Geometry – Clements High School

Pre-AP Geometry – Clements High School

Course Description

The GT/Honors Geometry courses emphasize logical thinking and its application in the informal justification and formal proof of conjectures. Students solve problems by synthetic (traditional), coordinate, and/or transformational methods. Problem solving applies the algebra previously learned, emphasizes connections, and involves non-routine applications. Students are expected to independently identify the appropriate techniques needed to complete their work. Computer investigations allow and require independent thinking during class time. The semesters are outlined below:

Terms 1 and 2 Terms 3 and 4

Point, Line, Plane, and Angle Relationships Congruence and Inequalities in Triangles

Logical Reasoning Right Triangles

Construction with Compass and Straight Edge Perimeter, Circumference, and Area

Writing Two-Column, Flow, and Paragraph Proofs Geometric Probability

Pythagorean Theorem 3-D Views, Surface Area, and Volume

Distance and Midpoint Relationships Circles

Parallel Lines and Angles Non-Euclidean Geometry

Angles, Triangles, and Polygons Coordinates in 3-D

Transformations and Symmetry Loci

Ratios, Proportions, and Similarities Quadrilaterals


Determining Your Grade:

You earn your grade. If you keep up the course work, ask questions when you get stuck and stay connected via the class website; you will be doing your best to succeed in the class.

Term grades are determined by:

50% Daily Grades 50% Major Grades

Homework checks Tests*

Quizzes* Some Projects

Some Projects

Collected assignments

In-class activities

*Short quizzes will be given 1- 3 times a week. They may or may not be announced. Tests will usually be given every other week, as needed. Tests will always be announced. Tests will be graded for accuracy of work as well as answers.

Credit may not be given for answers (on any assignment, quiz, or test) without supporting work if work is required.

Homework turned in late for a reason other than being absent on the day it is due no later than the day after the due date for half credit. Keep in mind that the late assignment needs to be completely done otherwise you may not get credit.

If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to turn in the assignments missed, and obtain any notes from another student or by visiting the class website. Homework is to be made up immediately after returning to class. Tests and quizzes will be made up before or after school within the same number of days the student was absent. A score of “0” will be recorded if the student fails to make up the test. If a student is only absent on the day of a test or quiz, THE STUDENT WILL TAKE THE TEST OR QUIZ IMMEDIATELY UPON HIS/HER RETURN.

Grades can be monitored in Skyward. Keep up with the course work on a daily basis, ask appropriate questions, stay connected via the class website, seek help outside of class (tutorials) and study for quizzes and tests.

For retesting policy refer to the website.

Needed Materials

Textbook – Pearson Texas Geometry (you do not need to bring it to class every day)

There is an online textbook available. Ask your teacher for the login information.

Three Ring Binder (1-1.5 inch spine) or Spiral Notebook

Pencils, Agenda/Monthly Planner

Drawing Compass


Please bring ONE of the following: unopened box of pencils, box of Kleenex, a ream of computer paper

TI-Nspire CX calculator (these may or may not be allowed on each test/quiz, and we will never allow the use of a TI-Nspire CX CAS on a quiz or test)


Mr. English – Room 2317 – Monday and Thursday Mornings 7:00 – 7:20; Monday Afternoons 2:35 – 3:05

Mr. Mahmood – Room 2313 – Tuesday and Friday Mornings 7:00 – 7:20

Class website: gtpreapgeometry.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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