Pe a rl Ha rb o r Re m e m b ra n c e D a y Wh e n I s Pe a rl Ha rb o ...

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is one of the national holidays in the US

commemorating lost lives. It's an annual observation remembering a day that lives in

infamy¡ªone of the events that spearheaded World War II.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day or simply Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is

a United States holiday commemorating the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor

by Japanese forces.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is a national holiday observed by US citizens to honor

the memory of the navy service members and civilians who lost their lives during the

Pearl Harbor attacks.

When Is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day?

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is observed every year on December 7. It's strictly

observed on that date to mark the anniversary of the tragic Pearl Harbor attack by the

Japanese which occurred on December 7, 1941.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day History

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is a holiday with a long history behind it. There were

significant events that occurred leading up to its status as an official yearly public

observance. Let's explore those events.

The US Obtained Full Control of Pearl Harbor

The United States obtained full control of Pearl Harbor in 1876. It was thanks to the

reciprocity treaty that the Hawaiian Kingdom signed so they can freely export raw sugar

to the US. Seven years later, the Hawaiian Monarchy was overthrown and Hawaii

became a part of the US as a significant annexed territory because of its strategic


President Roosevelt Moved the Pacific Fleet to Pearl Harbor

Former US President Roosevelt made the order in 1940 to move the Pacific Fleet from

California to Pearl Harbor and establish a military base. Japanese forces considered the

move a threat to their own military plans. This led the US and Japanese governments to

negotiate a peace treaty, but it unfortunately failed.

Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor

On the morning of December 7, 1941, Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor. The

reason why they attacked is to incapacitate the US fleet. They believed attacking Pearl

Harbor would give them the time they need to commence their own military actions.

Thousands of American navy personnel and civilians died on that day. US Battleships

were completely destroyed by Japanese bombs. They were survivors (who are now

veterans) but many of them suffered serious injuries and were heavily traumatized.

After the attack, the US declared war on Japan and got fully involved in World War II.

President Clinton Signed the Proclamation of Pearl Harbor

Remembrance Day

On August 3, 1994, three years after the attack on Pearl Harbor, former President Bill

Clinton signed the joint resolution declaring December 7 as National Pearl Harbor

Remembrance Day. The first observance of the holiday was on December 7, 1994, and

has been observed by US citizens every year since then.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Purpose,


Though not a federal holiday like the 4th of July, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is an

important annual observance. So here are the two main reasons why you should observe

this national holiday as a US citizen.

Honor the Memory of Those Who Died in Pearl Harbor

The very reason why Americans observe Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is to honor the

memory of those who died during the attack. They lost their lives tragically with

practically nothing to defend themselves. Some of them drowned as their ships sank and

some were directly hit by Japanese bombs.

They died while in service for their flag and country. Remembering them every year is

the best way to honor their bravery.

Remind Future Generations of the Pearl Harbor Attack

An event such as the Pearl Harbor attack in December 1941 should be remembered. It

was one of the catalysts of the US getting involved in World War II and how it changed

the course of American history forever. Future generations must remember what

transpired in Pearl Harbor so nothing like it ever happens again.

What's on Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day?

Each year on Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, there's a memorial ceremony held to

honor those who died during the Pearl Harbor attack. It's attended by families, veterans,

and notable military staff members.

People also visit the Pearl Harbor National Memorial in Hawaii which serves as a

monument of the events on December 7, 1941. Others spend the occasion reading books,

researching facts, and watching a movie centered around Pearl Harbor.

How to Create a Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Social Media Post

You can do your part in reminding your fellow Americans of Pearl Harbor

Remembrance Day through social media. That said, we'll show you quick ways to create

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day social media posts.


1. Use a Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Facebook Post Template.

Choose our Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Quote Facebook Post, Pearl Harbor Day

Event Facebook Post, or Pearl Harbor Day Facebook Post, whichever of them you prefer.

Open your selected template in our Editor tool to start customizing.

2. Input your Pearl Harbor Day message.

In the Editor tool, input your Pearl Harbor Day message in the Fill Text boxes found in

the Fill panel. You can write your unique Pearl Harbor Day quote or greetings as well.

Just try to keep it short.

3. Insert US flag art.

The US flag is a perfect motif for any Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day art such as

posters and, of course, social media posts. With that in mind, consider inserting US flag

clip art in the post. You can find some in the Graphics panel by typing "US flag" in the

search box. Drag and drop your selected clip art into the template.

4. Save your Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Facebook post draft.

To save your Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Facebook post draft, select the button on

the upper right side of the Editor page and click Save. Your post is technically ready for

uploading but only upload it once December 7 is fast approaching.



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