MGD School,Jaipur

MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLCLASS –XIResource MaterialHornbillE-content such as YouTubeTopic : A Photograph (Poem)GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSRead the given lesson/poem from your reader online if you don’t have the book.Print the given worksheet, write your name and class on it and complete it by 30th April 2020.Paste the completed worksheet in your English notebook to be submitted when the school reopens.Worksheet 3A PhotographShirley Toulson ThemeThe poem, “A Photograph” is composed in blank verse. Its title is very appropriate as it reminds the poet of her mother. A photograph is something that captures a certain moment of someone’s life. The person might change in course of time but the memories attached with the photograph are eternal. In this poem, the poet’s mother is no more there but the photograph makes her memories come alive. The mother’s sweet face or her cousins’ being heavily dressed up for the beach have all changed with time but the moment captured in the photograph still gives happiness to the poet’s mother when she views it thirty to forty years later. The poet reminisces that the sea holiday was the past of her mother and for her the laughter of her mother is past now. Both the moments of life have been permanently etched in the poet’s mind with a feeling of eternal loss. Death now has overpowered the innocence of these moments and the pleasure they treasured. The poet concludes the poem on a melancholy note with the comment that there is nothing to say or comment upon this sad event. The silence of it seems to silence all the other thoughts.Literary DevicesAlliteration -?repetition of a consonant sound at the beginning of two or more consecutive words. The instances of alliteration in the poem are as follows-?Stood stillThrough theirMy mother’sTerribly transientSilence silences?Oxymoron -?a phrase which contradicts itselfLaboured easeTransferred?Epithet -?a description using an adjective which refers to a character or event but is used to describe a different situation or characterTransient feetAnswer the given questions in your 30 words each:1. What does the word ‘cardboard’ denote in the poem? Why has this word been used?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.2. The poet’s mother laughed at the snapshot. What did ‘this laugh’ indicate?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What is the meaning of the expression “Both wry with the laboured ease of loss.”__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. The three stanzas depict three different phases. What are they?MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -IIICLASS – XISUBJECT : BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -10 “ Cell Cycle and cell division ” from the NCERT book( Download the chapter from the link given below)The tutorial links are also given for the support. Links to be used:Download NCERT/CBSE Book: Class 11: Biology Ncertbooks.You tube videos –Shomu’s Biology the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . 4.Write your name , class and section on the top right side corner.5. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Yourname.Assignment-III :biology and attach it as a pdf document to biology11bmgd@6.The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. TOPIC : CELL CYCLE AND CELL DIVISIONPhases of Cell CycleQuiescent StageM PhaseStages of Mitosis and its significanceMeiotic Cell Division- Meiosis –I and Meiosis -IISignificance of MeiosisASSIGNMENT – IIISubject -Biology and Biotechnology Class -XI Sc A&BDate Of submission- 30th April,20Differentiate between animal cell and plant cell mitosis.What are homologous chromosomes ? What happens with homologous chromosomes during meiosis.Explain the various phases of Mitosis . Draw the diagrams and write 5 points for each phase.Explain the various phases of Meiosis . Draw the diagrams and write 5 points for each phase.MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT –3CLASS –XI SUBJECT : CHEMISTRYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1.Read the chapter -- BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY Topics: Percentage composition and stoichiometry and stoichiometry coefficients.Resource materiali. Extra marks the learning appii.. the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . 3.Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.4. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name ,Assignment-III :CHEM and attach it as a pdf document to mail id 5.The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. 6.First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section7.Submit your assignment on HYPERLINK "mailto:chem11amgd@" chem11amgd@ or chem11bmgd@ according to your sections.8.Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sectionASSIGNMENT 3Subject: -CHEMISTRY Class -XI Date of Submission-30th April, 2020.1. Which of the following statements about a compound is incorrect? (a) A molecule of a compound has atoms of different elements. (b) A compound cannot be separated into its constituent elements by physical methods of separation. (c) A compound retains the physical properties of its constituent elements. (d) The ratio of atoms of different elements in a compound is fixed.2. 20 g of CaCO3 on heating gave 8.8 g of CO2 and 11.2 g of CaO. This is in accordance with (a) The law of conservation of mass. (b) The law of constant composition. (c) The law of reciprocal proportion. (d) None of these 3. Which of the following is the best example of law of conservation of mass? (a) 12 g of carbon combines with 32 g of oxygen to form 44 g of CO2 (b) When 12 g of carbon is heated in a vacuum there is no change in mass (c) A sample of air increases in volume when heated at constant pressure but its mass remains unaltered (d) The weight of a piece of platinum is the same before and after heating in air 38. Which of the following statements is correct about the reaction given below ? 4. In one experiment, 4g of H2 combine with 32g of O2 to form 36g of H2O. In another experiment, when 50g of H2 combine with 400g of O2 then 450g of H2O is formed. Above two experiments follow (a) The law of conservation of mass (b) The law of constant composition (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b) 5. Irrespective of the source, pure sample, of water always yields 88.89% mass of oxygen and 11.11% mass of hydrogen. This is explained by the law of(a) conservation of mass (b) multiple proportion (c) constant composition (d) constant volume 6. Among the following pairs of compounds, the one that illustrates the law of multiple proportions is (a) NH3 and NCl3 (b) H2S and SO2 (c) CS2 and FeSO4 (d) CuO and Cu2O 7. The molecular weight of O2 and SO2 are 32 and 64 respectively. At 15°C and 150 mm Hg pressure, one litre of O2 contains ‘N’ molecules. The number of molecules in two litres of SO2 under the same conditions of temperature and pressure will be : (a) N/2 (b) 1N (c) 2N (d) 4N8. 10 mL of 2(M) NaOH solution is added to 200 mL of 0.5 (M) of NaOH solution. What is the final concentration? (a) 0.57 (M) (b) 5.7 (M) (c) 11.4 (M) (d) 1.14 (M)9. The increasing order of molarity with 25 gm each of NaOH, LiOH, Al(OH)3, KOH, B(OH)3 in same volume of water? (a) Al(OH)3 < B(OH)3 < KOH < NaOH < LiOH (b) LiOH < NaOH < KOH < B(OH)3 < Al(OH)3 (c) LiOH < NaOH < B(OH)3 < KOH < Al(OH)3 (d) NaOH < LiOH < B(OH)3 < Al(OH)3 < KOH10. Which of the following option represents correct limiting reagents in reactions (i), (ii) and (iii) respectively (i) C + O 2 ------ CO2 (26g) (20g) (ii) N 2 + 3H2 ----- 2NH3 (60g) (80g) (a) C, N2, (b) C, H2, (c) O 2 , H2 (d) O2, N2, -----------------------------------------------x----------------------------------------------M.G.D. GIRLS' SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XISUBJECT : PHYSICSGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Read the chapter -Units and Measurements (Topic:Dimensional formulae ,dimensional Equations and errors) from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below) The or are also given for the support.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name ,Assignment- III : Physics and attach it as a pdf document to mail id The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to the class and sectionStudents of class 11A will send their completed worksheet of science to physics11amgd@ whereas students of class 11 B will send their completed worksheet to physics11bmgd@ Students may send their queries related to the topic at the above email id of their class. WORKSHEET 3Subject: -PhysicsClass -XIDate of Submission : 30/ April / 20201 The density of a material is 0.8g/cm?. Its value in SI Unit is___________ .2. Dimension of Gravitational constant ‘G’ is: a) M --1L 3T --2 b) M --2L 3T --2 c) M --1L 2T --2 d) M --1L 3T –13 The respective number of significant figures for the numbers 23.023, 0.0003 and 2.1 x 10 –3 are: a) 4, 4, 2 b) 5, 1, 2 c) 5, 1, 5 d) 5, 5, 24 Precision of measurement depends on : a) least count of measuring instrument b) temperature of the surroundings c) carefulness of observer d) all of the above5.Do AU and A? represent the same unit of length?6. When y = x 4, what is the relative error in y?7. A potential difference of V= (20 ±1)volt is applied across a resistance of (8.0± 2)Ω Calculate the current with error limits.8. The VanderWall’s equation for a gas is (P+ a/V 2 )(V- b) = RT. Determine the dimension of a and b where,P is pressure, V is volume, T is temperature, n,a,b,R are constant9.The velocity ‘v’ of water waves depends on the wavelength ‘λ’,density of water ‘ρ’ and the acceleration due to gravity ‘g’. Deduce by the method of dimensions the relationship between these quantities.10.Explain the different types of errors. 11. Find the dimensional formula of resistance 'R'. 12. Name the physical quantities whose dimensional formulae are as follows: a) ML2T --2 b) ML 2T --3 c) ML --1T –2 ______________________________________________________________________________ Links for reference : MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS XISUBJECT: COMPUTER SCIENCEGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:- Read Chapter 1: Computer System from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the links given below)1. 2. . 3. Shared on Whatsapp group.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as YourName, Assignment 3 : Computer Science and attach it as a pdf document and mail on the following mail id compsciXImgd@The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. WORKSHEET 3Subject: -Comp SciClass -XIDate of Submission:--30/04/2020Name the software required to make a computer functional. Write down its two primary services. How does the computer understand a program written in high level language? Why is the execution time of the machine code less than that of source code? What is the need of RAM? How does it differ from ROM? What is the need for secondary memory? How do different components of the computer communicate with each other?Draw the block diagram of a computer system. Briefly write about the functionality of each component. What is the primary role of system bus? Why data bus is is bidirectional while address bus is unidirectional? Differentiate between proprietary software and freeware software. Name two software for each type. Name the input or output device used to do the following: a) To output audio. b) To enter textual data.c) To make hard copy of a text file. d) To display the data or information. e) To enter audio-based command. f) To build 3D models.MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XISUBJECT : INFORMATICS PRACTICESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Read the chapter - from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the class group)Chapter 7Also, access extramarks .com for Support. 2. Do the given assignment in the practical record(Hard Bound- both sides lined, well-indexed) or any sheet of paper .Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as YourName ,Assignment-III : IP and attach it as a pdf document to ip11mgd@ The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section.Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sectionWORKSHEET:3Subject: - Informatics PracticesClass -XIDate of Submission - 30/04/2020AExplain the following terms using suitable example-DataRDBMSRelationCardinalityDegreeData AbstractionData ConsistencyData RedundancyBGive any 3 drawbacks of Manual Record keeping System with a live scenario as example.CWhat is Mysql? How and where is it useful?DWhat do you mean by DDL? List the various DDL statements you have studied so far.MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT –3CLASS- XISUBJECT : HOME SCIENCEGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Read the chapter – Nutrition , Health And Well-Being from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below)https;//ncert-books/ Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper. Writer your Name , Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as your Name , Assignment-3 Subject and attach it as a pdf document to mail Id –homescience11mgd@The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020.First students must download the worksheet , attempt it and send to email id mentioned in the worksheetStudents may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their subject and class. WORKSHEET -3 Subject- HOME SCIENCE Class-XI Date Of Submission -30/04/2020 Q1. What does DPT, OPV, BCC, MMR stand for ? Q2. What do you mean by supplementary food ? Q3.”Colostrum is particularly beneficial for infants.”Explain the statement. Q4.What do you understand by immunisation ?Q5.List the circumstances in which a mother should not feed her baby.Q6. Write a short note on nutritional problems during infancy. Q7. Write any three important aspects to be taken into account while planning diets for pre-schoolersQ8 Why is breakfast important for school going children ?Q9. “Childhood obesity is on the increase.”Q10. Write the benefits of breast feeding. _____________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT – 3CLASS – XISUBJECT : ACCOUNTANCYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter 3 – THEORY BASE OF ACCOUNTING, from the NCERT book. (The link is shared and notes will be shared in the whats app group )Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as YourName ,Assignment-3 : subject and attach it as a pdf document to acc11cmgd@ or acc11emgd@ The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and sectionStudents may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & section.WORKSHEET - 3Subject: - AccountancyClass -XIDate of Submission-30th APRIL,2020Q1. Explain the following Accounting Principles:Accounting Entity.Money Measurement Accounting PeriodPrudence Historical CostDual Aspect Matching Full DisclosureQ2. Explain the Meaning and features of Accounting Principle.Q3. What are Accounting Standard ?Explain its objectives .____________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XISUBJECT-BUSINESS STUDIESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter 1 Nature & Purpose of Business from the NCERT BOOK you can download the chapter from the given link Refer to the following video links for better understanding of the concepts: this assignment in a separate notes register.Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name, Assignment- 3 : subject and attach it as a pdf document to mail id The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email id: bst11mgd@ WORKSHEET-3Subject- Business studiesClass-XI NATURE & PURPOSE OF BUSINESS Date of submission- 30th April,2020 MARK THE STATEMENTS AS TRUE OR FALSE:Risk can be minimized but cannot be eliminated. Greater the risk involved in a business, higher is the chances of profit. Human causes include such unexpected events like flood, famine, earthquake etc. Economic activities are those by which we can earn our livelihood. If goods are produced even for personal consumption, it can be called a business activityChartered Accountancy is a Profession Membership of a professional body and certificate of practice is called employment.Auxiliaries are integral part of Commerce in particular and business activities in general.Industry may be divided into broad categories namely analytical synthetical and processing industry rade is buying and selling of goods and services. Transport is removing hindrance of PLETE THE SENTENCES WITH APPROPRIATE WORDS:Auxiliaries to trade are helpful in the removal of ……………… in the process of exchange. Business risks can be covered with the help of ………………….. service of trade. The auxiliary to trade which provides vital information about goods and services to customers is called ……………….Obligation of business firm to contribute resource for solving social problem and work in a desirable manner is called……………………..Business risks refers to the possibility of inadequate profits or even losses due to…………. or unexpected events. Which primary industry is highlighted in the picture.Which aids to trade is shown in the picture Which cause of business risk is highlighted herewhich business requirement is met by the organisation shown in the picturewhich objective of business is highlighted in the image.SEND YOUR SUBMISSIONS AT bst11mgd@MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - IIICLASS - XISUBJECT:ENTREPRENEURSHIP GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Read the chapter -1 “Entrepreneurship-Concepts and Functions” from the CBSE book (Download the chapter from :—> ePub >-ab-cbse-book-5The tutorial links/other links are also given for the support:- Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name, Assignment-3: Entrepreneurship and attach it as a pdf document to class11epmgd@.The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email id mentioned above.Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id. WORKSHEET 3Subject:Entrepreneurship Class:XIDate of Submission: 30/04/2020 A) Match the items with their correct answers:1. Identify the various sources of Idea fields.i. Opening of a water plant a. service sector ideasii. E-commerce b. creative effortsiii. Career counselling centers c. natural resourcesiiii. Improve an existing product/service d. trading related ideas 2. Identify the steps involved in idea and opportunity assessment.i. Obtain a concept of the product or service suggested by one idea a. costii. Helpful in deciding sale price. b. competitioniii. Assessed through study of trends in demand and supply. c. product identificationiiii. Crucial test for product or service identification depending on use. d. level of operation3. What trends can be spotted through the following sources.i. Leading industry publications, websites, trade association sites. a. think trendsii. Social networking websites/forums and starting or joining groups. b. talk trendsiii. Making connections and observations. c. read trends4. Identify the factors which should be kept in mind while assessing the market.i. Study of prevailing innovations and changes carried out a. project innovation andby entrepreneurs. Changeii. Complete picture of quantities of the product available b. demandin the market by existing players. iii. Based on the size of market being targeted. c. supply and competition5. Match the meaning of the following steps in the process of creativity.i. Seeding stage a. incubationii. Subconscious assimilation of information b. verificationiii. Testing stage c. idea germination “B) Complete your” CASE STUDY” ASSIGNMENT and submit along with this worksheet by 30th April 2020.CLASS: XI SUB: ECONOMICS PART-1 (STATISTICS)SOURCE: NCERT and the content provided belowTOPIC: Ch-1 What is Economics Ch-2 Introduction – Meaning and Scope INSTRUCTIONSDetails on this chapter can be searched on , Diksha App by CBSE, epathshala.nic.inKindly go through the given content in PDF 1 & 2. Answer the following questions, complete the given worksheet in your register by 30th April’ 2020.Answers can be sent on eco11mgd@1. Define the following terms: Production, consumption, distribution and exchange. 2. State economic and non- economic goods.3. Write three differences between economic and non-economic activities 4. Write the definitions given by different economists: (A) Wealth definition- - Adam Smith. (B) Material welfare definition - Alfred Marshall (C) Scarcity definition—Lionel Robbins (D) Growth definition—Paul A.Samuelson 5. Write two differences between positive and normative science. 6. Differentiate between micro economics and macroeconomics.7. What is statistics?8. Define qualitative and quantitative data.9. State the features of statistics in plural sense.10. Mention the different stages of statistics in singular sense with their respective methods. 11. Explain any four functions of statistics. 12. How statistics is important for economics and government? Explain in brief.MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL JAIPURHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -3CLASS - XISUBJECT - MATHEMATICS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1. Read the chapter - Linear Inequalities from NCERT book ( Download the chapter from the given link below) . Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.3.Write your Name ,Class and Section on the top right side corner.4.Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name Assignment -3: Mathematics and attach it as a pdf document to mail id5. The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April 20206. First student must download the worksheet, attempt it and send maths11mgd@ (Nidhi)7. Students may send their queries related to the topic at the e mail id. WORKSHEET -3 Subject- Mathematics Class- XI Date of submission -30/4/20201. Solve the following system of inequalities graphically. Also find the corner points(vertices) of the polygon so obtained.(i) x ≤ 4 , y ≤3 , x+y ≤5 , 4x+y ≥4 , y ≥0 (ii) 2x+3y ≥36 , x ≥3 , y ≥2(iii) 4x+3y ≤60 , 2x-y ≤0 , x ≥3 , x,y ≥0 (iv) x+4y ≤4 , 2x+3y ≤6 , x,y ≥0(v) x+y ≥1 , x ≤5 , y ≤4 , 2x+3y ≤12 , x,y ≥0 (vi) x+y ≤5 , 4x+y ≥4 , x+5y ≥5 , x ≤4 , y ≤3(vii) 3x+2y ≤24 , x+2y ≤16 , x+y ≤10 , x,y ≥02. Solve the following system of inequations and show the solutions using number line.(i)x+2 >0 , 3x-8 <1Ans. (-2,3) (ii)x+2 ≤5 , 3x-4 > -2+x Ans. (1,3] (iii)2x+1<x+5 , 3x+2>2-xAns. (-1, 3)(iv)-2- x4 ≤1+x3 , 3-x <4(x-3)Ans. (3,∞)(v)52x-7- 32x+3≤0 , 2x+19 ≤6x+47Ans. [-7,11](vi)22x+3- 10 <6x-2 , 2x - 34+ 6 >2+4x3Ans. { }MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XI SUBJECT : HISTORYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Read the chapter -From The Beginning of Time from the NCERT book. 2. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . 3.Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. 4. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name ,Assignment- I : History and attach it as a pdf document to hist11mgd@ 5.The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. 6.Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class. WORKSHEET 3Subject: -HISTORY Class –XI Date of Submission 30/04/2020Answer the following questions:Explain the terms:FossilsHominoidsForagingScavengingExplain the positive feedback mechanism.Throw light on the process of tool making by early humans.Prove with examples that the language was closely connected with art. MGD GIRLS’SCHOOL,JAIPUR HOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3 CLASS – XI SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1.Read the chapter Number 5.-Minerals and Rocks Link- outs Posted on the Geography Group 2.Do the worksheet in your geography note book. 3.Write the answers in points and explain the points. 4.Answers can be explained with the help of flow chart. 5.Write your Name,Class,and Section on the top right Side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. 6.The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. 7.First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to Rashmi11geo@________________________________________________________________________________Worksheet-3Subject: GEOGRAPHY Class-XI Date of Submission 30/04/20201.What are Rocks?2.Name the three major classes of rocks.3.What is an igneous rock? Describe the method of formation and characteristics of Igneous rocks.4.What are sedimentary rocks? Describe the mode of formation of sedimentary rocks.5.What are metamorphic rocks? Describe the types of metamorphic rock and how are they formed.6.What are minerals? Explain any three minerals and write their characteristics.7.Differentiate between Igneous and Metamorphic rocks.8.Differentiate between Metallic and Non Metallic Minerals.9.With the help of neat and labelled diagram explain rock cycle.10.Why are minerals important for us?________________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -3CLASS –XISUBJECT: POLITICAL SCIENCEGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -10-The philosophy of the constitution from the NCERT book the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name ,Assignment-3 : subject and attach it as a pdf document to mail id The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. Students may send their queries related to the topic at polsc11mgd@WORKSHEET 3Subject: -POLITICAL SCIENCE Class -XIDate of Submission-30/4/20 1.From every page of the lesson make at least 2 to 5 fill ups.Take help from the learning outcomes of the lesson mentioned below:-Why is it important to study the philosophy of the ConstitutionWhat are the core features of the Indian constitutionWhat are the criticisms of this constitution What are the limitations of this Constitution ___________________________________________________________M.G.D. GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS - XISUBJECT: SOCIOLOGYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter - Terms, Concepts and their use in Sociology from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below)Chapter 2 from Introducing Sociology The Notes for Chapter II are also given for the support.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name, Assignment -3 : Sociology and attach it as a pdf document to sociology11mgd@ The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send it to the email ID mentioned in the worksheet.Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email ID.WORKSHEET 3Subject: - SOCIOLOGY Class -XIDate of Submission - 30/04/2020Answer the following questions:The people collected at a place at the same time are said to belong to a ………….group.The subject matter of sociology is different from other disciplines. Yes/NoGive one example each for- ( in context of the scope of Sociology)i. Person to person interaction-. ......................................... .ii. National issue- .............................................................. .iii. International issue- .............................................................. .The modern world is characterized by ascribed/ achieved status.A man is seen as a breadwinner and a woman is seen as a homemaker is an example of role………………………………. .Human beings have/ do not have free will.A smile or a wink is an example of…………….. control.What do you understand by role conflict? Explain with an example.What are the means of production in a capitalist society?Differentiate between norms and law.______________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XISUBJECT : PSYCHOLOGYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -1) Introduction to Psychology/Branches of Psychology from the NCERT book.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as YourName ,Assignment-3 : subject and attach it as a pdf document to mail id The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email id mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and sectionStudents may send their queries related to the topic at psychology11mgd@WORKSHEET 3Subject: -PSYCHOLOGYClass -XIDate of Submission-30/04/2020Draw a neat flow chart of various schools of psychology and explain its conceptsWhat are the various branches of Psychology? Explain with its scope in the present timeRead chapter 1______________________________________________________________________________Stay safe and stay at home MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT-3 CLASS-XI SUBJECT – PHYSICAL EDUCATION“THE MORE DIFFICULT THE VICTORY, THE GREATER THE HAPPINESS IN WINNING” -PELEGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS; RESOURCE MATERIAL-*Any physical education reference book (Ratna Sagar) which you can easily get.*Download syllabus for physical education XI from the website CBSE.nic.inUNIT-3: PHYSICAL FITNESS, WELLNESS AND LIFESTYLE*Meaning and importance of Physical Fitness, Wellness and lifestyle*Components of Physical Fitness and Wellness*Components of Health related fitnes-Students can contact for any queries or doubts through email- pe11mgd@ or dr.monikamathur9@-You are allowed to submit you worksheet through email-Submission date-30th AprilWORKSHEET-IIISUBJECT-PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS-XINote: Read Unit-III before attempting the worksheet.1. What do you mean by physical fitness?2. Define strength.3. Differentiate between muscle strength and muscle endurance.4. Briefly explain the coordinative abilities.5. Explain the components of wellness.6. Why is a positive and healthy lifestyle important? Discuss in detail.7. What do you understand by the term “flexibility”? Discuss its types in detail.8. What are the different types of exercises that can be done to prevent various health threats?9. What are the components of health exercises related fitness? Explain each of them briefly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?????? ????? ?????-XI ????- ????? ??? ???:- ?????????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? 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