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Photo courtesy: filadendron/Getty Images If you're thinking about applying for a student loan, a new home, or a new car, checking your credit is a great first step. There are some easy ways to check your credit score online. The best part is that many of these options are free. From checking your score through your bank account to downloading your full report, we've rounded up everything you need to know about checking your credit score. Photo courtesy: filadendron/Getty Images To get the full picture of what your score looks like, you want to download a report from each of the three reporting companies. These three companies are TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. Your score may vary slightly between each of these agencies so it is always good to check them all. To get a free credit report from all three agencies, you can start with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). All U.S. citizens can download their credit report once a year for free from the FTC at . This is the only free and authorized credit report provider offered by the U.S. government. To learn more, visit to download your free annual report. You can do this once a year by each of the three credit reporting agencies. In addition, you can also order a copy of the credit report from the three credit reporting agencies individually. Visit Equifax, Experian or TransUnion to download a report and check your score. There is a fee for doing so, but you are able to download as many reports as you want throughout the year. Each company also offers credit tracking services to keep an eye on your score. Your bank or credit card company can also offer free tools to check your credit score. While you won't be able to download a full report, you will be able to check your score quickly when you access your bank's website or on their app. This is a free and easy way to see your score whenever you want. Photo Courtesy: courtneyk/Getty Images A credit score is used to determine your creditworthiness. This number shows creditors how responsible you are with your money and payments. A good credit score shows that you are making payments on time and you have a responsible amount of debt. A low credit score will often reflect missed payments, late payments and a higher amount of debt. A credit score varies between 300 and 850. According to , a score of 300-549 is considered bad. A poor score varies between 550 and 619. A fair score varies between 620 and 679. A good score will be between 680 and 739. A score It varies between 740 and 850. Photo courtesy: Georgijevic/Getty Images Your credit score can affect everything from loan interest rates to your ability to get a job. Employers, lenders and mortgage companies are just some of the people who can check your credit score. If your credit score is low, this shows your lender that you may be a risk candidate for financing. To be able to their risk, they will charge more for interests and other fees. best your credit, the most favorable your loan terms will be. An employer can also perform your credit when you are applying for a job. If you have a low credit score, this could tell the employer you had financial problems or you are irresponsible with credit. a high score shows reliability and responsible financial choices. The good news is that there is always room to improve your score. While it takes time, a credit score is not permanent. how you make payments in time your score will rise. There is always time to change your score. ? photo courtesy: GCShutter/Getty images apply for a new credit will also reflect on your credit score. If you go on a spree shopping trying to open multiple credit cards at a time, the reporting agencies will take note of this. For this reason, when credit is checked (sometimes referred to as `tired') by a credit card provider or company, this is a `hard pull' that counts on your credit report. If you apply for a mortgage or a car once every ten years, this will not affect your score. too many shots in a short time, however, will drop your score. However, checking your score doesn't count as a hard shot. If you check your credit score through your bank, for example, this is not reported as a credit statement on your report. this means there is no penalty to check your score or download your credit report whenever you want. In fact, banks encourage you to do so to have a better picture of your finances. ? photo courtesy: EmirMemedovski/Getty images a credit score is not a frozen number. your score will go up and down over the years. having a high credit card balance or missing payments will lower your score. making payments in time and not using all available credit is a great way to increase your score. your credit usage ratio weighs heavily on your sign. Let's say you have a $10,000 limit for your credit card. If your credit card balance is only $50, it means you're barely using the available credit. this is great for your credit score. To easily give your score a boost, pay the highest in your interest debt as possible. do not open new credit lines. make all payments in time every month. even if the credit limit has increased, keep the balance of the low credit card. a negative ding on your credit will remain on your relationship for two to ten years. if you have submitted bankruptcy instance, for example, after ten yearswill fall from your credit report. Missed payments or accounts closed in bad shape can last up to seven years, so it is important to keep them to a minimum. Companies consider bank cheques to be less risky than personal cheques, as the funds are issued and guaranteed by a bank. Thus, you can cash cash cashier's checks at almost any financial institution or shop that offers check-cashing services.Many non-banking banks Centres charge fees in exchange for cashing a cashier's check. The fee is either a flat dollar amount, a dollar amount based on the value of the check, or a percentage of the value of the check. When cashing this kind of check, be prepared to provide proof of identification. The best solution is an identification document issued by the government, such as a driver's license or military ID.Personal BankYou can easily cash a cashier's check at a bank or credit institution with which you already have an account or bank relationship. Although you may have problems cashing a personal check, you may need to show two forms of personal identification before your bank processes a cashier's check in your name. In most cases, there is no fee for cashing a cashier's check if you are already a customer of the bank.Bank of OriginBanks and credit unions typically cash issued bank cheques, even if you are not a customer of the bank. You will still need to show two forms of personal identification to do so. In addition, many banks and lenders charge fees representing a percentage of the amount of the cheque or a lump sum to draw up a cashier's cheque for customers. There are also a lot of banks that cashier checks for non-customers, although another bank has issued the check. But, again, you'll probably have to pay a fee.Check-Cashing StoresAs their name suggests, there are shops across the country that focus primarily on cashing checks for people who don't have bank accounts. ? These stores charge fees to provide this service, and these fees typically represent a lump sum of dollars or a percentage of the cheque amount. Like banks, cashier's check deposits require proof of identification to cash a cashier's check. Carrying out an online search for cashier shops near your location is a great way to find locations in your area.Large RetailersSome department stores also have cash centers. Walmart stores often have small outlets in their customer service departments called Walmart Money Center, and can process cashier checks.Although many gas stations have stopped handling cash checks, there are still some 7-Eleven, Pilot Flying J and TravelCenters of America locations that cash checks. The service is not available at every gas station, so it is important to call your local franchise in advance to make sure the service is available.Many large grocery stores can also handle cashier checks. However, the choice is up to the local management, so it is best to call in advance to see if your store offers the service. Grocery stores in cash often have signs at their customer service counters cash bill advertising. Photo Courtesy: Spencer Platt/Getty Images The debt can be scary, but it is also a fact when you manage your business.The small loans provide the capital that new businesses need to invest in their own success. Understanding which loans are the best, however,always easy. Fortunately, we have collected some of the best places for small businesses to get loans from. These banks and other organizations offer competitive rates that can help you start on that dream restructuring or new idea of service that you need to bring your business to the next level. LendingClub is a technology company that couples borrowers with the financiers who must succeed. Loans range from $5,000 to $500,000 with interest rates from an annual percentage rate of 4.99 (APR). You can have fixed monthly payments for one to five years without early payment penalty. LendingClub also offers a dedicated Client Advisor service to help new business owners navigate the process. Photo Courtesy: Don Emmert/Getty Images OnDeck has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and offers both credit lines and loans. The latter goes from $5,000 to $500,000 with refund terms up to 12 months. While customization of OnDeck loans can potentially be good for anyone, where the company really shines is repeat borrowers. If you already have a loan and take another, OnDeck renounces the interest of your original loan, which can be a good deal for a business that provides for rapid expansion. At the top of this, OnDeck uses soft credit controls, which means that the application will not hurt your credit. Photo Courtesy: Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images As one of the four largest banks in the United States, Chase Bank is an important player in the financial sector, and borrowing from them has some serious advantages. While it may be more difficult to qualify for a loan from Chase, terms are probably very acceptable. The services offered include commercial loans, credit lines, loans from Small Business Administration (SBA), commercial financing and commercial real estate financing. Business loans range from $10,000 to $500,000 for a period of one to two years, with commercial loans above that range. Photo Courtesy: James Leynse/Getty Images Wells Fargo is unusually open on the terms of his loans, with everything from the minimum credit score needed for a commercial loan (670) to the APR range you can expect (6.25 - 22.99 percent) freely available on the bank's website. allows you to borrow from $10,000 to $100,000 with fixed interest rates of 6.5 to 22.99 percent. The main negative side of Wells Fargo is that it is better if you already use the bank for other services -- there is a service fee of $150 otherwise. courtesy photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Like many big banks, Bank of America offers good rates on corporate loans, but with catching that the requirements to qualify are quite high. Your business needs to befunction for two years and earn an annual turnover of at least $100,000. you can also be required to provide guarantees if you do not meet certain standards. what is obtained in return, however, is access to a series of financial products ranging from credit lines to corporate loans, with the latter having an estimate of apr of 6.25 6.25 6.2517% and a range of $10,000 to $100,000 dollars. Bank of America also offers a client rewards program, which makes it another good choice for entrepreneurs who expect to do a lot of business with a bank beyond just deposits. Photo Courtesy: David McNew/Getty Images Like LendingClub, Smartbiz helps small business owners find the best loans for them, especially SBA loans. As with all these loans, you will need a fair amount of paperwork to meet government requirements. In addition, you must have been in business for two years or more and have a personal credit score equal to or above 650 and a corporate credit score of at least 150. As a reward for all this hassle, however, you get access to some of the best loans on the market. Photo Courtesy: @SmartBizLoans/Twitter Lendio is another online service that can help you find a loan. While it usually takes six months of activity to qualify and two years for the best prices and deals, it also offers ten different types of loan and low credit score requirements. Finding a loan is as simple as filling out the information in a process that can only take fifteen minutes and then wait for Lendio to find the best deals for you. The company also pairs each client with a personal fund manager, which can be useful for new entrepreneurs. Photo courtesy of @Lendio/Twitter @Lendio/Twitter

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