Minnesota Sex Offender Screening Tool – Revised

MnSOST-R Score Recording Sheet | |

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|Offender Name: ______________________________ DOC#: _______________ Date:______________ |

|Historical/Static Variables | | | |

| | | | |

|Number of sex/sex-related convictions (including current conviction): | |Is there evidence of adolescent antisocial behavior in the file? | |

|One 0 | |No indication –1 | |

|Two or more +2 | |Some relatively isolated antisocial acts 0 | |

| | |Persistent, repetitive pattern +2 | |

|Length of sexual offending history: |_____ | | |

|Less than one year –1 | |Pattern of substantial drug or alcohol abuse (12 months prior to | |

|One to six years +3 | |arrest for instant offense or revocation): |_____ |

|More than six years 0 | |No –1 | |

| | |Yes +1 | |

|Was the offender under any form of supervision when they committed any| | | |

|sex offense for which they were eventually charged or convicted? | |Employment history (12 months prior to arrest for instant offense): | |

|No 0 |_____ |Stable employment for one year or longer –2 | |

|Yes +2 | |Homemaker, retired, full-time student, | |

|IF yes, please describe: | |or disabled/ unable to work –2 |_____ |

| | |Part-time, seasonal, unstable employment 0 | |

|Was any sex offense (charged or convicted) committed in a public | |Unemployed or significant history of unemployment +1 | |

|place? | |File contains no information 0 | |

|No 0 | | | |

|Yes +2 |_____ |Historical/Static Subtotal: | |

| | | | |

|Was force or the threat of force ever used to achieve compliance in | |Institutional/Dynamic Variables | |

|any sex offense (charged or convicted)? | | | |

|No force in any offense –3 | |Discipline history while incarcerated (does not include discipline for| |

|Force present in at least one offense 0 | |failure to follow treatment directives): | |

| | |No major discipline reports or infractions 0 | |

|Has any sex offense (charged or convicted) involved multiple acts on a| |One or more major discipline reports +1 |_____ |

|single victim within any single contact event? |_____ | | |

|No –1 | |Chemical dependency treatment while incarcerated: | |

|Probable but not fully documented 0 | |No treatment recommended / Not enough time / No opportunity 0 |_____ |

|Yes +1 | |Treatment recommended and successfully | |

| | |completed or in program at time of release –2 | |

|Number of different age groups victimized across all sex/sex-related |_____ |Treatment recommended but offender refused, | |

|offenses (charged or convicted): | |quit, or did not pursue +1 | |

|Age group of victims: (check all that apply) | |Treatment recommended but terminatedby staff +4 | |

|Age 6 or younger | | | |

|Age 7 to 12 years | |Sex offender treatment history while incarcerated: | |

|Age 13 to 15 years and the offender is more than five years older than| |No treatment recommended / Not enough time / No opportunity 0 | |

|the victim | |Treatment recommended and successfully |_____ |

|Age 16 or older | |completed or in program at time of release –1 | |

| | |Treatment recommended but offender refused, | |

|No age group or only one age group checked 0 |_____ |quit, or did not pursue 0 | |

|Two or more age groups checked +3 | |Treatment recommended but terminated +3 | |

| | | | |

|Offended against a 13- to 15-year-old victim and the offender was more| |Age of offender at time of release: | |

|than five years older than the victim at the time of the offense | |Age 30 or younger +1 | |

|(charged or convicted): | |Age 31 or older –1 | |

|No 0 | | | |

|Yes +2 | |Institutional/Dynamic Subtotal: | |

| | | | |

|Was the victim a stranger in any sex/sex-related offense (charged or | | |_____ |

|convicted)? | | | |

|No victims were strangers –1 | |TOTAL SCORE (static+dynamic): | |

|At least one victim was a stranger +3 | | | |

|Uncertain due to missing information 0 | | | |

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For the shaded items, self report can be used.

Translating MnSOST-R scores into Notification Levels: MnSOST-R score Notification Level

Up to and including 3 I

4-7 II

8 and above III


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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