Administrator - Apeejay Education Society

| | |QFLRCNP |

| | |SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – II (2013-2014) | |


| | |Class - IX | |

| | |Time: 3-3½ hours Maximum Marks: 80 | |

| | |Instructions: | |

| | |The question paper is divided into four sections. | |

| | |Section A : Reading 20 marks | |

| | |Section B : Writing and Grammar 25 marks | |

| | |Section C : Literature 25 marks | |

| | |Section D : Open Text 10 marks | |

| | | | |

| | |SECTION A | |

| | |(READING: 20 Marks) | |

| |1 |Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow : |5 |


| | |Indian music has a special appeal not only within the country but also throughout the world. The traditional pattern of Indian music has | |

| | |survived throughout the centuries of modern civilization and entertained not only the common people in this country but lovers of music and| |

| | |art throughout the world. Although there are regional styles in Indian music but the basic unity, i.e., of Ragas and Talas concept is | |

| | |uniformly prevalent. Indian music is based on melody. In spirit it is individualistic and the content of the phrases, in the past, was | |

| | |largely devotional. There are two major systems of classical music, the Hindustani system and the Karnatak system. The differences between | |

| | |them are more in practice than their theoretical foundation, as both derive their rules from the same treatise of which the most famous are| |

| | |Bharat’s Natya Shastra and Sarangdeva’s Sangeet Ratnakar. | |

| | |The most famous Indian instrument, however, is the Veena, which is celebrated in the epics and other ancient books. It has been described | |

| | |as the companion of Saraswati, the Goddess of learning. Among the other string instruments are the Sitar with its feminine grace, believed | |

| | |to have been devised by the poet. Amir Khusroo in the 14th century; the Sarod (played with a mizrab of plectrum) with its deep and vibrant | |

| | |notes. | |

| | |The musical history of India is quite glorious and inspite of some western influences in both instrumental and vocal, the Indian music will| |

| | |be ever shining because of the qualities of its content and structure. | |

| | | | |

| | |On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions : | |

| | | | |

| | |Q. 1. Indian music has entertained ____________. | |

| | |a) people all over the world b) Indians only | |

| | |c) Western people only d) North Indians only | |

| | | | |

| | |Q. 2. Which are the two basic units of Indian Music ? | |

| | |a) sur ; tall b) raag ; tala | |

| | |c) sur ; raag d) laec ; raag | |

| | | | |

| | |Q. 3. Which is the most famous instrument of India ? | |

| | |a) sitar b) tabla | |

| | |c) veena d) sarangi | |

| | | | |

| | |Q. 4. Which are the two major systems of classical music ? | |

| | |a) Hindustani ; Tamil b) Tamil ; Karnatak | |

| | |c) Hindustani ; Marathi d) Hindustani ; Karnatak | |

| | | | |

| | |Q. 5. SHAMEFUL is an antonym for ___________ . | |

| | |a) celebrated b) glorious | |

| | |c) prevalent d) vibrant | |

| | | | |

| |2 |Read the following passage carefully. |5 |

| | |Rome was not built in a day. Rome, the magnificent city, required many years and thousands of workers to construct it. Tremendous amount of| |

| | |resources, human labour, money and time were involved in erecting the city that became the envy of the world. In the same way, all great | |

| | |and brilliant works cannot be achieved in a day. Slow progress must not make us impatient. Every great work requires time and energy. | |

| | |Patience combined with perseverance is the key to succeed in life. | |

| | |It is the nature of a task that determines the length of time it would take to be accomplished. Some people are in the habit of getting | |

| | |impatient when a task takes a little longer than usual to complete. They do not understand or rather deliberately forget the nature of the | |

| | |task and start losing heart. This maxim is used to tell the impatient people that great works are not accomplished overnight. Such things | |

| | |require requisite time, patience and continuous effort. It is applicable not only in the case of studies, but also in the case of success | |

| | |in life itself. Neither science nor technology is the result of the efforts of one individual or a single experiment. It is because | |

| | |hundreds of people zealously worked for generations together that we now enjoy easy and comfortable life. | |

| | | | |

| | |Choose the most appropriate answer from the alternatives given : | |

| | |(a) The city of Rome became the envy of the world __________ . | |

| | |(i) because of its magnificent buildings | |

| | |(ii) because it is a wonder of the civilized world | |

| | |(iii) because it is part of history | |

| | |(iv) because it is in Italy | |

| | | | |

| | |(b) ‘Impatient’ should not be put into practice if __________ . | |

| | |(i) labour is less | |

| | |(ii) time is less | |

| | |(iii) we cannot keep up to the deadline | |

| | |(iv) progress is slow | |

| | | | |

| | |(c) The nature of the task determines the __________ . | |

| | |(i) duration (ii) quality | |

| | |(iii) appearance (iv) quantity | |

| | | | |

| | |(d) Easy and comfortable life is the effort of __________ . | |

| | |(i) zealous scientists (ii) people | |

| | |(iii) patience (iv) consistent hardship | |

| | | | |

| | |(e) Find the correct synonym for the word ‘zealously’ from the given options. | |

| | |(i) greatly (ii) energy | |

| | |(iii) same (iv) enthusiastically | |

| |3 |Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: |5 |

| | |Once there lived a monk in a monastery of Egypt. He was short tempered and was very difficult to live with. The least provocation would | |

| | |trigger out an abusive behavior. Life for those who lived with him became more and more difficult and unbearable. One day this monk decided| |

| | |to leave the monastery and live in a forest, alone, so that he could get rid of his temper, and hurt no one. He decided to be all by | |

| | |himself- along with God, spending all his time in meditation and prayer. | |

| | | | |

| | |His search led him to a dark cave inhabited by stray animals at night. He decided to stay in this cave. He would live on wild fruits. He | |

| | |had an earthen pot to collect water for his needs from a nearby stream. Days passed by, and the monk began to feel happy that he was not | |

| | |treading on the toes of others with his temper. | |

| | | | |

| | |Then, one fine day, after he had collected water from the stream in his earthen pot, the pot toppled and the water that he had been | |

| | |collecting for over an hour was lost. The monk once again began collecting water from the stream. Unfortunately the pot toppled once again | |

| | |as he laid it on the ground, and all the water was spilt. The angry monk kicked the pot and broke it into smithereens! His short-temper had| |

| | |once again conquered him! | |

| | | | |

| | |The monk realized that no one was responsible for his temper but he himself, and returned to the monastery completely sobered. | |

| | | | |

| | |Complete the following sentences : | |

| | |(a) People found it difficult to live with the monk because __________. | |

| | |(b) The monk decided to live in a forest so that __________. | |

| | |(c) He started living in a __________. | |

| | |(d) The toppling of the pot and the monk breaking it taught him a lesson that __________. | |

| | |(e) The word in the passage which means the same as ‘introspection’ is_________. | |

| |4 |Read the given poem carefully. |5 |


| | |Dare to dream of coloured rainbows | |

| | |And fine “castles in the air”- | |

| | |And a sun that shines so brightly | |

| | |Making cloudy days seem rare! | |

| | | | |

| | |When you aim to find a purpose | |

| | |Then your life becomes worthwhile. | |

| | |You will dazzle those about you- | |

| | |When you show your own true style! | |

| | | | |

| | |Our dreams are not for keeping- | |

| | |Simply barrowed for a while; | |

| | |To console us in adversity | |

| | |And teach us how to smile! | |

| | | | |

| | |Dreams again of coloured rainbows | |

| | |And of bluebirds flying high. | |

| | |You will overcome the obstacles | |

| | |Once you decide to try! | |

| | | | |

| | |(1) Based on the given poem, complete the summary by filling in one word in each blank : | |

| | |The poet conveys that we must (a) _________ big and have a (b) _________ to make our life worthwhile. Once we decide to (c) _________ we | |

| | |can overcome all (d) _________ of life. | |

| | | | |

| | |2. What is meant by the phrase ‘castles in the air’? | |

| | |SECTION B | |

| | |(WRITING & GRAMMAR: 25 Marks) | |

| |5 |You have recently been to Jaisalmer, Rajasthan to stay with a friend at his place during your vacations. Write a letter to your friend |6 |

| | |Riya/Ashutosh thanking her/him and her/his family for their wonderful hospitality and unforgettable experience of understanding their | |

| | |lifestyle and culture. You are Puneet from Bangalore. (Word limit 120-150 words) | |

| | | | |

| |6 |As a student of literature you are extremely dismayed at the second-hand treatment meted out to the subject. In the race to master subjects|5 |

| | |like Mathematics and Sciences, Literature has been given a back seat. Write an article for a leading national daily in about 120 words on | |

| | |‘Literature reflects the spirit of the Age’. | |

| | | | |

| |7 |Nargis recently attended a ‘Film Festival on films with a Social Message’. On her return she was asked to write a newspaper report on it. |4 |

| | |(80-100 words) You may use the following notes: | |

| | |Include her experience, chance to meet eminent celebritics of art films like Om Puri, Shabana Azmi, Pankaj Kapoor etc. | |

| | |Importance of films with a local message, especially for the youth of today | |

| | |Need for such films to be released at prominent theatres | |

| | |Tax free tickets to encourage a large section of people to watch them | |

| | | | |

| |8 |Choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the following passage. |3 |

| | |Water is an integral part of life on this planet. It is (a) _____ odorless, tasteless, substance that covers more than three-fourths of the| |

| | |Earth’s surface. Most of (b) _____ water on Earth, 97% to be exact, is salt water. We (c) _____ remove salt from the ocean water, but the | |

| | |process is very expensive. | |

| | | | |

| | |a) (i) the (ii) an (iii) not (iv) highly | |

| | |b) (i) its (ii) that (iii) this (iv) the | |

| | |c) (i) can (ii) will (iii) must (iv) should | |

| | | | |

| |9 |In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word before and after against the |4 |

| | |correct blank number. Before Missing After | |

| | |Word | |

| | |I believe that every culture its (a) _______ _______ _______ | |

| | |own beauty has evolved due (b) _______ _______ _______ | |

| | |special circumstances. (c) _______ _______ _______ | |

| | |The differences need be respected. (d) _______ _______ _______ | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |10 |Look at the words/phrases given below and rearrange these words to form meaningful sentences. |3 |

| | |Example: ground/that/Brahmi/herb/a/on/spreads/is | |

| | |Brahmi is a herb that spreads on ground | |

| | |has to look/no rules/how our/there are/ as to/home | |

| | |thing is/inhabiting them/should enjoy/the important/that we | |

| | |about/ house are/ our lives/personal statements | |

| | | | |

| | |SECTION C | |

| | |(LITERATURE: 25 Marks) | |

| |11 |Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow: |3 |

| | |CONVICT. Ah, thanks, thanks, Monseigneur. I, I (he sobs) Ah! I’m a fool, a child to cry, but somehow you have made me feel that, that it is| |

| | |just as if some thing had come into me, as if I were a man again and not a wild beast, | |

| | |BISHOP (putting his hand on his shoulder). Always remember, my son, that this poor body is the Temple of the Living God. | |

| | |Why was the convict crying like a child? | |

| | |How is the speaker ‘a man again’? | |

| | |Explain the phrase ‘the poor body is the temple of the living God’. | |

| | | | |

| | |Answer the questions in about 30 to 40 words each: | |

| |12 (A) |Describe Private Quelch’s appearance briefly. |2 |

| | | | |

| |12 (B) |Why does Pescud say that he is in the line of general prosperity ? |2 |

| | | | |

| |12 (C) |Why does the infant rest in nurse’s arms ? |2 |

| | | | |

| |12 (D) |Explain the line ‘Tears from the endless heaven of memories’ from the poem, ‘The Song of the Rain’. |2 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |13 |Corporal Turnbull tried to teach the Professor a lesson by assigning him permanent cookhouse duties. Did he succeed ? Comment on the |4 |

| | |Professor’s attitude in the cookhouse in the chapter ‘The Man Who Knew Too Much’. | |

| | | | |

| | |OR | |

| | |The Sergeant knows that the Bishop is lying still he chooses to leave the place without the convict. Why ? |4 |

| | | | |

| | |Attempt either Part A or Part B | |

| | |Part A | |

| |14 (A) |What profound truth of ‘Human Life’ has come to light after reading the account of Struldbrugs ? Explain. |5 |

| | | | |

| |15 (A) |Don Pedro was naturally benevolent and generous. Discuss. |5 |

| | | | |

| | |Part B | |

| |14 (B) |What difficulties do Jerome and Harris face while helping George in making Irish stew ? How is the stew finally prepared ? |5 |

| | | | |

| |15 (B) |Describe the incident of Harris, encounter with the swans throwing light on his character. |5 |

| | | | |

| | |Section-D | |

| | |(Open Text -10 Marks) | |

| | |(* Please ensure that the open text of the given theme is supplied with this question paper) | |

| |16 |Theme-I (Information Technology and Values) (5+5) |10 |

| | |(a) John is a very successful businessman who also owns a large share in a multi-national company. Due to a technical error and negligence | |

| | |from the company, some critical information about John leaked in the Internet. This greatly affected his business and his share value in | |

| | |the company too. From this case, would you conclude that technology has brought more harm to one’s privacy rather than protecting it? | |

| | |Support your answer with more examples. | |

| | | | |

| | |(b) According to web pioneer Stewart Brand, ‘The right information in the right place just changes your life’. Based on your reading of | |

| | |this passage, justify the statement. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |-o0o0o0o- | |


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