Discipline Management Plan - Pearland Independent School ...

AP Senior English Classroom Management Syllabus Plan

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We/I am excited to have your student in my classroom for the 2018-2019 school year! Each of us working together can provide the greatest success for all of our students. Please read the following classroom management plan, class guidelines and information, and grading policies and discuss these items with your child. This packet is designed to make the classroom a safe, comfortable, encouraging, and organized place in which each student can excel. If you have an email address, please share it with me. Many times, that is the easiest way to communicate. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with your child to ensure a successful school year!


Veronica Muñoz (munozv@; )

Shiree Rice (rices@; )

English Department

Should you need an extra copy all information will be posted on our websites.

Please fill out the bottom portion of this page, detach, and return with your student for his/her first homework grade.

( ( ( ( Cut Here ( ( ( (

Return to Mrs. Muñoz – Room 2318 / Ms. Rice – Room 2307

Student name (please print)___________________________________________________Date Signed:______________

Mom/Guardian (please print)__________________________________________________________________________

Daytime phone _____________ evening phone ___________________ email address ____________________________

Dad/Guardian (please print)___________________________________________________________________________

Daytime phone ______________ evening phone ___________________ email address ___________________________

We have read and discussed the discipline management plan, class guidelines and information, and the testing and grading policies.

Student signature ___________________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature ____________________________________________________________________________

Comments/Questions/Concerns ________________________________________________________________________



Classroom Management Plan


Mrs. Muñoz & Ms. Rice’s Classroom

All teachers should have a discipline management plan designed for their unique situation and environment. This plan should be posted and visible on the first day of class of each semester and must be shared with parents. Rules should be stated clearly and with positive consequences noted. Classroom rules should be discussed with students.

Teachers should also devise some method of record-keeping for the disciplinary records of their students. Careful attention should be given to recording the infraction, the action taken, phone calls to parents, and referrals to the office.

1. Follow all directions the first time they are given.

2. Come to class with textbook, paper, pen, and pencil each day.

3. Be in your assigned seat ready to work when the bell rings.

4. Do not interfere with the teaching or learning of others.

5. Follow all safety rules.

6. Do not use profanity or other offensive language. One word considered profanity is ___________.

7. Say or do nothing when someone makes a mistake. I know this can be difficult especially if someone does something goofy or silly but you would not want someone to make fun of you – would you?


Persistent or severe instances of these minor acts of misconduct could be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct and result in discipline in accordance with the “Dawson High School Parent/Student Handbook 2018-2019”.

1. Student consequences for minor offenses involve progressive discipline assignments beginning with the teacher warning the student.

2. Assign the student to one or two hours of detention hall, and contacting the student’s parent/guardian.

3. If student is any kind of school function (i.e., athletics, UIL, club or sponsor activity), then coaches and sponsors will be notified.

4. Repeated infractions will be treated as serious, persistent misbehavior with the teacher referring the student to the office for a conference with the principal. The assistant principal will then decide on the consequence appropriate for the student in that given situation.

AP English Literature and Composition

Class Guidelines and Information

1. The AP Classroom: The AP Program provides energetic, motivated students the opportunity to complete meaningful elements of college-level studies while in high school. The AP course in English Literature and Composition is designed to promote and enhance the students’ critical understanding of the mimetic nature of literature and its role as a medium for reflecting the relationship between author and purpose, form and content, the historical, social, and cultural influences affecting both the author and text, the reader’s response to the text, and the literary and social implications of the text.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

2. AP English Literature and Composition Guidelines – The AP Literature exam consists of a 2 part test. Part one is a multiple choice question exam and part two is three timed writings. The test is broken down on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 and 2 is failing while 3, 4 and 5 are passing. According to AP Central College Board, “AP Exams are an essential part of the AP experience, enabling students to demonstrate their mastery of college-level course work. Strong performance on AP Exams is rewarded by colleges and universities worldwide. More than 90 percent of four-year colleges and universities in the United States grant students credit, placement or both on the basis of successful AP Exam scores. However, performing well on an AP Exam means more than just the successful completion of a course; it is the gateway to success in college. Research consistently shows that students who take the AP exam and regardless of their score will graduate successfully in college and improve graduation rates than their non-AP student peers.” If you would like more information regarding statistical success please visit the AP College Board website.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

3. AP English Language and Composition - If your student took AP English Language and Composition last school year, then they already know the challenges they endured passing the AP Language exam. Your student already knows their scores or should know what their passing scores were over the summer. This should give the student an idea of how intense these AP exams are and to familiarize themselves with last years concepts because it is a building block or a foundation of what they learned and will now build on those skills to further analyze the deep meaning of literature. However, if you are a first time student entering into the AP Literature and Composition environment-please take some time to come and visit me after school so that I can personally conference with you on the building skills and requirements you will need to be successful in this classroom this school year.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

4. NO LATE WORK is accepted for daily work and homework for AP Students. Students need to use their class time productively to complete in-class assignments and be prepared to complete all homework assignments. Students will receive a zero if they do not have daily work turned in on the day it is due. When a student receives a zero on a daily or homework assignment, he or she is required to fill out a “Lame Excuse” form, explaining the reason(s) for not having the assigned work as required. These forms are kept on file by the teacher for the duration of the school year. As with any assignment, I/we understand that emergencies and problems arise. Please come and speak to your AP IV English teacher first before assuming you can or cannot turn in an assignment late. With that being stated, for major assignments if it is one day late -25 points will be deducted, two days late -50 points will be deducted, and on the third day is a zero. PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME YOU WILL MAKE AN “A” ON THIS ASSIGNMENT IF YOU PLAN ON TURNING IT IN LATE. ALL LATE WORK will NOT be returned to the student it will be kept in student’s files for the entire school year, along with an attachment of the student filled out “Lame Excuse” form.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

5. Homework: AP Students should expect homework every night. Students will be required to do the majority of the reading at home, along with working on projects and writing assignments which serve as extensions of the required reading. ALL Assignments will be posted on my website so check my website daily at .

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

6. Field Trips: Work that is due on the day of a school sponsored field trip must be given to me before you leave for the field trip. Always remember you are considered “in attendance” when on a field trip so assignments are due when expected.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

7. Major grades are worth 60% of the nine weeks grading period. You will have at “least” 4 major grades per nine weeks. Major assessments include tests, writing assignments, long-term projects, and presentations. Grades can also be viewed on “Skyward” which is located at . If for any reason your grade falls below a 70, an email will be sent to your parents on a weekly basis.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

8. Daily grades are worth 40% of the nine weeks grade. You will have at least 18 daily grades per nine weeks. Daily grades include classroom activities, quizzes, in-class writing samples, grammar, homework, vocabulary, classroom participation, and other in-class activities (Dawson High School Parent/Student Handbook). Daily grades can be divided into different sub-categories, such as participatory daily grades (in-class activities, homework, etc.) and independent daily grades (quizzes, etc.). I do count quizzes as three times for a daily grade. For instance, instead of giving you a 100 for a quiz it will be equivalent to 300 points and will be displayed in Skyward as 300 points. Grades can also be viewed on “Skyward” which is located at . If for any reason your grade falls below a 70, an email will be sent to your parents on a weekly basis.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

9. Re-assessment will not be required for major projects in which an extended period of time has been provided to complete the assignment. Re-Assessment will not be allowed for semester and final exams as those are comprehensive in nature. For other assignments that are not an overextended period of time (i.e.., multiple days) each assignment or assessment may only be redone once. AP courses have limits applied to re-assessment processes. An AP student may only request to retake 2 assessments per nine week grading period. There is not a limit for daily assignments.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

10. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Do not talk during announcements. Even if you do not want to hear them, someone around you may be listening for something important. If you are talking during an announcement a warning will be issued and then a zero will be assigned if a second warning has been given, please understand someone else may need to hear what is on the announcements.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

11. COACHES AND/OR SPONSORS: will be contacted should a student choose to misbehave in my classroom. Students and parents MUST BE AWARE this is part of my steps before a referral is issued to the office. I want to avoid at all possible office referrals for any student.

________(Student Initial)_____________(Parent Initial)

12. DRESS CODE: ALL students to be in compliance with the dress code. Therefore, the dress code will be strictly enforced. Should you have any questions regarding the dress code please refer to the Dawson High School’s Parent/Student Handbook” and the “Pearland ISD Student Code of Conduct Handbook”. In addition, read and observe the Consequences for Dress Code Violations in both handbooks.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

13. ATTENDANCE: To receive credit in a class, a student must attend at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered (DHS Parent/Student). Students have one class day per EXCUSED absence day to complete make up assignments. Students who fail to complete make-up work within these guidelines will receive a grade of zero (0) on the assignments (DHS Parent/Student). If you know you have a major assignment due on the day you are to be absent your assignment must be turned on the day it is due no later than 2:25 pm.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

14. ERRANDS: Please do not ask to take care of your personal business during this class. This includes making a phone call, getting an early dismissal, taking a test for another class, going to your locker, getting an admit, etc. These things need to be taken care of before school, during lunch or after school.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

15. FOOD: Absolutely NO eating or drinking is allowed in the classroom.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial).

16. GROOMING: Make-up applications and hair-brushing are NEVER appropriate in the classroom; wait until you are in the restroom. Any grooming items may be taken up by the teacher and will NOT be returned until the end of the school year.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

17. SLEEPING: Class-time is not nap-time. If you are caught sleeping in class you will be given a zero for class participation and it will be recorded in Skyward. All other students who are paying attention and focused in class will received a daily grade of 100. It is in your best interest to remain awake throughout your 45-57 minute classroom period.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

18. TARDIES: All students who are tardy to my class will be required to visit the tardy stations located in selected areas of DHS. No student will be allowed to enter my classroom unless a tardy slip is received from one of the tardy stations.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

19. FURTHER CLASSROOM VIOLATIONS: Please refer to the Pearland “Student Code of Conduct Handbook” and the “Dawson High School Parent/Student Handbook” for further classroom violations that will not be tolerated in my classroom.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

20. END OF CLASS: Please do not start packing up your things to get ready to leave until I tell you that we are finished. I will always give you enough time to put away your books and get ready to go to your next class. You should also use the last couple of minutes to pick up any trash, supplies or textbooks that is around your desk. Finally, remain in your seat until you are dismissed.

__________(Student Initial)___________(Parent Initial)

Cheating/Plagiarism Policy

Dawson High School Student Handbook 2018-2019

Dawson High School is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge through a structured program of instruction and learning. At the heart of this endeavor, are the core values of academic integrity which include honesty, truth, and freedom from lies and fraud. Because personal integrity is important in all aspects of life, students at Dawson High School are expected to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity in and out of the classroom. Incidents of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and students guilty of such conducts are subject to disciplinary measures.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is any form of cheating and/or plagiarism which results in students giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in an academic exercise or receiving credit for work which is not their own.

Cheating includes, but it not limited to the following:

1. Using any sources not authorized by the teacher (textbooks, notes, the work of other students, etc.) to complete examinations or other assignments.

2. Using unauthorized electronic equipment (including cell phones) during an assignment.

3. Altering or tampering with grades

4. Talking; copying from another person’s paper; giving or receiving information by signs, gestures, or deception during any type of assessment.

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to the following:

1. Using the ideas and/or words of another person without giving that person appropriate credit;

2. Representing another’s artistic or scholarly works as your own

3. Submitting a paper purchased from a paper research service, including the Internet

4. Using undocumented Web sources

Other specific examples of Academic dishonesty

1. Allowing another student to copy from your paper

2. Knowingly giving your homework, term paper or other academic work to another student to plagiarize

3. Having another student submit any work under your name

4. Lying to improve your grade

5. Stealing tests, assignments, or answer keys

6. Forging signatures on documentation

7. Collaborating without the permission of the teacher

8. Providing material or information to another person with the knowledge that such aid could be used in any of the violations stated above.

9. Sending photos via any type of electronic device of ANY classroom assignment (i.e., notes, homework, classwork, quizzes, tests) to peers. This is a form of cheating.


|Daily Grade |Major Grade |

| |Zero (0) on assignment |

|First infraction |First infraction: Six (6) hours Detention Hall |

|Zero(0) on assignment |Repeat infractions: Minimum 3 day Assignment to ISS |

|Two (2) hours Detention Hall |Opportunity for retake is forfeited |

|Notification of parent by teacher |The zero may not be dropped and must factor into the term average |

| |Must take final exam in that subject (Not allowed to exempt) |

|Second infraction |Removed from National Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society and any |

|Zero(0) on assignment |other Honor Society that is an organized school program. |

|Referral to Assistant Principal Six (6) hours Detention Hall |Second infraction in same course: Weighted GPA is removed |

|Notification of parent by teacher and Assistant Principal |Second infraction in any course: Findings of academic dishonesty reported on |

| |college application. |

|Repeat infractions | |

|Zero(0) on assignment | |

|Referral to Assistant Principal Three (3) day assignment to ISS | |

|Notification of parent by Assistant Principal | |

|Conference with student, parent, and teacher | |

I, __________________________(print student name), am fully aware of the Cheating/Plagiarism policy here at Dawson High School and will comply with the above objectives throughout the remainder of this school year. Should I choose to abuse this policy, I understand the consequences that will proceed.

|Students will… |Parents will… |

|• Exercise academic honesty in all aspects of their work. |• Discuss the Honor Code with their child to ensure understanding. |

|• Prepare sufficiently for all types of assessments. |• Encourage their child to maintain high standards with regard to integrity, |

|• Seek extra help from teachers. |honesty, and personal responsibility. |

|• Avoid engaging in cheating, plagiarizing, and lying. |• Support faculty and administration in enforcing the Honor Code. |

|• Use sources in the prescribed manner. | |

|• Report any violations of the Honor Code. | |


Dawson believes the measure of success of our school community is based on the success of our students. The consequences shall serve as a deterrent to a violation of the DHS Honor Code. As a result of clear and compelling evidence of student’s cheating on major assessment grades, the following consequences will be enforced and violations of the DHS Honor Code will accumulate throughout a student’s high school career.

I have received a copy of the Glenda Dawson High School Honor Code during registration. I understand I will be held accountable for my behavior and will be subject to the disciplinary consequences outlined in the Honor Code and the Glenda Dawson Student Code of Conduct.

Student Signature:

Date Signed

Parent Signature:

Date Signed

“Makeup Work Policy”

Dawson High School Parent/Student Handbook

Students have one class day per “excused absence day” to complete make-up assignments. If, for example, a student misses class on Monday and returns to school on Tuesday, his missed assignments from Monday are not due until Wednesday. Teachers may consider extenuating circumstances of individual students and allow more time to complete the assignment(s). Students who will be absent for 3 or more calendar days may request assignments through the counseling center. Generally, teachers will need 24 hours to submit assignments to the counseling center.

Students who fail to complete make-up work within these guidelines will receive a grade of zero (0) on the assignments.

Excused absences can be made up and credit for make-up work will be recorded.

It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments were missed during his/her absence. Students should not expect the teacher to seek out the student to remind them of missed work.

• I,______________________________________________(student’s PRINTED name), understand that when I am absent from school I MUST present an “admit slip” to the teacher indicating my absence is “excused” or “unexcused” in order to complete any make-up assignments.

• I,______________________________________________(student’s PRINTED name), understand that when I am absent from school I have one class day per absence to complete any assignments I have missed.

• I,______________________________________________(student’s PRINTED name), understand that it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to find out what assignments I have missed when I am absent from my AP English classroom. This includes all of the following:

Initial below.

______ Check your AP English teachers websites for updated assignments.

______ Check on the board in your AP English teacher’s classroom for a daily schedule of expected activities.

______ Check with another student in class (this includes entering class 5 or more minutes late from class as well as missing a class entirely.)

______ Use a school computer in the morning before school, in another classroom, in your AP English teacher’s classroom (as long as it does not interfere with classroom instruction), after school and/or in the school library. There are many resources that Dawson has available and NO EXCUSE as to the use of a school computer.

______ Make sure you are utilizing a calendar of some sort, i.e. school planner, cell phone, iPod calendar, photocopier calendar, laptop calendar, something visible. DO NOT MERELY WRITE IN A CALENDAR with assignments but READ IT EVERYDAY so you know what is due!

______ Check Skyward periodically. If you have no computer access, once again use a school computer to receive this type of information.

• I,______________________________________________(student’s PRINTED name), understand that if I fail to make up an assignment I will receive a recorded grade of zero within three (3) days!

• I,______________________________________________(student’s PRINTED name), understand that the TEACHER is NOT TO SEEK ME, the student OR ANY of MY FAMILY MEMBERS OUT to REMIND me of any missed assignment in class. I understand that it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to SEEK OUT WHAT I HAVE MISSED IN THIS CLASS AND MY RESPONSIBILITY ONLY!!!! This includes all of the following:

Initial below.

______ the teacher WILL NOT phone a student to let them know assignments missed.

______ the teacher WILL NOT phone a parent to let them know their child missed an assignment.

______ Telling your teacher that “You never told me” that an assignment, test, or project was to be completed or turned in. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE and NOT AN EXCUSE as to why you FAILED to complete any assignment.

______ Telling your teacher “I never knew this assignment was given.”

I have read over the Makeup Policy and understand the Rules given. By initialing and signing my name on each of the items listed above does not mean I agree with these rules it MEANS I UNDERSTAND these rules and will be held accountable for incompliance of the Makeup Policy.

Student Signature Today’s Date

AP English Literature and Composition: Films, Videos and/or DVDs

Throughout the school year, we will read various novels, poetry and prose selections of British Literature that are required by the State of Texas and Pearland Independent School District. I would like to (ONLY if time permits) have a viewing of a limited number of films that are in relation to these reading selections. Please keep in mind this is in compliance with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for English Language Arts and Reading (TEKS), English IV; TEKS (8.B) (15.C) (15.D) (19.B)(19.C) (20A) (20B) (20C) (20D) (20F) (21A) (21C) and (21D).

• Frankenstein (AP Exam: 89, 00, 03, 06, 08, 15, 17)

• History Channel’s “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein”

• “Frankenstein” with Boris Karloff – 1931 version (NR) – 5 minute segments only

• “Frankenstein” with Robert DeNiro (R) 1994 – will only be shown if needed and in 5-10 segments in relation to Boris Karloff’s version and literary devices used in the novel to show clarity of the creature’s connection to humanity and mankind. As well as to be used for Socratic (Inner/Outer Circle) seminars for class discussion and deeper connections that found outside the novel to the creation of life.

• “Prometheus” by Frank Zappa (NR)

• “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (NR)

Jane Eyre (AP Exam: 78, 79, 80, 88, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 00, 05, 07, 08, 10, 13, 16, 17)

• “Jane Eyre” (NR) 2003 with George C. Scott

• “Jane Eyre” (NR) 1983 with Timothy Dalton

• “Jane Eyre” (NR) 2006 BBC version – TV miniseries, with Ruth Wilson and Toby Stephens

Paradise Lost (AP Exam: 85, 86, 10)

• “Paradise Lost – The Life and Times of John Milton” (NR)

• “Literary Classic – Paradise Lost” performed by John Basinger (NR)

Beowulf (AP Exam: 17)

• “Beowulf” (PG-13) – only limited to 1 section, if that because only several sections of the film have literary merit based on the true classical piece of Beowulf literature.

• “Beowulf and Grendel” (R) with Gerard Butler – only the first 5-10 minutes of the film to show the scenery of Denmark during the 1st century A.D. Other sections will only be shown that pertain to the “true piece” of the Beowulf literature.

• “Beowulf and the Anglo Saxons” (NR)

• History Channel’s: Clash of Gods: Beowulf (NR)

• “13th Warrior” by Antonio Banderas (R) and this is only limited to 5-10 minute sections, if that, as I believe this film shows cultural distinctions of the lives of Vikings pertaining to the 1st century A.D. (TEKS 4C, 6C, and 6E)

Canterbury Tales (AP Exam: 06)

• “A Knight’s Tale” with Heath Ledger (NR/UR) 2001

• “Terry Jones Medieval Lives” (NR)

• Canterbury Tales I”, “Canterbury Tales II”, and “Canterbury Tales III” (NR) – Animated version and is limited to only 3 or 4 tales.

William Shakespeare (AP Exam: 91 times from 1971 – 2017)

• “Hamlet” with Mel Gibson (PG) 1990-more than likely will be interchanged with the play Hamlet.

• “Hamlet” with Kenneth Branagh (PG-13) 1996-modern day version of Hamlet.

• “Hamlet” with David Tennant and Sir Patrick Stewart, BBC version, (TV-PG)

• “MacBeth” with Patrick Stewart, PBS Publication, NR

• “King Lear” with Ian McKellan (NR)

• “Anonymous” (PG-13)


• Sarah’s Key with Kristin Scott Thomas (PG-13)

• “The Count of Monte Cristo” PG-13 2002

The purpose in viewing these above films will enrich the learning experience and reinforce what we will learn throughout the school year. Reading British literature for most students can be overwhelming and at times cumbersome, sometimes viewing the films can help give a student the understanding and perspective of meaning, tone, atmosphere, irony, satire, comedy, historical background and other literary devices that writers employ. I truly hope you allow your child to enrich themselves further as we delve into the realms of history’s fascinating adventure. (Please note: that in previous years we probably viewed one or two films on this list for the entire school year.)

____ YES! My child ____________________________________ (Student Name) has my approval to view these films/videos/DVD’s

____ NO, I would rather my student ________________________________________ (Student’s Name) not view the films with his/her class and complete an alternative assignment instead.

Parent/Guardian Signature & Date Telephone Number

Received Hall Pass Notice

I _______________________________ (student name) am signing this form indicating that I have received the AP English Literature and Composition teacher’s hall pass for the entire school year of 2018-2019.

I understand that if I lose this hall pass at anytime during the school year, I WILL NOT be issued a second one.

Furthermore, if I do not use this hall pass at all during any nine week period – I understand that I will receive 2 extra bonus points towards my final nine weeks grade average of the current nine weeks. Disclaimer: The 2 extra bonus points may be removed/revoked due to 3rd nine week GPA posting for the 4th nine week period.

Finally, I understand that using this hall pass is a privilege and NOT a responsibility, duty, and/or obligation of AP English Literature and Composition teacher. Therefore, if I abuse this hall pass at any time during the 2018-2019 school year, it can and most likely will result in my hall pass being revoked by my AP English Literature teacher.

This includes truancy, substitute’s comments, classroom behavior, and theft of another students hall pass.

Student Signature Date

Note: By signing this document I am stating that I understand the rules of the hall pass. It does not mean that I agree with this policy.


Materials: Students are required to have the appropriate materials in class. If students do not have classroom materials when they enter into class, a daily grade of zero and a 1 hour d-hall will be given each time a student is not prepared when entering into class.

School Supplies needed for AP English Literature class

▪ A pen drive/flash drive is a must as I will be constantly be expecting you to complete typed assignments both in school and at home. Please make sure the flash/pen drive is a 8 gig or larger drive.

▪ (1) planner (this is a must) – no exceptions! If you have a cell phone, then your calendar on your cell phone is acceptable.

3rd period bring a package of colored markers

4th period bring a package of colored markers

5th period bring package blue/black pens

6th period bring pack of tissues

7th period bring pack of tissues


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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