Thursday Virtual Bible Study

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"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"

Philippians 4:13, KJV

The Antioch School of the Bible invites all members and visiting friends to our Virtual Thursday Night Bible Study, starting September 9th at 7:00pm. Join us as we learn what it means to live the Baptist faith by examining the various doctrines which define our faith in a setting of consistent Bible study.

We look forward to seeing you!

Please REGISTER for one of the classes below: (All Classes are for 18 and over)

Living the Baptist Faith: Baptist Beliefs and Distinctives (Articles of Faith) Course Description: This course delves into the enlightenment behind what Baptist believe and practice - B-Biblical Authority; A-Autonomy of the Local Church; P-Priesthood of the Believer; Two Ordinances; Individual Soul Liberty; Saved, Baptized Church Membership; Two Offices; Separation of Church and State. Text: See Instructor for More Information JOIN THE CLASS

Battlefield of the Mind Course Description: Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, and anger, are all attacks on the mind. Students will learn to deal with thousands of thoughts they may think every day and how to focus the mind the way God tells us in His Word. Text: Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer ? Available on Amazon and JOIN THE CLASS

Bible for Beginners ? Part 1: Old Testament Course Description: Students learn about the Old Testament chronologically through interactive activities scripture readings. Through this alternate approach to biblical study, students will learn about the prophets within the context of their historical events. Text: Bible Workbook Vol 1. Old Testament by Catherine B. Walker ? Available on Amazon and JOIN THE CLASS

Disciple 101 Course Description: Students will discuss Christ's methods in training his twelve disciples and discover a biblical pattern that emulates Christ's model for reaching the lost. Text: Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker by Bill Huff ? Available on Amazon and JOIN THE CLASS

Antioch Baptist Church North ? Rev. K. L. Alexander, Pastor


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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