To: - Microsoft

|Name of | |

|Community Council: |Greenlaw and Hume Community Council |

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| |Date of meeting: December 2019 |

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| |Force Production |

| |Register No: |

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|Foreword: |Current Campaigns |

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| |Do you know what personal information you are giving away online? |

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| |A post of your new house, your current holiday, your new mountain bike and a map of your daily cycle route to and |

| |from your house tell a criminal your exact address, your house is empty and there is property worth stealing. |

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| |Have a review of your privacy settings, friends and followers on your apps. |

| |For more information on how to stay safe online visit the Police Scotland website :- |

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| |Local policing is central to what we do in Police Scotland. |

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| |We would like to know what issues you think we should prioritise, nationally and in your local area, as well as |

| |the best methods for us to communicate and engage with you. |

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| |Having your say is vital and telling us your opinions and highlighting what issues are important to you in your |

| |community will help us shape our priorities and the way we deliver. |

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| |Have your say at:- |

| |The survey will remain live until 31st December 2019. |

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| |#KeepXmasSafe |

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| |As the festive season kicks into full swing, we want to make sure you have a happy and safe Christmas - |

| |#KeepXmasSafe. |

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| |Keep an eye on our social media channels as over the next 5 weeks we’ll be sharing Christmas safety tips and |

| |advice to help you enjoy the festive period safely. |

|Ward Priorities |Mid Berwickshire MMW Plan. |

| |Following the most recent public consultation, the following priorities have been identified for Mid Berwickshire.|

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| |Road Safety |

| |Speeding motorists have been identified as an issue, particularly in built up areas. We will continue to take a |

| |robust stance against speeding by enhancing our enforcement activity and Community Officers will continue to pay |

| |attention to hotspot locations to prevent speeding and offer road safety awareness advice. |

| |Regular Road Checks have been carried out during the month targeting all Road Traffic Act offences including drink|

| |driving, driving without insurance and careless driving |

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| |04/11 – Report of a vehicle speeding. Driver traced by Police traffic officers and given suitable advice. |

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| |11/11 – Report of a drunk driver, who was traced by officers, arrested and charged |

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| |Inconsiderate Driver Behaviour |

| |Careless and inconsiderate driving was identified as a concern. We will continue to target drivers who do not |

| |heed warnings and advice provided by Officers. ASBO warnings will be issued to drivers and vehicles will be |

| |seized where appropriate. |

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| |09/11 – Report of a driver coming close to a person on horseback. Suitable advice provided to the driver and rider|

| |by the Police. |

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| |14/11 – Two vehicle collision on the A6105 towards Gordon. One driver was issued a fixed penalty notice for |

| |careless driving. |

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| |Antisocial Behaviour |

| |Youths gathering, rowdy behaviour and damaged property has been identified as having an impact on the community. |

| |We will continue to work closely with our partners to identify innovative solutions and make best use of |

| |antisocial behaviour legislation to reduce such incidents and we will continue our robust stance on such |

| |behaviour, challenging offenders and issuing fixed penalty tickets where appropriate. |

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| |No incidents |

|Other Incidents of |From 01/11/2019 to 30/11/2019, 14 police incidents were created in respect of the DU08 beat covering the Greenlaw |

|note/relevant Community |and Hume areas. |

|Council information. | |

| |09/10 – Report of hare coursing. Enquiries ongoing |

|Feedback from meeting: |Please e-mail any feedback to:- |

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| |Report prepared by PC Porter J974 |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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