points from the quizzes and exams.

Total points possible after exam 3 are 360. 288 / 360 = 80 average.

Quiz 1 ______(20 points)

Exam 1 _____(100 points)

Quiz 2 ______(20 points)

Quiz 3 ______(20 points) Exam 2 _____(100 points)

Quiz 4 _____ (20 points)

Quiz 5 _____ (20 points) Exam 3 _____(100 points)

Quiz 6 ______(20 points) DROP lowest quiz

Exam 4 _____(100 points)

Exam 5 _____(100 points)

Total points _______(600 total points possible

for the course).

Grade scale:

A = 600 - 540

B = 539.9 - 480

C = 479.9 - 450 (75)

D = 449.9 - 360

F = 359.9 or lower


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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