What are the major responsibilities of the power supply in ...

Power Supply Worksheet

What are the major responsibilities of the power supply in a computer system?

a) Converts household power into power the computer can use.

b) Supplies power to every device in the system.

What is AC and where does it come from?

a) Alternating current, external power to the wall outlet

What is DC and what does it do?

a) Direct current that supplies power in a computer system to all devices.

What are the major roles of the power supply?

a) Stability - supply sufficient capacity to meet the demands of your computer to provide years of stable power for your PC.

b) Cooling: The power supply contains the main fan that controls the flow of air through the PC case.

c) Energy Efficiency: Newer PC power supplies work with your computer's components and software to reduce the amount of power they consume when idle.

d) Expandability: The capacity of your power supply is one factor that will determine your ability to add new drives to your system.

The power supply is responsible for ___28_____ % of computer problems and is _2_% of the computers expense.

What is household power?

a) The power that comes into your home

What is line noise and list two things that might cause line noise.

a) Line noise consists of small variations in the voltage level delivered to the computer.

b) Poor power quality and EMI (Electricalmagnetic Interference) motors, heavy machinery, radio transmitters, etc.)

What is a surge?

a) This is a temporary increase of voltage that can last just a few thousandths of a second, but in this time the voltage can increase from 110 to 1,000 volts or even higher.

What two items could be a conduit for a lightening strike?

a) power cord and telephone line

What is a brownout and how may it damage your computer?

a) When a brownout occurs, the voltage drops from its normal level to a lower voltage and then returns; in some ways, it's like the opposite of a surge. With a brownout the device continues to get power but at a reduced level, and some devices will malfunction rather than failing totally.

What is worse for a computer, a blackout or a brownout?

a) brownout

Not all power supplies are the same and may vary based on what?

a) their form factor or individual design

List the parts of the following power supply.


Can anyone work on a power supply? Why or why not?

a) Warning: Power supplies generate high voltages internally and can be dangerous. Unless you have been specifically trained to work inside power supplies, you should not open one. Even with the unit unplugged dangerous electricity can remain stored within its components for some time.

What are the two acceptable ranges of input voltage?

a) 85-135V AC & 170—270vAC

This is the most important specification listed on a power supply?

a) output signals or output rating in watts.

Why is a voltage selector manufactured on a power supply and what is the default setting?

a) Determines the amount of external power sent to the power supply. 110 is the default

What is the most important connector on the power supply and what does it do?

a) The motherboard connector because it supplies power to all other devices in the computer.

What are most power supply connector wires made of and what determines how much current the wire can carry?

a) Most wires are made of copper because of its conductivity. The thickness of the wire determines how much current they can carry.

The motherboard connector with two connectors are labeled _P8, P1__ and _P9, P2_.

21) What may happen if these two connectors are swapped?

a) The motherboard could be blown.

22) What other connectors are located on the power supply?

a) hard drive and floppy drive connectors.

Why is it not recommended to use a “Y” splitter to add to the functionality of the drive connectors on a power supply?

a) Incorrectly wired splitters may damage equipment, an additional source of failure, clutter inside the computer, and loss of power when sharing with multiple devices.

What is the primary purpose of the power supply fan?

a) To cool the entire PC.

What may increase the life of a power supply fan?

a) Placing computers in a dust free environment and proper cleaning the fan

What can happen if the power supply fan quits working?

a) This may cause overheating of the PC and its components could be damaged.









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