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Pearson Custom Social Work

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Clinical Social Work Practice: An Integrated Approach, 3/e, Cooper/Lesser (0-205-54550-5)

|Ordr. Seq. |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |An Integrated Approach to Clinical Practice |SW001 |

|______ |Key Issues in Clinical Practice |SW002 |

|______ |The Clinical Interview: The Process of Assessment |SW003 |

|______ |The Psychosocial Study: The Product of Assessment |SW004 |

|______ |Multicultural Practice |SW005 |

|______ |Object Relations Theory: A Relational Psychodynamic Model |SW006 |

|______ |Self-Psychology: A Relational Psychodynamic Model |SW007 |

|______ |Relational Theory |SW008 |

|______ |Cognitive Theory: A Structural Approach |SW009 |

|______ |Behavior Therapy: A Structural Approach |SW010 |

|______ |Narrative Therapy: A Postmodern Approach |SW011 |

|______ |Solution-Focused Therapy: A Postmodern Approach |SW012 |

|______ |Clinical Practice with Children and Adolescents |SW013 |

|______ |Integrating Research and Practice |SW014 |

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Social Welfare: Politics and Public Policy, 6/e, DiNitto/Cummins (0-205-50347-0)

|Order Sequence |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |Politics, Rationalism, and Social Welfare |SW015 |

|______ |Government and Social Welfare |SW016 |

|______ |Defining Poverty: Where to Begin |SW017 |

|______ |Preventing Poverty: The Social Insurance Programs |SW018 |

|______ |Helping the "Deserving Poor": Aged, Blind, Disabled |SW019 |

|______ |Ending Welfare As We Knew It: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |SW020 |

|______ |Fighting Hunger, Fighting Fat: Nutrition Policy and Programs in the United States |SW021 |

|______ |Improving Healthcare: Treating the Nation's Ills |SW022 |

|______ |Changing Paradigms: The Poverty Wars |SW023 |

|______ |Providing Social Services: Help for Children, the Elderly, and Individuals with |SW024 |

| |Mental Illness | |

|______ |Addressing Civil Rights and Social Welfare: The Challenges of a Diverse Society |SW025 |

|______ |Implementing and Evaluating Social Welfare Policy: What Happens After a Law Is |SW026 |

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Understanding Social Welfare: A Search for Social Justice, 7/e, Dolgoff/Feldstein (0-205-47806-9)

|Ordr. Seq. |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |Socioeconomic Structure, Human Needs, and Mutual Responsibility |SW027 |

|______ |Social Values and Social Welfare |SW028 |

|______ |Social Values and Social Welfare: England from the Middle Ages Onward |SW029 |

|______ |Social Values and Social Welfare: The American Experience I |SW030 |

|______ |Social Values and Social Welfare: The American Experience II |SW031 |

|______ |Concepts for Social Welfare |SW032 |

|______ |Examining a Social Welfare Program within the Context of Social Justice: Structural Components, |SW033 |

| |Alternative Program Characteristics, and Evaluation | |

|______ |The Welfare Society and Its Clients |SW034 |

|______ |Current Social Welfare Programs: Economic Security |SW035 |

|______ |Social Welfare Programs: Sustaining the Quality of Life |SW036 |

|______ |Nonprofit and Private Social Welfare |SW037 |

|______ |Social Work: The Emergence of a Profession |SW038 |

|______ |Social Work: Functions, Context, and Issues |SW039 |

|______ |Social Trends Affecting Social Welfare |SW040 |

|______ |Toward the General Welfare and Social Justice |SW041 |

|______ |Appendix: Sources of Information |SW042 |

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Social Work Practice: A Generalist Approach, 9/e, Johnson/Yanca (0-205-47771-2)

|Order Sequence |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |Social Work as a Response to Concern/Need |SW064 |

|______ |The Development of Social Work as a Profession |SW065 |

|______ |Social Work as a Creative Blending of Knowledge, Values, and Skills |SW066 |

|______ |Social Work as a Change Process |SW067 |

|______ |The Worker |SW068 |

|______ |The Client |SW069 |

|______ |Environment |SW070 |

|______ |Interactions and Engagement |SW071 |

|______ |Assessment |SW072 |

|______ |Planning |SW073 |

|______ |Direct and Indirect Practice Actions |SW074 |

|______ |Evaluation and Termination |SW075 |

|______ |Generalist Practice with Families |SW076 |

|______ |Generalist Practice with Groups |SW077 |

|______ |Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities |SW078 |

|______ |Models and Good Practices in Generalist Social Work Practice |SW079 |

|______ |Glossary |SW080 |

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American Social Welfare Policy: A Pluralist Approach, 5/e, Karger/Stoesz (0-205-53498-8)

|Ordr. Seq. |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |Social Policy and the American Welfare State |SW228 |

|______ |Social Welfare Policy Research: A Framework for Policy Analysis |SW229 |

|______ |Religion and Social Welfare Policy |SW230 |

|______ |Discrimination in American Society |SW231 |

|______ |Poverty in America |SW232 |

|______ |The Voluntary Sector Today |sW233 |

|______ |Privatization and Human Service Corporations |SW234 |

|______ |The Making of Governmental Policy |SW235 |

|______ |Tax Policy and Income Distribution |SW236 |

|______ |Social Insurance Programs |SW237 |

|______ |Public Assistance Programs |SW238 |

|______ |The American Health Care System |SW239 |

|______ |Mental Health and Substance Abuse Policy |SW240 |

|______ |Criminal Justice |SW241 |

|______ |Child Welfare Policy |SW242 |

|______ |Housing Policies |SW243 |

|______ |The Politics of Food Policy and Rural Life |SW244 |

|______ |The American Welfare State in International Perspective |SW245 |

|______ |Glossary |SW246 |

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Controversial Issues in Social Policy, 3/e, Karger/Midgley/Kindle/Brown (0-205-52846-5)

|Order Sequence |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |Debate: Is the American Welfare State Compatible with the Market Economy? |SW081 |

|______ |Debate: Should We Open the Southern U.S. Border to Immigration? |SW082 |

|______ |Debate: Should Social Security Be Privatized?  |SW083 |

|______ |Debate: Does America Need National Health Insurance?     |SW084 |

|______ |Debate: Is the War on Drugs Effective?     |SW085 |

|______ |Debate: Can Asset-Based Welfare Policy Really Help the Poor?     |SW086 |

|______ |Debate: Should Same-Sex Marriages Be Legalized? |SW087 |

|______ |Debate: Has Affirmative Action Gone Too Far? |SW088 |

|______ |Debate: Has the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) GoneToo Far? |SW089 |

|______ |Debate: Does Social Work Discriminate Against Evangelical Christians?     |SW090 |

|______ |Debate: Should Abortion Rights Be an Accepted Social-Work Value?     |SW091 |

|______ |Debate: Is Federal Government Support of Faith-Based Social-Service Agencies |SW092 |

| |Consistent with Social-Work Values? | |

|______ |Debate: Should Social Services Be Privatized?     |SW093 |

|______ |Debate: Has Welfare Reform Worked?     |SW094 |

|______ |Debate: Can Child Protective Services Be Reformed?     |SW095 |

|______ |Debate: Are Family Drug Courts Working in Child Welfare? |SW096 |

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Generalist Social Work Practice: An Empowering Approach, 5/e, Miley/O'Melia/DuBois (0-205-50144-3)

|Ordr. Seq. |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |Generalist Social Work Practice |SW097 |

|______ |The Ecosystems Perspective |SW098 |

|______ |Values and Multicultural Competence |SW099 |

|______ |Strengths and Enpowerment |SW100 |

|______ |An Empowering Approach to Generalist Practice |SW101 |

|______ |Forming Partnerships |SW102 |

|______ |Articulating Situations |SW103 |

|______ |Defining Directions |SW104 |

|______ |Identifying Strengths |SW105 |

|______ |Assessing Resource Capabilities |SW106 |

|______ |Framing Solutions |SW107 |

|______ |Activating Resources |SW108 |

|______ |Creating Alliances |SW109 |

|______ |Expanding Opportunities |SW110 |

|______ |Recognizing Success |SW111 |

|______ |Foreign Policy (Chapter 16) |SW112 |

|______ |Integrating Gains |SW113 |

|______ |Epilogue |SW114 |

|______ |Appendix: NASW Code of Ethics |SW115 |

|______ |Glossary |SW116 |

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Social Work Macro Practice, 4/e, Netting/Kettner/McMurtry


|Order Sequence |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |An Introduction to Macro Practice in Social Work |SW116 |

|______ |The Historical Roots of Macro Practice |SW117 |

|______ |Understanding Community and Organizational Problems |SW118 |

|______ |Understanding Populations |SW119 |

|______ |Understanding Communities |SW120 |

|______ |Assessing Communities |SW121 |

|______ |Understanding Organizations |SW122 |

|______ |Assessing Human Service Organizations |SW123 |

|______ |Building Support for the Proposed Change |SW124 |

|______ |Selecting Appropriate Strategies and Tactics |SW125 |

|______ |Planning, Implementing, Monitoring, and Evaluating the Intervention |SW126 |

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The Policy-Based Profession: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers, 4/e, Popple/Leighninger


|Ordr. Seq. |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |The Policy-Based Profession |SW127 |

|______ |Defining Social Welfare Policy |SW128 |

|______ |Social Welfare Policy Analysis: Basic Concepts |SW129 |

|______ |Policy Analysis from a Historical Perspective |SW130 |

|______ |Social/Economic Analysis |SW131 |

|______ |Politics and Social Welfare Policy |SW132 |

|______ |Fighting Poverty: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families |SW133 |

|______ |Aging: Social Security as an Entitlement |SW134 |

|______ |Mental Health: Managed Care |SW135 |

|______ |Substance Abuse Policies |SW136 |

|______ |Child Welfare: Family Preservation Policy |SW137 |

|______ |Conclusion |SW138 |

|______ |Appendix: Library Research for Practitioner Policy Analysis |SW139 |

|______ |Appendix: Historical Policy Analysis Research |SW140 |

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Cultural Competence in Process and Practice: Building Bridges, 1/e, Rothman (0-205-50069-2)

|Order Sequence |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |Understanding Cultural Competence |SW141 |

|______ |Group Affiliation and Identity |SW142 |

|______ |Vulnerability, Oppression, and Power |SW143 |

|______ |Practice Frameworks for Diversity Competence |SW144 |

|______ |The Skills of Culturally Competent Practice |SW145 |

|______ |Cultural Competence in the Context of Practice |SW146 |

|______ |Process and Practice: A Summary |SW147 |

|______ |Cultural Competence with Racial and Ethinic Groups |SW148 |

|______ |Cultural Competence with Gender and Sexual Orientations |SW149 |

|______ |Cultural Competence with People with Disabilities |SW150 |

|______ |Cultural Competence with Age Groups |SW151 |

|______ |Cultrual Competence with Special Populations |SW152 |

|______ |Workbook |SW153 |

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From the Front Lines: Student Cases in Social Work Ethics, 2/e, Rothman (0-205-41269-6)

|Ordr. Seq. |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |Elements of Ethical Decision Making |SW154 |

|______ |NASW Ethical Standard One: Social Workers' Ethical Responsibilities to Clients |SW155 |

|______ |Case: Protecting the Best Interests of a Minor |SW156 |

|______ |Case: When the “Best Interests of Client” Harm a Third Party |SW157 |

|______ |Case: When Living Feels Like Dying: Ethical Decision Making with a Depressed Dialysis Patient |SW158 |

|______ |Case: Reading the Future: When “Best Interest” Must Last Twenty Years |SW159 |

|______ |Case: In the Client's Interest: Self-Determination and Mental Disability |SW160 |

|______ |Case: The Adoption Records Controversy: Three Primary Clients Whose Interests May Conflict |SW161 |

|______ |Case: Believing a Disturbed Child: Abused or Confused? |SW162 |

|______ |NASW Ethical Standard Two: Social Workers' Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues |SW163 |

|______ |Case: Share and Share Alike: A Dilemma in Professional Educational Development |SW164 |

|______ |Case: Colleague Misconduct: What's an Intern to Do? |SW165 |

|______ |Case: When a Colleague “Defines” Policy—and You Don't Agree! |SW166 |

|______ |NASW Ethical Standard Three: Social Workers' Ethical Responsibilities to Practice Settings |SW167 |

|______ |Case: Can Limitation of Informed Consent by an Agency Ever Be Justified? |SW168 |

|______ |Case: Computerized Record Keeping: Agency Efficiency versus Client Privacy |SW169 |

|______ |Case: Meeting the Needs of Immigrants: Must Acculturation Be a Condition of Agency Service? |SW170 |

|______ |Case: Confidentiality in a Special School Setting: What is the Students' Best Interest? |SW171 |

|______ |Case: An Employee Assistance Counselor's Dilemma |SW172 |

|______ |Case: Group Therapy: Client Needs and Fiscal Viability |SW173 |

|______ |NASW Ethical Standard Four: Social Workers' Ethical Responsibilities As Professionals |SW174 |

|______ |Case: When a Client Threatens Suicide: Client Autonomy and Professional Obligation |SW175 |

|______ |Case: “Now that You're Leaving, Why Can't We Just Be Friends?” |SW176 |

|______ |Case: The Professional in Peer Support Groups: Where Do We Fit In? |SW177 |

|______ |Case: Fidelity to a Client Unable To Communicate |SW178 |

|______ |NASW Ethical Standard Five: Social Workers' Ethical Responsibilities to the |

| |Social Work Profession |

|______ |Case: “My Clients Are in a Hurry!” Professional Integrity versus Client Self-Determination |SW180 |

|______ |Case: Rape: When Professional Values Place Vulnerable Clients at Risk |SW181 |

|______ |Case: When Client Self-Determination Places an Unborn Child at Risk |SW182 |

|______ |Case: “Discharge Her to A Hospice Now!”—A Conflict of Professional Loyalties |SW183 |

|______ |NASW Ethical Standard Six: Social Workers' Ethical Responsibilities to the Broader Society |SW184 |

|______ |Case: HIV: The Confidentiality/ Duty-to-Warn Dilemma |SW185 |

|______ |Case: Dealing Drugs; Can Confidentiality Ever Be Justified? |SW186 |

|______ |Case: Limiting Self-Protection for Vulnerable Clients: An Acceptable Risk for the Protection of |SW187 |

| |Society? | |

|______ |Case: Outpatient Commitment: Must Mental Illness Preclude Civil Liberty? |SW188 |

|______ |Case: Genetic Research: For the Good of this Subject or for (Future) Society? |

|______ |Case: A Commitment to Social Justice: Social Work and Immigration Policy |SW192 |

| |Applying the NASW Ethical Standards of Practice: Your Turn! | |

| |Case: Flora Mendez | |

|_______ |Case: Kenny Strober |SW194 |

| |Case: Jason Marshall | |

|______ |Case: Violet Sanchez |SW195 |

|______ |Case: "Mac" |SW196 |

|______ |Case: Melinda Hassan |SW197 |

|______ |Case: Patrick Donnally |SW198 |

|______ |Case: Mathilda Castillo |SW199 |

|______ |Case: Men's Group |SW200 |

|______ |Case: Rehabilitation Center |SW201 |

|______ |Case: Megan's Law |SW202 |

|______ |Case: Marcia and Francine |SW203 |

|______ |Appendix: The National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics (Revised 1996) |SW204 |

"So You Think I Drive a Cadillac?" Welfare Recipients' Perspectives on the System and Its Reform, 2/e, Seccombe


|Order Sequence |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |Introduction: Putting a Face on Welfare |SW205 |

|______ |Historical and Persisting Dilemmas: How Do We Explain Poverty, What Should We Do |SW206 |

| |About It? | |

|______ |Stigma and Discrimination |SW207 |

|______ |Why Welfare? |SW208 |

|______ |Day-to-Day Living and Decision Making |SW209 |

|______ |Living and Surviving Welfare: The Importance of Family, Friends, and Formal Support |SW210 |

|______ |Insiders' Perspectives on the Welfare System |SW211 |

|______ |Getting Off Welfare |SW212 |

|______ |Conclusion: Lessons Learned and Visions of Change |SW213 |

|______ |Appendix: Websites of Interest |SW214 |

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Generalist Social Work Practice: A Strengths-Based Approach, 5/e, Timberlake/Zajicek-Farber/Sabatino (0-205-51682-3)

|Ordr. Seq. |Chapter |File # |

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|______ |The Foundation for Generalist Practice in Social Work |SW215 |

|______ |Human Diversity: Multiculturalism, Social Pluralism, and Socio-Demographic Variability |SW216 |

|______ |Building Empirical Evidence for Practice |SW217 |

|______ |Strengths-Based Problem-Solving Interviews |SW218 |

|______ |Engagement |SW219 |

|______ |Data Collection |SW220 |

|______ |Assessment and Contract Planning |SW221 |

|______ |Intervention in Micro and Mezzo Generalist Practice |SW222 |

|______ |Intervention in Macro Generalist Practice |SW223 |

|______ |Evaluation |SW224 |

|______ |Termination |SW225 |

|______ |Appendix: Selected Internet Resources |SW226 |

|______ |Appendix: Selected Social Work Journals |SW227 |

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Techniques and Guidelines for Social Work Practice, 8/E


|Ordr. Seq. |Chapter | |

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|______ |The Domain of the Social Work Profession | |

|______ |Merging Person with Profession | |

|______ |Merging the Person's Art with the Profession's Science | |

|______ |The Roles and Functions Performed by Social Workers | |

|______ |Guiding Principles for Social Workers | |

|______ |Practice Frameworks for Social Work | |

|______ |Facilitating Change Through Decision Making | |

|______ |Basic Communication and Helping Skills | |

|______ |Basic Skills for Agency Practice | |

|______ |Intake and Engagement | |

|______ |Data Collection and Assessment | |

|______ |Planning and Contracting | |

|______ |Intervention and Monitoring | |

|______ |Evaluation and Termination | |

|______ |Guidelines for Working With Vulnerable Client Groups | |

|______ |Techniques for Sustaining Social Work Practice | |

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