The University of Tennessee

[Pages:6]The University of Tennessee Employee Relations Committee


MINUTES Tuesday, May 1, 2007; 1:30 pm Tuesday, May 15, 2007; 1:30 pm Facilities Services Conference Room 110


John Bardill (alternate with Jason Hughett), Brian Browning, Alan Chesney, Randy Clowers, Todd Curnutt, Bill Floyd, Mike Herbstritt, Kathy Herd, Cheryl Hodge, Larry Holbert, Jason Hughett, Ron Kidd (alternate with Donual Lowe), Donual Lowe, Jeff Maples, Jeff Monger (alternate for Mark Wagner), Bill Ownby, Lori Ownby (alternate for Debbie Robinson), Tim Shields, and Ken Wolfenbarger

Absent: Wanda Boyd, Mark Wagner, and Debbie Robinson

1. New Positive Recognition Award Proposal ? Melanie Wolfenbarger

Melanie Wolfenbarger, Administrative Services Assistant in Human Resources, presented a proposal for a new "Blue Collar Worker" award. She noted the Send Roses Award, for exemplary customer service, is given mostly to clerical staff. She asked the representatives if they felt an award aimed at crafts-workers, housing and dining staff, and police officers would be well accepted.

The representatives agreed this would be a positive program. They will discuss the possibility with their constituents and send suggestions to Ms. Wolfenbarger. Thoughts and ideas may be sent to, or call 974-6018.

2. Old Business/Follow-Ups:

Facilities Services Drafter Position ? Kathy Herd

Kathy Herd said Facilities Services now has one vacancy for CAD/designer and one vacancy for senior drafter. Both positions have a job title of Technical Specialist II, and a pay grade of 36, even though the position titles are different. Ms. Herd noted if one of the CAD people puts in for the senior drafter position, it only gives them more responsibility and no increase in salary. She noted there are no drafters positions now, and all are required to be CAD operators. This group would also like to be included in a career ladder.

Mike Herbstritt said he had discussed this situation with Mike Sherrell, Executive Director of Facilities Services. Both the mentioned positions are classified as Technical Specialist II, with basically the same grade and pay scale. The different


titles were developed some time ago to accommodate the need for the CAD specialty. Dr. Herbstritt said the Position Description Questionnaires (PDQs) will be studied, and the titles may be reassigned.

Parking on Ayres Hill ? Kathy Herd

Kathy Herd said there are three UT service vehicle parking spaces on Ayers Hill (in front of the Ray's Place snack bar). These spaces are usually taken up by nonservice vehicles, forcing Facilities Services trucks to park in off-limits areas. Ms. Herd said the Facilities Services trucks are being given tickets for being in the wrong places, but the non-service vehicles are not being ticketed or removed.

Jeff Maples had said he would investigate this issue and report back to the group. He said today the issue has been addressed. The reaction time has been slow, but Mr. Maples said he would continue to follow the situation and report back to this group.

Administrative Appeal Process ? Ken Wolfenbarger

Mike Herbstritt distributed copies of the newly formulated Complaint Procedure (see attached). He emphasized this procedure cannot be used to address disciplinary actions or salary disputes; these issues are covered by other procedures. Dr. Herbstritt asked the representatives to look over the forms and provide feedback. He hopes to have the system actively available by June 1.

Supervisor Evaluations ? Ken Wolfenbarger

Ken Wolfenbarger asked why the results of the supervisor evaluations have not been shared with employees. He noted it has been more than six months since they were completed.

Alan Chesney stated Mike Sherrell, Executive Director of Facilities Services, was to meet with each representative to go over the results of the surveys. This has not been done. The representatives indicated they did not necessarily want to meet individually with Mr. Sherrell; they would simply like to have the results on paper to distribute to employees.

Dr. Chesney said he would check with Mr. Sherrell and report back to this group.

Craft Salary Schedule ? Ken Wolfenbarger

Ken Wolfenbarger asked what progress has been made on updating the craft salary schedule.

Alan Chesney said the Chancellor's staff is working on this issue. A survey of the surrounding area has been done to compare campus craft positions and salaries to private industry. The survey revealed, as expected, all crafts were below market. But two craft areas were well-below market and the decision was made to address these two areas immediately. HR will continue to monitor the market salary survey with the desire to address other craft areas.


3. Campus Security Measures ? Kathy Herd

Kathy Herd voiced concerns over the Chancellor's plan to use email and voice mail to alert campus personnel of emergencies. She pointed out many Facilities Services employees do not have either system available. She said many staff members are worried about getting notification.

Jeff Maples agreed this is a valid concern. He said the administrations of both the university and the state government are reviewing all possibilities for emergency notification. The ultimate intention is to have emergency information broadcast in all ways possible: voice mail, email, telephone messaging, hand radios, pagers and reverse calling on "blue phone" emergency systems. Mr. Maples assured the representatives everything possible will be put into place.

4. Steam Plant Issues ? Donual Lowe

Donual Lowe said employees of the Steam Plant are concerned about disrespect shown to a long-time member of their unit.

Jeff Maples said he would discuss this issue with management.

5. Position Vacancy Responses ? Donual Lowe

Donual Lowe said the Steam Plant is having difficulty hiring new employees because the starting salaries are so low.

Alan Chesney acknowledged this issue recurs across the campus. He referred to the salary survey (mentioned above), and reiterated the Chancellor's staff is working on equalizing salaries.

6. Overtime Work for Steam Plant Employees ? Donual Lowe

Donual Lowe reported some Steam Plant employees have been required to work in the parking lots during athletic events. They are not allowed to claim overtime pay for these events, but take compensation time.

Jeff Maples said these duties should be done by Parking and Transit Services employees. He agreed to speak to Mary Lynn Holloway, Director of Parking and Transit Services, about this issue.

7. Supervisor Trust Issues ? Donual Lowe

Donual Lowe reported some employees of the Steam Plant feel their managers are not always truthful and trustworthy. He said this is causing moral problems within the department.

Jeff Maples said he would discuss this issue with Steam Plant management.


8. Career Path Program ? Bill Ownby Bill Ownby asked if the Career Path program has been approved for the Carpentry Shop. Jeff Maples indicated the Career Path has been approved for all shops; each shop must be individually evaluated to determine the exact steps to be made. These will be put into place as they are developed. Kathy Herd said some employees have been told not to request participation in the Career Path because it will not apply to them. Mike Herbstritt explained any employee may apply to the Career Path program once all the units are evaluated. He said some positions may not be accessible immediately, but employees can prepare themselves to be ready as openings become available.

9. Comments ? Jeff Maples Jeff Maples said the university administration continues to be concerned over the salary portion of Governor Phil Bredesen's proposed budget for the next year. It calls for a 1% recurring salary increase for state employees, including higher education. Mr. Maples said President John Petersen and Chancellor Loren Crabtree continue to lobby for at least a 5% salary pool increase. Mr. Maples said he would keep employees updated on this process. The final decision will probably not be made until the first week of June.



With no more business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.


The University of Tennessee COMPLAINT PROCEDURE

A complaint is defined as an employee's expression of alleged unfair or inequitable treatment with respect to the application of policies, procedures, and regulations which he/she has been unable to resolve with his/her immediate supervisor. For the purpose of this complaint procedure, an employee is defined as both exempt and non-exempt staff.

The following issues or concerns will not be addressed through the complaint process, as these issues have a defined mechanism to address an employee's concerns. Those not included are: job classification, pay, workers' compensation matters, terminations during the probationary period, terminations accomplished in accordance with the Reduction in Force (RIF) policy, court ordered terminations, terminations for inadequate work performance or gross misconduct, and complaints alleging discrimination (including claims of racial and/or sexual harassment) in work assignments, employment opportunities or conditions of work.

The following are steps employees should follow to file a complaint:

1. Employees are encouraged to attempt to resolve the complaint through administrative channels within the employee's unit, beginning with the immediate supervisor. Human Resources (HR) will provide assistance to the complainant and/or affected unit in an effort to resolve the complaint. Complaints received by HR will be reported by the Executive Director (or designee) to the appropriate administrator(s) who will attempt to resolve the matter by working with HR. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible.

2. If, after discussions with the supervisor, the disposition of the complaint is not acceptable to the complainant, the employee shall complete a complaint form (see attached) and submit it to the college or unit head (dean or director) and HR, stating the complaint and the efforts which have been taken to resolve the complaint at the supervisory level. Once the unit head and HR have the employee's complaint, a meeting will be scheduled. The unit head, HR, and the employee will meet to discuss the employee's concern and provide an opportunity for the unit head to become acquainted with the issue. At the meeting, the employee may be accompanied by an Employee Relations representative.

The college or unit head will provide a written reply to the complainant within 15 working days, detailing a response to the complaint.

3. Should the solution offered by the college or unit head be unacceptable to the employee, he/she may make a final appeal to the appropriate Vice Chancellor or Provost. To initiate the final appeal, the employee should submit a written request to HR outlining the issue and the steps taken to resolve the problem.

HR will be responsible for scheduling a meeting between the employee and the Vice Chancellor/Provost. The meeting will consist of the Vice Chancellor/Provost, an HR representative, the complainant, and should the employee request, an Employee Relations representative. During the meeting with the Vice Chancellor/Provost, the employee may present written documentation, witnesses, and other related evidence to support his/her position. In addition, the Vice Chancellor/Provost will also have the right to call witnesses or others who may have knowledge of the situation to present information germane to the situation at hand.

Upon the completion of the meeting, the Vice Chancellor/Provost will have 15 working days to submit the final disposition of the matter.


The University of Tennessee



Complainant's Name:_________________________________ Phone:_____________ Department:____________________________________________________________ Job Title:_______________________________________________________________ Supervisor's Name:__________________________________ Phone:_____________ COMPLAINT: Describe your complaint in detail, including the following six points.

Attach additional sheets if needed. 1. Workplace behavior or management act to be reviewed:

2. Date or dates of each act:

3. University policy or procedure violated (if any):

4. How did the workplace behavior or management act violate policy or procedure?:

5. How were you adversely affected?:

6. Please provide any additional information you believe will assist in understanding this situation.

RESOLUTION REQUESTED (Use reverse of this sheet or additional sheets as necessary):

Employee Signature:_______________________________ 6



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