Behavioral Objectives

|Behavioral Objectives |Content Outline |Clinical Objectives |Learning Opportunities |

|Apply the terms listed in the content column |Application of terms | |Readings: |

|appropriate to the patient situations involving the|Aphasia | |Adams |

|neurological system. |Dysphagia (hemiplegia/hemiparesis) | |Lewis |

| |Increased intracranial pressure | |McKinney |

| |Sensorium | |Estes |

| |Syncope | | |

| |Thrombolytic | | |

| |Vertigo | | |

|Compare and contrast the normal anatomy and | | | |

|physiology to the pathophysiology of selected |Anatomy & Physiology of Neurological system | | |

|neurological disease processes in the content |Developmental considerations | | |

|column. |Infant | | |

| |Child | | |

| |Adolescent | | |

| |Adult | | |

| |Older adult | | |

| |Pathophysiology of neurological system | | |

| |Altered cerebral tissue perfusion | | |

|Analyze factors included in the assessment of the |Selected commonly occurring neurological problems | | |

|patient experiencing commonly occurring |Interview | | |

|neurological problems, including the developmental |Chief complaint | | |

|and cultural considerations. |Precipitating event | | |

| |Medical history | | |

| |Family/ Social/Occupational history | | |

| |Medication history | | |

| |Prescription | | |

| |Nonprescription | | |

| |Knowledge of health maintenance | | |

| |Risk factors | | |

| |Physical exam – neurological | | |

| |Level of consciousness | | |

| |Motor function | | |

| |Strength | | |

| |Symmetry | | |

| |Tone | | |

| |Posture | | |

| |Reflex | | |

| |Gag | | |

| |Swallow | | |

| |Babinski | | |

| |Sensory | | |

| |Vital signs (breathing pattern) | | |

| |Glasgow coma scale | | |

| |Pupillary response | | |

| |Diagnostic tests | | |

| |Radiology | | |

| |Computed axial tomography (CT) | | |

| |Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) | | |

| |Magnetic Resonance (MRA) | | |

| |Cerebral arteriogram | | |

| |Laboratory studies | | |

| |PT/PTT | | |

| |INR | | |

| |Other | | |

| |Carotid Doppler studies | | |

| |Lumbar puncture | | |

| |Risks | | |

| |Cultural influences | | |

| |Hereditary | | |

| |Environmental | | |

| |Health beliefs/practices | | |

| |Developmental | | |

| |Age specific assessment data | | |

| |Vital signs | | |

| |Fluid /electrolytes | | |

| |Nutritional | | |

| |Behavioral/emotional response to health care providers | | |

|Differentiate between the etiology, |Common Occurring Neurological Problems | | |

|pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations of |Neurological / Cerebral Vascular Disease | | |

|selected commonly occurring neurological disease |Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) | | |

|processes. |Ischemic | | |

| |Hemorrhagic | | |

| |Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) | | |

|Discuss analysis, planning, implementation, and |Selected Nursing Diagnoses/Implementation/ Evaluation | | |

|evaluation for the nursing management of patients |Altered Cerebral Tissue Perfusion | | |

|with commonly occurring neurological disease |Independent Interventions | | |

|processes. |Monitor neurological status | | |

| |(Glasgow Coma Scale) | | |

| |Positioning | | |

| |Prevention of aspiration | | |

| |Prevention of contractures | | |

| |Decrease intracranial pressure | | |

| |Range of Motion (ROM) | | |

| |Safety Issues: prevention of injuries | | |

| |Monitor VS | | |

| |Collaborative interventions | | |

| |Oxygen support | | |

| |Administer medications and monitor for desired/adverse/side | | |

| |effects | | |

| |Antihypertensives | | |

| |Steroids | | |

| |Anticonvulsants | | |

| |Anticoagulants | | |

| |Low Molecular Weight Heparin | | |

| |Low Dose Heparin | | |

| |Antiplatelets | | |

| |Nutritional support | | |

| |Prevention of aspiration: Thickening agents | | |

| |Enteral feedings | | |

| |Collaborate with other health care professionals | | |

| |Physical therapy | | |

| |Occupational therapy | | |

| |Speech therapy | | |

| |Recognition of complications | | |

| |Aphasia | | |

| |Contractures | | |

| |Aspiration pneumonia | | |

| |Death | | |

| |Evaluation of Outcomes: The patient will have improved cerebral | | |

| |tissue perfusion as evidenced by: | | |

| |Level of consciousness | | |

| |Motor function | | |

| |Sensory function | | |

| |Glasgow coma scale | | |

| |Vital signs | | |

| |Breathing pattern | | |

N:\ADN/Transition/RNSG 1327/Unit V – C/ Neurological Reviewed 03/12

Reviewed 03/13


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