Research Deadlines:

Research Paper

English I Honors/Seminar

Research Topics for To Kill a Mockingbird

Assignment: Answer the following question in your paper based on your research findings of your selected topic from the list below.

In what ways did social issues, court cases or individual research influence the experience of the American people?

Research Topics

|1930s |1960s |

|Sharecropping |Lynch mobs/lynching (covers both time periods) |

|Ku Klux Klan |Brown vs. Board of Education |

|The Scottsboro Trial |Civil Rights Movement |

|President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal |Martin Luther King, Jr. |

|John Dewey |Medgar Evers |

| | |

|Literacy in the 1930s | |

|Eleanor Roosevelt | |

|Women’s Roles/Family Life in the 1930s | |

|Adolf Hitler and his rise to power | |

|Stock Market Crash of 1929 | |

|Works Progress Administration | |

|Missionaries and how churches supported them | |

|Beginnings of welfare | |

| | |

| | |



➢ MLA Format: Internal Citations and Works Cited Page

➢ 12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced paper

➢ Follow each of the assignments attached very carefully

➢ Must use at least 4 sources and 6 quotes (2 quotes per source)

➢ Assignment will count as a test grade.

➢ No late assignments will be accepted

➢ All papers must be submitted to to receive credit. Your report must show 20% or less plagiarism.


As you read through your research materials, make a list of quotes below with a brief explanation of where it may be useful for your topic. Be sure to quote it, and put in parenthesis where this info came from, so you can easily transfer it into your paper.

You need a minimum of 4 sources and 2 quotes per source with a bullet point or two of explanation.

Source 1 in MLA Format:

“RACE- The Power of Illusion.” May 6, 2013. .

“Throughout history, societies have enslaved others, often as a result of conquest or war, but not because of physical characteristics or a belief in natural inferiority. In America, a unique set of circumstances led to the enslavement of peoples who looked similar” (“RACE-The Power of Illusion”).

• This would go great as an introduction to my background paragraph (body paragraph 1) or as the Hook sentence in the intro.

Source 2 in MLA Format:

Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York: Grand Central Publishing; 1960.

Source 3 in MLA Format:

Source 4 in MLA Format:


Because research is as much about the process as the product, ALL OF YOUR GRADES for this project will reflect your adherence to the schedule and requirements of the research process. The research and drafting process will be broken up into stages, the products of which will be combined to make your final Research Process Grade.

Research in the Media Center


You should have at least 4 sources. MUST be listed in MLA format.

Need help with MLA Format? See Appendix B called “MLA Works Cited Format” for a guide to help you complete this stage of the Research Process.


Need help with Quotes and Paraphrasing? See Appendix C called “Internal Citation” for a guide to help you complete this stage of the Research Process.



➢ Must be typed, Double Spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Font

➢ Must include internal citations in MLA format


➢ Must be typed, Double Spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Font

➢ Must include internal citations in MLA format


➢ Must be typed, Double Spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Font

➢ Must include internal citations in MLA format

Need help with Internal Citations? See Appendix C called “Internal Citation” for a guide to help you complete this stage of the Research Process.



A. Hook—5 points

B. Bridge Sentence—5 points

C. Clear Thesis Statement—10 points

II. BODY PARAGRAPHS (Background, 3 effects)

A. Clear Topic Sentences—6 points

B. Supporting Details –20 points

Must include quotes AND paraphrasing, as well as your own observational support and elaboration. Should follow logical organization.

C. Internal Citation of Resources—15 points

In Parentheses, must include Author (or Title of Article) and Page Number.


A. Restate Thesis—4 points

B. Concluding, Dynamic Sentence—5 points



A. REQUIRED—if not attached, PLAGIARISM and automatic F.

VI. FORMATTING—10 points

o 3-4 pages Typed,

o 12-point Times New Roman Font,

o Double-Spaced,

o 1-inch margins

What resources can I use to continue my research and make my Works Cited?

o Because this is a scholarly paper, your resources will come from a few primary sources such as NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, INTERNET SITES, JOURNALS, PAMPHLETS, TV DOCUMENTARIES, and INTERNET NEWS SOURCES.

o Your resources must be valid, reliable, effective, reputable, current and dependable!

o Two excellent search engines: NCWISEOWL and ERIC (Your friendly librarians can help you use these tools).

o Two excellent newspaper sites: world- and

o When using the web, go to sites that end in: .int, .gov, .org, .edu, .mil

APPENDIX A: Finding and Exploring a Research Topic (continued)

Reliable Magazines (Just examples—you’re not limited to these.)

Business Week National Geographic Newsweek Smithsonian

Time The Weekly Standard Reader’s Digest

U.S News and World Report

Reliable Newspapers (Just examples—you’re not limited to these.)

Boston Globe Chicago Sun Times Atlanta Journal Constitution

Chicago Tribune Houston Chronicle Los Angeles Times New York Post

New York Times Philadelphia Daily News USA Today Washington Post

Washington Times San Francisco Chronicle Dallas Morning News

Reliable Online Internet Journals (Just examples—you’re not limited to these.)

Associated Press CIA World Factbook Discovery Channel

Fox News Channel Frontline World PBS History Channel

Human Rights Watch National Geographic NATO

NCWiseOwl Reuters SKYNews

UNICEF United Nations United Press International

U.S. State Department World Health Organization

Reliable Television Documentaries (Some may also serve as Online Sources)

A&E Channel ABC News BBC News

CBS News CNN News Discovery Channel

FOX News History Channel MSNBC News

NBC News PBS News Travel Channel

National Geographic Channel



Encyclopedias (Online or Otherwise)



Self-published books or websites

Online Discussion Forums

When in doubt, don’t use it!

APPENDIX B: MLA Works Cited Format

I. Why do I have to make a Works Cited page?

➢ To protect yourself from accusation for plagiarism.

➢ To help your reader locate the sources of your information to use them for his/her own research purposes. Research is like one great, continuous conversation between great minds!

II. So, how do I make my Works Cited page?

1) Remember to list your sources in alphabetical order according to the author’s last name, or if there is no specific author for your source, then by the first word of the title of the article.

2) Your Works Cited should be double-spaced!

3) If an entry takes up more than one line, then you should indent the second line.

4) Do NOT number or bullet the entries.

(5) For help with citing sources besides the ones in the sample Works Cited below, see MLAdocumentation OR .

General Works Cited Format: Follow this format for your Works Cited—including the punctuation.

Author’s last name, Author’s first name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publishing

Company, Year of Publication.

Author’s last name, Author’s first name. “Title of Article.” Newspaper/Magazine Title. Date of

Article: Page Numbers.

Author’s last name, Author’s first name. “Title of Article.” Date accessed. Web address.


Works Cited

“Cuba and Fidel—One Brotherhood.” New York Times. 21 July 2000. B3.

“Going Home—A Journey to France.” National Geographic. October 2002: 153-156.

Jackson, Thomas. Health Issues in Malaysia—a Glance at the Millennium. New York: Penguin

Books, 2000.

Kozyrev, Yuri. “The Long Walk Home.” Time. 17 April 2006: 54-55.

Phelps, Jim. “April Deaths in Iraq at 60.” Winston-Salem Journal. 19 April 2004. A1.

Smith, Jack. “Italian Military Life in the 21st Century.” 17 March 2001.


“Thailand Trafficking.” 16 March 2007. .

APPENDIX C: Internal Citation

As a researcher, you will be expected to interact with your resources while writing your research paper. Quotes and paraphrasing will help you to pull information from your sources and include it in your research—first in your outline, and then your final research paper.

Whenever you include information in your outline or research paper that is from another source (whether quoted or paraphrased), you MUST include an INTERNAL CITATION to show your reader where the information came from. Not only will this protect you from accusation of plagiarism, it will also help your readers to locate the source of the information in case they wish to use it in their own research.

QUOTES: When you include information directly from your original source without changing the wording at all.

PARAPHRASING: When you take ideas from a larger passage of an original source and condense them using your own words.


For a Newspaper, Magazine, or Book WITH an author…

Your internal citation should include both the author’s last name and the page number on which the information can be found.

QUOTE: “The Largest Sunni Arab party raised new allegations of sectarian killings—one on the most urgent issues facing the new Iraqi leadership” (Phelps 3).

PARAPHRASE: An extremely urgent issue that new Iraqi leadership is facing is the killings by the Sunni Arab party (Phelps 3).

For a Newspaper or Magazine article WITHOUT an author…

Your internal citation should include the title of the article in quotation marks and the page number on which the information can be found.

QUOTE: “The 7.6 magnitude earthquake that hammered northern Pakistan and India on October 8, 2005, took some 75,000 lives, injured 130, 000 and left nearly 3.5 million people without food, jobs, or homes—refugees in their own land” (“The Long Walk Home” 10).

PARAPHRASE: Since the earthquake on October 8, 2005 in Pakistan and India, nearly 3.5 million people have been without homes, food or jobs (“The Long Walk Home” 10).

APPENDIX C: Internal Citation (continued)

For an Online Source WITH an author…

Your internal citation should include the author’s name. Naturally, you can’t include a page number, since websites don’t have page numbers!

QUOTE: “In as much as globalization has brought several benefits such as efficient transportation… across the world, it has also enabled the spread of diseases…” (Smith).

PARAPHRASE: Globalization has brought many benefits to the world including enabling the rapid spread of diseases (Smith).

For an Online Source WITHOUT an author…

Your internal citation should include the title of the article in quotation marks.

QUOTE: “The Office of the World Health Organization in Ethiopia has handed over a newly constructed facility including a new clod room with a standby generator for vaccine storage to Dire Dawa Provisional City Administration Health Bureau” (“WHO donates cold room for vaccine storage”).

PARAPHRASE: WHO, in Ethiopia, provided a new cold room for vaccine storage at a local health bureau (“WHO donates cold room for vaccine storage”).

What will internal citations look like in my research paper?

Somalia has been known as a country of great strife since its inception in 1947, after separating from the French. At first, the government had a difficult time dealing with its people because it had no experience. Somalia is a perfect example of how the loss of a former government did not necessarily “dictate the creation of a proper new one” (Ford 14). Somalia seems to have never recovered from the lack of government and has been embroiled in war, corruption and defeat since this time. “Pirating, today, is just another example of the corrupt nature of the few elite who are nothing more than greedy” (“Somalia—A Pirate’s Haven”).


You should use a COMBINATION of QUOTES, PARAPHRASING, and your OWN IDEAS (observations, NOT opinions) in your paper.

To avoid accusation of plagiarism, use INTERNAL CITATIONS and include a WORKS CITED at the end of your paper!

NO 1st Person POV!!!



Failure to cite your sources for this paper is PLAGIARISM—an Academic Misconduct offense that will result in a ZERO and possible suspension from school. See Appendices B and C for help with Internal Citations and your Works Cited page.

Great Resource for Research and Documentation:

Click on the “Humanities” section for help with MLA Format!

Newspaper or Magazine article.


Online article.

Newspaper article without an author.

Magazine article without an author.

Magazine article with an author.


Newspaper article with an author.

Online article with an author.

Online article without an author.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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