Science Fair Research Paper Outline

Science Fair Research Paper Outline

I. Introduction (Use third person)

a. (1-2 paragraphs) Establish a purpose and an important reason for your study. Why is this study important to society?

b. (1-3 paragraphs) Research on independent variable. Document all research.

c. (1-3 paragraphs) Research on dependent variable. Document all research.

d. (1-2 paragraphs) Connect the two variables.

e. (1 paragraph) Explain what this study is about and end with your hypothesis.

II. Materials (A listing is fine.)

III. Procedure (List the major steps in performing the experiment. Use third person and past tense. Do not include research or gathering of materials in your procedure.)

IV. Results (Summarize your results. Give averages only.)

V. Discussion

a. (1-3 paragraphs) Summarize your results and tell how they relate to your hypothesis. Discuss any trials that were far off of the expected results. What were the reasons for these results being off? Were these results expected or were they unexpected.

b. (1-2 paragraphs) Explain any problems you experienced.

c. (1-2 paragraphs) Discuss any modifications you could make if you were to do this experiment again.

d. (1-2 paragraphs) Discuss any further investigations you thought about or could do to research these topics any further.

e. (1 paragraph) Always recommend further studies.

VI. Conclusion

a. Summarize your results

b. Accept or reject your hypothesis.

c. Remind readers how important this study is.

Be sure to use correct grammar and sentence structure. Pay close attention to spelling and in any formal writing do not use contractions.


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