Absolutism Webquest - Quia

To the citizens



Our small European country of WesternCivLand is seeking the leadership and guidance of a dynamic leader. After the Reformation and the weakening of the power of the Roman Catholic Church, WesternCivLand declared its independence and created a sovereign nation. You are a member of a small group who is going to appoint a new monarch.

Your mission is to find the best ruler to claim the throne of WesternCivLand and lead our country to greatness!

You have narrowed your list of potential applicants to the following leaders:

|Ferdinand & Isabella (Spain) |Oliver Cromwell (England) |

|Phillip II (Spain) |Henry VIII (England) |

|Henry IV (France) |Elizabeth I (England) |

|Cardinal Richelieu (France) |Charles I (England) |

|Louis XIV (France) |Ivan the Terrible (Russia) |

|Maria Theresa (Austria) |Peter the Great (Russia) |

|Frederick the Great (Prussia) |Catherine the Great (Russia) |

You are currently waiting to receive their FACEBOOK pages and interview answers so that you can choose the monarch that best fits the needs of our country.

The future of WesternCivLand depends on you!


But before we do all of this, we need to find some information about each of our possible candidates. Each student will be assigned a different leader from the Age of Absolutism to research. The information we collect will be reorganized into the format of a MOCK FACEBOOK PAGE.

Submit your monarch’s FACEBOOK page!

Each student will be assigned one monarch and must

i. Research that monarch using at least the following six sources

presented in a annotated bibliography format

1. Print source – your textbook

2. Print source – book in library OR Print source – reference book in library

3. Electronic source – school database – Encyclopedia Brittanica

4. Student choice

ii. Create a mock FACEBOOK PAGE for that monarch including:

1. Name, contact information (nationality/address)

2. Objective statement (What your leader hopes to accomplish as a leader of this new nation)

3. Information – background information about your candidate (date of birth/death, country, dates of reign, parents, spouse, children, etc.)

4. Education / training (schools, military, religious, etc.)

5. Work/Job Experience (positions of authority held/jobs)

6. Accomplishments (Things your leader wants to stress in order to get hired. Make sure to list specific events and actions.)

7. Failures (Things that might hurt your candidate. Note – this would not typically be stressed, but you might want to “spin” the failure to word it in a favorable way.)

8. References (List the names and titles of at least two people that could be contacted about your leader’s ability to lead.)

9. Don’t forget another FACEBOOK favorites - picture, Friends, Network and Wall!!!

iii. Be prepared to answer interview questions from the class such as

1. Why would your candidate be a good leader for WesternCivLand?

2. What specific experience does your candidate have as a leader?

3. What accomplishments has your leader had?

4. How would your leader run the government?

My Monarch is: _________________________________________________

Due Date (annotated bibliography & facebook page): ___________________

Please have extra copies of your facebook page for everyone in the class!


Annotation – Notes about information for project, possibly a quote you can use and/or a key point that helps you, also add a statement as to whether the source was useful in your research.

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Citation for this source in MLA format

Use the citation maker found on our library web page.

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Annotation – Notes about information for project, possibly a quote you can use and/or a key point that helps you, also add a statement as to whether the source was useful in your research.

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Citation for this source in MLA format

Use the citation maker found on our library web page.

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Go to our library web page. Click on “DATA BASES”. Click on “ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANNICA”.

USE THE PASSWORD: “________________________”

Annotation – Notes about information for project, possibly a quote you can use and/or a key point that helps you, also add a statement as to whether the source was useful in your research.

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Citation for this source in MLA format

Use the citation maker found on our library web page.

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4. ELECTRONIC SOURCE – STUDENT SELECTED INTERNET SOURCE (you may use the sources found on my web page or one of your own choosing)

Annotation – Notes about information for project, possibly a quote you can use and/or a key point that helps you, also add a statement as to whether the source was useful in your research.

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Citation for this source in MLA format

Use the citation maker found on our library web page.

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Review Facebook Pages and Interview Questions

|Monarchs |What I like about this candidate from Facebook Page |What I don’t like about this candidate from Facebook Page|

| |and/or Interview |and/or Interview |

|Ferdinand & Isabella | | |

|(Spain) | | |

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|Phillip II | | |

|(Spain) | | |

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|Henry IV | | |

|(France) | | |

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|Louis XIV | | |

|(France) | | |

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|Cardinal Richelieu | | |

|(France) | | |

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|Maria Theresa | | |

|(Austria) | | |

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|Frederick the Great | | |

|(Prussia) | | |

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|Oliver Cromwell | | |

|(England) | | |

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|Henry VIII | | |

|(England) | | |

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|Elizabeth I | | |

|(England) | | |

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|Charles I | | |

|(England) | | |

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|Ivan the Terrible (Russia) | | |

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|Peter the Great (Russia) | | |

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|Catherine the Great | | |

|(Russia) | | |

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WC Per. __


Grading Rubric for

Research & Annotated Bibliography,

Facebook & Interview

|RESUME | | |

|Element |Student Score |Teacher Score |

|1. Research & Annotated Bibliography (50 points) |great |great |

|* Student gathers information from at least the required six sources |very good |very good |

|* Student takes detailed notes from each source, including information for project, possibly a |good |good |

|quote and/or a key point, also a statement as to whether the source was useful |okay |okay |

|* Sources are in correct MLA format. |weak |weak |

| |not done |not done |

|2. Facebook Page (30 points) | | |

|* Facebook Page is detailed, thorough and demonstrates the student’s knowledge of the leader | | |

|* Facebook Page has all required elements – name, objective statement, background information, | | |

|education, experience, accomplishments, failures, references, and other Facebook favorites |great |great |

|* Facebook Page is effective at promoting the leader as the best monarch for WesternCivLand |very good |very good |

|* Facebook Page is typed, formatted in a visually appealing manner, and free from mechanical |good |good |

|errors (grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc.) |okay |okay |

| |weak |weak |

| |not done |not done |

|3. Answers to Interview Questions (10 points) |great |great |

|* Answers demonstrate student’s knowledge of the leader |very good |very good |

|* Answers are effective at promoting the leader |good |good |

| |okay |okay |

| |weak |weak |

| |not done |not done |

|4. Hire Sheet (10 points) |great |great |

|* Detailed notes |very good |very good |

| |good |good |

| |okay |okay |

| |weak |weak |

| |not done |not done |

TOTAL GRADE FOR PROJECT …………. ________ / 100

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|Friends | | |

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| Name Name Name | | |

| | |Education |

|Networks: | | |

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|Wall | |Accomplishments |

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|References | |Failures |

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Who would you hire?

Age of Absolutism

Age of Absolutism



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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