EKiDs PC INQUIRY JUNE 2013 - Children's Health

eKiDs PowerChart Inquiry


eKiDs PowerChart Inquiry

PowerChart Basics 1

Introduction 1

Features 1

Objectives 1

PowerChart Access Features 2

Using the Zero Client 2

Accessing PowerChart via Citrix 3

Resetting your Domain Password 4

Logging in to PowerChart® via Citrix 6

Considerations 6

Security in PowerChart 7

Considerations 7

Methods of Securing the System 9

Exiting the application 9

Suspending the Application 9

Changing Your Password 9

PowerChart Interface with Eclipsys and Epic 10

Important Points about Eclipsys and Epic 10

PowerChart Structure 11

PowerChart Organizer 12

Considerations 12

PowerChart Organizer Toolbar Icons 13

Patient Search 14

Tips and Tricks 15

Alias Patient Name Indicator 15

PowerChart Patient Chart Window 16

Assigning a Relationship 18

Viewing a Patient’s Chart 19

Patient Information View 20

Patient Chart Tabs 20

Backward & Forward Buttons 21

Inpatient Summary Tab 22

Patient Demographics Sub-tab 24

Considerations 24

Visit List Sub-tab 25

Orders Tab 28

Adjusting the View 29

Detail Screen Adjustments 29

Order Profile 30

Customizing Orders, Cont’d. 31

Tips and Tricks 32

Reports 33

Accessing Detailed Order Information 34

Tips and Tricks 35

Tips and Tricks 36

Chart Summary Tab 37

Recent Results Tab 38

Tips and Tricks 38

Critical Results 44

Flowsheet Result Color Defaults 45

Lab and Radiology Tab 46

Tips and Tricks 46

Summary Documents Tab 47

System Steps to View Documents 48

All Documents Tab 49

Form Browser 50

Tips and Tricks 50

eKiDs PowerChart Inquiry Lesson Review 51

Summary 51

Review Questions 51

PowerChart Basics


PowerChart is a flexible, graphical tool that provides the clinician immediate access to the information in the clinical database. PowerChart enables clinicians to view lists of current patients and to customize lists according to their particular needs and preferences. PowerChart is designed to operate in two main windows: the Organizer and the Patient Chart. Both windows can be open concurrently. The Organizer displays your patient lists and serves as the desktop. The Patient Chart displays several customized views of the patient’s chart. Access to both the Organizer and Patient Chart makes it easy to navigate and quickly obtain desired patient information for the best possible outcomes.


• Provides access to view one or more patient records

• Provides filtering options based on professional and personal needs

• Provides immediate access to patient information such as demographics, allergies, results, orders and visit history

• Patient confidentiality is protected with system security


In this lesson, you will learn:

• Getting Started and Logging In To PowerChart

• Security and Confidentiality Considerations

• Logging Out

• How PowerChart Interacts with Eclipsys

• How To Find a Patient

• How To Open a Patient’s Chart

• The Different Tabs on a Patient’s Chart

• How to View Patient Chart Information

• How to Filter Views of Patient Information

PowerChart Access Features

Using the Zero Client

The Zero Client appears at some Nursing Stations and some patient rooms, as a standalone monitor and a keyboard. There is no CPU with zero clients because they communicate with the server when you login, eliminating the need for a CPU.

When powered up, the login screen appears and prompts you for your domain username and password (the domain should default as CHKD).

Accessing PowerChart via Citrix

As necessary, you may also need to access PowerChart via Citrix. To access eKiDs PowerChart via Citrix, you must first log in to the Citrix Web Interface. You can access the Citrix Web Interface in three ways:

• Select the Citrix Web Access icon on your Desktop.

• On KDnet, under Popular Links, select Citrix Web Access.

• Type “ekids” into your web browser.

Sign in at the Citrix Login screen. Your Citrix User Name and Password will be the same as your Network User Name and Password.


Resetting your Domain Password

All new users Active Directory/Domain passwords are set up to expire the first time you log in.  The first time you log in, you are prompted to create your unique password.  Your Active Directory/Domain password will need to be changed every 180 days.

Steps to Change your Active Directory/Domain password:

1. Login to Citrix with your current username and password. 

2. Click on Specops Password Enrollment icon.


3. Complete the available fields for Current password and new enrollment if this is the first time you are enrolling.


This action will change your passwords for Citrix, PACS and your network email account. Once completed, these passwords will all match.

Password Tips:

• Must contain at least 8 characters

• Must not contain more than 30 characters

• Must contain at least 1 lowercase letter

• Must contain at least 1 number

• Must not contain your username

• Must not contain words from the password dictionary

• Must not contain 3 or more consecutive identical characters

• Must not repeat any of your previous 24 passwords

Logging in to PowerChart® via Citrix

1. Click on the PowerChart® icon to display the log on screen.


The PowerChart® log in screen will appear.


2. Enter your User Name in the designated field.

3. Enter your Password in the designated field.

4. Click OK or the key.


The FIRST TIME you login, you will be prompted to change your password. 

Security in PowerChart

To ensure system integrity and patient confidentiality, it is imperative that security considerations are given top priority when accessing confidential patient information.

To gain access to PowerChart you must first sign and return the Security Receipt form to the Information Services Department.

Upon the completion of this step, your security will be activated and you will be given access to features based on the training that has been completed.

Multiple levels define system security. Using the information contained in your Security Receipt letter, you are given a Username and Password, which make up your Electronic Signature. Your Electronic Signature tracks your access activity in PowerChart.


• Your User Name is assigned to you by the IS Department. User Names can be similar, but they are never the same. William R. Smith’s User Name could be SMITHWR.

• No one should ever ask you for your Password for any reason; never share your Password with anyone.

• Report any suspicious computer activity to Information Services.

• If you feel your Password has been compromised, change it immediately.

• Your User Name coupled with your Password makeup your electronic signature.

• Do not trust unexpected emails/files. Most computer viruses enter the network when an employee opens an e-mail attachment. If an attachment arrives unexpectedly, verify who sent it before you open it. Never open attachments from strangers.

• Never give out your Password. Never, under any circumstances, should a user give out their Password. Watch out for persons attempting to get your Password or information through social engineering. Social engineering is a method by which a person impersonates or intimidates others to get sensitive information. Report any such cases to Information Services at 668-7075

• Use strong p@ssw0rdZ. Hackers use tools that automatically try every word in the dictionary as your Password. Choose longer, hard-to-guess Passwords that contain a mix of letters, numbers, and punctuation. For easy-to-remember Passwords, use a line from a poem, song, or movie.

• Destroy notes containing Passwords. More and more, thieves are stealing computer files or Passwords from their victims. Notes and post-it notes around your work area containing Passwords, account numbers, or other confidential information make it too easy. Clean up.

• Lock it up to lock them out. Never leave your computer/applications open when you step away from your computer. Locking your PC will help to stop snooping passers by when you leave your desk.

• Stay in safe Web neighborhoods. You recognize the dangers of wandering to the tough part of town. Web surfing works the same way. Malicious software is installed on victims’ computers from a number of unsafe sites. If a web site does not look right….it probably is not!

• Look before you click. Look carefully at links before you click them. Unless you intend to download software, no website/web address should have .exe in it. That indicates an executable program, which could be malicious.

• Just click "no." When you visit a Web site and a box asks, "Should I remember your Password?" do not enable it. The password is actually stored on your own computer. Anyone else using your computer can visit your Favorites and log in as you.

• Report suspicious activity. Your computer is not performing as expected, there are more web pages popping up on your screen than clicked on or you notice a program installing and you did not start the installation. These are examples of what are considered suspicious activity on a computer and could indicate that spy ware, ad ware or remote control programs have been installed without your permission or knowledge. If you experience any of these or other suspicious activity, please call the help desk at 8-7075.

• When in doubt, call Information Services. Information Services is here for you. If you ever have a question or need to notify us of a problem, give us a call at 8-7075. Only with your help can we maintain the privacy and security of our systems.

Methods of Securing the System

Exiting the application

Users must secure their system when they are leaving the workstation. When you have finished using eKiDs PowerChart, it is your responsibility as a user to “log out” to prevent unauthorized access to the clinical data of our patients at Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters. There are two methods to exit eKiDs PowerChart:


1. Select the Exit icon in the organizer Tool Bar.

2. Select the Exit Button on the Task Menu Command Toolbar

Do not use the at the top right corner of the window to exit eKiDs as this may cause system issues.


Suspending the Application

If you need to step away from the eKiDs PowerChart system for a short period, you can choose “Suspend Application.” By using this option, the patient’s record is still open but is secure. Sign back in using your password.


|Suspend should not be used when using Zero Clients. |



Changing Your Password

You can also change your eKiDs PowerChart password as needed.

To do this, click on the “Task” menu command option and select “Change Password” from the menu. Repeat keying your new password in the Retype Password field and then click on “OK.”

Tip: If you change your password in an eKiDs Module (EG: PowerChart, FirstNet, SurgiNet) it will be changed in all other eKiDs modules

PowerChart Interface with Eclipsys and Epic

PowerChart is the clinical order processing system at CHKDHS, and Eclipsys is the registration system. Epic is the Physician Practice Management system. During the registration process, information entered into Epic and Eclipsys such as name, address, telephone number, sex and date of birth is then sent to PowerChart through the interface. Patients will need to be registered in Eclipsys as an inpatient or an outpatient in order for their information to be sent to PowerChart.

Important Points about Eclipsys and Epic

• Eclipsys is CHKDHS’s Patient Management system and is used to maintain admission, discharge, and transfer transactions.

• Epic is CHKDHS’s Physician Practice Management system.

• A patient must be previously registered or admitted via Eclipsys or Epic in order to generate an Electronic Medical Record.

• Patients for whom no Electronic Medical Record has been created, will not be available from within PowerChart.

PowerChart Structure

PowerChart is designed to operate in two main windows: the Organizer and the Patient Chart. Both windows can be open concurrently. The Organizer displays your patient lists upon log-on. The Patient Chart displays several views. Both the Organizer and the Patient Charts must be closed in order for you to log completely out of PowerChart.

The Patient Chart level of PowerChart is closely related to the actual patient’s binder within the chart rack. It contains patient specific information for that particular encounter such as orders, results and documentation. The Patient Chart contains of a combination of tabs that allow the clinician to access the information quickly that is pertinent at that moment.

Like most Windows applications, PowerChart utilizes a menu bar and a toolbar. The menu bar contains textual options of system actions that are available based on the particular window that is open.


The actual menu bar items and actions that can be taken vary, depending on the tab that is currently selected.

PowerChart toolbar options also vary depending on the tab that is selected and whether the user is at the Organizer or Patient Chart level.

PowerChart Organizer

The PowerChart Organizer serves as the Desktop for PowerChart users. The PowerChart Organizer opens to Patient Lists that have been created based on the user’s security, role and preferences. The Organizer contains data that crosses multiple patients and encounters.



If you have not created a Patient List, or if you do not have an Active Patient List selected, the eKiDs PowerChart Organizer will appear blank.


PowerChart Organizer Toolbar Icons

The following table describes the different icons available from the PowerChart Organizer toolbar. Some are available from both the Organizer and Patient Chart.

|[pic] |Patient Lists: Returns user to the Organizer from a patient’s chart. |

| |Suspend – Suspends, but does not close, the application and displays the Suspend User dialog box. The user must|

|[pic] |reenter their password to restore the window they were viewing. |

|[pic] |Exit – Closes the patient chart. If the PowerChart Organizer is not open, exits the application. |

|[pic] |Clinical Calculator – Launches the clinical calculator application, which provides various clinical formulas. |

| |When the required data elements are entered, the calculator solves the equation. |

|[pic] |Recent – Allows you to display the last nine recent charts that have been accessed. |

|[pic] |List – Allows you to view a list of patients charts that you previously accessed. |

|[pic] |Search Field – Allows you to specify if you would like to search for a patient by Name or MRN via the drop-down |

| |arrow. |

|[pic] |Find Patient – Opens the Patient Search dialog box to open a patient’s chart. |

|[pic] |Print - Use this icon to print the current window. |

|[pic] |Refresh Button – Use this icon to refresh the current window. If you are in an order conversation and you click |

| |this button, orders will not be processed (i.e. be lost) if not signed. |

|[pic] |Up and Down Buttons – When in the patient’s chart, these buttons allow you to scroll Up and down through the |

| |chart tabs. The drop down arrow will display the last tabs you access. |

Patient Search

Prior to viewing patient information in PowerChart, you must first search for your patient by entering their name or Medical Record number in the search box.

Once the search criteria is entered, press Enter or click on the binoculars to initiate the search. You may also initiate a search for your patient from the Patient menu on the toolbar.

This option will open a search window where you can search by name, medical record number, financial number, or social security number. You may also choose to enter birth date, age range and gender as indicated on the Patient Search screen to limit the number of possible matches.

You can also search for a patient by entering a previous name or alias.

The top window will display all patients found who meet the search criteria entered. The bottom window will display all encounters associated with the patient. The top encounter defaults to the current or most recent encounter, but the columns can be sorted by clicking on them.

Double click on your patient’s name or click OK to open the patient’s chart.

Click the Preview button to view information associated with the highlighted patient or encounter.

Tips and Tricks

If you have built a patient list, you may also select a patient by double clicking on their name on the list or by right clicking on their name and selecting the tab to open in the patient’s chart.

Note: If your patient is deceased, you will receive the following message upon selecting your patient.


This message will only display once the Deceased field has been set to “Yes” in a patient’s record.

Select OK to move on to the patient’s chart.

You will be able to view this information in the Patient Information tab also.

Alias Patient Name Indicator

If a patient had a previous name within eKiDs PowerChart, the system will display the Alias Patient Name Indicator within the patient search results screen.


When you hover over the patient’s name, the previous name will display.

PowerChart Patient Chart Window

The PowerChart Patient Chart Window provides quick and easy access to specific patient information. Patient demographics, allergies, visit history, current orders and results can be viewed from the Patient Chart Window.

The Patient Demographics Bar provides information such as patient name, age, DOB, sex, Location, MR Number, and Financial Number.

You can access more information by clicking on any field in the Patient Demographics Bar that has a hyperlink. A hyperlink is indicated by an underline when you hover over the field. For example, you can view any recorded allergy information for a patient by clicking on the **Allergies** hyperlink.



System Steps to Find a Patient

|Steps |Notes |

|Enter a name or medical record number in the search |You can also click on the binoculars to open the Patient Search window. |

|box in the Organizer. | |

|OR | |

|Click on the Patient menu and then click on Search | |

|from the drop down menu to open the Patient Search | |

|screen | |

|Enter the established CHS search criteria. Search |The Medical Record Number is the most direct way to search. |

|options include Name, Medical Record Number, Financial|You can search by full or partial name. 3,3 is the standard CHKDHS name search, |

|Number or Social Security Number. |indicating the First three letters of the patient’s Last Name, and the First three |

| |letters of the First Name. |

| |You can search by full or partial Social Security Number. |

|Click on the Search button to activate a search for |A list of patients who meet the search criteria will display on the top portion of the |

|all patients who meet the entered criteria |window. |

|Click OK or double click on the target patient’s name |The bottom portion of the window will display all encounters for the selected patient. |

|to open their chart |A search by Financial Number will display only the specific encounter associated with |

| |that Financial number. |

|Double click on the target encounter to access | |

|information regarding that encounter. | |

System Steps to Open a Patient’s Chart

|Steps |Notes |

|1. Find the patient. |Select your patient from a list or use the Patient Search option. |

|2. Click on their name to highlight and click to open their chart. |You can also double click their name to open their chart. |

|3. To close the chart, click on the X in the Patient Name box in the upper |You can also select Close Chart from the Chart Menu. |

|left of the screen. | |

|Tips and Tricks |

|You may select on your keyboard to activate a search instead of clicking on the Search button. |

|You can click on the button to remove the existing search criteria so you can re-enter information as needed. |

Assigning a Relationship

You will be prompted to assign a relationship when accessing a patient’s chart. Maintaining patient confidentiality is a key concern for all healthcare providers to protect sensitive patient data. This feature will prompt you each time you open a patient’s chart where you do not already have an established relationship. When opening a patient’s chart in PowerChart, SurginNet and FirstNet, you will be prompted to indicate your clinical Relationship as well as the reason for opening the selected patient’s chart in the optional Comment section as pictured below.

Steps to Assign a Relationship:

1. Select the relationship from the displayed list by clicking on it to highlight your selection.  Depending on your position, you could have several relationship choices that display; choose the one most appropriate for opening the patient’s chart. (In the example below Nursing and Administrative Review are the Relationship choices.)

2. Tab to the Comment field and enter the reason for accessing the selected patient’s chart.  This is a free text, optional field.

An Administrative Review relationship should be selected whenever you are opening a patient’s chart for reasons other than patient care. It is strongly recommended that you indicate a reason in the Comment field at the time you open the record when the relationship of “Administrative Review” is selected. 

3. Click OK; this action assigns the relationship and opens the patient’s record.



As long as your relationship remains active, you will not be prompted again for the selected patient.

Viewing a Patient’s Chart

Upon opening a patient’s chart, several tabs will display. Depending on which tab you select you will be able to view different parts of the patient’s chart. You can access information such as patient demographics, current orders and results.

Views of information can be customized to meet individual needs and preferences.

Patient Demographics Bar

You can click on the Location Hyperlink on the Patient Demographics Bar to obtain general information regarding the patient’s visits and to switch to another encounter if necessary.


You can switch visits by clicking on the desired visit in the list or Right clicking and selecting Change Encounter.



Patient Information View

The Patient Information tab displays data about the patient relative to demographic information and additional patient identifiers such as medical record or social security numbers.

This view is different from the others in that there are several tabs available within the Patient Information View.

Patient Chart Tabs

In the Menu Bar the Patient’s Chart Tabs organize the chart into multiple tabs.

The tabs on the patient’s chart include:

• Orders - Used to display patient orders and, depending on your clinical role, used to enter orders

• Inpatient Summary – Displays clinical data as staff contributes documented results to the patient’s EMR

• MAR Summary – Displays the patient’s medications in a view only mode

• Chart Summary - Pulls information from different areas of the chart into a single convenient view. Information such as the reason for the visit, allergies, diet orders, any isolation precautions and critical labs can be found here.

• Patient Information – Contains high level patient information. There are several subtabs within this tab

• Recent Results – Displays patient results

• Lab – Displays Lab results only

• Radiology – Displays Radiology results only

• Patient Care Results – Displays results related to the patient’s care can be found here.

• Summary Documents – Contains summary documents

• All Documents – Contains all documents such as transcribed reports, pathology reports, radiology reports, etc.

• Form Browser- Use Form Browser for a convenient way to view the complete details of any charting that has been done for a selected patient via forms. You are able to see the charted information in its entirety.

• Immunizations - Allows you to view past immunization administration

Backward & Forward Buttons

Once you have opened the patients chart you can access any of the available chart tabs. After accessing one or more of the chart tabs the Backwards and Forwards buttons will be highlighted and become available. They will allow you to move through the tabs you previously accessed by clicking on them.


By clicking on the drop down arrow beside the Backward and Forward Buttons a list will display of sections you have previously accessed. By clicking on the section you will be taken directly to that section.


Clicking on the Home icon will take you back to the very first tab that you accessed within the selected patient’s chart.


Inpatient Summary Tab

Use the Inpatient Summary view pulls information entered or viewed in different areas of the chart into a single convenient view. The Patient Summary contains a quick view of information such as Patient Information, Vital Signs, New Order Entry, Diagnoses, Problems, Measurements and Weights, Intake and Output, Labs, Allergies Diagnosis, Home Meds, Isolation Precautions, Critical Labs and other information documented.

The Inpatient Summary allows you to change your view by decreasing or increasing the size of the screen you are viewing.


Clicking on the Expand All Button expands all the sections so that any documented information can be viewed.

You can also customize your view by selecting [pic] the pull down down arrow in the top corner. Once you have clicked here, you can change your view to one, two or three columns, drag sections to different locations and save these displays as your default for all patients. You can also Clear Preferences if you wish to change the display back to the default for your patient.


By clicking on the up arrow beside a section will allow you to expand of minimize the section.


Clicking on the pull down arrow beside each section will allow you to customize and change the color for that section. You may wish to change the color for sections you want to stand out such as ‘Critical Issues’ and ‘Vital Signs’.

Clicking on the headers (hyperlink) for the sections will launch you directly to the chart tab containing additional information for view.

By hovering over the information is certain tabs (such as Allergies) additional information related to the documentation can also be viewed.

Patient Demographics Sub-tab

Use the Patient Demographics Sub-tab in the Patient Information view the same way that you would a paper chart’s face sheet. You can view information such as name, address, phone number, gender and any aliases the patient may have.

Demographic information recorded in Eclipsys during the registration process is displayed here. Blank fields are an indication that those fields may not have been populated during the registration process, or that specific information is not recorded in PowerChart.



Any aliases or previous names will be recorded in the Previous Name field.

If the VIP indicator field is completed in Eclipsys during the registration process, a star will display in the VIP column for that patient on the patient list. An explanation of the VIP indicator can be found in the Patient Demographics tab.

Visit List Sub-tab

Use the Visit List Sub-tab to view a patient visit summary to CHKDHS. The Visit List is available from the patient chart as a tab of the Patient Information view.

In the Patient Information view, the Visit List window is separated into two sections by a horizontal splitter bar. The top panel displays information regarding a patient's visits including the admission and discharge date, location, financial Number and medical service. The visit within which the Visit List was accessed is considered as primary in the system. Any action performed on the patient chart, such as a new order, is associated with the selected visit.

Select another visit by double-clicking the selected encounter or clicking on Options on the menu command toolbar and selecting Change Encounter.

The bottom panel contains information specific to the selected visit such as the admission date and time, reason for the visit and room number. Provider and Patient relationships are also available in this section.

Visits can be sorted by clicking on the column headings.


PPR Summary Sub-tab

The Patient Provider Relationship Summary (PPR) Sub-tab in the Patient Information view is used to display a patient's relationships with healthcare providers known to CHKDHS. Separate lists are provided for Lifetime and Visit-specific Relationships.

This information is displayed in a split screen. The top portion displays established lifetime relationship information. The bottom portion of the screen displays visit-specific relationship information.

Views can be filtered to display only your relationships to the patient or all health care provider relationships. In addition, the view can be filtered to display only current active relationships or all relationships.


Accessing PACS to View Radiology Images

Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) are computers or networks dedicated to the storage, retrieval, distribution and presentation of images. PACS provides the ability to simultaneously view the same x-ray image on multiple monitors throughout CHKDHS network.

The ability to view radiology images directly from eKiDs can be achieved by selecting the View Image button while viewing a radiology report.

The View Image button will be green and become available when images are available via a URL to the Synapse PACS system. If you click on the image button, it will pull up the linked Synapse image(s) associated with that accession number.  It does not launch you into Synapse; you cannot access any other images or patients, just the one linked to the selected accession number.  

If the View Image button is not green, images are not available to view for this accession number. If you think there should be images available, you may contact the PACS administrator.

You can access the PACS administrator form for assistance via KDnet at:


If you do not have access to view images, when you click on the View Image button the screen will be black. To request access to view images, call the Information Services Help Desk at 668-7075.

Orders Tab

The Orders tab is used to view orders and detailed order information. There are two main sections of the Orders tab: the Clinical Categories Navigator and the Existing Orders Profile.

Navigator Overview


The left side of the Orders tab is the Navigator, which lists clinical categories.

The Navigator allows you to select the categories from which you want results displayed.

When the check mark on the left is selected, the category of orders from the profile section is displayed. When it is unchecked, the category and its orders are hidden.

Adjusting the View

To expand your view of the Existing Orders Profile, click on the black backward facing triangle to collapse the Navigator.

Click on the forward facing triangle to bring the Navigator back into view.

Detail Screen Adjustments

The order detail screen can be adjusted up or down. Place your mouse on the Details bar and a double-sided arrow appears. Hold the left mouse button and move the window up or down.

Order Profile

The Order Profile lists patient orders, their statues and detailed information.

Customizing Order Details

Order details can be customized in various ways according to user preferences by clicking on Current from the menu bar and then Customize View.


Select the items in the Available Columns and click ADD to move them to the Selected Columns. Click OK and the selected columns will be added to the Orders Profile. Click the up and down arrows to arrange the columns as you prefer.

From this window, you can also select how you want to group and sort orders by clicking on the downward triangle in the drop down boxes and making your selection.

Customizing Orders, Cont’d.

Filter options are available directly from the Existing Orders Profile. Clicking on these options will open the advanced filter profile.


Once the Advanced Filters window is opened you can create a custom filters to display in the Existing Orders Profile window.

| | |

Double click the New button to clear the Display field. It will turn yellow and will allow you to create your own set of filters, which you can name by typing the name in the Display field.


Tips and Tricks

• To apply your advanced filter settings for this eKiDs PowerChart session only, click the Apply button. To save them for future eKiDs PowerChart sessions, click the Save button.

• You can also customize your view of the Orders Profile by clicking on the View button on the menu and selecting Advanced Filters or Customize View.


You can access patient reports, such as the active order profile, from within a patient’s chart. Click on the Task button and then select Reports.



Accessing Detailed Order Information

Detailed order information can be accessed from the Orders Profile.

System Steps to View Detailed Order Information

|Steps |Notes |

|1. Right click the order | |

|2. From the shortcut menu, select Order Info. |The Order Info Window will display |

|3. Click on Details |Displays the order format and the current details for the order. If any details have |

| |been modified, the newest values are displayed. |

|4. Click on Additional Info |Displays the order name, start time, stop time, order IDNumber and department status |

|6. Click on History |Displays each action taken on an order in reverse chronological order. The initial |

| |order action displays the order details. |

| |Subsequent modifications show before and after detail information for comparison. |

|7. Click on Comments |Displays order comments entered for the selected order with the most recent listed on |

| |top. |

|8. Click on Results |Displays results for an order |

Order Information Window

Tips and Tricks

• You may also access detailed order information by clicking on the Order Name in the Orders Profile. You can disable this option by right clicking the order and selecting “disable order information hyperlink” from the dropdown menu.

• From the Task menu on the Order Information Window, you can Save your Viewer preferences for resizing the window.

• You may exit the Order Information Window by clicking on < Exit> from the Task menu, by clicking on the Exit icon on the tool bar or by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner.

Reference Information

To obtain Prep information that is associated with an order, Right Click on the order, and select Reference Information from the drop down menu.

You can print the displayed prep by right clicking in the prep window and selecting the Print button.

Click OK to close the displayed prep window.

Tips and Tricks

If Reference Information is grayed out on the menu, there is no Reference or Prep information associated with that order.

Chart Summary Tab

Chart Summary views pull information entered or viewed in different areas of the chart into a single convenient view.

The primary purpose of these summaries is to present pertinent, clinically relevant information to the clinician to facilitate their workflow.

The Chart Summary contains a quick view of information such as problems documented in the Problem List, Height and Weight, reason for the visit, allergies, isolation precautions, critical labs and continuous infusions.


You can sort items listed in the Problem List, Critical Labs and Continuous Infusions sections by clicking on the column headings in each area.

Designated departments and staff are responsible for entering problem/diagnosis information and height and weight information.

Recent Results Tab

When the Recent Results tab is selected, the Quick View of the flowsheet displays and will default combined results of the past 48 hours and 24 hours in the future.

Information is shown in a spreadsheet with flexible display features that make it possible to create an optimal view. Each piece of clinical data qualifies as an event or result, including numeric results and clinical documents and notes.

This flowsheet can be accessed from the patient’s chart by clicking on the Recent Results tab. Views can be limited to Lab or Radiology results by clicking on the Lab or Radiology tab

The Flowsheet is divided into two major sections. The left section is the Navigator, which consists of a list of categories that serve as an electronic index. By selecting a category, the display focuses to its contents, which are displayed as values in the grid on the right. The right section is the Results Display that provides a two-dimensional view of events (tests, procedures, and documentation) against a time continuum.


Tips and Tricks

Click on the ellipsis next to the Flowsheet drop down menu to select a specific category to view. This will open up the Procedure Selection window and allows you to free-text search criteria.


Changing the View

Users can change the flowsheet view to other relevant pre-defined views by selecting the drop-down box next to the Flowsheet option.


There are several other views that clinicians can select to view information to change the manner in which the flowsheet displays the same information to aid in trending and viewing data in an alternate fashion.

The Table View is the standard flowsheet viewing method, but you can also choose the Group View or the List View. Each of these methods is discussed further in the following information.

Table View

The Table View is the standard flowsheet viewing method.

The table view displays the event descriptions and dates respectively as the x and y axis of the results display.

Double click on the result or right click and select View Details or View Order Info to obtain additional result information.



Group View

The Group view allows clinicians to see the trend in data in a vertical manner by displaying the vertical axis as the result date/time and the horizontal axis as the charted value.

To review reports grouped together, select Group view and then select the desired category from the Navigator.


List View

The list view can be used to easily see all the results that were charted during a specific time together, rather than being divided into the normal groupings of results.


Controlling the Flowsheet

The flowsheet contains functionality that allows the clinician to adjust viewing/trending data. The flowsheet uses the standard date/time bar to allow the clinician to expand/contract the date/time range being searched. Clinicians can use the left and right arrows to change the beginning/end date by one or more days. Another method to change the search criteria is to right click on the date/time bar to select other options.

The default search criteria has been set to the Posting Range. This allows users to see new results that have been posted. For example, if an event occurred 1/1/08 but is not completed as a result until 1/4/08, the Recent Results tab will show the results posted within the last two days.

Other result lookup options include Clinical Range which is date based, Result count, which returns a predefined number of results, New results, which returns results that have never been viewed and Admission date to current date.

Flowsheet Display Options

You can choose to turn “Off” the units of measure from displaying on resulted values in the flowsheet to make it easier to read the numerical data for resulted orders. Select “Options” and then “Properties” from the toolbar menu.

Flowsheet Seeker

Clinicians can use the Flowsheet Seeker functionality to get a high-level overview of the flowsheet and where results are located, including any critical/high/low results.

Use the seeker [pic] icon to display the seeker window. Then click and drag the movable rectangle within the seeker window to adjust the view of the flowsheet.


Viewing Results in a Graph

In addition to adjusting the date/time of the flowsheet and using the seeker, clinicians may opt to graph specific result(s).

PowerChart can only create graphs on data that is numeric and where the unit of measure has not changed for the time range being graphed.

To create a graph:

← Use the checkboxes next to individual results to select 1 or more results to graph

← Click the graph [pic] icon from the tool bar to open up the graphing window. The system will show the reference ranges for the individual results as long as items that are being graphed have reference ranges.

Combine the results into one graph, if necessary, using the Combine button within the graphing window. Once a display is combined, that button toggles to a Split button to separate.

Critical Results

Any critically high or critically low results will default to display in red. In addition, the result will gain an H (high), L (low), or C (critically high/low) character to denote criticality.


The asterisk (*) character in the result tells the clinician that a comment exists on the result.

The corrected, (c), characters are also added for results that have been corrected or updated by a user within the system.

To view the Result Legend, click on Options and then Result Legend.

Flowsheet Result Color Defaults

The flowsheet default colors can be adjusted to set each result level display in a different color.

This makes it easier to quickly spot certain result levels such as Critical, Abnormal or Positive.

For instance, if you want Critical results to display in Red and the Positive results to display in Purple you can customize the properties of your flowsheet display.

Steps to Change Flowsheet Result Colors

1. Select Options from the main menu

2. Click Properties from the Options menu

3. Click the Result Level to change,

i.e., Critical, to activate the color selection palette.

4. Click OK to confirm the color change.

5. Click Save on the Flowsheet Properties screen..

Lab and Radiology Tab

You can limit the results displayed to Lab or Radiology only results by clicking on the Lab or the Radiology Tab from the patient’s chart.

You can change the date range and number of results displayed by clicking on the Date/Time Bar.


Tips and Tricks

To view a group of reports together, such as pathology reports, select Group view, and then select Pathology Reports from the clinical categories navigator.

You can resize your window settings in reports by selecting the side or corners of the current window and expanding the window. The system will remember your preferences the next time you open a report.

Summary Documents Tab

Clinical summary documents can be viewed from the Patient Chart by clicking on the Summary Documents tab.

Visual indicators in both icon and alphanumeric form alert healthcare providers that documentation for clinical results has been entered into the system.


Documents available for viewing can be selected by the following options:

|By Type |Displays by type of document |

|By Status |Displays by status of document |

|By Date |Displays by date of documentation |

|Performed By |Displays by who performed the documentation |

|By Encounter |Displays all documents associated with a specific encounter |

Click on Index on the menu bar to select and access the Color Legend.

System Steps to View Documents

|Steps |Notes |

|1. Click the Summary Documents Tab | |

|2. Adjust the time range |Right click the information bar where the date and time or document count |

| |are displayed, and select Change Search Criteria. Or, from the Index menu|

| |you may select Change Search Criteria |

|3. If documents are found for the time range, they are listed in| |

|the index tree. Click [pic] or double-click a folder to view | |

|its contents. (If a folder is displayed, it contains one or more| |

|documents.) | |

| | |

|4. Click the [pic] , or double-click the folder that represents | |

|the document category. The individual documents are denoted by a| |

|colored icon that reflects document status | |

|5. Double-click the icon or the date of the document to open the| |

|document. | |

|6. To view the history of the current document in detail, point | |

|to the lower border of the document display area until the cursor| |

|becomes a pair of opposing arrows. Drag the splitter bar (lower | |

|border of the document display) upwards. | |


All Documents Tab

All clinical documents can be viewed from the All Documents tab.


After the All Documents tab is selected, follow steps 2-6 on the previous page to view the selected document.

Form Browser

Use Form Browser for a convenient way to view the complete details of any charting that has been done for a selected patient via PowerForms. You are able to see the charted information in its entirety.

Click on the Form Browser chart tab and select the desired sorting method from the dropdown menu. The Form Browser window displays a directory tree that lists all the completed forms for the selected patient. You can open a form to view the information in the same format used to capture it. Double-click a form to display a list of occurrences from which you can select. Right click a form and select “View” to open the form. You can also double click to open the desired form.



Tips and Tricks

You can get more information regarding PowerForms from the eKiDs Charting with PowerForms manual found on KDnet.

eKiDs PowerChart Inquiry Lesson Review


In this lesson, you learned how to:

• Sign on to PowerChart

• Log out of PowerChart

• Security Considerations

• Find a Patient

• Open a Patient’s Chart

• Identify the different tabs on a patient’s chart

• View Patient Demographic Information

• View Patient Visit Information

• View Patient Orders

• Filter Orders according to preferences

• View Results

• Filter Results according to preferences

• Use the Refresh button to view the most current information

Review Questions

1. What two pieces of information make up your electronic signature?

2. How many times can you attempt to sign on to eKiDs PowerChart before you get an error message?

3. What system is Admission/Discharge/Transfer information maintained on at CHKDHS?

4. What are four ways you can search for a patient?

5. Will it be necessary for everyone to establish a relationship with a patient prior to accessing their chart information?

6. What are two ways to open a patient’s chart?

7. What are the six sub-tabs accessed from the Patient Information Tab?

8. Name three pieces of information that can be accessed from the Visit List sub-tab.

9. Will all departments and staff update the Problem List?

10. Will all departments and staff update the Allergy Profile?

11. What are the two main windows in eKiDs PowerChart?

12. Name two selections in the Order Filtering window?

13. How would you obtain Prep/Reference Information regarding an order?

14. Name three pieces of information that can be found in the Chart Summary tab.

15. What are the two main sections of the Flowsheet found in the Recent Results tab?



Click the downward triangle in the Display dropdown box to select the order statuses to be displayed on the orders profile and the desired number of “days back.”

Clinical Categories Navigator

Existing Orders Profile



Navigator Displayed

Select the Report(s) you want and the appropriate printer destination.

Leave the default From and To dates to retrieve the current information.

Presented by the IS Training Department


June 2013

Sign in at the Citrix Login screen.

Your Citrix User Name and Password will be the same as your Network User Name and Password.



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