Fighting Poverty, Defending Dignity | CARE International UK

Invitation to Tender: Payroll Service ProviderDear Madam/Sir,Your organisation is invited to submit a tender for the supply of a fully managed Payroll Service. Please submit a service proposal in response to the specification enclosed. Part 1 Instructions to TenderersPart 2 Background: about CARE and CARE International UKPart 3 Terms of Reference: a fully managed Payroll Service Part 4: Form of Offer Part 5: Bidder’s Ethical DeclarationIt is the responsibility of the tenderer to ensure that offers are received by 10 am on Tuesday 7 May 2019. Tenders received after this time will not be considered.Yours sincerelyVeronique DivoireHead of Human ResourcesCARE International UK (CIUK)Part 1 - Instructions for responding to the Invitation to TenderPlease read and understand these instructions before responding, to ensure that your tender meets our requirements. CIUK reserves the right to refuse non-compliant tenders. Only information provided as a direct response to the specification will be evaluated. Potential suppliers should respond on the basis that CIUK has no prior knowledge of their organisation. Information and detail which form part of general company literature or promotional brochures etc. will not form part of the evaluation process. Key datesActivityDateIssue ITT8 April 2019Closing date for completed tenders10 am Tuesday 7 May 2019ShortlistingWeek of 7 May 2019Presentations to evaluation panelMonday 20 May 2019Select supplier, Finalise & Agree contractBy the end of June 2019Period of agreementFrom April 2020 (new tax year) for a period of up to 3 years, extendable for a further 2 municationsCompleted tenders must be returned to Veronique Divoire; divoire@ Clarification questions regarding the tender documents or process must be made in writing by email no later than 26 April 2019, to Veronique Divoire; divoire@Clarification questions will be responded to within 3 working days. All clarification questions and responses will be anonymised and compiled into a single file and shared with all bidders on a timely basis.Format for respondingPlease provide a written proposal in response to the Terms of Reference: ITT selection criteria (part 3 of this document) and complete the Form of Offer (part 4 of this document) and Bidder’s Ethical Declaration (part 5 of this document). Key contact details and company information should be easily identifiable; no promotional information should be included. Your proposal should cover all aspects of the payroll services scope and communicate how your organisation will add value to CARE International UK, such as in relation to an international network, specific advisory services, or alignment with one or more of our key campaign and delivery activities.Your financial proposal should be a separate document, and must include an explanation of your pricing structure.Evaluation processCompliant bids will be evaluated by a panel made up of members of Finance and Human Resources Teams to form a shortlist.Shortlisted bidders will be invited to present their proposal in full in the form of an interview with the above panel. SelectionCIUK intends to select a single provider for the services.The selected provider will be contacted early June 2019 at the latest. Two references will be sought by Care International UK from other clients of the selected provider. All contract offers are subject to the condition that providers do not appear on anti-terrorism lists. To this end, CARE International UK reserves the right to carry out anti-terrorism checks on the selected provider.Subject to receipt of satisfactory references and checks, the parties will begin finalising the contract and agree an implementation plan. CARE International UK has a zero tolerance towards fraud and corruption and is committed to respecting the highest standards in terms of efficiency, transparency and responsibility. As such, if you witness or suspect any unlawful, improper or unethical act or business practice (such as soliciting, accepting or attempting to provide or accept any kickback or inducement) during the tender process, please report it to CARE Ethicspoint: or CIUKAudit@. Inducement of any kind in relation to obtaining this or any other contract with CIUK will disqualify your tender form being considered and may constitute a criminal offence.Unsuccessful bidders will also be notified early June 2019. Feedback can be provided on request.CIUK reserves the right to change any aspect of, or cease, the tender process at any time. While CIUK has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the facts contained in this ITT are true and accurate in all material respects, CIUK does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness or otherwise of this ITT, or the reasonableness of any assumptions on which this document may be based. All information supplied by CIUK to the tenderers, including that contained in this ITT, is subject to the supplier’s own due diligence. CIUK accepts no liability to tenderers whatsoever and however arising and whether resulting from the use of this ITT, or any omissions from or deficiencies in this document.It is the responsibility of potential suppliers to obtain for themselves at their own expense all additional information necessary for the preparation of their response to this ITT. No claims of insufficient knowledge will be entertained. Part 2 - About CARE and CARE International UK (CIUK)About CAREWe seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live with dignity and security.CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice.We put women and girls in the centre because we know that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities.CARE’s StructureCARE International operates in more than 90 countries around the world. We run poverty-fighting programmes and deliver life-saving aid in 79 developing countries. This work is supported by global policy and advocacy work, fundraising, and programme management provided by CARE offices in countries like the USA and the UK.CARE International UK was founded in 1985 and we are one of 14 full members of the global CARE International confederation. Each member is a separate legal entity.As well as supporting CARE’s humanitarian and development work around the world, CARE International UK provides specific expertise in the areas of women’s economic empowerment, inclusive governance, humanitarian response (particularly shelter, and gender in emergencies), and engaging with the private sector. We also play a key role in CARE’s work engaging with and influencing policy-makers and decision-makers to tackle the structural causes of poverty and social injustice.CARE’s programmes are implemented through CARE country offices which are supported with technical assistance and programme management by CARE members (including CIUK). We work in partnership with local organisations to deliver many of our programmes.CARE is non-religious and non-political, allowing us to deliver humanitarian and development assistance to anyone in need regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, age, religion, political view or sexual orientation.CIUK organisational structureCARE International UK is an important part of the global CARE International confederation and one of the largest members. We employ 120 staff, most in the UK and based in our office in Vauxhall. In the financial year 2018 (ending 30 June 2018), our total income was ?55m, of which ?45m was restricted to international programmes. Additional information may be found on our website: Part 3 - Terms of Reference: invitation to tender selection criteriaScope for Payroll ProviderThe Charity’s objectives for this tender process are to secure a high quality provider of a fully managed payroll service that can demonstrate a clear understanding of CARE International UK, whilst achieving excellent value for money.CARE international UK currently employs 120 staff, of whom: approximately 10 are part time1 is job-share3 are non-resident in the UKThe average value of our monthly payroll is approximately ?270,000.Below is a list of our employee benefits that are either processed through or have an impact on our payroll;Pension - We operate two different pension schemes, one of which is closed to new members and the other is auto-enrolment for new staff and existing staff not already in the previous schemeHealth cash plan - We provide a health cash plan to all employeesBike Scheme (Salary Sacrifice) - We offer a cycle to work scheme to assist staff with bike purchasesInterest-free loans - Employees with at least three months continuous service are eligible for an interest-free loan to assist them in purchasing either:? an annual season ticket, or a gym membershipChild Care Vouchers (Salary Sacrifice) – although this scheme is now closed to new members, we still have a number of existing staff benefiting from this salary sacrifice.The payroll and associated tasks are contracted to a payroll bureau. The pay day at CIUK is on 25th of the month or the working day before, if it falls on a week end or bank/public holiday.The payroll bureau will work primarily with the HR Advisor and the Finance Manager. They may also have contacts with the Head of Human Resources and the Director of Finance.We are looking for a payroll provider to work alongside Care International UK to issue our payroll on time, in line with our pay day, time table requirements and legal obligations. It will involve the following interactions and deliverable from the payroll provider:CIUK will provide the monthly changes to payroll provider by 10th of each monthPreview payroll reports delivered to Care International UK by 17th of the monthFinal payroll reports and Bacs form (to release the funds from Care International UK bank account) to be submitted to Care International UK at least 2 working days before pay dayInterface between Care International UK and our bank for transfer of salaries to Care International UK employees by BACSPoint of contact for HMRC for tax code purposes (notification of changes or new allocation)Provision of online payslips facility available to employees on pay day and as and when they require to access their payslips (and other payroll related documentation)Generation of P45s in a timely mannerGeneration of P60s in a timely mannerResponsible for monthly and year end submissions (EPS)Generation of annual P11d forms Production of a suite of payroll related reports – including a detailed payroll report, adaptable cost charge (HMRC report), payslip analysisSecure file server to transfer and receive data for above transactions Compliance with GDPRIn addition, we would expect the payroll provider to:Liaise with the Inland Revenue (i.e. HMRC) and other Government bodies as and when required in relation to payroll related mattersRespond to Queries from Care International UK Auditors at Interim and Year End AuditHave a customer care service available throughout the month to respond to ad hoc queries from the HR and Finance teams at Care international UK Keep up to date with current legislation, statutory changes and best practice The contract with the successful payroll provider will be effective from April 2020 and aligned with the HRMC tax year.Cultural fitCIUK is seeking a fully managed Payroll provider that understands and adheres to our purpose, values and vision, including our Modern Slavery and Ethics Statements. The bidder will need to sign and comply with the Ethical Declaration in Part 5.3. Technical competency CIUK is looking for an experienced payroll provider with expertise covering the full range of payroll services described above to clients. We will be seeking references to that effect after interviews have taken place.Value for moneyWe expect our professional advisers to be proactive in the relationship, sharing experience, knowledge and ideas so that this service adds value in addition to meeting statutory requirements. Team competencyWe need to have a dedicated person/team that we can rely on and build a relationship with, and who is approachable throughout the month. Please provide an overview of the team structure, and levels of qualifications and experience.We expect the payroll service provider to ensure a level of stability and consistence within the team throughout the term of the working relationship.CapacityYou should provide a copy of your latest Audited Accounts, together information on your current clients: the number of clients and average employee numbers. You should include in your bid:Risk management - an outline of proposed actions and approaches to mitigating key risks inherent in the provision of this type of serviceTransition – an outline plan to ensure a smooth transition from the current provider Privacy and data protectionThe payroll provider will be the data processor of sensitive and personally identifiable information about our staff. Bidders must demonstrate how they manage sensitive information to ensure privacy and compliance with GDPR.Part 4 - Form of OfferPayroll Provider ServicesI [insert individual name] as the Authorised Representative of [insert name of Bidder] (‘the Bidder’) of [insert address of Bidder]Confirms:I have examined the information provided:Part 1 Instructions to TenderersPart 2 Background: about CARE and CARE International UKPart 3 Terms of Reference: ITT selection criteriaPart 4: Form of Offer Part 5: Bidder’s Ethical DeclarationAgreesThat this offer and any contracts arising from it shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions of Contract and all other terms (if any) issued with the Invitation to Offer; andTo supply the services in respect of which its offer is accepted, to such extent and at such times as ordered; andThat this offer is made in good faith and that the Bidder has not fixed or adjusted the amount of the offer by or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. The Bidder certifies that it has not and undertakes that it will not:communicate to any person other than the person inviting these offers the amount or approximate amount of the offer, except where the disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of the offer was necessary to obtain quotations required for the preparation of the offer, for insurance purposes or for a contract guarantee bond;enter into any arrangement or agreement with any other person that he or the other person(s) shall refrain from making an offer or as to the amount of any offer to be submitted.That to the best of Bidder’s knowledge there are not any conflicts of interest or any circumstances that could give rise to a conflict of interest in the performance of the proposed Contract. CIUK requires that all actual or potential conflicts of interest are resolved to the satisfaction of CIUK prior to the submission of Bids. In the event that any actual or potential conflict of interest comes to a Bidder’s attention, that Bidder should immediately notify CIUK. Name: (print) _______________________________________________Signature: ______________________________________________Title: _______________________________________________Date: _______________________________________________The Form of Offer must be signed by an authorised signatory: in the case of a partnership, by a partner for and on behalf of the firm; in the case of a limited company, by an officer duly authorised, the designation of the officer being state.Part 5BIDDER’S ETHICAL DECLARATIONDate:Tender number:Tenderer’s name:CIUK has a commitment to operate both lawfully and ethically, which includes working with suppliers who are aligned to the same values. CIUK expects its suppliers to comply with applicable laws, to respect human rights and to be mindful of environment and safety.LABOUR STANDARDSLabour standards in this ethical declaration are based on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Suppliers are expected to comply with these conventions, including:Employment is freely chosen - Forced Labour ConventionFreedom of association and the right to organiseMinimum age and child labour conventionEqual remuneration conventionDiscrimination ConventionFreedom to work without harassment and violenceModern Slavery Act 2015: in performing its obligations, the supplier shall:comply with all applicable anti-slavery and human trafficking laws, statutes, regulations and codes from time to time in force including, but not limited to, the Modern Slavery Act 2015; andnot engage in any activity, practice or conduct that would constitute an offence or contravention of the Modern Slavery Act 2015; andensure that each of its partners, subcontractors and suppliers shall, to the extent possible, comply with applicable anti-slavery and human trafficking laws, statutes, regulations and codes, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015. CIUK is a living wage employer and we expect our suppliers to ensure that wages and benefits paid for a standard working week meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmarks; and that working hours comply with national laws and benchmark industry standards. We prefer to work with UK suppliers that are living wage employers.ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDSSuppliers should be compliant with all statutory environmental laws and regulations, including those relating to waste disposal, pollution, discharges and air emissions. Suppliers are expected to reduce the environmental impact of their manufacturing process, products and/or services and their waste emissions, employing best practices for sustainability and the environment. Suppliers should take appropriate steps to minimise waste and recycle whenever this is practicable; as well as adopt effective controls of waste in respect of ground, air, and water pollution. PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTIONSuppliers are expected to comply with privacy laws and GDPR. Where personally identifiable data is to be processed by a supplier, they must ensure that data is processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.SAFEGUARDINGAs an organisation that champions the rights of women and girls, CIUK recognises the particular responsibility we have to protect people we work with, and our staff, from sexual abuse and exploitation. We expect our suppliers to have policies and procedures in place to prevent physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation; to listen to victims and to respond rapidly to concerns raised.BUSINESS STANDARDSCIUK takes very seriously the need to ensure that business is carried out in an ethical manner. The supplier shall not be engaged in:sale, manufacture or distribution of weapons (including landmines);manufacture and/or aggressive marketing of tobacco products;production and/or distribution of pornographyintentional use of exploitative child labour or forced labour in production or sourcing processes, orselling pesticides outside the WHO 1A and 1B guidelines for pesticide retailingSuppliers should be compliant with all laws, regulations and best practice, including those relating to: anti-corruption, including a prohibition on extortion, bribery, facilitation payments or other improper inducements, money-launderingterrorism financingand should take appropriate steps to ensure that their suppliers are also compliant.Suppliers should have in place whistle-blowing policies and procedures, to encourage concerns to be raised without repercussion, and policies to ensure equality of opportunity for staff and job applicants.I, undersigned [supplier’s representative name & position], agree to adopt the above ethical statement and to comply with the labour, environmental, privacy, safeguarding and business standards specified, both in my own company and those of my suppliers.Signature & date: ................

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