Proposal Project Management System (PPMS)

CropPestBrassicas (broccoli, cabbage)Imported cabbageworm, Diamondback moth, Cabbage looper, Caterpillars, Cabbage root maggot, Alternaria, Black rot, Flea beetleBeet and Swiss chardCercospora and leaf minerBlueberriesSpotted wing drosophilaCucurbits (cucumbers, summer and winter squash)Weeds, Striped cucumber beetles, Multiple diseasesOnionPurple blotch, thrips, Leek mothPepperEuropean corn borerPotatoPotato leaf hopper, Colorado potato beetle, Multiple diseases RaspberryPotato leaf hopper, Spotted wing drosophilaStrawberryTarnished plant bugSweet cornEuropean corn borer, Corn ear worm, Fall armywormTomatoHornworm, Multiple diseases, Early blight, Late blightTable 1: Crops and pests prioritized by farmers and scouted as part of the ‘New England Fruit and Vegetable Pest Scouting Network’ Table 2: Locations of Field Walks and farms scouted in 2014 and 2015 for the ‘New England Fruit and Vegetable Scouting Network’DateLocationAttendeesCrops scoutedJuly 2nd, 2014Amherst, MA12Brassicas, Cucurbits, PotatoJuly 9th, 2014Saunderstown, RI25Brassicas, CucumberAugust 14th, 2014Putney, VT12Onion, Cucurbits, TomatoAugust 22nd, 2014Orange, MA30Raspberry, Winter Squash, BrassicasMultiple 2014-2015Pelham, MA36Raspberry, Brassicas, Summer Squash, Celery, Tomato, BeanJuly 1st, 2015South Kingstown, RI12Brassicas, Beans, Summer SquashJuly 22nd, 2015Waltham, MA8Raspberry, Winter SquashJuly 24th, 2015Athol, MA23Tomato, Potato, Brassicas, CucurbitsJuly 27th, 2015Amherst, MA19Summer Squash, Cucumbers, OnionsAugust 5th, 2015Amherst, MA13CucurbitsAugust 25th, 2015South Royalton, VT11Cucurbits, Tomato, OnionTotals11 locations201 people12 cropsFigure 1a Knowledge gains of Field Walk attendees in 2014 and 2015 and Figure 1b Intended implementation of practices by Field Walk attendees in 2014 and 2015 of the ‘New England Fruit and Vegetable Pest Scouting Network’.Scout Name1661795-498475Appendix 1. Sample Scouting Report00Appendix 1. Sample Scouting ReportKatieKatieScouting Date6/6/20146/6/2014TownOrangeOrangeStateMAMAFarm NameFarm SchoolFarm SchoolFarmer NameTyson Neukirch and Carlen RigrodTyson Neukirch and Carlen RigrodField NameFlat FieldFlat FieldCrop type or familybrassicabrassicaCropcabbagecabbageCultivar/sMurdock, Farrao, Super Red 80,Murdock, Farrao, Super Red 80,Pest Type (Insect, disease, vertebrate, abiotic, don't know)insectinsectPestcabbage root maggotimported cabbagewormObservationsMurdock:2 eggs, 2 maggots, 3 root damage out of 10 plants scouted.Farao: 2 eggs, 0 maggots, 3 root damage out of 10 plants scoutedSuper Red 80: 6 eggs, 0 maggots, no root damage out of 10 plants scouted.Caraflex: 12 eggs, 0 maggots no root damage out of 10 plants.Control: 6 eggs, 6 maggots, 6 root damage out of 10 plants.3 ICW found on one Caraflex.RecommendationsTreatments 3 and 4 receiving Entrust about 5 days after peak adult flight (just as maggots were emerging) have the least root damage. However, pressure was low overall and cabbage looks great. The first generation flight for CRM is over in your area… No need to worry until Fall rooting brassica season! Remove row cover from Murdock and cultivate.Scout for singly laid eggs on the underside of leaves or caterpillars that are gray-green, slightly fuzzy, and sluggish. Grows to > 1 inch and favors the center of the head as it gets larger.Scout NameKatieKatieScouting Date6/6/20146/6/2014TownOrangeOrangeStateMAMAFarm NameFarm SchoolFarm SchoolFarmer NameTyson Neukirch and Carlen RigrodTyson Neukirch and Carlen RigrodField NameNorth OrangeNorth OrangeCrop type or familyalliumalliumCroponiononionCultivar/sLeeksLeeksPest Type (Insect, disease, vertebrate, abiotic, don't know)insectinsectPestthripsonion root maggotObservations14960603600450022352011874500Onions average 5-7 leaf stage. Thrips found well below threshold nymphs and adults.GDD Base 40 for 6/5/14 is 809 at the Orange Municipal Airport. You are past peak flight for this pest, so the majority of eggs have been laid. Most of the damage from maggots should be occurring now. We found 3 maggots out of a total 120 plants randomly scouted by students! This is well below threshold of one maggot per plant.RecommendationsContinue scouting weekly until you reach the threshold of 1-3 thrips/leaf. Use Entrust at threshold with an adjuvant such as NuFilm. Make application near the evening to target night feeding of thrips. Katie will bring more scouting sheets next time.If soils remain cool and wet, continue to watch for maggot damage.Scout NameKatieScouting Date6/6/2014TownOrangeStateMAFarm NameFarm SchoolFarmer NameTyson Neukirch and Carlen RigrodField NameFlat FieldCrop type or familychenopodeaciaCropswiss chardCultivar/sRainbowPest Type (Insect, disease, vertebrate, abiotic, don't know)insectPestleaf minerObservationsMany eggs and some leaf tunneling seen. (see image)RecommendationsNo threshold in the New England Veg Guide, however, an application of 2-3 oz /acre of Entrust with an adjuvant is recommended. 1 day to harvest in Swiss Chard.4000086-119270Appendix 2. Allium Pest ID and Scouting Sheet00Appendix 2. Allium Pest ID and Scouting Sheet Scouting Guide for IPM Field Walk, High Meadows Farm, August 14, 2014MAJOR INSECT PESTS OF ONION34956751530350A N. Sparks, Jr.020000A N. Sparks, Jr.46101001524635S.Scheufele, UMass020000S.Scheufele, UMass4318635325755003514725-31750057912001520825R.Hazzard, UMass020000R.Hazzard, UMassright-317500Thrips (Thrips tabaci) are tiny insects that range in color from yellow to black and are only 1/16” in length. They spend the winter as adults in crop remnants, alfalfa, wheat, greenhouses and weeds along the border of crop fields. Adults lay eggs singly, nymphs feed on leaves, and pupation occurs in the soil. There are at least two generations per year in the Northeast. Thrips have rasping mouth parts which they use to tear open plant cells to feed on plant juices. Populations are favored by hot, dry weather. Heavy rain or overhead irrigation can lower populations. In onions feeding occurs in protected, succulent areas where new leaves are emerging, deep between the leaf blades. Damage may appear as silver lines, white patches, tip dieback, curling and twisting of leaves, slowed growth, reduced bulb size and yields, or if severe enough can result in plant death. Plants are most sensitive when bulbs are forming. Thrips damage can increase occurrence of purple blotch (Alternaria porri), as fungus can penetrate the plant through wounds caused by feeding.58521601343660M. Klepack, UVM020000M. Klepack, UVM48387001378585M. Klepack, UVM020000M. Klepack, UVM239395030543500right27305000Leek Moth (Acrolepiopsis assectella Zeller) adults are small, reddish-brown with a white triangular mark on the middle of the folded wings. The hindwings of the moth are heavily fringed and are pale to dark grey. Eggs are iridescent white, 0.4 mm in diameter and difficult to detect. Larvae are yellowish-green with a pale brown head capsule and eight small grey spots on each abdominal segment.?At maturity, larvae reach 13-14 mm in length. The reddish brown pupa is encased in a loosely netted cocoon. Most cocoons are found on host plants. Leek moth is a pest in Ontario, Quebec, New York, and Northern Vermont but not yet in other parts of the northeast. ?Larvae can cause extensive damage by tunneling mines and feeding on leaf tissue and occasionally on bulbs. On alliums with flat leaves, including leeks and garlic, larvae feed on top of and inside the leaf material. They bore through folded leaves towards the center of the plant, causing a series of pinholes on the inner leaves. Larval mines in the central leaves become longitudinal grooves in the mature plant. Leek moth larvae enter hollow leaves, such as those of onions and chives, to feed internally, creating translucent "windows" on the plant surface. Affected plants may appear distorted and are more susceptible to plant pathogens. In general, damage is more prevalent near field perimeters.44570651326515D.Ferro, UMass020000D.Ferro, UMassright1397000Onion Maggot flies spend the winter as small brown pupae in the soil. Adults emerge in spring?and can travel considerable distances in search of host plants (1/2 to 1 mile). ?Female flies seek out?their host crop to lay eggs at the base of the stem. Cool, moist soil conditions favor survival of the eggs, and soil temperatures?over 95 F kill them. When the soil temperatures in the upper ? to 1 inch are high (>100 degrees F) that soil temperature?itself then provides control.?There are three generations each year. ??Emergence of this pest is similar to cabbage root maggot which coincides with blooming of the common roadside weed, yellow rocket. When eggs hatch, larvae feed on roots and can cause complete destruction of the root system. In onions, newly hatched larvae crawl behind the leaf sheath and enter the bulb, and feed on the roots, stem, and developing?bulb. Feeding damage also encourages entry of soft rot pathogens.MAJOR DISEASES OF ONION52165251524000Botrytis Leaf Blight (Botrytis squamosal) overwinters in onion cull piles, on onion leaf debris, or as sclerotia (survival structures) in the soil. The pathogen sporulates and conidia (spores) are spread by wind; if there is sufficient leaf wetness and moderate temperatures (72-75? F) infection occurs. Infection frequency increases with the increasing leaf wetness duration. Older or senescent leaves are more susceptible to blighting. Severely affected fields will appear blighted with most leaves dead and desiccated. Losses in yield occur because of smaller bulb size resulting from premature leaf senescence.579437514541500Purple Blotch (Alternaria porri) overwinters on infected bulbs and debris, and can be seedborne. Symptoms appear on leaves as small water-soaked lesions with white centers. Zones may appear as the spot enlarges and the lesion turns brown to purplish. In moist weather, the spot's surface usually becomes covered with dark powdery fungal growth. Leaves with large spots turn yellow and blow over in wind. Older leaves, and thrips feeding or other injury increases susceptibility. Spores require rain or dew to cause infection. Optimum temperatures are 77 to 81°F. Almost no infection occurs below 55°F. Bulbs may become infected at harvest through the neck or wounds. Decay shows first as a watery rot around the neck causing yellowish to wine-red discoloration and as it moves through the scales, tissue dries to a papery texture.524827595885005867400775335M. L. Macy, MSU020000M. L. Macy, MSUDowny Mildew (Pernospora destructor) infection occurs in high leaf wetness usually below 75°F. Symptoms are first seen on older leaves while dew is present. Infected leaves have 1-12 inch long pale patches and greyish violet furry spores may be visible. The pathogen over-winters in volunteer onion plants as oospores, or as mycelium in stored bulbs or seed. Infected bulbs become soft and shriveled, some sprouting prematurely.523875014414500White Rot (Sclerotium cepivorum) activity is favored by cool soils and is restricted above 75°F. It produces hardy sclerotia which persist in soil for years. Disease is spread by movement of infected soil and plants. Pathogen activity increases with root development and foliage symptoms develop after the pathogen grows into the stem plate or bulb. Leaves yellow and die prematurely, plants become stunted, and rapid death of all foliage follows. A fluffy mycelium on the stem plate and bulb is seen and small sclerotia (0.02 inch) form in and on the surface of the bulb, often around the neck. White rot can continue to decay bulbs in storage if humidity is not kept low.524891012319000Fusarium Basal Rot (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae) infects onion, garlic, shallot, and chives. It is commonly found in the soil and persists there for long periods. The pathogen is disseminated widely by infected onion sets and garlic cloves. Plants can be infected at any stage of growth with injury of roots, basal plate, or bulb by onion maggot and other insects. The first symptoms are yellowing, curving, and necrosis of leaves beginning at the tips and progressively developing downward. Infected plants may wilt and affected bulbs appear brown and watery when cut open. The disease progresses from the stem plate up and the roots will eventually rot. Bulbs may exhibit no disease at harvest, but subsequently decay in storage. 52292254445000Sour Skin (Pseudomonas (Burkholderia) cepacia) losses appear in storage, but infection usually occurs in the field. Primary symptoms include a light brown decay of one or a few inner bulb scales. The bulbs appear intact and remain firm, but rot proceeds internally. This bacterium is found in soil and water or as a pathogen of plants and/or animals.? It exists as pathovars or strains. Infection occurs through a wound after bulb formation or when contaminated water flows down the neck. Development is favored by high temperatures. Season-long overhead irrigation provides a favorable environment. -4025906078220005219700-127635Appendix 3. Evaluation00Appendix 3. Evaluation-178435-14922500New England Fruit and Vegetable Scouting NetworkEnd of season evaluationRI, MA and VTName: ______________Farm:________________________Listed below are concepts we covered during our regular scouting visits to your farm this year. On the left, please indicate how much knowledge you had about these concepts presented before working with us. On the right, please indicate how much knowledge you now have after working with us.Knowledge BEFORECONCEPTKnowledge AFTERNONEMINIMALMODERATECONSIDERABLEPest life cyclesNONEMINIMALMODERATECONSIDERABLENONEMINIMALMODERATECONSIDERABLEPest scouting and monitoring methodsNONEMINIMALMODERATECONSIDERABLENONEMINIMALMODERATECONSIDERABLE“Pest Alerts”NONEMINIMALMODERATECONSIDERABLENONEMINIMALMODERATECONSIDERABLEOther: describe belowNONEMINIMALMODERATECONSIDERABLEOther Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Listed below are practices we covered during our regular scouting visits to your farm this year. On the left, please indicate to what degree you already used these practices before working with us. On the right, please indicate to what degree you use these practices now, after working with us.BEFOREPracticeAFTERNEVEROCCASIONALLYUSUALLYALWAYSScout for pests in the field NEVEROCCASIONALLYUSUALLYALWAYSNEVEROCCASIONALLYUSUALLYALWAYSUse a monitoring tool (ex: traps or pest weather forecasting models)NEVEROCCASIONALLYUSUALLYALWAYSNEVEROCCASIONALLYUSUALLYALWAYSBase pest management decisions on scouting and monitoringNEVEROCCASIONALLYUSUALLYALWAYSNEVEROCCASIONALLYUSUALLYALWAYSUse “Pest Alerts” to make pest management decisionsNEVEROCCASIONALLYUSUALLYALWAYSNEVEROCCASIONALLYUSUALLYALWAYSOther: describe belowNEVEROCCASIONALLYUSUALLYALWAYSOther Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4695190-76835Appendix 4. Field Walk Photos00Appendix 4. Field Walk Photos ................

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