Outline of Coaching, PE/Wellness/Leisure .us

Outline of Coaching, PE/Wellness/Leisure

Licensure Numbers


|Licensure # |Status of Licensure # |Eligibility for Employment |

|082, 083 |Old license numbers which are no longer issued |Teacher is licensed in PE only, but coaching was embedded in the program of study at the college/university and |

| | |therefore eligible to teach PE and Coach |

|227, 228 * |Issued from 2002 – 2006 |Teacher is licensed in PE/ Wellness/Leisure and will be allowed to Coach. |

| | |Teacher is being licensed via reciprocity for PE and is eligible to coach if evidence of eligibility to coach in |

| |Will only be used for Reciprocity beginning May 2007 |that state or out of state coaching experience. |

|235, 236 |New license number beginning May 2007 |Teachers will be licensed in PE/ Wellness/Leisure only. This licensure does NOT make the teacher eligible to |

| |Will also be used for reciprocity beginning May 2007 |coach. |

| | |Teacher is being licensed via reciprocity for PE and will not receive the coaching endorsement unless coaching is |

| | |reflected on their out of state license. |

|293 |Coaching Endorsement |Teachers licensed in any area, who complete the program of study for the coaching endorsement, may apply through |

| | |their college/university to have the coaching endorsement added to their license. |

|* If teacher licensed with 227 or 228 has already completed the program of study and the appropriate Praxis exam for the coaching endorsement then he/she should apply through the college/university to have the |

|coaching endorsement added to the current license. (Teachers coaching with this license who have not completed a program of study and appropriate Praxis exam for the coaching endorsement are encouraged to do so.) |


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